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Possessing Bella Ch. 18

Story Info
Bella trains for the pony show.
12k words

Part 17 of the 24 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 01/06/2014
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Authors Note: Thank you once again to everyone who leaves comments and feedback on my writing, it is much appreciated. Thank you very much to Aisielynn who continues to be my second set of eyes, she is absolutely fabulous. I apologise that this chapter is late life has been a busy, busy time for me and my writing has had to take a back seat for a little while. Thank you all for your patience and understanding. ~ellie


Bella had been on the ranch for almost a week. Samuel had doted on her, pre-empting her every need and explaining his own. The rigorous training became easier within days as she lived the dual roles of pet and pony. Each time he pushed her harder than before he rewarded her equally with his praise and affection. He seemed instinctively to know her physical limits and would spend time massaging and moisturizing her body several times a day between training sessions. The regime he had set up to ensure she would be ready for the public pony show was gruelling, but in his care she felt relaxed and happy.

Jyace had been a constant shadow in her world at the ranch. He was always just out of range watching and observing, occasionally commenting but never interfering with her training. Despite his earlier words of allowing Jyace to assist in her training, Samuel had yet to let him within arms-length of Bella. He saw to all her needs personally and would take her with him if he was called to consult on another pony at the ranch. The one time he had been called away, and she had not accompanied him, he had left her in the care of Jack.

She had enjoyed the afternoon spent with Jack as he took Dusty and herself through a training session. She learned a lot from the relationship they had. It was as if they could read each other's minds and spoke with gestures rather than words. Bella was in awe of the strength and agility of her friend as she went through the motions of a set routine she had obviously done many times. In a class way beyond anything Bella could ever aspire to, Dusty made the intricate movements of dressage seem effortless.

Despite Samuel's constant presence, Bella did not feel limited by the restrictions he placed on her and her movements as she did in the city. Samuel listened to every response she gave to his questions and asked her to talk about herself often during the evening massage, where she could talk freely with him. After her initial disclosure about the importance of her career, Samuel gave her access to her phone and a computer during the down time between her training sessions and the meals they shared. She was overjoyed at being able to keep in contact with Andrew and his progress with their plans. She also used this time to study the diagrams for the preliminary and novice tests she would be required to perform at a show level.

The diagrams, which were adaptations of the equestrian dressage events of similar levels made clear what she had been learning in her training. Bella was a keen student and learned the subtle differences between a working trot and a canter, leading with a shoulder and the extension of her stride. She found with Samuel's consistent talk and explanations about his expectations of her that the constant doubt and confusion that usually beset her didn't seem to occur as often. Bella felt happy and content in his care on the ranch.

She had begun the morning training session, the awkward hooved boots making it difficult for her to pick up the precise side stepping motion required in several sections of the novice course. The crop stung her ass often as she faltered through the movement. She had never been made more aware of the heart shaped zone between her lower back and legs than she was this week. Samuel stung it often with the crop during training, but he caressed and massaged it just as often. He also bit, kissed, spanked and fucked her ass with fervour. He often spoke to her of how beautiful it was as if it was a separate entity from the rest of her.

She had just about mastered most of the movements, but it was her transitions between the different sections that she needed to work on to improve. Invariably she stalled and took a misstep before being able to move between a walk and a trot. She constantly wished she was tall like Dusty, who made the lengthening stride look delicate and light. Bella felt like she was made clumsy by the heavy hooved boots she wore. It wasn't that she felt the weight anymore, but the size of them made her feel awkward despite Samuel's constant reassurance that she was looking poised and confident. Keeping her head high had been an issue at first as she struggled to look at her feet but a slightly wider collar had cured her of that bad habit.

"You've done well this week," Samuel reined her in and stood to look at her for a long moment. "Stephen is arriving today, so we will suspend your training until you have seen him and gotten his tick of approval," there was genuine humour in Samuel's voice to soften the words.

