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Private School Ch. 05


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Heather saw Tracy as she walked through the crowd; naked students parting around her like the Red Sea parting around Moses; and Heather saw a handsome, well-groomed woman in a smart-looking uniform, with strong hands and a trim, athletic figure and photogenic face with high cheekbones. She was sexy in a strong, stern, authoritarian, athletic, self-disciplined and disciplinarian sort of way.

"Seriously," Heather mumbled as Tracy drew closer and closed the distance between them. The heat between Heather's legs grew and she felt butterflies in her stomach. A feeling of giddy anticipation gripped her as Tracy's form grew closer and Heather knew that this was obviously the work of the writer-goddess. For some strange reason the writer-goddess had decided that Heather should have a crush on the woman who had spanked and abused and humiliated her approximately once a week for the past seven years.

When Tracy was standing directly in front of her, Heather could see that she and the chauffeur were exactly the same height. However the fact that Heather was stark naked and Tracy wore a smart looking uniform with a perfectly straight necktie and perfectly polished black leather boots and a spotless black uniform jacket made Heather feel as if Tracy were somehow much taller. It also made Heather feel as if she were somehow even more naked and exposed.

For several seconds Heather just stood there, looking at Tracy's strong, handsome face and was at an utter loss for words. What did you say to somebody that you've hated for years and now you suddenly have a crush on them? A dozen possibilities ran through Heather's brain and every single one of them sounded inappropriate. Saying something along the lines of "I love you" or "kiss me" would probably have had Tracy erupting in a spurt of uncontrollable laughter.

After a long, uncomfortable silence where the two women did little more than stare at each other, Tracy broke the silence by saying, "Okay, it's traditional at this point for you to say 'hello'".

"Hello," Heather responded, feeling slightly stupid. "Hello, Tracy."

"What's that in your hand?" Tracy asked, gesturing to the paper with Michelle's phone number.

"Oh, it's from one of the other students. She gave me her phone number."

Heather's stomach was still filled with butterflies. She was stark naked and Tracy was fully clothed. She felt vulnerable and silently hoped that Tracy would take advantage of her vulnerability, but apparently now that school was over, Tracy wasn't intent on abusing Heather's naked body anymore.

"Look Heather," Tracy began, "I know this is your last day here in this school, and when you come back home your mother is basically going to give you back all of your credit cards and allow you to do whatever you want. She's not instituting any new rules for you to follow, which basically means you'll have to rely on nothing but your own ethics and self-restraint to keep your from abusing the wealth and power of the Murdoch family. And I'm not trying to be your conscience or anything, but if you could at least take it easy on me and not try to get me fired from my job, I'd consider it to be a personal favor."

"You're asking me for a favor," Heather said, trying to ignore her libido and concentrate on Tracy's words.

"I know you and I aren't exactly friends," Tracy continued, "but maybe we could work something out. Maybe there's something I could do for you. Maybe we could have some sort of quid pro quo." Do you think that's possible?"

Heather couldn't believe her ears. After all the time and effort this school had put into teaching Heather humility and respect, Tracy just assumed that Heather was going to be the same old spoiled brat that she was before. Admittedly Heather was a slow learner, but did Tracy really think she was that slow?

"You think I'm still a selfish, spoiled brat, don't you?"

"I didn't exactly use those words, Heather," Tracy said. "However every time I've come up here, you've made it clear that you still held a grudge against your mother and me. You've obeyed your teachers, but it seems to me that you've done it more out of fear and coercion than any actual change in your attitude or outlook. And I'm not asking you to change your attitude towards your mother or me, I'm just asking..."

"Tracy," Heather said, interrupting her, "I have been a selfish spoiled brat. But I don't want to be one anymore. I want to be a dramatically different person from the person that I was."

Tracy's jaw mouth opened as if to reply to Heather's words, but she couldn't seem to think of anything to say.

