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Pushing Vignettes

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Four shorts from about sexy roommates.
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All characters are 18 years or older.

This is a collection of four short stories following the continuing adventures and exploits of the characters first introduced in Pushing Buttons and Pushing Boundaries. Readers are highly encouraged to read those first. In some of these short stories I have experimented with content, primarily in point of view, that veers away from my usual standard. If a story is not fitting your expectations, I encourage you to scroll down to the next one before clicking away.

Vignette 1: Gym Talk - Malena and Alanna - FF

Vignette 2: Oops, I May Have Done That - Austin, Alanna, Christa - FF, MF

Vignette 3: Watch This - Austin, Alanna, Malena - MFF

Vignette 4: Get Out Of My Head - Beth, Austin, Josh, Alanna - MMF


Gym Talk

Malena's Point of View: Includes Lesbian

Alanna grumbled again and I couldn't stop myself from snorting out a little laugh, shaking my head. Despite her near constant frustration over the early mornings she had yet to actually skip out on our work outs. The rugby season was coming to an end and the team had clinched a playoff spot, which meant all of the girls had made a pact to up their training time. Double practices through the week whenever we could fit them in and more personal time in the gym.

"Stupid fucking bullshit," Alanna said as she swiped her student card through the little reader in the lobby, drawing a glance from the athletic centre employee behind the counter.

I checked in behind Alanna and flashed the woman a quick smile as an apology before catching up with Alanna. "You could at least pretend to be happy to be here," I said, giving her ass a light slap.

Alanna glared at me but lost most of the effect when her face scrunched into a large, silent yawn. "Screw you," she said. "No, screw Austin. Screw both of you."

I smirked and pushed her forward again towards the change room. "You did, over and over last night. It's your own damn fault we were up so late."

"We were doing cardio," she replied. "That should cover gym time this morning."

"Are you gonna tell the rest of the girls that's how we're doing cardio now?" I asked.

Alanna rolled her eyes and I followed her into the change room. We were still keeping secrets and the only people who know most of the truth were our other roommates. Austin and I were 'the item,' the new couple in our group of friends that everyone knew about - what the team didn't know was that Alanna and Austin were also in a relationship that was harder to describe. They weren't dating, but that was more because they knew each other so well already that there was no need, no change in their behaviour. They had always done everything together, they'd just added sex into the mix.

The thing between Alanna and I was even less well known - hell, I wasn't even sure what it was still. We shared Austin in and out of bed, and since the poker game I'd learned a whole lot about how to tease a girl, to eat her pussy slow or fast. How to tie her up. Exactly how hard Alanna liked it.

We weren't long in the change room considering we were already wearing our workout gear under our jackets and sweat pants. Alanna followed me over to the little indoor track circle and we walked side by side. This early in the morning the gym was still pretty empty, only a couple of older professors hanging around, so we had some privacy. Alanna was wearing one of Austin's t-shirts, now ruined for him because of her tits stretching out the chest, and a long pair of yoga pants. Her ass looked great in them and a little fleck of jealousy floated through me at how effortlessly sexual and confident she seemed.

"Hey Al, I wanted to talk to you about something," I said. We were alone for now, but the gym would start to fill up a bit before our workout ended. I'd been planning this conversation for almost a week now, trying to figure out how to broach the subject.

"What's up?" Alanna asked, slowing her warmup walk a bit.

I took a deep breath and looked out the large bank of windows. The sun was just starting to peek over the horizon in the east over the city. "Well, I don't want to step on any toes or anything," I started. "I just- I haven't found a way to say this without it sounding weird."

Alanna raised her eyebrow at me. "So just say it weird. We've eaten each others assholes, I don't think there's much more we could be embarrassed over."

Well, she is right, I thought. "It's about the rules. The ones I agreed to for dating Austin."

"Alright," Alanna said, slowing our walk to a dead stop. "'Lena, did something happen?"

"No," I said, grabbing her hand with both of mine. "No, no, I didn't do anything. I don't think I could have managed to fuck up if I wanted to, we've been so busy together. The three of us. That's what I wanted to talk to you about." I had to take another breath and bit my lip.

"Well, out with it. What's the big deal?" Alanna asked.

