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Pining for Sonia

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Nadeem pines for Sonia.
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Pining for Sonia

"I turned 18 today," Sonia beamed as she carried on incessantly chattering while we walked through the Defence Club in Karachi that I was visiting for the first time. Sonia had offered to show me around the premises while her family members made the menu selections and waited in the dining room.

"Oh, happy birthday, in that case," I had no clue of the importance of the day but now understood why her family had come over for a celebratory meal, "is this dress a birthday present?"

"You know it is customary to bring a gift," she responded, leaving me wondering whether it was a serious comment or just a bit of ribbing. Sonia twisted left and right and then twirled, letting me get a good look at her matching silk blouse and tight pants.

"I figured you would have something you would like to buy in mind and will forgive this oversight on my part," I hastily pulled out my wallet and dropped a couple of 500 Rupee notes (about $50 in total at the time and much less now) into her hand.

I expected her to be happy with the gift but was surprised at how much her eyes lit up. I learned that her monthly allowance was a pitiful 200 rupees so what I had gifted was indeed a princely sum. As a thank you, she rose up on her tiptoes and kissed my cheek.

"You know what, this is the central room," she suddenly spoke, "this place is often kind of empty and lots of young people come here for a date or making out!"

The room was reasonably sized but the doors opened in such a manner as to give privacy to those inside. I could imagine the local kids taking an opportunity for a kiss or other intimacy, but probably short of full-on sex.

I felt a little playful and took a dare, grabbing her around the waist and bringing my mouth down on hers. She froze for a moment but did not shy back and even opened her mouth a bit to give my tongue access to hers.

"I guess this proves your point of the room being good for some private action," I remarked, wondering if a slap or some sort of chiding would follow.

"I think we need to get back to the others," she responded, her cheeks flushed, "the food must be getting to the table by now.


I had landed in Karachi the very morning and was staying at the home of my dad's friends. My intent was to be there for a few days to get my visa to Saudi Arabia, where I had landed a plum job with a major multinational. I knew the family well from our time in the Middle East, and their two sons had been childhood friends even if quite a few years younger to me. We had, however, not met in nearly 20 years, since I had been in Pakistan and the US for my studies.

I was most surprised to see a young girl, cute, very fair complexioned, and with waist long hair at the house. She was introduced as Sonia, the addition to their household while I was completing my education in Pakistan and then in the US. She took to me almost immediately, delighted at receiving a box of Galaxy chocolates that my dad had asked me to bring to them. I had figured the boys still had a sweet tooth, but these instead were for her.

"Oh Nadeem Bhai (brother), how did you know these were my favourites," she cooed, while putting her arms around me and giving a bear hug.

Anywhere else in Pakistan this would have been cause for concern and issues of woman's honour or immodesty may have come up. With long-term family friendships, and the fact that I was 32 and married, the episode was thankfully overlooked. No one minded either as the boys and dad went off to their respective jobs and Sonia opted to keep me company while her mother rested upstairs due to the onset of a frequent migraine.

"You haven't met me before," Sonia was chirpy, "do you think I am pretty?!!!"


She was right about the food having reached our table. I took a seat between her dad and eldest brother, while Sonia found the one exactly across me. As I reached out for the many dishes of curry, rice and other items, she would give me a thumbs up or down or make faces to indicate whether the intended food was any good or not. Thankfully she let me pile up enough on to my plate to constitute a good meal for someone of my age and physique.

I had always been somewhat athletic though, from my bookishness and focus on studies, I was more identified with the class nerds. Going to the US and discovering muscle and fat building foods like pizza, beer and fried chicken had really helped bulk up my physique. I stood a good five inches higher taller than any of the male members in the family and weighed probably half as much more. To Sonia, I probably looked like a fairy tale hero. The way she stared at me, winked often and carried on borderline suggestive conversations was not exactly comfortable given the folks around us, but was different and fun all the same.

At a moment where the discussions around the table were heated and food was being consumed in copious amounts, she pulled her chair all the way forward. A moment later I felt her bare foot come up against my left sock and work its way upwards under my pants and almost to my knee. She signalled me to pull my chair up and I did so with extreme care. In no time, her foot was lodged against my midsection, giving me a painful hard-on. As we were waiting for dessert, I put my hand onto her leg to discover she had pulled her shalwar up all the way to the knee, leaving quite a bit bare for me to caress.

