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Possessing Bella Ch. 03

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Bella gets more than she bargained for with Sire
13.4k words

Part 3 of the 24 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 01/06/2014
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Authors Note: This story contains many of the harsher elements of the BDSM lifestyle. If that disturbs you at all please stop reading now and find something more to your liking, there are many great authors on this site. To regular readers of the Bella series, I hope it lives up to your expectations, I am sorry it is late this month. Enjoy, ~ellie.

"Fruitloops!" Bella screamed, and she heard the metallic sound of the knife dropping to the floor through the panicked fog in her brain. Sire immediately began undoing the tight restraints that held her at his mercy and gathered the sobbing girl in his arms. He picked her up and went to sit in an oversized leather armchair cradling her like a child as she calmed down.

They had spent the last few days together pushing her boundaries and listing her limits both hard and soft. Bella had begun to accept that no other dominant would know her as well as Mel, who had known her almost her entire life. She had also come to realise that despite her love and trust for the two men who acted as her guardians when she accepted a contract even a short term one as with Sire this week she needed to know and be able to express her limits. While Mel had given her the choice to stay with him or not he had pretty much just controlled everything else in her life, and she had never considered disobeying him, especially as he had made it clear that it wasn't really an option.

Sire had been pushing her hard and Bella was exhausted both mentally and physically from her first three days in Sire's care. She found in her exhaustion that even though she felt safe in his arms as they sat, and she had lost the rush of adrenaline that her fear had caused to flow through her veins that she could not stop crying.

Sire had remained silent as he held her realising he had finally broken through the wall of Mel's ownership. He had been harsh and cruel in the last few days in his effort to make her realise that there would never be another Mel, who knew her so well and loved her so much that he did not have to explore her kinks and aversions as others would have to. Once again he silently cursed Mel for not truly explaining this facet of the lifestyle to the beautiful young woman. In truth, many of the things he had made her endure were not his particular flavour of kink either but she had to know just how far some men would go down the darker paths of excess and violation.

Finally when no more tears would come she looked up at Sire with glistening eyes and said quietly, "No one would truly damage me beyond repair would they? I mean," she swallowed, "Why would someone ..."

"For many dominants," Sire said equally gently, "The thrill is all wrapped up in that power-exchange; the more you give, the more they want. If you are not brave enough to set limits and use a safe-word, you could find yourself with permanent damage not only to your body, but your mind as well." He lifted her face to his as he explained yet again why he pushed her so hard to know her own limits of endurance. "There will never be another Mel, who had time and the will to know you so well before you became his. The other dominants you will meet on this journey you have insisted upon taking will not know anything about you except what they are told in brief discussions and their knowledge of what Mel was like." He grinned as he saw her lip become caught between her teeth while she mulled over what he was saying. "Everyone in the club and even the outer circles of our lifestyle knew he was a sadistic controlling bastard and would assume that you would have to be something special to capture his collar, not just the run of the mill masochistic slave girl..."

"I wasn't a very good slave to him," Bella looked up at the hulking man who held her so carefully in his arms with teary eyes. "I made so many mistakes and ran away and..." her voice caught in her throat as guilt once again rose up within her. If she hadn't been so childish, Mel would never have taken her to Italy in the first place. "I just wasn't very good at being what he wanted," she finished sadly as Sire remained silent. "I just needed more time, I could have been better, I wanted to be better, he would have taught me all the things I needed to know, now it's just..." she shrugged, and the tears came again.

Sire continued to hold her quietly, her guilt and the anger that had preceded it when he first met her were within the final stages of grieving before she found acceptance and hope for the future though he could see that hope peeking through from time to time as she talked of her plans after her week in his company. He had been surprised to find that despite knowing Mel most of her life; they had been together as a couple only a month or so. It amazed him that she felt so much love and devotion towards Mel and he had wondered at her eagerness to begin a path back into the lifestyle without him. Having delved deeply into the young woman's motivations in the last three days, however, he now understood the still grieving girl's wish to feel again and try to block out the empty dark void his absence created in her life.

