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Prof Receives Surprise from Co-Ed

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Professor unexpectedly gets flirty surprise and more.
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A very special thank you to PersianBeauty19 for her wisdom and her editing.


It was one of those insane, crazy and almost ridiculous days. Too much to do, and not enough time. While I know my life isn't the center of the universe, there are times where in my feeble mind it seems as if it is.

My wife Christina, nearly totally ruined the afterglow of last night's bout of ecstasy - and it was a great toe curling night for the record - by saying her mother was coming to down in a couple weeks for an extended stay. Now her mother, Pauline, was sweet. Of course I loved her. But at the same time she was a total pain in the ass with a capital A.

She felt everything I did was wrong. I spent too much time working with my students on their learning activities; I spent too much time in my Tyler Hall office, etc., etc. She must have forgotten that in addition to teaching six classes a week at the university I was required by my contract to spend time outside the classroom. Not only grading papers, hell, I split those duties with my teaching assistant, but spending time with the students on concepts, direction and their grades.

Pauline felt I should do more work around the house, and I knew she would be tormenting me about why I had not redone my daughter's room. I could hear her screechy voice already: "Ethan, she's a young woman not a little girl. You have to work on that room. You promised."

Yes, I did. And I would. But work is work and finances are finances. My wife Christina had gone back to work part-time since the kids were in school, but our financial status was nowhere near where it was when she had been working full-time at the Accounting firm. Blowhard and Blowhard I think was the name of it, or at least it should have been and with the two major league big assholes running the place, they really should've changed the name to that. But they were paid well, and when Christina left she was making great money.

I didn't do badly, on having a college professor's salary, and for a 35-year-old it wasn't a bad life. We had a nice home in the suburbs of town, and lots of things were within walking distance. The kid's schools were good, and, well, Christina was back at work. All of that was great, and the sack time the night before was really great. My lovely wife was undeniably horny and made it known during the day that it would be a real date night.

The kids were off to bed, and I finished some chores before heading upstairs finding my lovely wife in a lacy peach negligee with sleek thigh high and sheer black stockings, with her favorite pair of strappy cherry red heels, donning a big smile when I entered the bedroom.

I shut the door, and Christina made it clear: "Use me, fuck me, I am yours, Baby."

Seriously! She said it, just like that. I mean, normally there's a little "please honey" from me, but she was taking the initiative here. It was so hot. I sucked in my gut - okay, I've got 10 extra pounds from sitting on my ass - but my 6 foot 3 frame still found its way to the gym 4 days a week. I still looked good in my button down shirt and slacks at school, and on Sunday's my grey suit set off my brown hair and blue eyes quite eloquently.

It was like the good ole days despite a long day we spent a good two hours making love. She loved it, and so did I, and after savoring for a while we just conversed.

Except when she said her mother was coming for a friendly visit. Ugh. That was like receiving a letter from the IRS saying we want to look over your tax records for the last three years as part of a friendly audit.

"Ethan, come on, she loves you, she's my mother, and she wants to visit," cooed my wife, stroking my spent cock. "She's harmless."

My mind was a jumble of equations, none of which calculated correctly.

"Christina, she's always nit-picking at me and the things I do. Whether work or here at home. I'm just not comfortable around her. And you know she is going to give me heartache about Chelsea's bedroom, you just know it. Plus," I said with a leer, "you won't be in the mood the entire time she's visiting. I think your favorite saying will be, not with my mother in the house."

My lovely wife laughed, but soon got serious.

"I need you to be on best behavior, Ethan, but I will make a deal with you. You get a quickie at least twice while she's staying with us, how about that?"

Oh, now we were talking. This was an ultimatum, and I think I had the advantage.

"Ok Christina, but you better produce. No bullshit outs on this, and, uh, a good blow job too while she's in the house or no deal."

Christina scoffed at me, but was smiling. "Well, Sir, you drive a hard bargain. But you have yourself a deal."

Now I have to tell you, one of my pet peeves about my lovely wife is that she sometimes doesn't follow through with all of her "deals". But at least I could look forward to something while Pauline was in the house. Plus, despite being 61, Christina's mom was still a bit of a looker. So having two cute ladies in the house wasn't terrible, especially if I got my wife to be naughty while her mom was in the house.

