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Pool of the Naiads Pt. 04

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An old couple’s young neighbour bathes in their garden pond.
4.4k words

Part 4 of the 4 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 11/08/2022
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Part 4 The coming of Amy

Pleasant thoughts had been coming to Alfred of late of Amy Alliot, the eighteen-year-old daughter of a neighbour, images flowed into his mind of her long legs and budding breasts. The sort of thoughts that come to old men most certainly, and of course to younger men as well; but they had most definitely come to him. The shape of her body under her dress intrigued and somewhat inspired. Whether she was still virginal was, indeed, one thought and question that came into his mind. Again, the sort of thing men might idly wonder.

Amy had carried his shopping only a few days before and he had invited her into the house for tea. He had almost taken her into the garden to drink.

Alfred seemed to see more of Amy out and about than before, and the second time she offered to carry his shopping home he had again invited her in. But this time, because the day was hot, he had opened the doors into the garden to let the breeze in. And when he had come back from the kitchen with the teapot and cups and saucers had found her gone -- out into the garden. He found her, inevitably, by the pool looking down into the cool water.

"There are fish, Mr Maughan!"

Indeed, there were -- and rather more besides. But not a ripple on the water betrayed the presence of Lilaea and the other denizens of the ancient stone pond.

"So lovely." Amy looked around at the old brick walls, the lawn, the flowers and the climbers. All, indeed, so lovely. "Do you need help in your garden? I could help."

Such generous offer. Such a sweet girl. The thought of Amy working in the garden pleasing. "That would be so kind. Kind of you to offer but Daphne and I, we cope." And it was obvious from the neat and well-tended garden the old couple did indeed cope very well. The two of them sat on the old seat -- the site of so much erotic pairing -- to drink tea. Amy looking just delightful with her foot swinging and her china teacup and saucer in her lap.

Alfred had declined Amy's offer because he so knew what would happen if she regularly came into the garden. She would not be left alone. Alfred and Daphne were normally very careful about letting people into the garden. It was not wise.

It was a week later, just as he was going out the front door in the afternoon, that he found Amy there in her school clothes.

"Mr Maughan, I've lost my door key and Mummy's not home for a couple of hours. Could I come in and do my homework in your house?"

Why had he let her in? He had not asked Daphne the first time. Daphne had been out -- and Daphne was, again, that afternoon out of the house. He had mentioned the tea with Amy to Daphne when she had come home and related what Amy had so pleasantly talked about -- her schoolwork and all sorts of things. Surely it had not been simply to enjoy the sight of the girl and to talk with her? Did the naiads not provide plentiful simulacra of girls to satisfy any man? Was it even, really, him who let her in? Talking to Daphne afterwards Daphne had more than a suspicion that Pronomus and Crotus, and maybe the naiads, were to blame. Neither Daphne nor he were under any illusion that their lives had been much influenced by what the denizens of the ancient pool wanted. Whatever the reason, Alfred left her alone in the house to do her homework, telling her to make a cup of tea if she wished.

Whether Amy had got very far with her homework, Alfred was not sure, but, when he returned from the library, he found open books upon the table but, importantly, no Amy.

Amy was down the garden and by the pool but not at all alone. Alfred stood looking. He had oft times wondered what she looked like under her school clothes - what her pubic hair was like. He knew now. Maybe Amy had thought it a fun idea to take a dip in the pool, or maybe her nudity had been the satyrs doing, but the girl was unclothed. And her pubic hair was indeed dark like her head and pleasingly full to boot. A delight to the old boy -- indeed, any old boy... or young man. Her breasts appeared firm, were undoubtedly shapely, and her little pink nipples were hard. It was a vision of loveliness -- but what would Daphne say? Alfred walked slowly down the garden. the damage was done, there was no need to rush; Amy's hand flew to her mouth.

"Mr Maughan, I've never..." her hand dropping to cover her sex, an arm across her breasts.

Alfred smiled. He did not need Amy to complete the sentence. His smile kind and reassuring. He knew how seductive the naiads and satyrs were. Knew Amy would have been quite unable to resist the advances of Pronomus and Crotus or the niaids. They were, if anything, sexual beings. Water and sex substantially made them -- perhaps the occasional fish.

"What is happening, Mr Maughan? I don't understand. I'm so liking..."

