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Pining for Madison

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A school assignment changes everything.
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All characters depicted in this story are 18. The setting is Senior Year and all sexual activity is consensual.

Happy Reading!

The teacher sat there, just staring outward from his desk. He wore a look that said he didn't want to be here anymore than we did.

The classroom itself was virtually empty. It was just me and one other student.

It was a girl called Madison and she was sitting on the far end of the table, opposite me.

I could see she was busy writing away on a piece of paper, prompting me to glance down at the piece of paper in front of me. I appeared to have written down 'I love Madison' at least a hundred times.

The teacher stood up abruptly, the screech of his chair as it slid backwards against the floor, forced me to look up from my declaration of love for Madison.

"I'm going for a smoke, you two finish your lines."

With that, he left the room and slammed the door closed behind him. The noise echoed around the empty room.

I looked across to Madison, who was now looking back at me smiling. I returned her smile with one of my own, when suddenly she stood up.

I watched as she approached, standing over me briefly, her gaze alternating between my paper and me. As I prepared to speak, she gracefully lifted her leg and seamlessly positioned herself between me and the desk. With a confident move, she settled on my lap, facing me and assuming a straddling position.

She began to gently grind on my lap, before touching the sides of my face, with her soft delicate hands.

"Oh Adam! I want you so badly," she cried out, before starting to kiss me passionately.

That's when she started to moan out my name.

"Mmm Adam, Adam, Adam."

It was then I noticed the sound of her voice begin to change, it wasn't this soft seductive voice anymore, but more of a louder, persistent shouting.


Madison faded away in front of me.

"ADAM! Its time to get up, you'll be late for school," a different, yet familiar voice called out.

A chill swept over me as the duvet was abruptly pulled away. It was fortunate this time, that I wore underwear to bed.

"Mom!" I cried back, then curled into a ball to keep warm.

"Don't Mom me, I'm not your personal alarm clock. Now go get ready, and for god's sake, open a window, it stinks in here."

I waited for her to leave the room, before slowly uncurling myself. She had just interrupted one of my favourite dreams about Madison, it was the one where we were stuck in detention, and we were just about to get to the best bit.

I got up from my bed, yawned, stretched and then scratched. It was then I realised, I was pitching an almighty tent in my underwear. Glad mom didn't see that! I thought to myself.

Like a zombie, I staggered to the bathroom slowly. Sliding the shower door open, I turned on the taps and removed my underwear to reveal what I had now began to refer to as the 'Madison Effect'.

I jumped into the shower and let the water run over my face. As I relaxed under its warm embrace, my mind drifted back to Madison. She was perfect, she was pretty, she had a great body, and she was smart to boot. She ticked all my boxes, and I was crushing on her big time.

It wasn't just the way she looked, sure she had beautiful long blonde hair that hugged her shoulders, a smile that could melt anyone's heart and eyes that sparkled like a mountain lake, but it was her smell, she always had this amazing floral scent, like an English garden.

Before I knew it, I had started to fantasise again. I grabbed onto my raging boner and started to jerk off. My horny teenage mind, starting to peel off the layers of her clothing, imagining what her body would look like underneath.

It didn't take me long to reach the point of no return. I held my swollen cock and did my best to angle it down towards the drain, which in itself was a challenge given the intensity of my arousal. I shot my load and watched the evidence disappear.

Feeling slightly more awake, I continued to get ready for school. Not that I would ever thank her, but thanks to my mom's morning wakeup, I just managed to make the school bus on time.

As I boarded the bus, that's when I noticed her - my beautiful Madison, seated in the front row. I couldn't help but smile at her to which she reciprocated. Walking past her, I caught a delightful whiff of that incredible floral scent, a fragrance that seemed to lift me up.

A few rows behind her, my best friend Ethan had, as usual, reserved a seat for me. I settled in next to him, my attention divided as I found it hard to tear my eyes away from Madison.

"Dude, you are so obvious," he said.


"You're giving off all sorts of creepy stalker vibes."

"I am?"

"Yes, relax, play it cool," he suggested, as if he held the secrets to understanding all women.

"Like you're the expert," I rebuked.

"Excuse me, how many girls have you been with? That's right zero, whereas I have kissed one."

