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Possessing Bella Ch. 10-11

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Moving on.
21.7k words

Part 10 of the 24 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 01/06/2014
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Authors Note: This is a chapter in this series primarily based in BDSM practises. If that is not to your tastes please stop reading and find one of the other wonderful stories on this site more suited to your kink. This chapter is considerably longer than usual but those who follow Bella's story will realise I had some bridging of events to do before her next adventure. I am grateful for everyone's patience with my writing. I hope you enjoy this extended chapter. Thank you once again to everyone who leaves comments and feedback on my writing, it is much appreciated. ~ellie


Confident that Dorothea was recovering well Bella threw herself back into work. She left home early, after a very quick greeting with Rob each morning and she stayed late pouring over her plans and the suggestions and amendments made by Rhys and in some cases Andrew.

Andrew had returned from Europe having made several contacts, as well as a number of discoveries available to them closer to home. Bella had been excited by the detail he had put into his reports on jewellers and glass makers. He tended, like her away to stay away from the mass produced stock that drew in the average tourist but rather found small out of the way boutique shops in which to make his enquiries. The photos and samples that accompanied his reports made her wistful as she remembered her own time in Venice with Mel and her exploration of the small boutique stores.

Bella went to the display case that housed the Pandora bracelet Mel had given her and gently lifted it from the lifelike hand that held it dripping from long fingers. Her heart ached for that time and what it had brought her. She felt the tears once again sting the back of her eyes and she took a shuddering breath looking around the room in which she stood. Mel had given her the means to create this, the people and the money, he had made sure that she would want for nothing even after his death.

She knew she still loved Mel, how could she not. Each time she thought of him now though, Stephen would crowd her thoughts confusing her. She touched her lips as she often did when she thought about Stephen, he was so like Mel but yet so different. He was confident, demanding, controlling and like Mel had a softer side that few people got to see that she had only had a small glimpse of as yet. He wasn't a commander and chief of all those around him though. Mel had been king of his domain whether at work or at play, whereas Stephen showed deference to those he respected. He worked alongside people as easily as he led from the front.

Bella checked her watch and placed the bracelet back in position. She had effectively managed to avoid Seeing Stephen over the past few days by arranging evening dates with Kurt or Rob to see Dorothea and having them take her home. Her absence from the club had been noted and commented on though and she found herself accepting a dinner invitation from Jake knowing that Stephen would be present.

In truth, she had missed his constant presence in her world and her thoughts were clouded with him all day every day despite her attempts to stop them. Dorothea's words and encouragement making her realise she needed time to assess how she felt deep within herself rather than being carried along by the decisions of others. She had committed to the training and it was important to her to continue that journey. Not just for the experience but because she knew that these friends had offered to continue her training as Mel had once wanted it to be. She needed to show that she would honour the commitments she made, not break them.

Over the last week and a half, Bella had also kept busy by meeting with Nyx and following a training and study regime to understand the lifestyle associated with Gorean beliefs. She found it fascinating that a lifestyle could be based on a series of books. Not so much the books themselves but the ideas and doctrines they held. She loved the dancing, serving and games that the women all practised. Even still, she knew before ever experiencing it, that to be given no name, no rights, no choices at all, was not the lifestyle she was destined for.

Even with Mel's need for total control over her life he had given her choices, safe words and loving praise. Choices of their own were not a part of a Gorean woman's life in the strictest sense. Nyx had worked hard over many years to have a voice that her Master listened to when it came to women's matters. Even still she knew her place and remained within the tight boundaries of her chosen lifestyle. The pure sexuality of the way Gorean women moved through life, and the way the performed even the most menial of chores, like serving food or drink drove Bella to continue and seek out more information.

Bella padded back to her desk with the practised movements that Nyx had so patiently taught her. She glided rather than stepped and by imagining a line between herself and her destination placed her feet to the centre of her balance causing a small roll in her hips. Keeping her posture perfect, she bent at the knees to retrieve her leather laptop bag and packed her things to leave for the day. Then walking slowly and deliberately she went to see Kurt and check in with him as she did at the end of each day.