When I left for my first class I wasn't happy with the circumstances, but it wasn't the worst of times.

My morning classes were bearable, the kids somewhat awake. I guess college kids have a tendency to prefer late morning classes so the early ones can be tough. But I attempt to spice up my lectures a bit and not ramble on, so they are pretty engaged. My favorite class was early afternoon, because it was freer formed. Not a lecture, but putting out concepts. And time well spent interacting with the students. Nothing was off the table, and our discussions could be all over the board.

It was the most enjoyable of my classes, made even better my effervescent smiles from the girls in class, especially the ones from young Miss Melody.

Melody was a classic. Oh, she was cute, but also smart as all get out. She questioned answers while answering questions, which made her quite inquisitive. Bright, and pretty, she was a girl the guys in class consistently fantasized about. I'd heard she was dating an upperclassman, but that may have been a rumor. For me, well, the turn on was she not only was very attractive, but she'd dress provocatively - and sometimes inappropriately - and I swear she got off making me squirm at her appearance.

College girls these days were all over the board with their wardrobe, from the finest fashions from the mall to grungy, dirty, to jeans full of holes. It was insane, and set me off in the worst way. But with Melody, it was different. She stood out, amongst the rest of the young women, in my class.

Melody was, well, fashionable without being trashy. My favorite outfit was a sleeveless blouse that fit her form to a T. Below she'd wear a flowery circle skirt that had to be six inches above her knees. And best of all were the, well, light blue panties that covered her privates while bringing my pants into tenting mode.

That's an embarrassing thing for a professor, the tenting. It meant I had to slip behind the lectern to mask my arousal. Now, you might wonder, how did I know she was wearing light blue, or pretty pink or even black panties? Well, Melody had this habit of getting my attention, not by raising her hand but by, well, crossing and uncrossing her long lovely legs. Oh my. I began to think dirty thoughts but how could I stop, this young woman was irresistible.

I know what you are thinking. She was a poor student and wanted me to give her extra credit? Nope. She was a Straight A, student nearly all the way through my class. Maybe she was an exhibitionist? Maybe she is, who knows! Admittedly, there never was a hint of anything untoward, or anything other than she liked crossing and uncrossing her shapely legs.

All I know is that I loved gazing at her, and had to make every effort not to stare at her during class. It became our little game. I'd interact with students, making eye contact around the room. Out of the corner of my eyes I'd see her staring at me. I'd slowly start to glance her way and voila, there was a sexy crotch shot that boiled my blood, and toyed with my emotions in every possible way you can imagine. God, she was such a fucking tease and knew exactly how to turn me on.

It was very refreshing. If I was a weaker man - or one of a couple other professors - Melody would be in their office after class and the seduction would work. Despite all the protections, young girls and older men did satisfy their cravings. It's the way it is. Still, for me, I wasn't about to ruin my wonderful marriage for a few minutes of fun with a student. It was all look, no touch, as I had exercised in my mind.

However, I am a man, and she's a gorgeous young woman, and on two occasions I'd convinced Christina to give me a sensuous hand job late at night, all the while with me thinking of Melody. Yes, there, I said it. I admit it.

There's something extremely hot about having your wife jerk you off, but having her sensuously jerk your cock while I was thinking about another woman is so very hot if you can pull it off. Christina pulled me off, and I pulled it off in my mind, and it was a wonderful release. Nobody had to be any wiser!

I did wonder what Melody's game was. I mean, I can't imagine she was dressed inappropriately and flashing each of her professors. Surely not Mr. Edwards, the 70-year-old who would surely would have had a heart attack if she did. Clearly not Mrs. Ridgeway. Well, some said Mrs. Ridgeway liked young girls, but that was probably just a rumor as well. No, I think Melody was performing for me. Why, I have no idea. I mean she didn't need the attention, and she surely didn't need a better grade. Who knows?

Which made it very strange when she asked to see me after class, Wednesday evening. We spoke a little about the topic of the day, and she said she was so challenged by our discussions in class. "Your classes are so much better than my other classes," she said, matter of factly. "I love the interactions."