The news that Stephen would be arriving soon only served to remind her of the cage that waited for her back in the city. She had loved the routine of the days here and the strict regime they brought. Altering that now only served to make her more anxious about seeing Stephen again after all that had occurred before she left the city. She felt somehow reinvigorated by the slow easy pace of the country lifestyle. Having been in daily contact with Andrew had meant she had been able to ease any concerns she had about the business and how their plans were progressing. She knew more than ever that she needed to make Andrew an associate rather than a personal assistant. She would talk to Kurt about that on her return. One more week of training, it somehow didn't seem like it would be enough.

Stamping her foot to show her understanding of what Samuel had said, Bella let herself be led back to her stable. To her surprise, Samuel removed all of her tack as he gave her the after training rub down that was part of her training. Usually, she only changed her G-string until the end of the day. Replacing her posture collar with a softer pet collar he smiled at her.

"It's a day of rest for you now. Given the circumstances, I thought you might like a shower before the massage," he said by way of explanation and guided her to her hands and knees. "Come and we will get you cleaned up." Samuel left her at the bathroom door to shower alone. Bella was concerned about the change in his demeanour since his announcement that Stephen would arrive soon. She was now used to his constant explanations of every aspect of her day that she found it unsettling. She washed carefully, scrubbing and shaving her body under water that was possibly too hot, turning her skin pink. When she emerged from the bathroom, Samuel was sitting in a comfortable armchair in her bedroom looking at his phone.

"Come here, little one," he indicated the floor at his feet, and she dutifully went to him and knelt up, her head tilted in question at him. "You may talk freely for the remainder of today. You will spend the afternoon with Stephen, and I want you to be comfortable, so I will give the choice of what you would like to wear today."

Bella caught her lip between her teeth as she considered what he had said. No other Master had afforded her so much courtesy. She wondered if this was because he saw the commitment she offered each Master to be as even less binding than the collar she wore without begging for it. She had always come to these training experiences with the best of intentions and full commitment to the Master, who had taken her in their care. The thought that Samuel did not feel this from her made her sad, and she wondered how to phrase what she wanted to ask and say.

"I asked for this," she lifted her hand to her collar, "It may only be temporary, but I have committed myself to it and you as my Master while I am here. I would like to wear what I wear every other day of my time with you." Spoke quietly and in measured tones, stealing herself against the possible rejection of her commitment to him.

"You are such a delightful creature," Samuel said softly, reaching out a hand to stroke her hair. "It is difficult to think that you have little understanding of your desirability," his smile was soft, and he leaned down to kiss her. "I will help you to dress then," he stood and approached her wardrobe smiling. He was more than pleased with the thoughtful and sincere answer she had given him. He had dreaded this day, not wanting to share her with Stephen, knowing of their burgeoning relationship. It spoke of her character that she would maintain her commitment to the collar she wore having been given the choice to discard it for the afternoon.


Stephen had been on the road since before dawn. He had found it difficult to stay busy and distract himself from thoughts of Bella in her absence and was eager to see her again. Until recently, Jack had been stand-offish at the club and openly hostile toward Rob, who had taken over running the business when Mel had died. He had worried about Jack's motivations for pursuing Bella and this training. Rob had a way of getting under Jack's skin that Stephen understood and, until he had left Bella here, he had not been concerned by their confrontations. Her absence from his immediate surroundings though had made him worry at the reasons behind Jack's active pushing for Bella to come to the ranch.

As Stephen turned off the main road and made his way through the small rolling hills towards the ranch, he considered Samuel Beckett. He liked the man a great deal and would go so far as to place him amongst the best of the dominant men he knew. He was honest and fair in his dealings with others, non-judgemental and open-minded when dealing with some of the darker kinks that came along now and then to the club. He couldn't think of a dubious rumour that touched the man, and this made his mood darker.

He knew Bella had been in contact with Andrew at the company during the week, but she had not engaged with himself or Rob or Kurt. The tension around their relationship before she left bothered him all the more knowing that, and he felt an urgency to reconnect with her and reassure himself of their personal relationship. He should arrive in the late morning as he had when delivering Bella to the ranch and he hoped he would be allowed time with her alone after lunch.