"It doesn't count if she's your cousin Eth."

"It does too."

Ethan and I bantered back and forth like this until we reached school.

The first thing we did was head to our lockers to grab our stuff for the upcoming lesson. As we collected our books, Ethan began discussing our plans for the weekend. In the midst of our conversation, Madison strolled past, gracing me with a quick sideways glance and a smile, effortlessly tucking her hair behind her ear. At this point, I had completely stopped listening to Ethan and I only had eyes for her.

"So, how about it?" Ethan asked, nudging me and snapping me out of my trance.

"How about what?" I responded, somewhat confused.

"Were you even listening to me?"

"Yeah, of course I was, but I just saw her."

"Dude, you've got it bad."

"I know, but she's perfect."

"Okay, if you say so."

"What? You don't think she's perfect?" I said defensively, ready to defend my beloved Madison.

"She's alright, I guess. She's no Charlotte though," Ethan said, tilting his head towards the girl at the end of the lockers. Charlotte, head cheerleader, had all the boys chasing after her.

"Please, Charlotte is just a walking pair of tits, she doesn't have a patch on Madison."

I audibly swooned.

"I can live with a walking pair of tits," Ethan then said smirking.

"I bet you can, now let's get moving our we'll be late for class."

Our first lesson was Biology. As we entered the classroom, we were immediately taken aback.

Instead of the usual freedom to sit where we wanted, each seat had a name card in front of it. We all looked at each other at first, wondering what the hell was going on, before scanning the rows to look for our name and going along with it.

It soon became apparent, that the seats were arranged in a way that every boy sat next to a girl.

As I sat down in my allotted seat, I caught the scent of a very familiar fragrance. My whole body reacted to it and that's when she sat down next to me. I was now sitting next to Madison. This day just got a whole lot better.

I pulled out my notebook and pen, and then watched as Madison did the same. Her things were so neat, and she was so organised, unlike me, where the corners of my notebook were all curled up from being haphazardly stuffed in my bag.

"Okay, now that you're all settled." Mrs Wrentmore announced at the front of the classroom.

The class turned to fixate on the middle-aged woman, dressed in the long tan skirt and cream coloured cardigan at the front of the room.

"Today, we're going to talk about SEX! Yes, that's right, get your giggles out of the way now, because this is serious class." She said, pacing up and down the length of the classroom.

"Today's lesson will be split into TWO parts," she said emphasising the word two, then pausing for a moment.

"Part one - Sexual Health," she said holding up one finger in the air, "and part two Reproduction." she followed with a second finger, inadvertently making the sign for peace.

"So, let's get started, shall we." Mrs Wrentmore said clapping her hands together.

"The CDC state that 78% of you, by the time you've reached the age of twenty would have had your first sexual experience."

The class watched as she walked over to a drawer in the corner of the room.

"So, in all likelihood, some of you, as you're all eighteen by now, have most likely had one. You're all technically adults, so no judgement there, but if you have, I hope you were all being responsible."

The class started looking around at each other, no doubt mentally working out who were the ones most likely to be having sex.

Mrs Wrentmore pulled a bag from the drawer and walked to the end of the first row of desks.

"As such, the school health board and the student body, have authorised me to hand out and make available to you these."

She held up the bag for all to see.

"No, they are not free balloons, but condoms. Designed to keep you safe from STDs and of course, unwanted pregnancies."

She handed out a few to the person sitting at the end of the desk.

"Please pass these on to all the boys on the row," she asked the girl sitting closest to her.

The condoms were passed down, one by one, until each boy on the row had one.

Mrs. Wrentmore repeated the process, moving down each row in the classroom. When she reached my row, Madison handed me a condom, giving me a quick once-over that left me blushing, as if she were playfully imagining what I'd have to do with it.

"I am giving these out to the boys, because it is YOUR responsibility to wear protection, not your partners."

She went on to talk about the rise in STDs and how we should all be practicing safe sex. This pretty much covered part one of her lesson plan.

"Now that part one is concluded. I hope you've all learnt something valuable and that if you are sexually active, you continue to be safe. Now on to part two."

She returned back to the front of the class and began talking about reproduction, the differences between males and females. We sat there listening and looking at diagrams in our text books.