She left without saying anything unusual, just thanking me for doing my job. It was strange; I thought there would be more. Maybe something about her wardrobe "malfunctions" or something, but no. Just a quick conversation.

In any event we bid adieu and I mentioned I'd be off to the guy while she said she would be heading to the library. Again, nothing unusual.

So an hour and a half later when I returned to my office to pack up to head home, I was aghast when I arrived to see her sitting on the floor near my office doorway.

Damn, she looked hot in her little outfit. I wondered how long she'd been sitting there and what she could possibly want. Soon, that look got hotter as she spread her legs to give me a wonderful view of the slinky panties between her legs, the view I'd come to love in class and remembered late at night when I was banging my wife. She made her way into a standing position before asking a simple question.

"Mr. Roberts, do I turn you on in class?"

My mind was jumbled, and words did not want to easily come out of my mouth. I was tongue tied, clearly, as I mumbled something before saying that it was an inappropriate question.

What is going on here?

Melody smiled. She knew I was in a terrible state. I mean, I could not talk, but there was a place near my midsection that was, well, enlarged.

This was getting out of hand, and I had to do something to stop it. As if she were my child, I told her that she had to stop misbehaving or else!

She shook her head, smiled even wider, and challenged me: "Or else what?"

Merely staring at her, my mind considered a response.

"Well?' she questioned.

I merely said I'd treat her as an insolent brat, a girl who was behaving badly like my kids were want to do, and take her over my knees.

Again, the girl shook her head. "You don't have the balls, you don't have the nerve! To do such a thing!"

"Really? If you don't think so you don't know squat!" was my quick retort, offended at the notion I was not above correcting her bad behavior. "Come into my office if you don't think I will."

Figuring she'd leave with a laugh, I went inside the office.

I knew it was wrong, but I never thought she would come inside. I had strode over to my desk and sat down, expecting nothing. Instead, Melody marched inside, swung around and closed the door, ensuring the lock was secure. She turned back at me and merely lowered her head and said she had only just begun to tease me...and that each day's class might go to a different level.

She walked toward me, stood beside me, and smirked. "Hmm, looks like I have been a bad girl after all, haven't I, Mr. Roberts?"

The nerve of the girl who was precocious, nerve racking and insolent. She challenged my authority and my blood boiled. She deserved a spanking. I know I should not touch her, but I was over the edge.

Over my knees she went, giggling as I held her down. There wasn't a minute wasted as I began swatting my hand onto her ass, only to draw laughs from the insolent girl.

"You're not so tough, this doesn't hurt a bit," said the girl whose ass was covered by panties and a skirt. "You're just a big talker."

Grabbing all the nerve I could, I reached down and slipped up her flirty skirt and tucked it into her waistband. Then down came the silky soft panties, revealing a bare white ass. Turning my attention to that ass, I re-started my spanking of it, this time with a little more vigor.

This time Melody was signing a different tune. After the fourth or fifth swat she yelled out stop, and after the 10th or 12th it turned into please stop as her ass was turning red. But that didn't mean red light to me, as all I saw was a target for my hand to spank.

And spanking I did, losing count in the 20s but actually enjoying the wiggling and writhing of the girl who now was pleading for an end.

All told, it probably didn't last three minutes, but when it did the girl had tears in her eyes and my hand actually hurt. Her perfect ass was beet red, and she was apologizing for being a flirt.

An uncomfortable silence followed as she stood, rubbed her behind, and bent over to pull up her panties and lowered her skirt. Now modest she was clearly embarrassed.

"I never thought you'd do that, but I truly deserved it," she said, tears drying, a shy smile coming to her face. "I've been so hot thinking about you I just wanted to do something that would make you notice me, give me a little time. I mean, I know you are married and all that, but, well, you make me so hot in class."

Her eyes looked me over and noticed the tenting in my trousers. A smile dried the tears, which had fallen, replacing with a smile at her handiwork. She apparently wanted attention, and had wanted to turn me on.

Mission accomplished.

But throwing caution to the wind, without thinking of the consequences, I merely asked a simple question.

"So, Melody, what are you staring at?"

