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Play it, Sam

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Sam goes on a holiday to clear his head and meets Jen.
3.1k words

Part 8 of the 18 part series

Updated 04/24/2024
Created 03/05/2024
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Act 1, Chapter 2

He sat at the bar in a daze. The ring box was on the counter, closed, just in his line of sight. "She said no," he said to himself dully. "Twice. In a decade, she's said no to me twice."

"You seem troubled, sir?" The piano player had come over to check on him.

"I'm okay, just trying to work out what I do from here," Sam said, beckoning to the barman. "Another drink, please."

"You can't keep drinking like this," the barman said firmly. "They won't let you on the plane. Trust me."

Sam sighed. "Last round then," he said, offering the piano player a drink. He accepted and sat down next to him.

"Oh my," he said, opening the ring box and looking at the ring, "that really is a beautiful piece, that. Two rubies and a diamond?"

"A full carat diamond," Sam said, "a waste of my late grandmother's money." He drank half the pint and smacked his lips. "At least I will sleep on the plane," he said. The piano player raised his glass and took a sip of his beer.

"Look, boy," he said, patting him on the back, "I've played in this old airport for years. I see it all the time. You're not the first. You're not even the first today. It happens. The world is big. Just go out and enjoy it."

"How do I have a world without her in it?" Sam asked.

"Everyone says that," the piano player laughed. "Everyone thinks their love is all-encompassing, lives forever. There'll be another woman. Look, let me play you something. What would you like to hear?"

Sam thought for a moment. "There's a tune in particular," he said, pulling out a pen and writing it on a napkin.

The piano player took the napkin and frowned. "You sure about this?"

"Yes," Sam said. "You played it for her, now play it for me."

The piano player sighed. "We're not in Casablanca, sir," he said.

"Yes, but my name is Sam and I want you to play it for me," Sam slurred.

"Okay, boss." The piano player turned and started to play.

"You must remember this... a kiss is just a kiss... a smile is just a smile..."

Sam just stared back into his drink, putting the ring box back into his hold-all while thoughts of Peta floated around his head.


It was a little after four in the morning when Sam opened the front door to his parents' house. Exhausted, he dragged himself up to his room. There was a banner over the door: "Happy Engagement."


Sam pulled it down and then opened the door, walking through the darkened room and just flopping onto the bed, face first, burying his face in the sheets. Maybe he'd suffocate. That would stop the pain.

"Hey, son." Sam looked up, bleary-eyed. The sidelight came on. It was his father. "I take it, it didn't go the way you wanted, huh?"

"Yep," Sam said, burying his head again. He felt his dad's hand on his shoulder, squeezing him a little.

"I'm so sorry, Sam. You're such a gentle soul, and you work so hard. I really thought she'd say yes this time."

"Me too," Sam said, muffled by the sheet, tears starting to form in his eyes.

His dad sighed. "Maybe you need a break from all this, Sam. I always thought you should have taken a gap year after university, but you were too busy chasing Peta around London and Vienna."

"Why travel?" Sam said, his voice still muffled by the bedsheet.

"Travel broadens the mind, or something like that," his father said, pulling him up and embracing him. "Come on, Sam. You hate your job, you wanted a change. Now you have the opportunity of a lifetime. No ties, a bit of money, take your time to get better. We will still be here when you get back."

Sam looked up at his father. "You know," he said, wiping his tears away, "you're right. I always wanted to travel. No time like the present."

"Atta boy," his father said, hugging him. "I love you, son. We all do. Just sleep now, and we can plan in the morning."


"Yes, I'm sure. Thanks, Sonia. Appreciate it." Sam was on the phone to his boss. He gave his dad the thumbs up. "Yes, thanks again. You too. Bye." He put the phone down.

"Sonia released me from my contract," Sam said. "I'm in finance no more!"

"That's great," his dad said, hugging him. "First step done. Now go plan a holiday. When you get back, let's look at the architecture apprenticeships again and find one you like."

