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Private Compartment Ch. 01

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Watching a couple becoming very friendly on a train.
7.9k words

Part 1 of the 8 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 05/03/2016
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Usually Paul Sharpe caught a much earlier train but on Wednesdays he had an evening class and the class went on until late. Too late, he thought. Still dressed in his suit from the office, Paul sometimes really had to leg it for the railway station after Miss Tembrill talked for a bit too long at the Institute. Almost the wrong side of forty Paul did not find the last dash for the train the easiest of things.

This was all back in the days when trains were rather different from nowadays. The ability to walk the whole length of the train was not always a feature of the rolling stock, particularly on the line Paul used. The arrangement not simply compartments with a corridor but often compartments without a corridor, just a door on either side. They increased the capacity by avoiding the space for a corridor and worked well for short distances and suburban commuter journeys. Once in the compartment you were stuck until the next station and in that risk to personal safety came the seeds of the corridor less carriage's demise.

Paul's station was half an hour down the line. An unusually long distance between stations for such rolling stock. Sometimes he could get stuck with some loquacious man who, clearly, had enjoyed a few drinks after work but other times he might have the compartment to himself and drift off into slumber only to wake as the train slowed for his station. He had not missed the stop... yet.

It was one Wednesday in February when Paul raced for the train, almost slipping on the icy platform and only just made it. He grabbed at the handle of an already moving carriage, pulled open the door despite the whistling of the platform staff and tumbled into the compartment. He found he was not alone.

A couple looked at him with undisguised hostility. A young couple and very clearly they were a couple, demonstrated by the arm the boy had around the girl.

"Oh," said Paul, "sorry. I almost missed my train. I..." He very nearly had said he hoped he was not disturbing them but it was more than evident he was. The occupants were clearly not at all happy or amused. It was as plain as anything, as plain as the mirror above the seating or the pattern on the seats..

"Please. Don't mind me. I'm going to have a nap. So tired." He settled himself in the opposite corner from them and as the train built up speed the gentle rocking had its usual soothing effect. He was asleep within seconds.

It was perhaps the whispered 'hurry up' but more likely the change in note as the train began to slow for his station that woke Paul. Awake, conscious but not actually giving any sign of it, Paul was suddenly very aware that he was within feet of a couple engaged in that most natural of pastimes - copulation. The temptation to open his eyes was strong but it seemed more than a little rude. He had already disturbed them by getting into their carriage. It seemed more than unfair to spoil the conclusion of their play. It was funny hearing the noises nonetheless. It was not exactly something he was used to. He was a little shocked. Paul had realised he had disturbed their time together when he had entered the compartment but had thought what he had disturbed would be just a little kissing not somewhat more than petting.

"Hurry, Bill we're slowing."

The train might have been slowing but Paul could hear that Bill - he now knew his name - was doing quite the opposite. He waited as long as he could but the train really was braking to a halt. He made a bit of a show of 'waking up' but, even so, did not miss the condom being dropped into a pocket or the girl smoothing down her skirts. Her blush was a delight. She was rather pretty.

"Sorry again," said Paul as he lowered the window and reached for the handle.

"Er... yeah... thanks... it's our only chance in the week. No... um... opportunity with her mother's eyes... or my mum's for that matter."

Paul had not really expected a reply. It was less hostile than he had expected. A remarkable confidence and explanation really. Not hostile at all. He turned and nodded to the couple. Amazing to think he had been there with them whilst they had been doing 'that.'

It was not intentional but exactly the same thing happened the week after. Not quite as dramatic because the train was not moving but the train started as soon as Paul pulled the door shut and realised who else was in the compartment. He had not been thinking. Had not really looked. He had been tired after all. There was no chance to move compartments.

"Oh, no! I... look this was not deliberate. Sorry. I'll go to sleep again. I will." And he did just that, he was after all dog tired, though it has to be said that Paul was not quite so circumspect about not looking on waking. It was not that he opened his eyes completely but just a crack gave him a very pleasing view of exposed breasts and a lot of thigh and, less pleasingly, the sight of most of a wilting penis and another used condom being pulled from it.