"And I want you to be my conscience," Heather added. "Every time I do or say something that isn't right, I want you to call me on it. I want you to reprimand me if I get nasty or snappish with you or mother...or any of the servants. And I want you to reprimand me if I use ill-mannered or insolent words like 'dyke' or 'faggot'. And since mother won't do it I want to put me on a budget and set spending limits for me. I want you to monitor all of my spending and if I can't stay within my budget I want you to punish me for it. If my mother can't be an authority figure in my life, I want you to be the one who sets limits and boundaries and punishes me when I fail to follow your orders."

Tracy stood there speechless for several more seconds and then finally replied, "Heather is that really you?"

"What? Of course it's me. It's Heather Murdoch. I've always been Heather Murdoch."

Tracy stared intently at the naked blonde, blinking twice and then staring some more. "Well, you don't look different," she finally explained, "but you've definitely changed."

"So, do we have a deal?" Heather asked, and she held her hand out for Tracy. They shook hands and sealed the deal and Tracy realized that everything she had just said was dialog that the writer-goddess had written. Heather had never sought out limits on her freedom before. However; now that she had given Tracy authority to supervise her behavior and administer discipline, she was rather excited about it.

"Oh by the way," Heather added, "as my disciplinarian you should inspect my room every day to make sure I'm not keeping any alcohol in there. You should probably inspect my purse and my gym bag too. If you find any, you should confiscate it and punish me for it."

"Heather, you're twenty-five years old," Tracy said as she began to walk Heather to the car. "You're not under-age anymore. It's perfectly legal for you to drink now."

Progress across the parking lot was slow. There were plenty of girls and their parents, milling about, as well as cars and SUVs slowly making their way in to pick up their daughters or slowly making their way to the exits with daughter in tow.

"I know it's legal now," Heather said, "but I seem to commit my worst, most mean-spirited offenses when I'm drunk. I think that if you get really strict about keeping me sober, I'll be a much better person."

"You really have changed," Tracy admitted.

"Yep," Heather agreed as she checked out Megumi Ishimura. Her fellow student was still naked and had an athletic and well-toned butt and thighs utterly free of cellulite. She walked slowly so that she could enjoy the view for several seconds.

"And then as an afterthought, Heather added, "You know those little bottles of alcohol that they sometimes serve on airplanes? Those are really easy to conceal and can be hidden almost anywhere."

"So?" asked Tracy.

"I strongly suggest that you strip search me several times a week...maybe several times a day. Conduct surprise searches. Don't let me know when the searches are, and don't let me talk my way out of them. If I object to a search, that probably means that I'm hiding something."

"Heather, this school really has changed you."

"You have no idea," Heather replied. Of course the changes had almost nothing to do with the school and almost everything to do with the writer-goddess, but Heather didn't really want to talk about her. It was going to be hard enough for Tracy to accept the changes in Heather's attitude. If Heather told a story about the reality-changing goddess that she had met, Tracy would undoubtedly think that Heather had gone mad.

Suddenly Tracy's hard was on Heather's arm. Heather looked over her shoulder and Tracy had a serious look on her face.

"Okay Heather, you want me to be your disciplinarian and make certain that you behave properly and don't offend people?"

I nodded in agreement, after all that's what I'd just spent the past five minutes telling her.

"Alright then, the way you were staring at that Japanese girl was rude. It's hard enough for her being naked in a public parking lot. Don't make it any worse for her by staring. That's what dirty-old men do. If you're going to become a well-behaved lady, you can't do that."

Heather guessed that this was probably a test on Tracy's part. The old Heather Murdoch would never have allowed a servant to talk to her like that. However if Heather was going to make the transition and become a better person, she was going to have to allow Tracy to talk to her like that. She was going to have to give Tracy that kind of power and authority over her.

"I'm sorry, Tracy," Heather said, blushing while she said it. She was embarrassed that Tracy even noticed. She was rather hoping to keep her new sexual orientation a secret.

"It's not me you need to apologize to," Tracy said. "You need to go apologize to her."

Suddenly Heather's eyes went wide in a panic-like response. "Tracy, do I have to? I'd really rather she never knows I ever looked at her like that. Couldn't we just agree that what I did was wrong, and I'll never ever do it again?"

Tracy put her hands on her hips and gave Heather a stern look. "Listen, am I your conscience or not? Because as your conscience sometimes I'm going to have to make decisions that are unpopular. And if you just reject all of the decisions that you don't like, then I'm not really your conscience. So, which is it? Am I your conscience or not?"