Thankfully dessert arrived and she withdrew her foot just as I was getting near to an unwanted ejaculation and in the worst place possible. I thanked my stars as she feigned annoyance at having to stop. Slowly she moved her right hand up and down in a motion to suggest a hand job, triggering a response in my pants. My undershorts were sticky with cum during the rest of the dinner, the ride home and post dinner coffee.

Sonia came up to me as the evening ended, threw her hands round my neck and snuggled up. I wondered what would happen next, when she bounded off to her upstairs bedroom, pointing me to the guest room right off the family room.

"I hope you enjoyed your day today," she whispered as her hand brushed my crotch and she headed away, "let's see what I can excite you tomorrow with!"


Tomorrow was when the Saudis accepted the visa application and made it possible for me to head to Lahore, where my wife and young son had been while I had stayed on in England. The passport would be returned after about 10 days and then I could take up my post in Riyadh. Frankly I had hoped they had taken another two or three days, allowing me to more access to Sonia.

Just after lunch, her dad drove me over to the airport for the 4 pm flight. Sonia simply stood in the stairwell and wished me a safe flight.

That evening, as I made love to my wife, who I had not seen for a few months, for a record three times in quick succession, all my mind could focus on was Sonia.

My wife, Nasreen, was happier than heaven to see me so amorous and felt that I would satisfy all her latent needs well in the time before I needed to go back to Karachi.

The first time, I literally tossed her onto the bed as soon as the luggage was delivered into my room. Telling my parents that I would join for dinner immediately after a shower and a short nap, I ripped her shalwar off. Nasreen was taken by surprise as I did not even let her take her kameez off and rammed my cock into her cunt after dispensing with the slight panty. I felt like my cock had expanded beyond its usual size and her yelps came like music to my ears. The flow of fluid from my body to hers was significant.

She had hardly regained her composure and got her breath back when I flipped her over and penetrated her doggy style, while grabbing onto her breasts from behind. Figuring that I had been without succor for months, she let me have my way, and enjoyed things herself. We were in the usual routine of "slam bam thank you maam" missionary fucking, so this was a new and sensual experience. Nasreen arched up and sat on her knees as I pushed in and pulled out, my hands going all over her torso. She turned her neck to passionately kiss me. While she was profusely dripping fluids and wetting the bed, my orgasm took its time in arriving. After emptying a second load, I pulled out.

Surprisingly my cock did not go flaccid but remained rock hard. Since she was already in the position and my member was quite lubricated from being inside her, upon pulling out of her pussy I simply pressed up against her rectum. Nasreen came awake instantly asking for me to desist as the insertion was painful. We had indulged in anal sex on occasion but not since the birth of our child. My cock, however, was buried inside her and she gritted her teeth and took the punishment. After all, I was making love to her in a fashion that I never done before. She was reprieved as a few drops of my ejaculate went into her and my cock slowly lost its erection.

Nasreen was in a near faint after the three quick sexual episodes. Meanwhile in my mind, all I could see was that little vixen Sonia cock teasing me. I wondered how many times I would have fucked her in one go had she been on the bed instead of my wife.


And there now was Sonia on my bed as I lay there with just a sheet covering my nakedness. It was obvious that she could see my unsatisfied erection that I was trying to hide with great difficulty.

"Nadeem Bhai, it is so good that you brought Nasreen Baji (sister) along to pick up your stamped passport," Sonia cut through the pregnant pause, "I think she is wonderful!"

Nasreen had insisted to take a trip to Karachi for a three-day period, to pick up my passport and to indulge in some shopping. Having landed around noon, I would pick up the passport on the next day. Following lunch Nasreen, our son and I took the friendly suggestion of resting up before going to the market after late-afternoon prayers.

Zaheer had gone to sleep almost immediately as Nasreen cuddled up to me. We started to kiss with passion and soon my cock was first in her hand and then in her mouth. Nasreen did not mind giving me a blowjob on occasion and this appeared to be as good a time as any. Her tongue licked my shaft and her mouth created a welcome warmness around it. I came quite fiercely, and it was good that she took all the sperm down her throat instead of wetting the sheets.

