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Private Performances Ch. 02

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Harry and Anna make nude friends.
8.9k words

Part 2 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 09/25/2019
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This story is a continuation of my "The Performance" series in that it features my character Megan Ward. Of course, the ubiquitous Harry Stone is the narrator. I think that this story can stand on its own, but you are encouraged to read my "The Performance" series including "Private Performances" for background.

This story is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to any real person or entity is coincidental and unintended. Thank you very much for reading my stories. Please leave comments.


Losing Paula was a very unpleasant event. However, Megan and I gained a new partner in Anna Marks. A relationship with Anna posed problems because she was still a student at the university where Megan and I were on faculty. Anna continued to share an apartment with Sharon MacDonald and we were all very circumspect about our relationship.

Circumspect did not mean, however, that we did not have some fun together. Among other things, both Anna and Sharon joined Megan and me in posing for erotic pictures painted by Megan's friend Angelique. Beyond the sheer joy of posing, Angelique paid us and gave us prints of each picture we were in. Of course, we had to agree never to sell the prints.

Angelique decided that she wanted to do a painting of Sharon receiving oral sex. The natural person to pose with Sharon for this was her boyfriend Peter. However, Peter flatly refused. Sharon, Megan, Anna, and Angelique asked me to pose with Sharon. How could I decline the opportunity to spend hours with my face between Sharon's legs?

It took hours. We would go to Angelique's studio, usually with Megan and/or Anna (Peter never attended). Sharon and I would take our clothes off. Sharon would lie down on a mat with her legs spread and I would get on my stomach between her legs with my mouth on her cunt. With only a couple of short breaks, we would hold that pose for about two hours per session. It took Angelique 6 sessions to become satisfied with most of the picture.

Everyone else was busy, so Sharon and I went to the seventh session by ourselves. We both undressed as soon as we were in Angelique's studio. That allowed any impressions our clothes made on our bodies to fade and we both preferred being nude to being clothed. The canvas was on an easel in a corner. The background and our bodies were done. What had not yet been painted was Sharon's face.

Angelique sat the two of us down. Speaking with a heavy accent from her native France, Angelique said, "What I want to do is show Sharon's face at the exact moment of orgasm. That means today Harry you must give her orgasm. Sharon, are you ok if Harry makes you come?"

"Ok?" Sharon said, "I'd love it."

"Good," Angelique said. "Now, of course you cannot hold an orgasm while I paint it. I will have a sketch pad and make a quick sketch with notes to myself. My assistant Pierre will take pictures of Sharon's face. Sharon, you need to tell us when you are about to come so Pierre may start taking pictures. Are we ok? Good, let's get started."

Sharon and I got into position. This time, instead of just resting my mouth on her cunt lips, I began to lick her and then started sucking her clit. Sharon was a very attractive woman and giving her oral sex was exciting. Sharon and I had been nude together a lot, but this was our first sexual contact. Fortunately, Sharon gave me directions on where and how to stimulate her.

I was having a great time and would gladly have continued to eat Sharon for hours. Much too soon for my preference, Sharon began bucking her hips and gasping. She yelled, "Pictures!" I heard Pierre's camera as Sharon became louder and bucked more violently. It became difficult to keep my tongue and lips in contact with the areas she was responding to. Suddenly, Sharon arched her back, jamming her pussy harder into my face (not that I minded that), and yelled, "Oh! My! Gaaaaaaawd!" After a moment, Sharon went limp and lay on the mat panting.

Angelique clapped her hands. "Yes!" she exclaimed. "That is perfect. Good work."

I stayed between Sharon's legs but raised my head so that I could look up her body. For more than a minute, all I saw was the motion of her breathing. As that slowed, Sharon raised her head. She looked at me and smiled. She said, "Thank you Harry."

I got up from the mat and helped Sharon up. We stood facing each other for a moment before she gave me a quick kiss. She whispered in my ear, "We still need to fuck. Megan and Anna won't mind." More loudly so that Angelique and Pierre could hear, Sharon said, "Congratulations Harry. You've spent several more hours with your face in my muff than my current boyfriend has."

Angelique turned towards Sharon and said, "Oral sex is great pleasure. You must insist that he gives it to you."

Sharon gave a slight smile and softly said, "Yeah. Right."