What Amy was liking was perfectly clear to Alfred. He did not need her to finish the sentence. She was not alone - not that there were other people present as such. Rather there were beings with the form and appearance of men, only transparent and rather obviously made merely of water. Clear, pure water that sparkled in the sunlight. Amy was, self-evidently, loving the sexual advances, the stroking and everything else about the two satyrs. The way she opened her mouth and accepted Pronomus' ever erect penis into her mouth with Alfred watching her, showed that. She seemed unable to resist the proffered penis before her. Her little nipples so hard, her sexual lips inflamed and clearly wet, her rising and falling chest all showed what her feelings were. In her hand the ever-hard cock of Crotus. If Amy had not experienced the size and strength of a male organ before, she was certainly experiencing it now; her fingers clasping the appearance of the male organ, as if they were tight around an accurate representation in clear, sparkling blown glass.

From the pool came more transparent beings. The nymphs came to him as Amy looked wide eyed at the fresh arrivals, and cool hands began to undress him. It was not him preparing himself for sexual relations with Amy, not at all, but he was not unpleased at the thought. Quite the opposite. Alfred was sure that would happen. He was already responding in a very male way. There was no need for nymph mouths to fellate to bring him to a stand. His trousers were lowered over an already respectably sized erection. Amy barely seemed to notice Alfred's change from kindly old man to lustful naked man with a prurient interest in her naked body. Her young charms presented and available. It was not, though, him wanking at the sight of her aroused nakedness. That was being done for him by the cool, transparent hand of Lilaea!

The old man stood naked and erect for quite a time watching Amy, absorbed in seeing the girl so entwined with the revellers. Seeing both her pleasure and wonder, as her body was stroked and stimulated, taking his own delight at the erotic sight. Amy's absorption in the satyrs and nymphs seemed total until, finally, she seemed to focus and see him there with his penis upright and his foreskin being moved by Lilaea. The kindly old gentleman revealed to be very much a man. It was not Alfred who then imposed himself upon Amy but the water girls encouraging him towards her, bringing his penis to her but it was she, herself, who knelt and brought her lips forward to settle upon the penis in Lilaea's hand, touch his tip and absorb.

It was not Alfred who settled himself upon young Amy and eased his stiff cock into her folds and on into her sex; it was not Alfred who encouraged his swollen knob forwards into her young body until it touched her virginal cervix. That was all done for him. But it would be very difficult to say it was not Alfred who released his seminal fluid into Amy.

The copulation, the sexual connection between young and old was all so very much the doing of the ancient denizens of the pool. Alfred may well have had the desire -- been thinking of Amy too much -- but it was the water spirits who had ensured the deed was really done.

It was Amy. Amy the next day. Amy waiting at the bus stop on her way to school. Amy in her grey pleated skirt and white blouse. Alfred was on his way to the newsagents for his morning paper. A ritual walk every day.

"Mr Maughan -- what, what happened?" Her eyes earnest and puzzled.

He took her hand. An old man holding a young girl's hand at a bus stop. In no way could it have been thought sexual. No passer-by or person in a car could have possibly imagine the afternoon before the old man had been copulating with that very schoolgirl. The two of them naked and joined. "You came into my garden and the people who dwell there liked you."

"Are they fairies?"

Alfred smiled, "sort of, I suppose, they are very old. They won't harm you. It was clear they liked you. And I think you liked them, my dear. Why don't you come again after school? Get to know them better."

The girl nodded as her bus drew up. Not time for more talk, more questions and answers. She was looking back at him as her bus drew away. Alfred went on with his usual and pleasant walk to the newsagents. Not usual, though, for an elderly gentleman on his way to buy a paper, to find himself with an erection in his trousers. Hopefully Mrs Bethany Smith, standing behind the counter in the newsagents, did not notice. And would she have believed Alfred Maughan could 'get it up' at his age in any case? Would she have discounted the sight as Mr Maughan having 'something in his trouser pocket'.

It would be delightful having Amy in the garden that afternoon. He did not think Daphne would mind. He had been copulating with Salmasis, Arethusa and Lilaea for seventy years now, had shared Daphne with them and the many sized penes of Pronomus and Crotus. Alfred was no stranger to sex with other women, and men, only they were Roman and not quite real. Amy in her grey pleated skirt was very real. Yesterday had been the first time in seventy years he had fucked another real woman -- a woman other than Daphne. Alfred rather thought Daphne would enjoy the young schoolgirl too. She had not, after all. been cross when he had told her, that evening, about his unexpected copulation.