"Nadeem Bhai, Nasreen Baji, can I come in?" Sonia was knocking on the door, intent on coming in.

Nasreen jumped up and tossed a sheet onto my lower half, while quickly fixing her hair and shirt and going over to open the door.

"Do come on in," Nasreen invited the young lady inside, "but be careful to not wake the baby up."

Sonia went around the bed and lay down just a few centimetres from my legs. As she sat down her hand went up one leg and came in contact with my still erect and somewhat wet cock. She pulled back quickly but gave me a knowing wink.

"Let me show you some clothes I bought for my brother's upcoming wedding Nasreen Baji," she tossed a set of garments onto my midsection, "I heard you are really good at matching and dressing."

Nasreen did the most womanly thing of focusing on the garments and conversation rather than on her partially naked husband under the sheet and clothes.

"Sit up Nadeem Bhai," Sonia asked me, "I'm sorry to put the stuff all over you."

As I struggled to sit up, while covering my bareness, her hand went under the garments as if to move them. In a moment my cock was at its apex as she grabbed hold of it and squeezed. For the next ten or so minutes, her hand remained in place, going up and down and causing me great apprehension as she routinely discussed the various pieces of clothing and how to wear or embellish each of them with my wife.

"Just give me a moment to freshen up," Nasreen suddenly got off the bed and went into the attached bathroom, "then we can go make tea."

Sonia threw the covers off, kissed my cock and speedily brought me to a climax with her hand. She let go just as a few drops of sperm leaked out onto the sheet and her hand. Thankfully, the blowjob from Nasreen had reduced the load. Without batting an eyelid, she rubbed her hand on my leg and the sheet. Taking her hand out from under the last couple of dresses she put her fingers into her mouth and sucked for a bit.

"Salty," Sonia whispered to me, before deciding on her own to go make tea for everyone.

Two minutes later Nasreen, all perked up and dressed, joined her outside the room. Luckily Nasreen either completely missed the jism on the sheet or decided to ignore it.

I jumped up, tossing the sheet to one side and ran into the adjoining bathroom to put on the pants that Nasreen had removed prior to the blowjob.

Thankfully there were no other close calls in the next few days, and I was soon back in Lahore and then at my new posting in Saudi Arabia. Sonia and Nasreen did get along royally. Sonia did rib me often enough from afar by pretending to be giving oral sex or a hand job. It would be a while before I dreamt of someone other than her.


Just as I began to fantasize about others, including my wife who now was waiting for her Saudi visa, a fancy envelope dropped onto my mail tray. Sonia's elder brother, Bilal, was getting married to his university sweetheart, and my presence was requested by the family. A note inside from Sonia asked for a bunch of make-up items that would not have been available in Pakistan. Since the ceremony was during the Christmas and New Year period, it was common knowledge that I would be taking holiday. She also advised that my parents had confirmed their attendance though Nasreen would not be coming.

I was not able to make the mehndi ceremony due to late night flight but was all set for the baraat and valima events over the next few days. I was not treated as a guest but a member of the family and given a set of responsibilities, which included taking care of friends from the Middle East, ensuring the transportation arrangements were fine, and helping Sonia to her make-up and other appointments.

Sonia was delighted to get the make-up and some other bits and bobs that I had added. Although her parents had insisted on paying me for the items, I refused outright. Taking me by the hand, Sonia pulled me into the formal sitting room which was not occupied by anybody in the afternoon hours. Sitting me down on a sofa, she came onto my lap and brought her mouth to mine. I felt her hand go across her chest as she kissed me. As we broke off, I noted she had undone a few of the buttons on her shirt and partially bared both breasts. She pulled my head forward onto them, allowing me to kiss and lick each orb. A minute or two later, she kissed me again, fixed her shirt and bounced off.

"Come on, you need to take me to the beauty parlour for my make-up and dressing." I did figure she would not be going to the main event in jeans and shirt.

As a driver came along, there was no chance of any hanky panky on the way. Sonia directed me up the stairs to a waiting room which was well supplied with TV, magazines, beverages and snacks. A few other guys were sitting there.