Another pose that Angelique came up with that Spring had Anna on the mat with me on top fucking her while Megan fucked me in the ass with a strap-on. Angelique needed us to be still so that simply meant several hours with my dick in Anna's cunt while the strap-on was stuck in my ass. I suppose having a piece of hard plastic stuck in my ass was a small price to pay for spending hours inside Anna.

Sharon got her bachelor's late that Spring. Just before graduation, she, Megan, Anna, and I went to Angelique's to get our prints of the cunnilingus picture. Sharon asked Angelique if she could have a second print. "I want to give one to my parents," Sharon said. I guess I gave her an odd look because Sharon said, "Mom and Dad will love it. They'll put it up somewhere guests can see it and brag about how their daughter was the model."

Angelique said approvingly, "Good parents" and promised another print.

Sharon was going to stay at the university to get her master's the following year because Peter was going to be here for his last year of law school. Anna was coming back for her senior year. Anna and Sharon decided to stay in D.C for the Summer. Sharon was interning at a bank. Anna was taking one summer school class and working at the university bookstore.

Anna did join Megan and me on our annual trip to Europe. We introduced her to German spas and our German friends Ute and Peter. Megan also used the trip to introduce Anna to sex with another woman. One night in Baden-Baden, Ute, Peter, Anna, Megan, and I were sitting on the patio of a bar having drinks. Megan asked, "Anna, have you ever been given oral sex by another woman?"

Anna gave a surprised look as if it was nothing she'd ever thought about. "No," she said.

"Would you like to try it?" Megan asked.

Ute interjected, "Anna, you should try it. We women understand a woman's body in a way that men cannot. It is not a substitute for sex with a man, but sex with another woman is its own unique pleasure."

"Well, ok," Anna said. Megan stood, extended a hand to Anna, and said, "Let's go back to the hotel." I stayed in my seat until Megan turned to me and asked, "Aren't you coming Harry?"

Peter said, "Don't worry. We'll settle the bill."

Megan and Anna held hands as we walked back to the hotel. In our room, Megan said, "Clothes off! You too Harry." Once we'd stripped, I sat in a chair. Megan approached Anna and put an arm around her back. Megan gently pulled Anna to her and kissed her on the lips. At the same time, Megan put her hand between Anna's legs. I was glad to see that Anna was not at all resistant.

As Megan's and Anna's nipples both grew hard, Megan stopped kissing Anna and began sucking her left nipple. Megan's fingers went into Anna's cunt. Anna was breathing harder and finally said, "Please?"

Megan led Anna to the bed. Unbidden, Anna lay on her back with her legs wide part. Megan got onto the bed and began licking Anna's cunt lips. After some of that, Megan worked her tongue inside Anna. Megan sucked Anna's clit. I was very hard from just watching them. Megan took a quick break to say, "Harry, jerk off." I did, trying to pace myself with the pleasure Megan was giving Anna.

Megan pressed her face more closely into Anna's pussy and was working her tongue and mouth more vigorously. Anna was breathing hard. Her hips started to buck. She came very loudly as only Anna can.

Megan sat up on her haunches as Anna lay there panting. Megan looked at me with a very satisfied smile. Anna finally sat up and said, "That was wonderful. May I do you?'

"Sure," Megan responded. The women switched positions and Megan spent the next hour and a half instructing Anna on how best to perform cunnilingus. Anna was an eager student. As always, the three of us shared the same bed that night but Anna and Megan slept in each other's arms.

When I awoke in the morning, Anna and Megan were sitting on the bed on either side of me. "I'm sorry," Megan said, "We got so involved with each other that we forgot you last night."

"I'm really not offended," I said. "It was a wonderful thing to watch."

"We still need to make it up to you," Anna said. She reached out and started stroking my dick. Megan began massaging me just behind my balls. When I was hard, the girls rolled me on my side. Anna took me in her mouth while Megan stuck a finger up my ass and gave me a prostate massage. I came so hard that Anna nearly gagged. She swallowed it all though.

At the end of the following school year, Anna graduated with high honors and Sharon got her Master's in Finance. Sharon's boyfriend Peter had taken a job with a big law firm in his hometown and wanted nothing more to do with Sharon's exhibitionistic exploits. Sharon got a job as an analyst with one of the agencies that monitors the financial markets. We had thought that Anna would go for her master's but, through the good offices of a colleague (who didn't know that Anna, Megan and I were lovers), Megan was offered a job as a researcher at a liberal think tank. It paid surprisingly well.