There was no question, of course. Her eyes were focused upon my midsection, my trousers and the bulge which was clearly showing. I was hard, thinking of that young ass, spurred on by the spanking of that ass and vision of redness that had been inflicted upon the young girl.

Surely I wasn't thinking about my wife, or anything else in that world. I was only thinking of that cute, sexy vixen gazing at my pants. Watching her stare, watching her smile, realizing who was really in control her. Her magnetic gaze gave tactic approval for anything that might happen next.

Clearly I was not in control, as, factually, I had totally lost control. I was hers for whatever she wanted to happen, putty under her power to mold as she saw fit.

"Let' me see it, Mr. Roberts, pull that zipper down and take it out...now!"

My last change to take control quickly became that, a last chance that wasn't going to happen. Slowly my zipper came down and I reached into my pants and underwear and pulled my cock out into the open. All the while the girl was staring at the activities. It was incredibly hot knowing she was watching me, not a striptease but an unveiling.

"Ooh, you seem to like me!" said the college girl. "That's a nice cock. Big, firm, hot."

It was akin to a stare down by two cowboys readying for a duel on a western street. She looked at me, I had her, both wondering who was going to win the battle. No question, It was Melody. The girl took a couple slow shuffles toward me, and when close she reached out and grasp my cock. The slow strokes that followed her sensuous, but nothing like the feelings that burst when she lowered herself onto her knees and began licking my cock.

The amazing sensations made me shiver, as if it were the first time a tongue had bathed my manhood. Her makeup had already been smeared by the spanking, but she still looked adorable. Damn, she was practiced in her technique, licking all over, including down to the spot between my shaft and balls before bathing my balls with her tongue.

She bathed my hard cock with her tongue, spending time in all the right places. Every so often she'd open her eyes and looked up at me while still licking away. Amazingly hot, I shivered as she worked me.

"Am I doing this right, Mr. Roberts?" she questioned, already surmising the answer.

Without waiting for an answer she opened her mouth and used her hand to guide my cock into her mouth, moving it around and around and intensifying the sensations. For the next minute she jerked my off into her mouth, and my insides began to boil. It was simply incredible.

Melody moaned as she jerked and sucked my cock. The purring sounds were a cherry on the top of an already superb blow job. I simply held onto the desk behind me and watched the girl work my dick.

After a bit she could tell the end was near and she focused on my satisfaction even more. She backed away from my dick and begged a question: "Please cum in my mouth."

Oh my.

Back on my dick, sans hand, she used only her mouth action to work me, hands behind her back. She took my cock as I rocked and rocked and groaned. Suddenly my cock began spurting its sticky sauce, pump after pump, into her sucking mouth. She bobbed her head as I held still, luxuriating in the sucking wet mouth working my dick.

She held the cock in her mouth as I finished my climax, and made no effort to remove the spent pillar. She looked adorable.

Moving a hand back up to my dick, she jerked the remaining residue into her mouth and then backed away, savoring the taste. She opened her mouth, showing me the sticky stuff, then closed her lips and swallowed.

"Damn that was good," said the girl, licking her lips as of to find more cum. "That was awesome."

Opening her mouth again, I saw my hot cum had indeed made its way to her stomach. I was spent, satisfied and amazed.

She rested her head against my legs for a bit before rising to her feet and giving me a kiss, complete with a lot of tongue.

"Well, Mr. Roberts, I learned my lesson and a whole lot more," said the smiling vixen. "See you in class."

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AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

The excursus about his wife's mom coming to visit did not have to do with the title nor the theme of the story. That strand did not go anywhere (eg. were his fears about her impending visit realized?). So it was useless.

The palaver back-and-forth with his wife was a little more interesting, and could probably have been made some kind of backdrop to the focus -- the interplay with the co-ed. However, that thread was also dropped without follow-through (eg. did his wife keep her deal?). More wasted words.


Paul in Oklahoma

redlion75redlion75almost 9 years ago

he should have turned her over the desk and fucked her as soon as he got thru spanking her ass

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
Great story

So very erotic, but also different. Can't wait to see if something's nag else happens. More please. Pretty please.

poppyhpoppyhalmost 9 years ago

Hope he's going to eat her and fuck her

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