"Ah, leaving at a reasonable time today," Kurt said as she entered his office.

"I've been so busy since I have been back," Bella smiled. "Its all coming together so well, I am excited about the prospective artisans I was hoping to go and see one this weekend, with Andrew of course."

"Your weekends are your own, you could go any work day as long as you cleared it with us," Kurt frowned at her.

"This one is a bit elusive, but I have found the markets where she normally runs a stall on Sundays," Bella laughed. "I want to see the range she has on display and chat to her as a customer first." Kurt looked dubious. Bella wanted original one off pieces for her boutique style store and in theory he agreed. The reality of continually sourcing enough stock to maintain the business would be a sticking point unless she brought in full time artisans. Her insistence of looking at and courting hobbyists bothered him.

"I promise I have taken on board what you have said about looking at the big picture and long term prospects. Even with a couple of full-time artisans, it won't hurt to have contacts like this that we can go to on occasion to some unique pieces," Bella read his misgivings on his face.

"So do you have a date tonight or something you are rushing off to?" Kurt changed the subject having gotten the answer he needed without having to ask a question.

"Oh yes," she grinned, "a romantic little gathering with Stephen and Jake."

"Sarcasm is not one of your better qualities," his voice held displeasure and she immediately felt the rebuke.

"I'm sorry, Master Kurt," Bella stumbled over her words as she was reminded of her place. She began to chew her lip wondering if she would ever successfully navigate the fine line between being a small partner here at the company and being the submissive they all knew her to be.

"I have a date of my own tonight so I will walk out with you," Kurt smiled seeing the confusion on Bella's face. "Dianne has some personal business to attend to, so I am having dinner with Dorothea."

Bella held back the comment that was on her lips about a hot date like that making Dianne jealous, but let a small smile creep over her lips. As if reading her mind Kurt added, "Dianne is understandably jealous." Bella couldn't help but giggle at that and they left Kurt's office heading down to the parking garage.

The drive to the club was short and as Bella climbed from the car in the parking garage she wondered if she should go upstairs and change into something more suitable for the club. She checked her watch as the elevator doors opened and deciding she probably didn't have time looked up to see Stephen watching her.

"Good evening Bella," Stephen smiled.

"Good evening, Sir Stephen," Bella replied equally formally and stepped into the elevator. She felt his hand come to rest on the nape of her neck and watched slightly surprised when he pressed the third-floor button. She looked up at him questioningly.

"We will wait while you change into something more appropriate," his voice rumbled in answer and she nodded silently looking down at her business suit. It was that fine line between company girl and submissive again and she knew she had to find a better way to deal with it.

Stephen took a seat in her small living room making it seem even more crowded and she hurried to her room to change. Bella had made many wonderful discoveries once she had taken the time to go through her closet and organise it to her own liking the week before. She quickly discarded her suit and went to the bathroom wearing a corset that she liked because it made her breasts seem bigger and a G-string. She touched up her make-up and pulled her curls from the tight bun she had created that morning allowing it to fall down her back.

Smiling is pulled a translucent overlay dress from her closet. It hung from one shoulder and had a spiralling line of embroidery that wrapped around the ribs and waistline of the opposite side. It simultaneously exposed and covered her body. She pondered for a moment wondering whether to remove her stockings but decided that they added to the overall effect of the dress. She slipped her heels back on and walking through a fine mist of her perfume went back out to the living room.

Stephen surveyed her approvingly and led her back out to the elevators again. "I haven't seen this dress before," his deep voice rumbled.

"I hadn't either before last week when I reorganised my closet for the first time since... well ever," she admitted. "Mel bought my clothes and chose what I would wear when I was with him, then I just went with what I knew. There is a lot in there and it is all crammed so tightly..." Bella's voice trailed off realising he probably did not want to hear about her wardrobe dilemmas.