"I was just wondering, and I know I agreed that you could jump into playing Austin and I were doing, but I was wondering if I could get him to myself for a night every once in a while." I licked my lips nervously and could feel myself clinging to her hand. God, why was I so nervous about this?

And fuck but this conversation was weird. I wouldn't have even thought I would ever be asking another girl if I could have my boyfriend to myself for the night. Fuck, a month ago a boyfriend had been a daydream - guys were interested in me but with all the time I spent with the team, the guys from the Men's rugby team scared off most of the competition. Jocks didn't really do it for me, so I'd mostly been daydreaming about guys like Austin, and even our other roommate Josh. Watching them practice for their band in our living room had always made me a little wet.

"You guys fuck all the time without me," Alanna said, obviously confused.

"I know," I explained, "When you aren't around and one of us is horny, yeah. And that happens... more often than I realized before we got together. But I've never actually spent the night with him. Alone. Every time we've gone on a date we come back home and you're waiting for us. And that's good, it's great, but I just want some alone time with him. Maybe. If you're OK with it." I swallowed my nervous spit, searching for what Alanna was thinking on her face.

Her eyebrows were pushed together as she frowned, her gaze boring two holes into me. "'Lena," she said quietly, and blinked. "Hun, of course you and Austin can have a night together. Fuck, we can figure out a schedule if you want. I had no idea you felt like this."

I let go of the breath I had been holding and felt a weight lift off of me shoulders. "Oh, god. That's- thank you."

She pulled me into a hug, wrapping her arms around me and I did the same. "Hun, how long have you been holding that in?" she asked, rubbing my back.

The comfort, knowing everything I had been fearing was for naught, embarrassment that I had felt so stressed over it to begin with, had me tearing up. "I dunno, a week. Maybe two. I thought it would go away at first."

"Oh, babe," she cooed, squeezing me. Her breasts, packed into a sports bra, were firm against my own. "Jesus, Malena. You've talked to me about plenty of things before. Why were you so worried?"

"Because of the rules," I said. She was right, Alanna had been my mentor on the rugby team my first year when she had been a second year. We'd talked a lot, it was the reason I was living with her and Austin and the rest even though I was a year younger than them. "Everything else has been going so well, I didn't want to fuck up. It's scary - if I do, I'll lose you and Austin all at once."

"Your boyfriend and your girlfriend?" Alanna asked.

"Is that what we are?"

Alanna took my shoulders and pushed me back so that we were looking at each other. "Would you prefer to be my fuckgirl? I mean, you can be my little fuckgirl if you want."

I laughed and we both ended up in a bit of a giggle fit, trying to get ahold of ourselves as the emotional tension released. My chest heaved a little as I sighed out, getting control of my giggles. We were holding hands and I squeezed hers. "You're already one of my best friends," I said. "And like you said, we have eaten each other's asses. That's probably a step beyond girlfriends."

Alanna smirked and shook her head. "True," she said, then leaned forward and kissed me. We'd kissed before; sweet, caring, hot in the throes of lust, even friendly. Before the Poker game I'd even kissed her a few times while we were both drunk. This one felt just a little different. It was familiar and warm and innocent and as Alanna breathed in through her nose I stepped closer to her, our bodies brushing together as my hand that wasn't holding hers slipped to her waist.

It ended sweetly and we were both grinning. "Guess that makes it official," I said.

"Guess so," she grinned back, then gave me another peck on the lips before letting go of my hand and slapping me on the add. "Come on, get that butt moving. I thought you were bringing me here early to work out, not ambush me into emotional talks."

We went through the motions of our workout routines, moving from our warm up cardio and stretches into the less popular area of the gym where the University sports teams worked out. With only about fifteen minutes before the football team would show up for their morning workouts, Alanna and I quickly went to work using the battling ropes and workout tires the larger open area allowed. We would switch back and forth, one of us undulating the long, heavy ropes while the other one lifted and flipped the 'ladies tire,' which was about three quarters the size of the larger ones used by the men's teams.

The wolf whistles alerted us to the fact that the football players were starting to filter into the sports training area. "Yeah, yeah," Alanna called at the guys, waving them away. "We'll get out so you guys can have your little circle jerk."