Stephen drove slowly along the long gravel drive that lead to the ranch, the same young man that had greeted him last time came down the stairs to take his car from him. Planning to stay the night, he took a bag from the boot of his car and walked slowly toward the entrance, his thoughts torn between worry and pleasure at seeing Bella.

"Stephen," Jack greeted him warmly. "Great to have you back again, come on into the den," he led the way into the ranch.

"Glad to be here. Everything's gone well this week, I trust?" he asked in a casual way, keeping his inner turmoil in check.

"Better than expected. Dusty is beyond happy to have Bella here, as am I. Her training is progressing better than even I expected. Samuel is a genius trainer, though, so I should give him the credit. She has taken to it extraordinarily well; she has a natural talent I think," Jack spoke freely, surprising Stephen. He was usually a man of few words.

"Do you think she will be ready for the show?" Stephen asked, a hint of doubt in his voice. Training for pony shows was rigorous and could take up to a year to achieve the desired display of beauty and athleticism.

"Undoubtedly, in fact, I am truly pleased that she will be representing my colours on her first public showing," he said easily. He had put a slight emphasis on the word first to show he thought she would continue to compete.

"I will be interested to see some of her training," Stephen nodded and smiled, despite his misgivings.

"She has been training this morning," Jack scratched at his cheek as if in thought, "but I believe Sam has given her a rest day while you are here. He has worked her pretty hard this week."

"I am pleased I will get to spend some time with her. We miss her back in the city," Stephen replied affably. "I would have liked to see some of Samuel's training, though. As you say, he has a reputation for being a top-notch pony trainer."

"He's the best," Jack agreed. "Maybe you can talk him into a training session tomorrow morning before you leave. They will be joining us for lunch; she will still be getting a rub down from her morning training," Jack gave Stephen a sly look as he hinted at something more than a standard rub down. Stephen felt his hackles rise but swallowed down the pang of jealousy that shot through him, keeping his exterior calm.

"So when's lunch? I'm suddenly hungry," Stephen chuckled to hide his momentary pang. Jack laughed with him good-naturedly and changed the subject to one of mutual friends and acquaintances at the club.

"I was looking at the bi-annual stakeholders' report," Jack said thoughtfully. "Rob seems to finally have a handle on things," he added grudgingly. "No relapses," he asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Jack, you know as well as I that things are as good as they were under Mel's leadership," Stephen replied nonchalantly, indicating the report with a wave of his hand. "Leave the past in the past my friend."

"Maybe you're right, time will tell," Jack replied with an equally casual tone.

They continued to discuss the club and what projects each of the stakeholders were currently involved in until Dusty quietly entered the room. She grinned, baring her teeth at Stephen, the unspoken threat of biting him evident in the gesture.

"Good morning Dusty, a pleasure to see you as always," Stephen said in a low, quiet voice, meeting her challenge with his tone.

"Shall we go in for lunch?" Jack chuckled at the sparring between his girl and Stephen that never seemed to end.

"I thought you would never ask," Stephen replied coming to his feet, "My stomach thinks my throat has been cut."

Following Dusty to the dining room, Stephen was surprised to see Bella being led from the other direction by Samuel. She looked good in the pony tack, and he smiled as she looked up at him from a distance. Her answering smile made his heart sing. He then nodded his head at Samuel before entering the room. Looking around he noted the few other guests, he knew most by reputation rather than personally so he shook hands and greeted everyone as he was introduced. His eyes though constantly sought out Bella and where she was within the room.

Stephen enjoyed the lunch and the conversation of the Horse Masters despite his constant glances to where Bella sat with Dusty at a high kitchen bench. He knew there would be time enough to speak with her, and he was, if nothing else, a patient man. Binatang as always irked him, and this meeting was no different. His manners as ever were charming, but Stephen knew of his cruelty and darker kinks that had led to restrictions placed on him at the club by Rob.