There wasn't much time left to the lesson, when Mrs Wrentmore announced what the assignment would be.

"Now, I bet you're all wondering, why I sat you all in this order. Well wonder no more, class! Your assignment is to work with the person next to you, and here's the twist."

She paused for dramatic effect.

"In an effort to foster a greater understanding of the opposite sex, which I think is incredibly important. Boy's you will write a report on the girls reproductive system and girls you will write a report on the boys, then when you've done your individual assignments, you will then need to work together, to combine your new found knowledge into a report."

The class was somewhat stunned by this, with each of us looking at the person sitting next to us.

Madison and I exchanged looks with each other.

"I guess we're working together then," she said, tucking her hair behind her ear again.

I wanted to sound cool, but all I could say was, "yeah."

"Do you want to meet up in the library later to prep?" Madison asked.

"Sure, yes, that would be great." I replied sounding a little bit too eager.

"Okay, I'll see you there."

She stood up and smiled at me once more and left with one of her friends. I could see them whispering amongst themselves, when just before they left the classroom, she looked back at me and gave me another one of her dazzling smiles.

I was dumbstruck, I actually had a conversation with Madison, and not only that I get to work with her too. I'm not sure how comfortable I'll be with the subject matter, but hey, I get to spend time with the marvellous Madison, so who cares.

I met up with Ethan, and he could tell how excited I was to be working with Madison.

"Right, don't mess this up man. This is the perfect opportunity to ask her out."

"I can't, what if she says no?"

"Then at least you know."

"I can't."

"Yes you can. It's time dude, it's been like five years. You got this."

I mulled over Ethan's encouragement; he was right of course. It had been five years, and I had done absolutely nothing about it. Was this my chance?

After our lessons had finished, I left Ethan to go find Madison in the school library. As I pushed open the door, the smell of old books was over powering. I walked past the front desk and headed towards the study area. I couldn't see any sign of Madison, so I started to look up and down the book aisles, in case she was there.

I headed to the science section, the most probable place to find her given the assignment. I passed through Physics, then Chemistry before finally reaching Biology. BINGO! There she was. When she saw me, she gave a little wave, and I approached her.


"Hey, so what are you looking at, books?" I responded, cringing internally. Books! Of course, books, you TOOL! We're in a bloody library.

"Yep, lots of books here," she said, smiling to herself as she skimmed through a page in the book she was holding.

Slowly but surely, I was reaching peak nervousness, and it started to show. When nervousness shows, awkwardness isn't far behind.

"Sorry, it was a stupid thing to say. Of course, it's books," I replied.

"I'm Adam," I said.

"I know who you are, silly! We've been in the same class for like five years."

"Sorry, of course you do," I said, my face turning bright red.

I then tried to recover from my complete lack of cool by leaning against the bookshelf. With my arm outstretched, I placed my hand and subsequently my weight on a row of books. It soon became apparent that there was no backing to the shelf holding the books in place. As a result, they all tumbled off the shelf onto the floor on the other side of the next aisle down, causing me to stumble into the bookshelf itself, humiliating myself further.

I quickly pulled myself back and tried to compose myself.

"Are you okay?" Madison asked, touching the side of my arm.

"Yeah, I'm fine, just a little..."

"Just a little what?"

"Nothing, it's okay. So, what are we reading?" I said, keen to change the subject after making a complete tit of myself.

"Well, I've found these books."

Madison handed me a book to hold, but I didn't quite grab it properly, and it slipped out of my hand. Instinctively, we both reached down to catch it, causing us to bump heads.

"Oww!" Madison cried out.

"Oh my god, I am so sorry."

As if things weren't going well already, my meeting with Madison was practically slapstick at this point. Please, Lord, just strike me down now and put me out of this misery.

"It's okay. Guess we're both to blame for that one. Let's go sit down, in case we hurt each other again," she joked.

We went over to the study area and sat down next to each other at a desk, placing our books in front of us.

"So, where do we start?" I asked nervously.

"Well, I guess I'm starting with the penis," Madison replied, with a little wink.

"In that case, I'll start with your vagina, I mean the vagina. Sorry not yours, not that there's anything wrong with your vagina, I'm guessing, not that I've seen your vagina. Oh boy."