It was good having a visitor later that afternoon. Daphne making tea and the three of them sitting in the house, talking over tea and cake. Young girls like cake. Seemingly this young woman liked more than that. More than a slice or two of rich chocolate cake. She had liked what had happened to her in the garden very much. She had drunk the water from the pool, not directly, but from the penises Pronomus and Crotus. What was their semen if not water -- water from the pool.

"It's a hot day, Amy," said Daphne eventually, "Alfred tells me you were in our garden yesterday by the pool. Would you like to bathe today in the cool water?

Amy had looked up. "Yes please, Mrs Maughan." She was biting her lip and looking out of the window towards the pool. So clear she very much had something on her mind. Maybe more than on her mind, something nagging at her between her legs.

"Well, let's undress you first. We don't want to get your school things all wet do we now? You should drink the water. It is good."

It was Daphne who stood and slid Amy's blazer from her shoulders, Daphne who undid Amy's tie and then the buttons of her school blouse. It was pleasingly erotic to Alfred watching his wife undressing the girl, perhaps almost as much as if he had done the undressing himself. Despite his age his penis responded with ease. It became hard in his trousers. Amy's bra becoming visible before him and then that too undone and falling forwards so her young breasts spilled out. Young Amy then standing in just her skirt, her grey pleated skirt. Amy with her eyes looking towards the garden and pool. Such a sight.

Alfred was breathing heavily as Daphne reached upwards inside Amy's skirt and lowered her knickers, but it was Amy who bent to unbuckle her shoes, knickers around her ankles. She kicked off shoes and panties leaving herself in socks and skirt. Off came her white socks and it was time for the last piece of clothing to be removed. Daphne's hands to the clasp at the girl's waist, undoing that and lowering the zip at the side. The grey pleated skirt fell, revealing Amy's full young femininity. The delight of her rounded bottom, the fullness of her hips and almost nymph like perfection of her cleft and mount of Venus, all covered in fine dark hair. A young woman indeed of delightful and classical proportions.

"Almost ready to go and play, Amy. Undressed to play! Let me feel if you are really ready to go down to the pool and play with... them."

So lovely for Alfred to see his wife's middle finger tracing down Amy's cleft, following the little valley down and under her body, testing her wetness. The finger moved slowly. So good to see Amy tense and then bite her lip again. Obvious to him when Daphne was able to raise her finger up into Amy.

"Yes, I think that is all nicely wet. What think you, Alfred?"

The kindness of his wife. Alfred knowing that the suggestion was for his benefit. He was quite sure Daphne would know if the girl was ready or not for copulation. She had more years' experience of her own body and copulation than were easy to count.

And Amy came to him, walked from Daphne to him, naked and beautiful, so he could feel her. The girl effectively asking him if she could go out and play -- adult games with the satyrs and nymphs. Slowly he raised his own right hand and, following his wife's example, let his finger trail down Amy's so pretty slit, down and under her, delighting in the soft down and equally soft skin, going between her thighs into hot, soft wetness. He did not need to insert to tell she was aroused and ready. Her young body had easily responded to stimulus, had readied itself for sexual intercourse. Alfred did not really need to push up into her with his finger to check, but he did so nonetheless, watching her face as his finger rose up into her. Saw her eyes widen and her body give a little tremble.

"Off you go, down to the pool, Amy."

She turned, the action pulling his finger from her. He had not removed it.

"Yes, off you go," said Daphne with a little pat to Amy's naked cheeks as she went past. "Go and drink the water from the pool."

They followed her down the path. Naked Amy knelt and lowered her face to the pool to lap at the water, rather animal like. A gazelle perhaps going down to the pool in the cool of the evening to drink. In doing so she raised her bottom exposing her pudenda, a delight to see, her nether lips opening, flower like -- perhaps like petals - as she bent close to the water. Alfred's penis stayed hard in his trousers. He would be sliding between those lips later, sharing her with Pronomus and Crotus. He was sure of it.

Daphne slipped her hand around his and turned and smiled at him. "She is lovely. So sweet."

"Pretty in all places."

Daphne squeezed his hand. "She is, dear, she is."

