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Price To Play

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There's money to be made on the road.
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"I'm so fuckin poor I'm going to have to become a hooker!" she giggled as they lay on the sofa in the bus watching TV.

He stared down into her eyes, her head resting comforting in his lap. "Don't do that!"

She laughed at his mock concern. "I wish! I could use the money."

He grinned. "How much would you charge?"

She thought about this for a minute and shrugged. "$500 an hour. I'm worth that!"

"You are," he laughed. "I'd give you $1,000 for two hours in my bed."

"Steve!" she giggled and slapped him. "Seriously!"

"I'm being serious," he grinned, running a hair carefully over his head and just narrowly avoiding mussing his little mohawk.

"Whatever," she grinned and rose off his lap.

He jumped up and followed her, clutching to the back belt loop of her jeans. "I'm so serious, Jen, I would so totally pay you for sex!"

"Steven!" she shrieked, stepping into the bathroom and facing him. "I'm not serious, so go away and let me pee!"

He winked and backed out the door.


"I know."


"Look, I'll find a job as soon as I get home."


"Look mom, you knew I was going out with Chad's band for a few weeks. I PROMISED I would get a job when I got back home. I can't very well get a job when I'm in a different city every night now, can I?"


"Alright, mom."

She hung up the phone and bowed her held in frustration.

"How's Aunt Sarah?" Chad grinned at his younger cousin.

"She's.....as pigheaded as ever," Jenna laughed. "You know how it is!"

Chad nodded and laughed. "Yeah, she's always been a storm trooper."

She laughed considerably at this and hugged her cousin. "Thanks again for everything."

Chad blushed. "Nah, it's nothing!"

"No," she smiled. "Seriously, you got me out of the house and away for a few weeks. Thank you!"

Chad smiled and clapped his hand onto his cousin's shoulder. "No prob, Jenna."


"Okay, so how do you want to do this?" she sighed.

"You could pretend that you're excited to be here with me!" he grinned.

"I am," she laughed uncomfortably. "I am."

"No, Jenna, you're not! Look, you're shaking!"

She looked at her arm, where he'd pointed to, and she was indeed shaking. She should not be doing this, she thought. It was wrong, immoral, degrading. Just plain out wrong. Sure, her mother refused to send her more money to live off, but there had to be another way? Didn't there? She could ask Chad for a loan, beg a favor from Cyrus- he was her buddy.

Anything but this.

"Look," he sighed, rubbing her arm comfortingly. "I don't want to force you into something that you're going to regret or feel uncomfortable about later. Not only would I feel bad, but Chad would kill me. So let's just call the whole thing off."

He took the $1,000 from the nightstand and started to open his chain wallet.

"No!" Jenna sighed. "It's okay. I'm okay."

He nodded, trying to hold back a grin. "You sure?"

"Yeah," she tried to smile. "I'm sure."

"Good," he grinned and slid across the bed, resting his body closer to her's. "Relax."

She nodded.

"Think about the money," he smiled. "It's all yours once we're done."

She said nothing.

"You know, all you have to do is lay back, let me do all the work, and then it's over and you're one grand richer. So easy, right?"

She tried to smile.

She felt his hands travel over her back, gliding her back down toward the mattress. Within minutes, she was pinned beneath his hips, his hands pushing her tank top up and over her breasts.

"There, that wasn't so difficult," he smiled assuringly.

"Steve?" she frowned.

"Yeah, Jen?" he smiled as he began to nibble on her earlobe slowly.

She froze. His tongue was so wet, so rough against her delicate skin. She could feel his tongue barbell circling her earring, sucking her into his mouth and working her with his adornments.

"Steve, please."

"What, Jen?"

"I don't think I can do this," she whispered.

He sat up and stared down at her. "Oh?"

"I'll just....I dunno," she sighed sitting up. "I'll talk to Chad about borrowing some cash."

Steve nodded.

"Thanks for understanding," she tried to smile.

"It's cool, Jen. I mean, if $1,000 for two hours of your time isn't worth it, that's cool."

Jenna froze.

"I mean, I would do it and take the money, but if you don't want to, I respect that."