Rob would have liked to see him banished, and this was another one of those sticking points between Jack and Rob. Binatang's legitimate business dealings meant a great deal of money to Jack, as well as his patronage at his ranch and the shows he sponsored. Stephen preferred to ignore the man generally but, unable to in this small group, he made polite small talk. He reminded himself that it was fortunate that he was not Bella's trainer while here on the ranch.

"Stephen, would you like to see Bella's rooms while she is staying with us here?" Samuel asked mildly as the lunch ended, and plates were being taken away by the kitchen staff.

""That would be nice," Stephen said, thankful to be extricated from another boring conversation with Bintang, who had been seated beside the big man. "I am ready when you are," he said, eager to move.

"Good," Samuel stood and collected Bella from the bench she sat at, leading her and Stephen from the room. He waited for Stephen to fall into step beside him before continuing. "It's been a delight to have Bella here. She is a remarkable girl."

"You won't get any arguments from me," Stephen gave a wry smile. "I believe she can do anything if she puts her mind to it. We miss her in the city."

"I can imagine after spending this week with her, I am sure I will miss her greatly when she returns," Samuel sympathised as they walked down the long corridor to her rooms. "I must admit I am disappointed she is with us here for such a short amount of time." He opened the door and stepped inside.

"This is very nice, is it a suite?" Stephen looked around the cosy living room as Samuel removed Bella's lead.

"Bedroom and bathroom that way," Samuel pointed at the large door, "and tack room the other side," Samuel explained. He smiled and stroked Bella's hair, "You can speak freely this afternoon, sweet girl. I will give you two some time to catch up and be back in an hour or so," he said softly, looking into her eyes. Turning to Stephen, he raised his voice slightly, "Bella can show you around. I'll be back to give you a proper tour of the ranch. Jack's made some great improvements since you were last here."

"Sounds good, thanks, Sam," Stephen nodded at him as he exited the room, pulling the door closed after him. Turning back to Bella, he smiled and approached her, taking her in his arms and kissing her deeply. "I have missed you little one," he murmured as he broke the kiss. He saw her smile up at him but also something else in her smile, and she pulled back slightly, causing him to frown. "Something wrong?" he asked, his voice lowering in concern.

"No, Sir Stephen," she said quietly.

"You are not in the habit of lying to me, Bella," he said sternly, cupping her chin and turning her face up toward him. "You also haven't called me Sir for some time now," he questioned with his tone while scrutinising her eyes. He saw her pull her lip between her pearly white teeth and knew she was considering her answer to him.

"I'm wearing someone else's collar this time," she replied slowly, choosing her words carefully.

"A training collar, it means very little. You will take it off in a week's time," Stephen tried and failed to understand how this made any difference to her attitude toward him.

"While I am here it is real. I agreed to that. I need to treat it as if it is permanent even though it isn't. It wouldn't be fair to Samuel if I didn't," Bella tried to explain. "He's been very good to me while I have been here. It's the last of my training; I don't want to..." she refrained from saying fail and searched for a better word.

"I should have known you would be loyal to the collar you wear," Stephen gave a half smile. "It is only temporary, though," he pulled her close once more. "When we are alone like this it can be treated as such surely. You neither chose it nor begged for it," he reasoned with her.

"I asked to be here and promised to accept all that it meant. It was part of the agreement. The last time, with the Gor training, I wore your collar, and that was much easier for us. This time, right now, I belong to another Master," Bella tried to explain how she felt. She knew that all she had in this world was her reputation, and part of that reputation came from this training and the people she encountered. "I respect and care about Samuel and the collar he lets me wear."

"It is a good thing that this training is just about over then," Stephen said, abruptly releasing her. If this was what she wanted then so be it, he thought angrily and assumed an air of indifference, "So you are happy here then?"

He could see that Bella was startled by the sudden change in his demeanour. She was right of course, but that didn't make it any easier to stomach that she was beholden to yet another Master. The sooner this training was over, the better he growled inwardly. He had not expected the total shut out she had given him here, and it both frustrated and angered him.

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