Rising from the water, coming up the stone steps out of the pool, simulacra of young men, transparent water men, almost an ideal of men. Naked and magnificently male in their erect organs, one curved upwards, the other down. Curly haired and with aquiline noses, firm muscled bodies. if totally transparent, stepping out from the water onto the stone paving and towards Amy. Her face a picture of delight and excitement.

Would Amy stay in her position, kneeling with bottom raised? If she did it was obvious what would happen. One or other, of the satyrs would take her like that. A firm water solid penis would penetrate her. With the sun behind her and the satyr transparent, both Alfred and Daphne would see Amy's sexual opening dilated, it would open and take on the exact shape of the transparent erection, the penis' not inconsiderable thickness, though not a perfectly round shape, more tri-lobed.

But Amy rose, lithe and easy, to her feet and Pronomus and Crotus placed a hand on each of her shoulders. A shudder at the contact. And then the hands started moving. Downwards and each over a breast. No doubt especial movements to rub, tweak and squeeze the nipples. There was more movement from Amy, more shuddering.

A lovely tableau. Yes indeed, had the satyrs been solid and real, their skin pink, tan, brown, black or any of the myriad skin tones, it would have added to the scene. The transparency of the watery satyrs losing a little of the eroticism of the picture. Nonetheless a pretty young woman naked in a beautiful garden being attended to by two equally handsome male youths, very visible aroused, naked and strongly erect, was a joy to see. Even more so when her hands clasped both penises, Amy's eyes again widening as she felt their substantial maleness.

Yesterday she might have thought it a dream. That could not be the case a second time. Not after tea and chocolate cake with Mr and Mrs Maughan.

Beside him, Daphne was undressing. Perhaps she was a little warm. Maybe that was her reason for undressing - that the heat of the garden was getting to her. But more likely, or certainly, she was heated by the sight before her. Pronomus and Crotus would, without question, have 'enough' for her as well as Amy. Enough 'cock' to satisfy her. Alfred smiled. He was sure she knew his penis would not be for her that afternoon!

The satyrs' hands were descending. Sexual intercourse is very enjoyable but for a schoolgirl might not her fantasies include being touched and fingered by not one but two boys together? No need to rush to full copulation. Why not just be naked together? Naked and deliciously aroused. The boys to touch and play with her body, as she might do to herself in bed, and she to do what they did alone in bed -- stroke and manipulate their penises until ejaculation. No need to go any further. No need to rush into adult games. No need to rut and fuck.

And that was what was happening before Alfred's eyes. A tableau now of mutual masturbation. Lovely to see Amy's sudden surprise as the two satyrs did indeed ejaculate. Thin and watery ejaculations -- indeed just the pure, clear water from the ancient stone pool -- but very much ejaculations. The twin hard penises producing in strong spurts, the 'semen' going this way and that, running down Amy's body where it had fallen. Unlike boys, there would be no let up. Neither Crotus nor Pronomus' would soften and droop, and, unlike the boys, full intercourse would follow.

Still dripping, Crotus came around behind Amy and rubbed his ever-hard erection in the crack of her bottom before dipping. From Amy's suddenly wide eyes it was obvious he had more than penetrated a little, he had slid well into her. Crotus began a steady movement. A rhythmic pushing at the girl

"Oh Mr Maughan, I'm, I'm, I'm coming -- again! This is so..."

Her pretty and young mouth, full and rosy lips, opening and closing before Alfred as Cronus worked her from behind, his transparent hands supporting her as she bent forward, her whole body oscillating with his steady thrusting.

Alfred felt it was time to undress too and bring his own organ, hard and ready, out into the sunshine. As his last piece of clothing was dropped onto the bench, his shirt fluttering down, he saw Pronomus 'take over' from Crotus. An easy swopping, a stroke hardly missed. A so easy swap, a practised movement -- how long had the two worked together upon women? Centuries? The two satyrs smiling as they did so and clearly deriving great enjoyment from the young woman, as no doubt they had always done.

Amy's eyes were on Alfred's so erect penis, "Would you like? Oh, Mr Maughan, may I suck you?"

Alfred looked at his wife and Daphne nodded her assent. He walked towards the girl, Amy bent forward and strongly held by Pronomus. What a delightful and pretty girl. The girl he had talked with only that morning at the bus stop, now with half open mouth ready to absorb the fleshy organ coming closer to her. What a pleasure to walk naked and with cock extended towards her.


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