I wanted to cram my fist into my mouth to stop myself, I had said the word vagina way too many times in one sentence.

At this point, I had turned into what could only be described as a violent shade of red.

Madison looked at me and burst out laughing.

"You are so funny, you just dig yourself into all these little holes."

"Yeah, it's quite the gift I've got. I think they call it foot-in-mouth disease."

Madison laughed again. She had such a melodic laugh; I could have listened to it all day.

"Let's just start reading shall we, then we'll compare notes."

I nodded my head in agreement, in fear that I might say something stupid again.

We read through our biology books in silence for the next ten minutes, when Madison declared she was bored of reading.

She propped up her book, brought out her phone, and hid it behind the upright book.

It looked as though; she was scrolling through pictures. It took me a moment to realise what she was looking at. Madison was busy scrolling through a photo gallery of mens cocks.

Well this was certainly a side to Madison I didn't expect to see.

"Um, what are you doing?" I whispered.

"I'm just curious, I can't exactly write about something I've never seen before, now can I? Besides, I'm more of a visual learner you know. I like pictures and diagrams."

"Maybe the school library, isn't the best place for that kind of learning." I said worried someone would see and report us.

"Hmm, maybe you're right," she said, then closing her browser down, just as someone walked behind us.

"Tell you what, why don't you come around to mine tonight and we can study then."

Oh my god, Madison had just invited me to her house. Her actual house! The place where she lived. Be cool, be cool I recited in my head.

"Sure, I can do that."

"Great, here's my address."

Madison wrote her address on the back page of my notebook.

"See you at six?"

"It's a date. I mean not a date date. A study date. Oh boy, I'm doing it again."

"Uh huh," Madison said, amused by my awkwardness.

"I'm sorry."

"Don't worry about it, it's kinda adorable. Anyway, I'll catch you later."

As I watched Madison walk away, I did everything I could to suppress my excitement. As soon as she left the library, I punched the air triumphantly, eliciting some strange looks from the other library users.

I couldn't believe it; I was actually going to Madison's house. I know it's not an actual date, but it's gotta count for something right? and then there was that last remark, she called me adorable. Needless to say, I was on cloud nine from this point forward.

As soon as school finished, I hurried home to get ready. I took a shower, then empty my closet and threw all my clothes on to my bed.

What should I wear? It should probably be a little bit smart, I thought, then cleared my old t-shirts from the bed. I was left with a check shirt and one of my newer t-shirts. I couldn't decide on which one, so I thought I'd wear them both.

I practically choked myself with deodorant, then got dressed. Once I was ready, I kinda sat there on my bed, willing time to go faster. I didn't want to be too early, or late in case it made a bad impression.

It was coming up to five thirty. This was it, I'm leaving now I told myself. I grabbed my school bag and headed downstairs.

I went into the living room, to tell my folks I'd be going out.

"You look nice," my mom said.


"So, where are you off too then?" my dad asked.

"I've got a study session with a friend,"

"A 'GIRL' friend?" my mom asked.

"Mom!" I whined.

"Well, I hope he didn't get dressed up like that for Ethan." My dad added.

"Dad!" I whined again.

"Yes, if you must know the friend is a girl, but she's not my girl friend."

"Is she pretty?"


"What? I'm just asking."

"Yes, mom. She is pretty." I replied, somewhat exhausted by this conversation.

"Are you going to ask her out?" My dad chipped in.

"We're not having this conversation."

"What? Can your parents not take an interest in their son's life now," My dad protested.

I sighed heavily.

"Maybe, I don't know yet."

My parents looked at each other.

"Aww, our little boy is all grown up." My mom said in a somewhat cutesy yet mocking way.

That was my cue to leave.

As I closed the living room door, my dad shouted out.

"Don't forget to use protection!"

The last thing I heard as I left the house, was my mom scolding my dad for being so crass.

I literally felt my eyes roll in my head. Parents!

With Madison's address etched in my mind, I set off. Fortunately, she didn't live too far away.

I approached what I thought was her house, double checking the house number against my notebook. This was it. I walked down the ornate garden path until I reached the front door.

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