The weeks passed, and Sam's plans began to come together. He sadly parted with the old Peugeot, using it to pay for the boat trip around the Med, and then sold a few collectibles lying around. What use did he have for a race car bonnet, anyway?

That meant the Iceland portion of the travelling was covered. Finally, he had the old station wagon serviced, new tires fitted, and a roof rack. All part of the plan for the final leg: driving and camping around Scotland.

Sam threw himself into planning, almost constantly being seen with maps and notebooks, and furiously messaging different hostels, travel agencies, and more. Even his friends got involved, Tom and Mike helping with planning the Iceland leg while Nick helped fix the station wagon's suspension.

The day before he left, he sheeted up the old car, ready for his return in a few months, and went out for drinks to say goodbye. Even this went by in a flash; he remembered talking to a lot of people but not what he said. Everything seemed to blur in his increasing anxiety about traveling alone.

The first moment of real clarity he felt was when he was standing outside Gatwick airport with his family: his parents and sister hugging him goodbye. It really was a fresh, new start. He kissed them all on the forehead, thanked them for taking him there, picked up his overly large rucksack, and made his way to the EasyJet check-in. He looked back to see them still waving and smiled.


"So this is the boat?" Sam stared down at the - could he call it a yacht? "Yacht, then," he mused. Dark blue, with a red line on each side, it couldn't have been more than 30 feet long. The wooden cabin on top was beautifully varnished and polished but looked so small. It looked out of place amongst the bigger yachts and the super yachts of Athens' docks.

"It's a Valk," the captain said. "It's bigger than you think. You've got the bunk and room on the left, our other passenger has the bunk and room on the right. I'm up front, and Cassie here has the fold down on the deck."

Cassie, a squat, smiley older woman, waved from the deck. "Ahoy!" she called out.

"Ahoy," Sam replied, with a little enthusiasm and a smile. He passed his rucksack over to her and stepped onto the deck.

"Welcome to the Dauntless," Cassie said, taking his rucksack down below decks to his room.

"Big name for a little ship," Sam remarked. The captain looked hurt.

"She's old, but she's a good 'un," he said, tapping the wheel. "We'll get underway when our other passenger arrives."

"Wait no more, drongos!" They looked up to see a smiley brunette in a bright red bikini, carrying a massive rucksack.

"G'day," she greeted them. "I'm Jen. I'm your bunk mate, skip!" she said, slapping Sam on the shoulder.

"Good," Sam said. She was clearly bonkers. And yet...she had a great body. She took off her sunglasses and Sam realized her eyes were light blue, lighter even than his. She laughed as he helped her onto the boat.

"Okay then, shall we get going?" The captain said, beckoning to the harbor staff to cast them off.

The engine chugged into life - "that's a Penta engine," Sam said.

The captain was surprised. "You know your stuff!" he said.

Sam shook his head. "Not about boats. Some of Penta's boat engines are the same block in the old four-pot '80s cars that Peugeot, Renault, and Volvo used to make."

The captain was impressed. "Well, you can have a go on the throttle first when we get out to sea."

"Nah," Sam said. "I'd rather get the sails up if you're willing?"

"Oh yeah!" Jen said, coming up and sitting on deck with them. "I'd be up for that. Hey, er..."

"Sam." He held his hand out. Jen laughed and shook it.

"Sam, could you do me a solid and just get my back, please," she said, passing him some suntan cream and turning her back. "I burn like a peach."

"No worries," Sam said, slapping the sun cream and rubbing her back. He didn't show it, but...hell, who wouldn't enjoy lathering some suntan cream over a beautiful Aussie girl's back?

The first day was spent sailing. Sam had taken his shirt off, thrown on a set of "sunnies" as Jen called his wayfarers, and they'd enjoyed tacking, zigzagging, and avoiding the cargo ships as they navigated up and around the Med.

Eventually they anchored up in a cove on the coast, with the sun starting to set. The captain announced he and Cassie were going to head on to the land and get some supplies, leaving Jen and Sam with a bottle of rum and the boat to themselves.