"I can still do the things he wanted," she said quietly once again, "I can learn more and do more like he planned," she took a deep breath and sat up straighter, "I can still be the girl he wanted me to be, with your help and the others," she smiled crookedly, "I still have the chance to make him proud of me."

"Mel's gone Bella, you need to do this because you want it, not because Mel wanted it," Sire had not liked the way she had said that as if he might somehow come back and claim her if she made him proud.

"I know, and I do want to do it for me, truly. I want it so very much, but I would like to think that he is still watching over me somehow and would be happy I am still doing what he wanted me to do. It is Master Rob now," she added, "That will show that pride in me I realise, but he was as close to Mel as I if not closer and it feels somehow right," she said with an odd tone in her voice.

Sire nodded still unsure about her state of mind and deciding a long talk with Rob was in order to ensure the girl's safety. He admitted that for the first time in a very long time he considered that taking a girl such as Bella as his own, would not be a hardship at all, in fact; it could be very enjoyable indeed.

"Go shower and get ready, we are going out," he smacked her ass lightly and grinned. The constant pushing and finding her limits needed to be continued, but he could see the small changes in her and was content with her progress, despite his misgivings about her last words. Sire watched her walk into the bathroom area and went to where her clothes hung on a rack in his photographic studio. There hadn't been any need for clothes in the last few days and as he picked several pieces out for her to wear he glanced at some of the photo's he had taken and printed of Bella in the last few days. She was an adorable masochistic little slut, and he embraced the opportunity to take hre out and show her off as his if only for a little while.

The rest of the week, he decided, would be a busy one as he considered how to incorporate what he wanted her to learn with a few social outings. First though, this afternoon as promised, they would attend a tea party with Sarah and Charles.


Bella had sat quietly on the bed writing in the journal Sire had asked her to keep as he showered and changed into comfortable looking black jeans and a button up shirt. She looked at him curiously thinking that she had never seen him out of his leathers and black T shirts. She had been given a light baby doll dress to wear and once again she wondered at the change of pace and where they were going.

Dressing her once again in the boots and oversized jacket she wore when on his bike they left and rode the short distance to Charles' house. Bella grinned when she saw where they were and was glad that Sire had not forgotten the promise she had made about coming for tea with Sara and Charles.

Sarah ran from the house and flung herself at Bella before her feet had even touched the ground as Sire lifted her from his bike. "I've been waiting and waiting all day! Where have you been, Uncle Billy?" Sara finally let go of Bella and turned a scowl on Sire.

Sire raised an eyebrow at Sara and checked his watch dramatically. Chastened Sara put her hands behind her back and in a quieter voice said, "It's just I am so excited 'cause like, well, I just love her," Sara tried to explain why she had been bratty.

"That, I understand, Bella is easy to love," Sire bent, kissed Sara's forehead and smiled, "Lead on little one, I hope you have those cookies I like!" Sara giggled mischievously and snatching Bella's hand dragged her at a run into the house.

"First you must kiss Daddy and say hello, then I have a surprise for you!" Sara gushed excitedly. Bella looked over her shoulder and grinned having been caught up in the child-like excitement of Sara and followed her through to the study where Charles waited looking relaxed and chatting with Stephen. Bella was not really surprised; Stephen seemed to be a constant figure in her life since the death of Mel, he seemed to be constantly watching over her as he did for the girls at the club, Bella assumed it was just an extension of his duties that he performed for Rob and the stakeholders.

"But Daddy!" Sara whined seeing Charles pat his lap for Bella to come and sit with him.

"Sara, we talked about this," Charles said in a slow, measured tone.

"Yes Daddy, but I have been waiting and waiting," she whined but turned to leave the room pouting.

"Watch out you're going to trip over that bottom lip if it gets any lower," Sire chuckled scooping up Sara and cuddling her. "Come get me a cookie while Bella says hello properly," he walked away from the study with her.

Bella allowed herself to be pulled into Charles lap and cuddled before turning to greet Stephen.