"It may be a few hours before I am out, go ahead and make some friends," she suggested vanishing into a curtained area with her jewelry and green coloured garments.

It took her nearly four hours to get fixed up for the event. Although I stewed in the room for quite a while, the owners kept the assorted brothers, cousins and friends entertained with happy movie songs and unending cups of tea.

Sonia was a revelation when she did appear, wearing a Bollywood type saree and jewelry, with amazingly done make-up. What did surprise me greatly was that not only was the blouse high enough to reveal much of her midriff and the neckline on her blouse barely covered her boobs. As we rode down in the elevator, she directed my attention to her dress by moving her down towards her heel clad feet and up to her lovely hairdo. I made an A-ok sign and got a lovely smile. Her hand grasped mine and squeezed it as if to thank me for coming with her.

"Thanks for waiting," she said, "so let me give you a small reward."

Just as the elevator which was just big enough for two persons headed downwards, she bent forward and let me have a good look at her mid-sized breasts, which were loosely held by her blouse and a flimsy silk bra that barely covered the nipples. She took my right hand and placed it on her bosom allowing me to tweak her tits. Within a split second, I had both boobs outside of the bra and copped a good feel of them. Unfortunately, the elevator stopped its descent and I had to quickly pull my hand out before the door opened, while Sonia speedily pressed her breasts under the bra and blouse.


Bilal's wife was a veritable fashion model, with a near perfect figure, gorgeous face and elegantly cut hair. He was a handsome looking guy too, but somewhat short and quite paunchy. I could not figure out how the two had come together but figured his parents must have done some really good deeds in the past for the Almighty to smile on their son so bountifully.

Sonia looked a bit out of place at the event in her midriff revealing saree, given that the event was in Karachi pre-2000 and both families came from somewhat conservative backgrounds. She told me that her parents had given in to her desire to look fashionable as both brothers had girlfriends, which was also somewhat taboo in societal circles. Barring the bride, Sonia was easily the most attractive female at the event.

Since my wife was not about and I was put in charge of arrangements with the caterers, Sonia decided to spend much of the time with me. Of course, given the number of people at the event, there was no question of any intimacy. I did notice a couple of times that she vanished. The third time this happened, I found her within a group of young guys and girls. She was holding hands with a fellow of just over 20, who also had his arm around her waist.

"Who is that young man?" I had to ask going into elder brother mode I would guess.

"That's Kashif, he's a couple of years ahead of me at university," she coolly responded.

"And!" I insisted on learning more.

"He's my boyfriend," she responded nonchalantly, "and I expect his parents to be asking for my hand soon as he finishes schooling in about two years."

"You two looked kind of lovey dovey to me," I pushed on, "anything more happening than should?"

"If you mean to ask me if I am a virgin, the answer is yes," she had begun to turn red, "but short of that Kashif and I have been quite intimate."

"But you are being very flirtatious with me for a while," I was somewhat perplexed.

"Oh, come on, don't you like a little variety that's different from Nasreen Bhabi, as I have been a witness to," she came up to my ear and whispered, "so why should I not have a bit also, and if I like getting sexy with you, do you mind?!"


The sleeping arrangements were altered by the presence of my parents, who were given the downstairs bedroom. Since there were many other family members and wedding attendees at the house, space was at a premium. Sonia's dad shared the main bed in the master bedroom with me while Sonia and her mom took the sizable diwan in the other corner. The arrangement was for the next two nights so not too painful.

Neither Sonia, nor I, and none of the many other younger folk were feeling sleepy, even though the time was well past midnight.

Instead, an impromptu session of board games, tea and snacks ensued, with about a dozen persons involved. Almost everyone had discarded their fancy clothes and opted for easier shalwar kameez or jeans and T-shirts. Sonia, however, had put on a long nightdress and joined us. The moment she took the seat next to me, to be my partner in the game being played, I could tell that she was wearing nothing else underneath. While she had removed her fancy clothes and shoes, her make-up was still on and the nails on both hands and feet were manicured and beautifully painted in a reddish hue. I noted her erect nipples straining against the fabric.


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