Paul also learnt the girl's name - Anne or was it Ann? Sandy hair all tied back in a pony tail, pleasantly rounded - in Paul's opinion - with ample bosom and good strong thighs. He would have called her mouth 'generous' and her high cheekbones 'striking.' He had other words for her plump thighs...

It was certainly deliberate on his part the next Wednesday. Deliberate in the sense of deliberately trying to avoid spoiling their fun. He made sure he was there early, leaving even before Miss Tembrill had quite finished and neither Bill and Ann nor anyone else were in the compartment he chose. Paul settled back in his corner feeling he had done the 'right thing.' It had been a hard day and the evening class never an easy addition to the working day. He was looking forward to getting home and having a nice cup of tea and some beans on toast with plenty of butter. His eyelids were already beginning to droop.

He caught sight of Bill and Ann go past the window walking up the train. He hoped they found a nice warm empty compartment for their rendezvous. Lucky Bill. It could not be said Paul had been so lucky with the fair sex. He had not found the right girl and had certainly not got as 'friendly' as Bill and Ann. It - their copulation - had been a bit of a revelation to him!

Paul was more than surprised, not by a hand on the door and others joining him in the compartment but by who it was. "Oh, hello," he said unable to keep the surprise from his voice. Pleasant enough, not unwelcoming at all but a little puzzled.

"People in the other compartments," said Bill, as if that explained all. "And it's so warm and cosy this evening." The latter was said to the girl and he was right. The heating seemed to have really been turned up. It was certainly cosy. Paul undid his overcoat.

The train began to move. "Look," said Bill, "you know what we've been doing - and been really good about it." Usually we... I mean it's a whole half an hour to your station... we, we undress. Would you mind. I mean..."

Again that pretty blush from the girl.

Paul's lips moved but he found no words coming out.

"I.. yes... of course... sorry to disturb you, but I can't guarantee I won't look... I mean... you know, um, only human." The sentence was not exactly coherent or a sentence though its meaning was clear.

A smile from Ann. A sort of assent.

His attempt at sleep really was a pretence and it was unlikely anyone was fooled.

It is difficult to keep eyes off pretty girls at the best of times but the more so when they start removing coats, jerseys, blouses and even underwear. Perhaps there was a limit to how far the girl would go with a stranger present but it was quite a long way. Basically Ann kept her skirt on but that was about it. Bill was even more indiscrete. Paul was not unused to naked men. He swam on Mondays after all. Not that the men swam nude - it was not like school had been, after all - the changing rooms and showers were normally fairly crowded with naked men. Not men with their penises erected though. That was something new. He had not seen that, well not if he did not count his own which he had, obviously, seen more than a few times in the flesh or in the mirror. As Ben's trousers and pants had come off and his erection had, literally, sprung into view, he had turned and looked at Paul and raised his eyebrows. The prospective sex a bit there in his face. There was not a hint of embarrassment on his part. Not so with Ann. She got as far as unbuttoning her blouse and then whispered to Bill with a glance at Paul, "I can't, I really..."

Bill could though, and did. Paul sort of tried not to watch but he could not help it. His eyes were just drawn back to the undressing and found himself turning back at just the moment Bill lifted the brassiere away and Ann's no doubt delightfully warm and soft to the touch breasts came out into the open, Ann's hands instinctively flew to her breasts as she saw Paul peek. Such a pretty sight, a girl clasping her naked breasts. Paul looked away again but, to be fair, he had warned them. He had said he could not guarantee he would not look: it was quite impossible not to watch even stare..

Sitting there in the corner watching not just the nakedness but then the copulation was not exactly easy. Not sitting there, thinking he should not be watching but totally fascinated by it all, not least when Bill rolled a rubber johnny down his firm skin as a preparation for it to disappear, heading for wherever it was going under the skirt. To Paul that place held a fascination but a theoretical fascination. He had never been to such a place: though it was somewhere he had always wished to go, had always wondered about it. Paul had not even seen that fabled place. He was more than a little conscious of his own erection hard in his trousers, a manifestation of his interest in what lay within the girl's skirt. They could hardly expect him to be otherwise. Of course he resisted the temptation to touch himself. Not something he could appropriately do, however pleasant it would have been to be able to join in vicariously.