"Aw, come on Alanna. We could show you what you've been missing out on," one of them called back.

Alanna laughed and flashed him the middle finger and I followed her back towards the main gym area most of the staff and student body were able to use. "If only they knew," I whispered to Alanna, and she smirked.

We started with some weight lifting and by the time we had had enough of the machines the gym had started to become more populated. It was still early enough that only dedicated folks were around, but that also meant an overabundance of meatheads.

Alanna and I had just started on using the free weights, and I was doing squats while watching my form in the mirrored wall making sure I was keeping my posture. Alanna had just set down her own weights and lifted her shirt to wipe sweat from her face, exposing her midriff and the bottom of her sports bra, when a guy sauntered up behind us. I watched him in the mirror, his arms flexing slightly as he smirked confidently and stared at my ass as I continued my reps.

"Hey, ladies," he said. "You girls need any tips? I'm available."

"Ugh," I said, rolling my eyes and pretending to puke.

"Buddy, you're beating up the wrong tree," Alanna snorted derisively.

"Oh yeah?" The guy said. He took off his shirt, flexing his abs and chest. "I'd be happy to give you a show-"

"Please, please don't tell me it's a gun show," I said, standing up from my last squat and setting down my weights.

"No, I think he was going to make a sex reference," Alanna said.

"That would require innuendo," I said. "I don't think he's smart enough for that."

"Twenty fucks?" Alanna offered, making it sound like 'bucks.'

"Sure," I said, then turned to the guy. "So, were you offering a gun show or something about taking off your pants?"

"Uh," the guy stammered, looking back and forth between Alanna and I. "I don't..."

"It's not that hard, buddy," Alanna said. "Were you going to flex at us again, or were you going to tell us about your penis?"

"My penis," he mumbled.

"Damn it," I said.

"Bud, I'm gonna do you a favour," Alanna said. "I'm in a good mood, so you can have one shot. You can show us your dick, right here, and if I'm impressed we'll both blow you in the middle of this gym."

"Um, uh," the guy said, starting to back away.

"I guess he's not interested," I said to Alanna.

"Guess so," she said, then reached out and took my hand, pulling me away towards the change rooms. "You wanna go have lesbian sex in the showers?"

"Sure," I said, grinning at the tease. God I hated gym meatheads - they saw a pretty girl in the gym and either tried to impress her by overdoing it on the weights while screaming like horny monkeys or accosted her until she gave in or left.

Alanna pulled me right into the girl's locker room and, when the door shut behind us, I squeaked as she pushed me up against the cold cinder block wall as kissed me. Her hands ran over my chest, palming my tits through my tank top and sports bra, and her tongue quickly slithered between my lips.

I kissed her back automatically but my hands went to her shoulders, slowly pressing her back until our lips parted. "I thought you were joking," I said, breathless.

"He'd like to think so," Alanna said. I knew that look by now, that hungry, horny little spark in her eyes.

"What if someone comes in?"

Alanna took my hand again and pulled me further into the change room and back towards the showers. "There was only one other woman out there and she just started her workout," Alanna said. "We've got time."

I followed her into the showers and this time I took the lead, pulling her back towards me by her hand and kissing her when she turned. My tongue pressed at her lips and she sucked it in, and then she pulled at my tank top and I raised my arms, letting her peel it off of me. Austin's shirt came off of her next and while we were separated I took my brown hair out of the ponytail I had pulled it back into. Alanna grinned and reached out, running her fingers through my hair. "God you look foxy," she said. My ass tingled at the word - she and Austin loved it when I wore the little buttplug with the fox tail.

She let me push her towards the wall and I pinned her there with my body, leaning in and kissing her roughly while my hands found hers and lifted them above her head. Alanna growled against my lips, purring in her throat, as I pushed her hands together and pressed them into the wall with one of mine, keeping them restrained.

"You like that?" I asked.

"Yes," she panted.

I grinned. "I know. You want more?"

Strong, dominant Alanna was almost putty in my hands as I pressed her body against the wall. My other hand dropped to her crotch, pressing my fingers against her pussy through her yoga pants.

"Uh-huh," she nodded, making me laugh lightly.