"Hello Sir Stephen this is a nice surprise," she smiled and he returned her smile with a barely discernible tilt of his lips as he inclined his head toward her.

"Hello, little one. There were a few things decided at that meeting of the stakeholders after you left, one of them being that I would come and check on you from time to time and make sure you were happy and healthy with your work and exploration," he explained.

"I am happy," Bella smiled at both the men, "Thank you for supporting me during that meeting, it meant so much."

"You asked for help, it would be ungentlemanly to ignore the request of a damsel in distress, wouldn't you say Stephen?" Charles chuckled.

"Indeed," he readily agreed, "But at the end of the day it's your life and your decision, Rob and Kurt are your guardians and they are there to advise you or step in if you put yourself in danger, but you have the final say in your life, and I am not sure you fully understand that." Stephen's brow creased with worry.

"Oh, good your back," Charles greeted Sire, who had come in munching on a cookie and taken a seat. "This concerns you too."

"Look I am not into all that club politics and you know it, it's why I avoid that pretentious place most of the time," Sire said with a tone that indicated he was already bored with the conversation.

"Fine but all the other Dominants who will take up the invitation to work with Bella will be given a two week time frame we just thought..." Charles smirked.

"All right I am listening now," Sire cut across his words, "I had concerns about sending her back so soon."

"There is more," Charles held up his hand so that Sire would listen rather than talk.

Charles outlined what had happened after the meeting and Stephen's role in Bella's life now. If they both agreed, the arrangement could extend a further week and that Bella would require her phone to be on or close to her person at all times so that Stephen could check in randomly as well as visit at least once during the next week.

"You know my work?" Sire addressed Stephen who nodded. In fact there was very little about William Wilder that Stephen did not know now, he had done his homework on who currently possessed Bella.

"I'd like to do a short road trip now that we have the time, to some of the better spots and take photos of Bella. You can ring and find out where we are at any given moment and decide when to visit from there okay?" He phrased it in such a way it was not really a question at all.

"We can negotiate that I believe," Stephen said also with a tone as a man who would not be the one to bend to the whims of another. "The most important issue here though is not what you want though. Bella has not agreed to the extension as yet, and I need to hear it from her." The two men turned to gaze upon Bella, who was sitting chewing her lip contemplating what was said.

Stephen was a stern, uncompromising man who had high expectations of those around him, he both frightened her and made her feel safe in his presence. She felt similarly about Sire, but she also had seen his tender side during the last three days as he cared for her after some particularly gruelling scenes. She looked up at Charles who always seemed so warm and soft and loving but remembered what Rob had said about his ruthlessness with people who crossed him. They each cared for her in different ways, and she knew they could and would protect her when needed, but they were not Mel and not going to make these decisions for her. She realised then that this was what she had asked for, the right to choose and make her own decisions and they were just doing what she wanted.

"As long as Stephen is able to reach me if I need to use a safe word," she smiled at Sire, "I think a road trip could be fun."

"Good," Charles said, "Now Sara has been dancing back and forth in front of that doorway the whole time so go and let her show you the surprise, and we will work out the logistics between Billy and Stephen." He helped her to her feet and patted her bottom sending her on her way.

"About time," Sara said dramatically and snatched Bella's hand as she exited the room.

She dragged her along behind her and finally pulled her into a small dining room off the kitchen. Bella was surprised, to say the least, as she stood frozen looking at the women she thought of as friends. She closed her jaw and began the greetings as she embraced each of them. Dusty nuzzled her cheek and drew her further into the room where she was hugged by both Nyx and Tali before Gian stepped forward and introduced herself properly. Dianne had hung back and seeing this Bella moved toward her and hugged her tightly.

"I am so sorry, Dianne, I have been so totally awful I don't know what else to say," Bella said softly, "I miss you terribly."