The girl's breasts bouncing away as she sat on Bill's lap was somewhat hypnotising. Paul had not seen breasts that close in the flesh before. The odd stripper, yes, but not like this. Her nipples were hard and, every so often, Bill touched them and halted their free movement. Perhaps, no, certainly, because of their seeming acceptance of his presence the girl was more vocal. Perhaps once started the pleasure overcame her inhibitions and embarrassment. She saw him looking at her breasts, knew he knew exactly what the movement up and down of her bottom and thighs within her skirt meant, knew he knew Bill's erection was sliding up and down inside her.

Paul surmised the gasping and wide eyed look was the fabled female orgasm he had read about. He knew rather more about the male, could tell very simply by the sharp thrusting movements under the girl's skirt when Bill achieved the same. Paul knew he too would be coming himself later in bed, coming in exactly the same male way and was quite sure what he would be thinking about at the time!

It was quite a cheery farewell on all parties' part at Paul's station. Unlike the normal journey he had not slept at all. The acceptance of his presence going so far as chatting with him whilst they dressed and the train slowed to the station. Paul stood on the platform buttoning his coat and watching the train steaming away into the darkness. What an experience, what a sight! Inside his suit trousers his erection had still not completely subsided. Indeed with the thought of the girl's white breasts bounding and those pink nipples fresh in his mind he found himself hardening again and he walked out past the ticket collector with a particularly happy, "Goodnight," sporting as strong an erection as he had ever felt!

As expected,, Paul's penis released copious semen inside the girl's skirt later that evening - well, in his mind at least rather than reality - beneath the bed clothes, with his erection poking through the fly of his striped pyjamas, his pyjama jacket undone and his hand moving at speed and with enthusiasm. Alas, in reality, the warm liquid went onto his stomach rather than into the young lass. His thoughts, though, were pleasingly vivid!

Paul missed the couple the week after. He had doubted he would be lucky enough for them to join him again - and his doubt appeared well founded. Bill and Ann did not appear and he slept the whole journey alone. It had been a necessity the week before and it was hardly likely to be the case that they would prefer to be in a compartment with him when they could have a pleasant and naked half hour alone to themselves in a free compartment.

It was naughty, very naughty, but the week after he deliberately went for their compartment rather than the vacant adjoining one. To be fair, it had not been at all pre-planned, he had seen them and simply done it.

"Hallo. Had a good class?" The greeting from Bill not unfriendly. The girl similarly asking how he was albeit with a bit of a blush rising up her neck. But so strange to be talking to them, as the train pulled out from the station, whilst they started to fondle each other and kiss. There had been no asking if he 'minded,' instead there was Bill already with his hand slipping inside Ann's blouse as if it was the most natural thing in the world to do with a stranger present. They only had half an hour, after all, and hardly wanted to waste time talking. It seemed to Paul perhaps best to break off the conversation and let them get on with it especially when they simply started taking their clothes off. Paul found it quite difficult to be telling the girl about his class whilst Bill was unbuttoning her blouse and bringing her white lacy brassiere into view. Paul simply could not keep talking when she reached behind, unclipped and let her brassiere slip down. He looked away. It was a bit too much. So in his face.

"We're not embarrassing you are we?" He turned back to Ann. Paul had never spoken to a bare chested girl before.

"I... a bit."

"You can look," she said, "I don't mind, really I don't."

It was difficult not to, not with a pair of soft white breasts feet from his nose, each crowned by a nipple. Paul settled back in his corner, the compartment suddenly feeling very hot indeed.

"They're really nice aren't they?" Asked Bill fondling and lifting Ann's breasts, as if showing them off to Paul.

"Um... Yes, very fine. Pretty. Um... err... big."

Outside the rumble of the train on the track, the occasional light from a house but otherwise darkness. Would anyone by the track catch a glimpse of bare breasted Ann inside the compartment? It would only be a flash and then gone: not so for Paul, he was getting an eyeful. It was fascinating seeing Bill's fingers on those breasts, running over and around them, tweaking the little pink nipples and then pulling at them, stretching them out - making them such lovely little hard points.