Since Anna and Sharon were both staying in D.C., they kept the apartment which they had lived in for most of college. That was fine with us because it was only about a mile from Megan's townhouse. Since Anna was no longer a student, we came out of the closet about our relationship. Anna accompanied Megan and me almost all the time. Anna stayed with us more nights than she spent in her own apartment.

The three of us and Sharon continued to model for Angelique. For one picture, Angelique asked Sharon to model with a young man who had just started posing for Angelique. That was how Sharon met Jason Graves.

Jason was a few years older than Sharon. He was not modelling for the money but because, "I like posing in the nude." Jason was an orthopedic surgeon who had just finished his residency and internship and joined a group of doctors. "What I do is all about the structure of the human body," Jason said. "It is an amazing structure and you can't truly appreciate it when it is covered in cloth." Sharon and Jason hit it off immediately.

In some respects, I still missed Paula. She had gone to Boston with Simon Wykoff and had not kept in touch with us. Anna was a much different presence in our lives. For one thing, Paula had tended to let me or, more often, Megan take the lead. Anna had her own thoughts on what we should do and was not bashful about expressing them. As a couple of examples, Anna always dressed in revealing ways. Summer featured short sundresses. In cold weather, she wore tight tops and skirts or tight slacks. Anna never wore underwear. Megan had always dressed to conceal rather than display her considerable beauty. Anna nagged Megan to the point that Megan bought a few items that were like what Anna wore. Definite improvement. Underwear was banished completely, for all three of us.

Nothing extraordinary happened in the year following Anna's graduation. She seemed perfectly happy to be a large part of our lives and to let us be a large part of hers. We did not make our trip to Europe that year. Instead, Ute and Peter had to come to the States. After their business was done, the three of us spent a week with them at a nude resort in Florida.

It was almost exactly a year after Anna had graduated that the biggest bombshell hit. Several months before, Megan had learned that the largest and most prestigious art museum in Paris was looking for a deputy director, the number two person in the operation. On a lark, she sent in her resume. She spent the money for the flight when she was invited to Paris to interview because, "While I'll never get the job and probably don't want it, it will expand my network." Megan always underestimated herself. In May, the call came followed by a letter. She was offered the Deputy Director position. The salary was ok, not great; but the fringes included an apartment in Paris at museum expense. Most importantly, the job was offered with the undertaking that she would be promoted to the top job when the current director retired in five years.

Megan's first question was whether I could move to Paris. I had finally gotten tenure where I was. A move threw that away. A few calls to friends of colleagues made clear that there wasn't much demand for an American history professor in France. They had an ample supply of indigenous product, thank you. Even Megan agreed that I wasn't qualified to drive a Paris cab.

Megan reacted to the conclusion that I needed to stay in D.C. by saying, "Well, I can't take the job." Anna and I both thought that was looney. This was as close to Megan's dream job as existed in real life. Her stature in her chosen field would rise dramatically and she would become a very important person in the art world when she became director. Anna and I both worked on her.

While I hated the idea of losing Megan, I was certain that taking the job in Paris was the best thing for her. I was also fearful that she'd eventually be resentful if I was the reason she turned down such a perfect job. It took weeks, but we persuaded Megan to say 'yes.'

Megan was to start in Paris at the beginning of September. That summer was poignant and, at times, painful. We boxed up the things she was sure wanted to ship to France. We'd hold onto the rest of her stuff in case she wanted that later. It may not have been a great idea, but I flew over with her.

Anna came with us to Dulles. The goodbye between Anna and Megan was tearful. The last thing Megan said to Anna before we went through security was, "I'm sending Harry back to you. Take care of him and don't ever, ever leave him."

"I promise," was Anna's response.

Megan and I spent a week in Paris together every minute of the time. We fucked like animals the night before my flight home left. De Gaulle that morning was a very painful experience.

I had a miserable eight hours flying from De Gaulle to Dulles. The copious booze supplied by a friendly flight attendant did not help. Megan was gone. It seemed to me at the time like a death sentence.

Anna was waiting for me outside of security. It was still hot in D.C. and she wore one of her short sundresses. As I walked past security, Anna lifted the hem of her dress. She was nude underneath. I had to smile. Anna, and to a lesser extent Sharon, did things like that all the time and no one ever said anything.