Heather realized that Tracy was really taking her new role seriously and; truth be told; Heather really should be grateful. If Tracy took things too easy on her then this would just be a game and what Heather was aiming for was a total transformation into a new and better human being.

Heather sighed resignedly and walked over to Megumi and tapped her on the shoulder.

Megumi had a really cute face with deep brown eyes, high cheekbones, smooth skin and lips that looked extremely kissable. Heather wondered how was it that she had never noticed Megumi's obvious facial charms before. And then after Heather had spent an inordinate amount of time admiring the flawless beauty of the Japanese girl's face, Tracy made a throat-clearing sound to remind Heather to get on with the business at hand.

"Megumi," Heather said, feeling totally embarrassed, "I just wanted to apologize. I was staring at your naked butt just a minute ago and that was just wrong on my part. I shouldn't do stuff like that. That's the sort of thing that a dirty old man would do."

And just like Tracy before her, Megumi was momentarily too stunned to respond. Heather had spent almost her entire life being selfish and self-centered and callous. The unsolicited apology caught Megumi off guard. Also Heather had long been established as a homophobe, so Megumi was surprised that Heather would be enticed by any girl's naked bottom.

"Heather, I never guessed that you were into girls," Megumi finally responded. "You were always calling Ms. Straff a dyke and a pervert behind her back."

"Heather," Tracy interjected, "Didn't they ever teach you not to call your teacher's rude names?"

"I just think it's pretty odd that you checked out my naked butt, but when Ms. Straff did it, she was a pervert."

"That is a double standard. Megumi, don't you think that Heather should have to do some sort of penance for that?"

"Who are you?" asked Megumi, taking a good look at Tracy for the first time.

"I'm Heather's conscience," responded Tracy. "I'm supposed to keep her from reverting back to her bad habits of selfishness and intolerance and insensitivity."

"Hey, I already apologized," Heather protested. "What more could you possibly want from me?"

Tracy and Megumi shared a brief, non-verbal glance and each other and although they didn't speak a single word, they both seemed to know what to do next.

"Turn around," Megumi said as she and Tracy turned their attentions back to Heather. "You were checking out my naked ass, so now it only seems fair that I get to check out yours."

"It's only fair," Tracy said, echoing Megumi's words and making a little spinning gesture with her right hand to indicate Heather should turn herself about.

Heather felt defenseless and exposed and even more naked then before, but she did as she was ordered. Strangely, Heather was enjoying the feeling of being defenseless and exposed and rapt with both fear and anticipation of what Megumi would do to her next. She was both dreading and savoring whatever Megumi had in store for her next.

"You've got a really cute butt, Heather," Megumi complimented me. "And you've got really nice thighs too."

"You've got legs like a dancer," Tracy added as Heather posed naked and allowed both women to get a long, lingering look at her naked ass. "And that high, firm ass at the top," Megumi said, "is a chiseled, dig-your-fingernails-into-it kinda ass."

"Thank you," Heather said, trying hard to act appreciative of all the compliments. "May I go to the car and get dressed now?"

"Not yet," Megumi said. "I'm not done examining you. Stand with your legs apart and your hands behind your neck."

Heather obediently spread her thighs well apart and placed her hands behind her neck and thrust her elbows back and her breasts forward. Almost immediately students all over the parking lot stopped what they were doing and stared at Heather's naked body. Heather relished in the humiliation of fifty students or more all staring openly at her naked body. She could feel her nipples become swollen and hard and her exposed pubic lips become soaking wet. It was degrading and humiliating and cruel, and yet somehow Heather found it to be exciting. Heather guessed that the writer-goddess must have re-written her psychological makeup so that now she craved this sort of abuse.

"Megumi, I'm on display! Please, don't make me do this!" And yet even as Heather pleaded for mercy, she was actually hoping that Megumi would continue to publically abuse and humiliate her.

It was almost as if Megumi read Heather's mind.

"That's the whole idea," Megumi replied sternly. "My naked body was on display for you. And now your naked body is on display for every student lucky enough to be out here in the parking lot this morning."