"This is great fun," Jen said. She'd thrown on a blouse and some jean shorts, as the shadows made the boat a lot colder than expected. She grabbed the rum off Sam and took a swig before handing it back. "Why are you out here?"

Sam shrugged. "I'm getting over some stuff," he said quietly.

"Ah," Jen said, sympathetically rubbing the top of his shoulder. "I get it, mate. A woman then!"

"Yep," Sam said, taking a swig of the rum.

"What happened?" Jen asked. Sam hesitated. "You don't have to tell me, but it might help," she suggested. "Look, I'll tell you why I'm here: my fiancée ran out on my wedding. So I am here on what should have been my honeymoon."

Sam stared, horrified. "No?" he said.

"Oh yeah," Jen said. "He ran off with my maid of honour. I didn't know, but they were fucking together for a while."

"NO," Sam said, his jaw dropping further.

"Oh YEAH," Jen laughed, grabbing the bottle off him. "So, here I am..." she paused to swig from the bottle, "alone...again..." she pursed her lips, looking sad.

"I'm so sorry," Sam said. He reached over and hugged her.

"Get off you drongo," Jen laughed, pushing him away. "Thanks though," she said shyly. "I haven't been hugged by another man for a good while."

"Sorry," Sam said, blushing. "If it's any consolation, I have something similar. I proposed to this girl," he said, "and now...now I don't really know where life will take me." He took the bottle back and took another swig. "Dammit Jen, we're out."

"Nah. We're not." Jen opened the cupboard under the seat. There were about another ten bottles of rum. "The captain's stash," she said, giggling as she opened the next one. "This is going to be a good night. So, you proposed," she said, swigging again, "and...?"

"Well," Sam said, grabbing the bottle off her and taking a swig for himself, "I'd proposed to her before about ten years ago, and she said no then. So I am now two for two."

"Ouch," Jen sympathized, slyly taking the bottle back off him. "That sucks."

"It does," Sam said.

Jen put the bottle down. "She's a loser. You're a looker, drongo."

"Thanks Jen," Sam said, appreciating it. "You're hot, you have a really smooth back."

Jen burst out laughing. "What was that?"

"Honesty," Sam replied. She sat down next to him and passed him the bottle.

"Honesty is good," she said, as he took another swig.

She looked at his shorts with a devilish glint in her eye. "Hey, drongo?"

"Yeah," Sam said, putting the bottle down.

"That's quite a bulge you got there," she said, pointing down.

Sam looked down. "Fuck," he said, going red. "Sorry Jen." He pulled his jumper over his shorts, embarrassed.

"Don't worry," Jen laughed. "You were thinking about my back again, I'm flattered." She leaned over and pulled the jumper off.

"Jen!" Sam said, pulling his jumper back. "What are you doing?"

"I just want a look," she said, playfully tugging on the jumper's arm. "Come on, let a jilted girl get a look at your bulge."

Sam let go of the jumper and Jen giggled with delight. "Oh my," she said, running her hand over his groin, squeezing his shaft through the shorts, "that's a big boy, isn't it?"

Sam leaned back as she ran her hands over him, enjoying his shorts.

"Look, drongo," Jen said, "we're on this boat for a week. I'm horny as hell. I'll do anything at this point. I just want to feel something, you know?"

Sam nodded. "Me too," he said, his voice breaking a little as she gripped his shaft in one hand.

"We could have a lot of fun. But it can only be fun, right? No falling in love nonsense."

"That sounds good to me," Sam wheezed, as she gripped a little harder. He felt his erection stretch the elastic.

Jen solemnly undid the neat bow on the front of his shorts and scooped his hard dick out of his shorts. "Well, drongo," she said, playfully wanking him, "that is an impressive digit for a limey."

"I don't think it's fair that you've got my dick hostage and you're still fully clothed," Sam said, hesitating. "You... er..."

"Now, now, limey," Jen said, wagging her finger in her free hand. "Don't say anything you will regret later, particularly if you want," she said, standing up and pulling her shorts and underwear down, "this champion level pussy."