"It's me who should be sorry, silly, I didn't realise..." she let what she was going to say drop. Each of the girls present had solemnly promised not to mention Mel unless Bella did after Dusty had explained that Bella had felt like everyone needed to heal themselves through her by asking her to relive the moment over and over again. Instead, she put on a smile and released her turning Bella back toward the table. It was only as she was about to sit down that she saw Dorothea sitting at the other end of the table and delighted to see her she ran around and hugged her tightly.

"It's so good to see you!" Bella exclaimed. "All of you, she amended looking around the table. I can't believe you're all here when I have been such a bitch lately."

"We weren't exactly the most understanding of friends," Dianne said softly.

"Come sit next to me first," Tali said enthusiastically, "I always have the best bits of gossip."

"Tell me about that girl who ran away with the Middle Eastern prince, did they ever find her? I heard she became a biker's moll," Bella asked seriously nodding her head and the other women burst out laughing.

Sara was the perfect hostess; she had catered to each girl's favourite treats and drinks and though it wasn't necessary within this group inserted new topics of conversation whenever it lagged slightly. Each girl was excited at the prospect of seeing more of Bella and Dorothea put forth the suggestion of a monthly get together at each girl's home and offering to host the next one.

After months of self-imposed isolation, it felt so good just to be part of a friendship group that knew how to relax and laugh at life. She felt better than she had for a long time, and she knew she had Dusty to thank so as the party started to disband she went to Dusty and embraced her.

"I know this was you, thank you so much I didn't know how to face everyone after being so self-absorbed for so long," Bella said quietly.

"I wasn't me, sweetie," Dusty said in her rich, deep voice, "Rob and Kurt organised it. Apparently you had promised Sara that her Uncles would send her a surprise, and we are it." She laughed, "Though I think it was Dianne's suggestion to start with."

"Really!" Bella was stunned and turned to find Dianne. "Thank you," she gushed, "This was just what I needed."

Dianne grinned back at Bella, "The least I could do after, the last time I saw you." Guilt clouded her face for a moment before she smiled again, "I am just glad we have you back."

The small party began to disband, and Bella started to help Sara with the clearing away but Sara shooed her away, "Go talk to Daddy, or he will be cranky that I had you all to myself."

"But you didn't really," Bella started to protest picking up another plate. Sara took the plate from her hands and looked at her seriously.

"I don't often act like a grown up but just this once I will make an exception because I think you need to hear this," she swallowed and took a deep breath. "We all loved Mel very much before you came along. He helped each of us and our Masters greatly, most of us several times, in different ways and sometimes out of disastrous situations, like Dianne. He could always be counted on to look after those he cared about. It is that bond he had with us that drew you into our circle so fast." Bella had begun to chew her lip her face clouding over.

"It is why we all care so much about what you do and why we constantly want to see that you are coping." She saw Bella's face fall further but didn't relent. "What I am trying to say not very well is you are one of us now, like it or not, and each of us girls and our Masters feel a certain responsibility toward you, because if it was us, and it has been in the past, he would do it without hesitating and you have to let us, for his sake and to help everyone else heal just as you're trying to. He really was a compassionate man beneath that sadistic bastard exterior; you know this, just as well as I do." Bella nodded her eyes glistening.

"So now that you have made up your mind what it is you need to help you finally heal, you have to let the rest of us in and let us heal in our own way by keeping you close and remembering the man who loved you above all others." Sara finally finished her lecture and hugged Bella to her.

"Now we have had our turn to make sure you are healing, go and reassure Daddy and Stephen, they worry too much," she grinned, "Any monkey with half a brain can see you are starting to live again; we just need to get you your own happily ever after." She released Bella, "In time, not just yet, you still have a lot of frogs to kiss on the way to finding prince charming. Though Uncle Billy is a very good start," she giggled.


The next morning as he sat receiving a well-executed cock sucking, Sire considered the girl that was, for all intents and purposes, his for the next week. Her limits had far exceeded what he expected from a girl of her stature. The first night and following day he had subjected her to a myriad of restraints, utensils, toys and tools of which the bullwhip seemed to be the only one that she had almost safe worded with.

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