"Have you given any more thought to moving your things back to the other side of this floor? It would allow you the opportunity to spread out some of clutter you have amassed in that little apartment," Stephen said gently aware that this was a touchy subject for her

"I am not sure I can face it alone, but I am not sure I want anyone there to do it for me either," Bella said softly. "I mean should I invite Jenny? She was his wife after all or Rob or Kurt, I just don't know what I am supposed to do about his belongings."

"Jenny was never part of Mel's life here," Stephen said, "So that is not an issue. They had been separated for over a decade in reality and had totally separate lives for the most part. Rob and Kurt have what they need of Mel, this is your burden now and you will have to face it sometime, the sooner you face it the better. Jake and I will be able to help you if you need us."

Bella looked up at him as the elevator doors opened and they stepped out into the club. His hand firmly circling the back of her neck as he guided her to the Rob's office making an immediate answer to him unnecessary.

"Hello, little brat," Rob opened his arms to her. Feeling a little off balance from the conversation with Stephen, she rushed into them and buried her head in his chest as his big arms wrapped around her.

"Everything alright?" Rob directed his question to Stephen rather than Bella who he held tightly.

"Bella has come to understand that the other side of the third floor is more suited to her needs, but is not quite ready to deal with the memory it holds in its current state," he said seriously. "I suggested moving there last week as an alternative to feeling like she needs to move out to a place of her own. She could gut the rooms and create a space of her own like she did at the company."

Rob nodded. The same thought had occurred to him when she had first asked about moving upon her return from the beach house several weeks ago. "It sounds like good advice," Rob said softly close to Bella's ear. "Once Dorothea is fully restored she would probably love a project like that."

She hadn't thought about Dorothea but of course, she was the perfect person to help Bella through the ordeal of saying goodbye to that part of her world. She and Mel had been together such a short time and she wasn't sure why she was clinging to those rooms now that she knew he would never return. The thought of Dorothea and her way of making sense of the world made Bella immediately feel better about considering creating her space there, a space without Mel.

Nodding Bella disentangled herself from his arms. "Are you having dinner with us?" She asked hopefully.

"I am expecting Leon for a business thing. We will grab a bite later," he smiled at her. "How about a decent breakfast tomorrow though, rather than the hasty peck on the cheek I have received the last few mornings?"

"That would be nice," she laughed.

"It's a date," Rob declared. "Enjoy your dinner little brat," he kissed her forehead and turned to Stephen. "Join us when you're done, we'll be here a while."

"Of course," Stephen rumbled and led Bella out into the restaurant. Taking their seats, within minutes Jake joined them bringing with him a small platter of Arancini balls.

"These are just like..." Bella stopped talking to swallow and Jake grinned.

"Your mothers?" Stephen finished her sentence.

"Gosh yes! Their so good," Bella helped herself to a second one. "You're going to make me fat if you keep cooking like this."

"I doubt that you've barely put on any weight since your return," Jake laughed. "I don't know that your mother would part with any other recipes, she likes having her little secrets. I wasn't even sure I got these right until just now."

"You spoke to my mother?" Bella was surprised.

"Well, Stephen did actually. He was raving about the food after the last time he took you home and managed to get one recipe out of her if he promised to make sure you ate well. He can't cook though. Burns water," Jake laughed as he made fun of his friend who seemed to take it as the good-natured jibe it was intended to be.

"Women's work," Stephen said flippantly in return.

The dinner was full of laughter and good food as Stephen allowed himself to relax around Bella, bringing back the stern austere side of his nature whenever a waitress or employee came near their table. Once again Bella marvelled at the twin personalities of the man that in this context seemed to oddly complement each other.

"Andrew has said you are making him work Sunday morning," Stephen said during a lull in the conversation as they ate.

"Yes, but he said he did not mind," Bella chewed her lip wondering if she had interfered with some mentoring they were doing.

"I am sure he doesn't, what work do you need done on a Sunday?" He asked and Bella briefly explained about seeking out a particular artisan. "So you have become a stalker?" He smirked at her.

"I guess," she frowned not sure how to take the comment and involuntarily sucked her lip between her teeth.

"I see and how did you find out about this artisan, what was her name?" Stephen still had a strange smile on his face.