Heather whimpered, but she was silently grateful that Megumi refused her plea for leniency. It was humiliating the way that dozens of students (and now some of the parents as well) stared at Heather's naked breasts and exposed, pink pubic lips that were so prominently on display, but Heather wouldn't have had it any other way. It was so exciting to be naked and on public display like this that Heather could almost have an orgasm without her pussy even being touched.

Heather sucked her breath in sharply through her teeth when Megumi placed her hand on the firm muscles of Heather's back, just above her buttocks.

"Don't move," Megumi said in a dangerous tone of voice. "Just do as I tell you and this will all be over soon."

Heather nodded her head and whimpered some more. And as sixty people looked on (sixty-two if you counted Megumi and Tracy) Megumi placed her hands on Heather's naked buttocks. She grabbed Heather's butt cheeks with her hands and squeezed them and Heather felt like a slave up on the auction block. Megumi marveled at the soft skin and the toned, sculpted muscle underneath. Then Heather felt even more humiliated when Megumi held one buttock in each hand and spread them far apart.

"Megumi," Heather exclaimed in shock. She felt violated and more exposed than ever as she knew Megumi had a clear view of both her anus and her pubic lips.

"Calm down, Heather," Megumi said in a casual voice that belied the intensity of the situation. "I just wanted to see your anus. It's totally pink and perfect and cute and totally hairless. It's a shame you can't see it."

Heather took note of the crowd of women who were now enjoying her plight. Some of them were laughing. Dozens of them were pointing. One of the parents had produced a camera and was taking one photo after another of Heather's public humiliation.

And then, just when Heather was certain that she couldn't feel anymore violated and embarrassed, a finger entered her vagina, questing and exploring. Heather flinched, but still managed to maintain position.

"You little slut," Megumi scolded, "You're soaking wet! You're enjoying this!"

Then Tracy blurted out some sort of confused interrogative. It was hard to tell, but what she said might have been "What the hell?"

Then Megumi grabbed Heather by the arm and spun her around so that she was facing Megumi and Tracy both.

Megumi looked Heather Square in the eye, but was addressing Tracy when she said, "Your delinquent here isn't just a lesbian. She's actually the sort of lesbian who enjoys being abused and ordered about and humiliated."


"Ask her," Megumi said. "Her pussy is leaking like a faucet."

Heather blushed a deeper red as Tracy asked her about Megumi's claim. Heather was forced to acknowledge that everything that Megumi said was true. She now somehow craved to be abused and molested and humiliated by a strong, assertive woman. And if there was an audience to witness her humiliation, that made the abuse all the more delicious and exciting.

"Does this mean you won't be my conscience anymore?" Heather asked, fearing that Tracy would be so disgusted with her that she would abandon their previous agreement and leave Heather adrift without an authority figure.

"Actually Heather," Tracy said, getting a serious yet mirthful look on her face, "now that I know you'll enjoy it, I intend to be especially strict with you. I intend to search your room three times a day for alcohol or any other sort of contraband. And of course I get to add prohibited items to the list without warning. And you'll have to be punished each and every time I find contraband in your room. You'll be strip searched at least once a day. Oh, and I like the way the school kept your pussy shaved bare like that. I'll expect you to keep it shaved, and if I find you've let any pubic hair grow back you'll be punished for that little lack of grooming. I'll be checking that every time I strip search you. Oh, and don't think I've forgotten about you calling your teacher rude names. Once I get you home, I'll have to punish you for that too."

Heather's jaw dropped and her mouth remained open in a sort of O shape as she became feverish with both lust and trauma. She could hear the sound of her own heart beating in her chest and her pussy was so hypersensitive that she could feel each individual beat of her heart in her clit.

"Could you invite me over sometime?" Megumi asked. "I think I'd like to watch you put Heather through her paces."

Heather very nearly had an orgasm right there, as Megumi gave Tracy her phone number. Tracy promised to call Megumi whenever she had some sort of especially grandiose and humiliating punishment planned for Heather. Heather whimpered at this, but she was actually looking forward to it.

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