Of course Paul was erect, strainingly erect and unable to get any more so, even when the couple moved to take all their clothes off. This time the skirt was not left on. Unbelievable! There before him a girl completely naked but for a chain around her neck and a bracelet; a girl's bottom rounded and white, so different from Bill's tight and muscular bottom. The girl's so something which Paul wanted to pat and fondle; and, when she turned, the wonderful soft curve of her stomach leading down past her tummy button to beautiful blond curls - a mass of curls mounding up between her thighs. He could not help just staring at the triangle of hair. Yes, he had seen a stripper's before but this was so different. If only he could just touch, feel the springiness and perhaps just run his finger into the little divide he could see within and behind the curls. But it was Bill's fingers that went to stroke, such a soft touch just lightly moving the curls.

Almost mesmerised but conscious the couple's eyes were closed as they kissed, Paul lent forward for an even closer look, watching Bill's finger slipping down the almost hidden crack and between Ann's legs. Nearly as fascinating seeing Ann's fingers move as well, walking up Bill's thigh, seeing them lift and fondle his balls before closing around the shaft of his already erected penis. So lovely to see because he could so easily imagine Ann's fingers on his own cock, doing just the same things - wonderful things. Paul shuddered as Ann drew Bill's foreskin right back completely exposing his knob - he could so imagine the same being done to him.

Paul swallowed hard and settled back in his seat. He had leant so close, so rudely close in watching their fingers. He would have been really embarrassed had they opened their eyes. It had been more than just watching, it had been a close inspection!

Fascinating when it came to the time to put the condom onto Bill. The task handed to Ann whilst still in its wrapper. Her long fingers carefully undoing the packet and then placing it, flying saucer like, on the top of Bill's knob and then those same fingers rolling it downwards to encase the erect penis in latex. A necessity: Paul had not missed the trickle of liquid that had appeared as a little clear bubble from the apex of Bill's knob and run down the side. So strange to be watching another man's penis do such a thing. Paul rather suspected from the feeling in his trousers that it was not the only leaking penis in the compartment.

What Paul had not expected at all was for Ann to stand and actually move towards him. Paul swallowed. Surely she was not coming to him to... but no, her hands reached above her and held the metal of the twin luggage racks, one to each side of the compartment; her movement lifting and stretching her breasts making them suddenly smaller. Ann was now closer to him than before, not quite standing over him but not far away. Bill too stood up, his latex enclosed penis so at the ready - ten or was it eleven o'clock ready! It was not going to be their usual sitting down sex but standing sex. Paul was not sure whether he would have preferred a front or back view. Being slightly to the side a back view would have let him see Bill's erection nosing in between Ann's cheeks and actually seeing the sexual connection being made, but what he had was Ann's bush and parted legs, so soft and feminine. He just stared.

Ann was looking right at him, suddenly embarrassed at his very fixed stare at her naked hips, Paul looked up at her face and saw by the slight widening of her eyes and a slight shudder that it was the moment of penetration.

"We like doing it standing," said Ann in clearly embarrassed explanation, "the movement of the train can be enough."

And certainly when they went over points or the train swayed or jolted it not only made the string netting of the luggage racks swing but the copulating couple as well. One particularly strong jolt sent Bill right away from Ann, falling backwards and sideways onto the seat with his erection completely pulled from the girl. The train jerked back the other way and had Ann not being holding on tightly she might have been thrown right across Paul. A shame she was holding on so tightly, he thought!

The standing sex was so in his face, there was nothing discreet about it! The copulating couple there in front of him, swinging with the motion of the train, the girl holding onto the metal bars of the luggage racks as the string netting swung and the young man holding onto her. There was indeed much swinging. The girl's breasts in motion and Paul could even see swinging balls between Ann's spread legs. His eyes did, unsurprisingly, keep returning to the join of those legs and that wonderful mound so covered in curls, He thought he could discern a certain pinkness down below amongst the curls. Was this the fabled labia he had read about? He could see Bill's penis and balls at work between Ann's spread legs so much clearer than he could see what the penis was working! He really would have liked to have got down on his knees and taken a closer look but he did not quite dare do that. Paul moved uncomfortably. He had been erect for a quarter of an hour.

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