"A small package with some samples of jewellery was sent to my office. There was a small note inside saying they had heard I was looking for unique pieces for a new style of jewellery boutique. It was signed, but there was no return address or phone number just a name," Bella paused as surprise registered on Stephens face. He shook his head as if unbelieving waiting for her to go on. "The name was Louise Giles."

"She was always a dumb bitch," Jake laughed startling Bella who took long minutes to take in his words.

"You know her?" Bella asked looking directly at Jake.

"She used to work here in the kitchen, she was a bit too timid for some of the stuff that goes on in the public rooms," Jake explained. "Stephen got her a part-time gig helping out with the banquets down at the cove when he took over. She was a pretty creative girl but not very smart." Bella looked at Stephen then.

"She was making a few items for some of the lady's who belong to the men of Brotherhood at the cove. Seeing the appeal they had, I thought she you send you some to look over," Stephen said. Her stall at the markets has become quite a little money spinner for her but the items are made with polished stone and less than precious metals."

"Why didn't you tell me?" Bella asked quietly. "I would have looked at her stuff just on your say so."

"That is your business, not mine. I will not tell you how to stock it or who to employ. Had I made the recommendation and you did not like the pieces you would have had difficulty saying no to me," Stephen said. Although his words sounded arrogant she could admit the truth of them. She nodded thoughtfully rather than saying anything.

"Does she live at the cove?" Bella asked remaining quiet and thoughtful.

"Yes, she was never suited to the work here, the reality didn't match her fantasies about submission. She is happy enough at the cove, but the opportunity to create jewellery with proper materials excited her enough to send you her samples, particularly given the client base you are aiming for," Stephen explained.

"You seem to know a lot about my business ideas," Bella tilted her head, surprise colouring her voice.

"I speak with Andrew most days. Asking how work is, is a natural conversation to have with one's friends," he said easily. "I also like to know about what it is that has kept you working such long days. We have barely seen you this week," Stephen looked at Jake who nodded but didn't interrupt the conversation.

"I'd still like to see her market stall and look at the range she has," Bella said.

"I could take you down to the cove on Monday and you could let Andrew have his weekend back," Stephen said simply but getting his point across.

"Oh, of course," Bella blushed slightly. "He has a life outside of work. He could come with me Monday then?" She asked, hopefully.

"Yes, if that is what you wanted," Stephen said his baritone rumbling deeply and a disappointed look flitting across his face.

"I will have to talk to Kurt about my plans, he is fairly regimented about my work days and likes to know where I am," she said thoughtfully. "That will give me the opportunity to organise some other stuff this weekend."

"Like what?" Stephen seemed genuinely interested.

"I thought I might invite my parents up next weekend rather than rushing down to see them like last time. There is a new show on at the Lyric Theatre I thought they my like and it will be nice to have dinner with them and show them I am doing okay. They still worry far too much," she smiled.

"That's only natural," Stephen smiled, "They love you."

"Yeah, they are wonderful," Bella smiled, "I'd like to book them in somewhere nice and send them to a show." Bella finished her dessert. "I'll talk to Kurt in the morning about Monday but I have probably kept you from that meeting Rob wanted you to go to long enough. I can walk myself up tonight," she smiled.

"It only takes a few minutes they can wait," Stephen rumbled convinced now that she was avoiding being alone with him. Forestalling any offer from Jake, he stood and held out his hand to help her from her chair "Come."

"Thank you for dinner Jake. The Arancini made me a little homesick," she smiled though it did not touch her eyes as she stood and faced Stephen. They left the club and travelled up on the elevator in silence, Stephen unlocking her door and following her inside before he spoke again.

"Why are you being so difficult this week," he demanded. Bella stared at him panic filling her eyes. "Let's start with the truth and work from there," he said sternly reading the panic in her. He took a seat letting her know he wasn't about to leave without an answer as she looked down at her feet and seemed to consider her words. "I expected you to be grateful that I knew the girl you had been stalking, instead I get petulant questions." His tone had become the stern authoritarian one she knew well.

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