She stared into his brown eyes. She nodded.

He grinned. "Is that a yes?"

Some force inside her shook her head and returned her body to its reclined position on the bed.

Steve grinned as he sank his pierced tongue down onto her belly-button. "We'll have fun," he grinned. "I promise!"


She woke early the next morning, sneaking around the hotelroom and collecting up her discarded clothing. She dressed quickly and quietly, and snuck down the hall, out the side door, and onto the tour bus.

Her bunk.

All she could think about was her bunk.

She wanted to lay in bed alone, fully clothed, and avoid all thoughts of what she had done last night. Fighting against the memories, she curled herself into a fetal position, tugged her warmest blanket over her body and fell into a deep slumber.

Black nothingness.

A void.


Her body so weightless, she was hovering over her memories, not quite a part of the scene playing before her eyes. The characters were familiar, the events hauntingly realistic. The girl on the bed, however, was not her. She was not riding her cousin's best friend's cock, she was not rolling her eyes back into her head and faking the biggest orgasm of her lifetime. She was not the whore who pocketed the money and left the room, not the girl who tried to escape to the sanctity of a hot shower- only to be followed and joined by her employer.


He was her employer now.

He had paid her for a service.

But not her. This was some other girl. Some girl she did not know.

Some girl who sucked dick for cash. Some girl who allowed a man to pound her pussy for a buck. Some girl who, crying inside, slapped on a fake smile and allowed her body to be controlled and taken, used for someone else's pleasure.

None of it was her.

It was a stranger; someone she'd never, nor would ever meet.


"She's desperate for cash," he snickered to his two bandmates. "I mean desperate."

"And she really let you fuck her for money?" Ian chuckled, astounded.

"YES!" Steve grinned. "I swear it! It was beautiful. I gave her the cash, and she let me do whatever the fuck I wanted."

Jordan's face was contorted into a disbelieving grin. "Sure."

"Dude, I'm SO serious!" Steve grinned. "I told her to suck it, she sucked it. I told her to get on her knees in the shower, she got on em one, two, three."

Ian ran a hand through his dark tresses. "So, if I give her $500, I get an hour?"

"Fuckin ay!" Steve laughed. "That's what I'm saying!"

"Brilliant!" Ian laughed, slapping his bandmate a high-five.

"This isn't right," Jordan sighed. "She's Chad's cousin!"

"That's the brilliance in it!" Ian snorted. "That's what's so fuckin CHOICE about the whole thing."

Steve nodded.


"$500," he grinned. "For one hour out of your life."

"Look," she hissed. "I don't know what gave you the impression that I'm a hooker, but I'm not."

She began to storm from the room when he grabbed her arm.

"He told me, Jen. Steve told me what you did. You're a whore, you just don't want to admit it!"

She glared at the man that she had once called a friend. Someone she'd trusted with some of her most precision secrets; shared special moments of her life with; someone who was, almost literally, family. Someone who was now willing to pay her for sex.

"I can't do it, Ian, I'm sorry."

He shrugged and let go of her arm. "Suit yourself."

Jenna began to exit the dressing room.

"Oh hey, Jen?"


"Your mom called! She said that you need to come up with $1500 for your car insurance or she's selling your Honda before you get home."

Jen nodded.

"It would certainly help to have some cash right about now," Ian sighed loudly. "You know, be able to pay those bills."

Jen nodded.

"No one would have to know," he whispered into her ear, pushing her hair over her shoulder. "I wouldn't tell."

She stared into his brown eyes. Once so trustworthy, so friendly, so utterly, insanely filled with fun and childlike stupidity. His dark hair was covered by a black beanie that bore the slogan, "I Love Vagina".

She winced.

"Come on, Jen," he assuaged, pulling her towards the bathroom. "I'll be quick."

She followed blindly, trying not to feel or think. He lead her into a stall without a door, sitting down on the toilet and pulling her down onto his lap.

"I'll be quick and you can keep the full $500," he smiled warmly.

He was doing her a favor.



Black nothingness.

A void.