Sam had to admit, her shaved pussy looked very, very appealing between her beautifully and equally shaved legs. Jen squatted over him, and inserted the tip of his dick, moaning a little.

"God damn, drongo," she said, a little breathless. "I don't know if that is going to go in straight away..." She started humping him slowly, easing his dick inside her, and as she got wetter, they kept going, the boat gently rocking with the waves and Jen rocking his dick back and forth.

Sam looked up at her, and put his arms round her, searching for her bikini top strap. He found it, grinned, and watched her breasts fall away as he pulled the top off.

"Cheeky," she laughed, straddling him harder. He sucked on a nipple, which she seemed to enjoy. "Now the other one," she said, pushing him to the other breast.

He was really enjoying this. Her pussy was pretty tight, and he was going pretty deep inside her. "Jen," he said, looking at her, "I'm a bit close."

"Close to what?" she said, swaying harder.

"Coming," Sam said, gritting his teeth. He was way too close.

"Oh, just come in me. I'm on the pill," she said. "But if you come, you need to hold that erection until I do."

"Okay," Sam breathed, and relaxed a little.

She ground his groin for another few minutes, before letting out a "oh MAMMA," and shivering on his dick with ecstasy. She looked at him, grinning. "Thanks for that," she said. "Have you come yet?"

"Not quite," Sam said, "but I'm close."

Jen started to hump again but shook her head. "I'm done," she said. "Take over, however you like." Sam didn't need to ask twice. He lifted her up, placed her down on the deck, and pushed downwards, smacking her buttocks into the varnish as he writhed on top of her.

Jen pushed her legs over his shoulders and folded herself. Sam felt his dick go deep - seriously deep - it was delightful - and he came, groaning loudly. They gazed at each other before Jen playfully slapped him. "No love," she said, pushing him off. His cum splurged out of her onto the deck. "That was satisfying," she said. "Thanks for that, drongo."

"Thank you too," Sam said.

"You can definitely do that again to me," she said, getting up and grabbing her clothes. "We'd better clean up and redress before they get back." Sam agreed, grabbing his shorts, and they climbed down to the lower deck together.


The week passed by, and Sam barely thought of Peta. Jen was an excellent distraction, as he was for her. Whenever one would start to look mopey, the other would distract them with a joke, drink, or sex.

Sam lost count of the number of times they went below decks, leaving the captain and the first mate above, to have a quick shag in Jen's bunk. He suspected they knew but didn't care.

The last day came, and they had packed up to leave. The Dauntless had been quite the shag pad, really, Sam reflected, as the docks of Athens hovered into view.

"Listen, Sam," Jen said, turning to him quietly. "I've really enjoyed this week. Thanks for making me feel...something."

"Right back at you, Aussie," Sam replied. They embraced. He gave her a peck on the cheek. "No love, right?" he asked.

"Right," Jen replied. She looked at him oddly. "Would you have ever considered someone like me? If you hadn't met her first?"

Sam paused. "Yes, I think so," he admitted.

"But..." Jen said, smiling sadly.

Sam looked pained and nodded.

"How long did you know her?" Jen asked.

"Nearly half my life," Sam said, feeling the pain come back, a knot in his heart. "Is it wrong that I feel guilty for our time together..."

"...because you feel like you're cheating on her, even though you're not with her?"

Jen shook her head. "I feel the same. It's not cheating, though. We're single, we're adults. We do what we want," she said mockingly. They both laughed.

Sam held his hand out. "Aussie, you've been a brilliant travel companion," he said.

"You too, Drongo," she said and bent over and kissed him on the lips. The captain and the first mate looked to the ceiling for the remainder of the trip!

They parted on the pier. Sam trudged over to the shuttle bus and turned to see her getting into a taxi. It had been a great first week away. He was alone again, though.

As he got onto the bus, he felt that pain in his heart and thought of her. He shook his head, as if trying to shake her from his brain cells. Would she ever leave his thoughts?

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