Anna dropped her dress, came up to me, and took my arm. "The bad news," she said, "is that Megan is gone. The good news is that we still have each other." As much as I still love Megan, Anna was so much more than a consolation prize.

Megan had kept the townhouse. Anna moved out of her apartment and into the townhouse. She and I paid the mortgage and other expenses. Anna immediately modified one of Megan's rules. Megan's rule was that we were nude at home unless we had guests, then it depended upon who the guests were. Anna's new rule was that we were both nude at home all the time no matter who else was there.

It was approaching the first Memorial Day after Megan had left for France. Anna said, "Sharon called. Jason's aunt has a cottage on the beach in Delaware. She says it is pretty isolated. They've invited us to go there with them for the long weekend. Sharon promises that we won't have to wear a stitch from the time we get there until we come home."

"That sounds great," I replied. It did.

"They want to leave Friday morning," Anna said. "I can get the day off, no problem. Is that ok with you?"

The semester was over, so I largely controlled my own schedule. "Sure," I replied.

We were up early that Friday morning. Anna said gleefully, "Sharon and Jason want us to meet them at Jason's place. We'll get gas, food, and booze and then head for the beach. All the clothes we'll need is something to wear over and back."

I packed a small bag with some toiletries and a couple of books. I grabbed a tee shirt, cargo shorts, and sandals to wear. I was waiting in the living room when Anna came downstairs. She was carrying a small bag. From what I could tell, all she was wearing was a long tee shirt and flip-flops. "That's all you're wearing?" I asked.

Anna set down her bag, grabbed the hem of her shirt, and pulled the shirt up to her neck. As I'd expected, Anna was bare under the shirt. "That's it," she giggled.

Good girl," I replied.

Megan had gifted me her Subaru rather than take it to France, so we took that. Jason had a condo in the northwest part of the District near the Maryland line. Sharon welcomed us inside. She was wearing shorts over a nearly transparent white one-piece swimsuit. Sharon looked at Anna in only a tee shirt and said, "Damn! Why didn't I think of that? Sorry guys. I've got to change. I'll only be a minute." Sharon ran to the back of the condo. Jason sat down in the living room. Anna and I did likewise.

It was only a few minutes before Sharon was back wearing her own long tee shirt. She stepped to the middle of the room, lifted the hem of her shirt, and did a quick spin so that we could see her bare pubes, tits, and ass. Dropping the shirt, Sharon said, "This will be much better. Good thinking Anna."

Jason also drove a small SUV. I let him lead. We stopped for gas, which Anna and Sharon insisted on pumping, then went to a grocery store which Jason liked in Chevy Chase. It was about 10:00 a.m. and the store didn't seem that busy. I didn't understand at the time why Jason parked in the farthest part of the lot from the store.

We loaded up on food, beer, and wine. Anything any of the four of us might want over the next four days made it into our carts. We paid a lot of money and pushed the carts all the way across the lot to our vehicles. Once both vehicles were loaded, Anna went to the passenger door of the Subaru. However, she didn't get in immediately. She glanced around and then pulled the tee shirt over her head, saying, "I won't need this again until Monday." She opened the Subaru's door and carelessly tossed her shirt into the backseat. She still didn't get in. I knew that she was enjoying standing nude in a grocery store parking lot on a Friday morning.

Sharon was standing beside Jason's SUV. "Another good idea from Anna," she said and pulled her tee shirt off.

Anna said, "OK guys. Lose the shorts and tee shirts."

I glanced at Jason. He grinned. We both pulled out shirts off, undid our shorts, and took them off. All four of us were now nude in the parking lot. "Ok, now we can go to the beach," Anna said.

Anna and I got into the Subaru. I handed her my tee shirt and shorts. She casually tossed them over her shoulder. "Don't get pulled over," she said.

I followed Jason around the Beltway, over to Annapolis, across the Bay, through the Eastern Shore, and into southern Delaware. About two and a half hours later, we turned off route 1 onto a sandy track. We followed that about a quarter mile to a sandy parking area in front of a largeish Cape Cod style cottage. Beyond the cottage, I could see Delaware Bay. In the far distance, I could see a freighter heading down the Bay towards the Atlantic.

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