I let go of her hands and I pushed on her shoulder, forcing her down to her knees. She looked up at me and grinned, taking the waistband of my tight workout shorts and sliding them lower on my hips and them off, my simple thong sliding down along with them. Alanna leaned forward and buried her nose against my pubic mound, taking in a deep breath through her nose.

"Girl, that's fucking kinky," I said, keenly aware of how sweaty I was after our workout.

Alanna didn't say anything, instead leaning in and doing her best to bury her tongue into my pussy lips. She pressed hard with her mouth, arms wrapping around my hips and hands grabbing my ass to pull me closer. I gasped as her tongue slithered along my lips and brushed over my clit, my hips thrusting forward. Her head backed up into the wall and soon I was pressing her into it with my groin as I leaned back, looking down my own body at her as she flickered her pretty eyes back up at me.

Her fingers were digging into my ass cheeks as she ate me out, expertly pushing me towards an orgasm as she teased and followed through with almost perfect timing. I wove the fingers of one of my hands into her hair, grabbing hold and rubbing my cunt across her face. My other hand reached behind me and slid one of her hands further into the crack of my ass until her finger was at my hole there. Ever since that poker night I'd realized I got off a lot harder when something or someone was teasing my butt while my clit got worked over. Alanna knew this and quickly started pushing the tip of her finger against my tight right, putting pressure on it but not forcing anything in.

My orgasm started building like a spark lighting kindling somewhere deep in my gut, the sharp pleasure from my clit the ignition switch which Alanna poked at with her tongue over and over until finally she locked her lips around it and socked hard. I went off hard, the burn passing through me quickly as my body tensed up and I leaned forward against the wall, my one hand still holding Alanna by the hair and grinding her against my pussy. I panted hard to catch my breath and back away grinning widely in sloppy post-orgasmic joy.

Alanna stood and kissed me, feeding me the taste of my own cum on her tongue. I liked it, the odd tangy taste, more than I liked Austin's cum in all honesty.

"God you're good," I said once the kiss ended.

"Practice makes perfect," she grinned, and her hands rose to my sports bra, peeling it off of my tits and up over my head. She leaned down quickly wrapped her lips around one of my little ruddy-pink nipples.

"Oh, fuck," I said quietly, reaching for Alanna's waist and tugging on her waistband. She let me tit free, and I pushed her back against the wall again, kissing her hard on the mouth. I let my lips travel, first down to her chin and then down her throat. As I lowered myself I caught the neck hem of her sports bra in my teeth and tugged on it, wiggling my eyebrows at her as I looked back up to her face, then let it go with a little snap of the elastic. Alanna's hands drifted to the back of my head as I kissed down her stomach and then slid her yoga pants and her own thong down until they were wrapped around her thighs. Her pussy had soaked the crotch of her thong and I could smell her arousal, but instead of following her lead on me I too her hips in my hands and made her turn around so that her wonderfully big, firm ass was pointing back at me. She arced her back and leaned forward a bit, pressing it out at me. It was perfectly framed by her tight pants gathered just under the cheeks, and as I grabbed it with both hands Alanna peeled her top off and let it drop beside us.

Her butt cheeks were firm under my hands and I spread them, her asshole winking back at me as it clenched and unclenched, her wet pussy lips just visible between her thighs. I leaned in and took the inner curve of one of her cheeks between my teeth, biting her lightly, then pressed my face into her and ran my tongue around her asshole. My thoughts about anal play had changed drastically since the Poker game, but eating ass in particular had become a bit of a fascination for me because of the way Austin had made me feel that first time. I'd done it to both of them, and while there were a lot of kind of gross things about it I also felt like it was an ultimate act. It was me showing them in no uncertain terms that I wanted to give them all the pleasure I could, and they wanted the same for me when the returned it.

Alanna's fingertips brushed against my chin as she rubbed herself front the front, and I was soon pushing my tongue through her anal ring, feeling it clench, as my upper teeth teased the skin just above her hole. "Oh fuck, 'Lena. Fuck, fuck." She was moaning, the sound low but still echoing slightly in the shower room. I let go of one of her ass cheeks, pulling her pants down lower on her thighs and then down past her knees so that she could spread her legs more, then dipped my face lower so that I could work a finger into her butt.

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