Her body so weightless, she was hovering over her memories, not quite a part of the scene playing before her eyes. The characters were familiar, the events hauntingly realistic. The girl in that bathroom stall, however, was not her. She was not riding the large man's cock, she was not the girl clutching to the top of the stall and forcing herself slowly up and down, up and down, up and down. She was not the whore who pocketed the money he offered her with his teeth, not the girl who who crawled to her knees and finished him off right there, swallowing every last drop of what he had to offer her.

She was not the girl that degraded herself in that dirty stall. Not the girl who did those disgusting, lecherous acts all for a paycheck.

This was some other girl. Some girl she did not know.

Some girl who sucked dick for cash. Some girl who allowed a man to pound her pussy for a buck. Some girl who, crying inside, slapped on a fake smile and allowed her body to be controlled and taken, used for someone else's pleasure.

None of it was her.

It was a stranger; someone she'd never, nor would ever meet.


Jen was nervous.

"Look, Jenna, I'm going to be pretty to the point," he smiled. He had the largest dimples. In a past time, they had made her feel fuzzy all over; now they simply reminded her of his dominance over her. His ability to blackmail her. His power.

His control.

"I'd really like you to take this. It will help you, financially."

Jenna smiled for the first time in days. "Thank you, Jord."

Jordan nodded and grinned. Those dimples.

"You don't know how much this means to me," she grinned, hugging the older man tightly. "This is just....Thank you!"

Jordan smiled warmly. "You're welcome."

Jenna grinned and ran off to call her mother. You could wire the money home now, pay off her insurance bill, and shut the Storm Trooper up from her daily bitching.

"Jen?" Jordan called after her.

"Yeah, Jord?"

"Let's hang out later."

"Okay," she smiled, blowing him a kiss. "Thank you!"

He nodded and grinned to himself.


Jordan flipped the channels on the small TV, grinning at Jenna. "It's all crap!"

"Isn't it always?" she laughed.

"Usually, yeah."

She laughed and sipped more of her Diet Coke.

"Oh, I know," his eyes light with excitement. "We can get a Pay-Per-View."

"Okay," she smiled. "What they got?"

Jordan winked at her and began to flip through the menu of choices. "Hmm. Let's see."

She laughed at his concentration.

"Lord of the Rings, that's a good one."


"Umm, Too Fast Too Furious."

"No!" she giggled.

"Okay," he laughed. "Umm, Maid In Manhattan. Sorry, Jen, but no to that."

Jenna giggled.

"And then porn."

She shrugged this option off and sighed. "Looks like it's Lord of the Rings, huh?"

Jordan's face lit up. "I'd prefer the porn."

Jenna shifted uncomfortably on the bed and tried not to glance at the TV.

Jordan pushed buttons excitedly, and then set the remote control on the nightstand. "It's not going to hurt you, Jen. It's just porn."

Jen nodded.


"Yeah, Jord?"

"Remember earlier?"

Jen met his eyes in a confused stare.

"Earlier, when I gave you the money?"

Jen nodded, feeling her heart sink to the pit of her stomach.

"I heard that you....did stuff for Steve and Ian for some cash."

Jen stared at him.

"I don't want to be presumptuous," he grinned. "But, you know, I've always really liked you and...."

His voice trailed off, leaving them sitting in silence.

"I'll use a condom," he offered. "I'll be gentle, too."

Jenna felt herself sinking into the realm of inner-sanctity, where she was not the girl that did these things, and the thighs that lay spread beneath the plunging male were not actually hers. Her body simply collapsed in on itself, allowing her to lay silently as he drove her head into the headboard, moaned her name, pinched her nipples too roughly, and then came deep inside her depths unsheathed.

There was no condom.

There was no gentleness.

There was no ounce of the man that she once had a teenage crush on. No ounce of anything that had ever tied her to him.

He was not her cousin's friend and she was not herself.

They were simply whore and john, slave and master.

She felt her world collapse down onto itself as he dragged her to the shower, turned on the hot water, and placed her body underneath. "We wouldn't want any evidence now, would we?" he smiled warmly.

Those dimples, she thought. How could I have trusted those dimples?

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