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PWC: Please Fuck My Daughter

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David answers the appeal of his odd neighbor.
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It was around four in the morning when David's body refused to let him keep sleeping in as he'd planned for his first day off in forever. The energy needed to be burned off somehow and he wasn't the type to lie in bed on his phone until the light coming through his window made even that impossible to continue with. He tied on his running shoes and took off down the street. He'd have to get off the early shift soon, he thought, it was doing weird things to his circadian rhythms just because the company had a lot of guys going through school who needed the swing shift.

As the guy who'd marketed himself to the boss for "being available whenever", he was sure that getting jerked around between schedules would give him health problems sooner or later. Likely later, he still felt pretty good after getting back in shape after his brief stint in college; the bachelor's degree hadn't been so hard to obtain and just as soon as he got it, suddenly they wanted a master's for advancement. So fuck them. He'd probably quit when he finally had enough, get that advancement he wanted by putting himself out to similar fields with more self respect than he'd had four years prior.

He barely thought at all after the first mile. Coming back around the block, he saw his ex's place and began thinking again. Alright, she likely didn't still live there after a couple years, and he hadn't seen her since the breakup even though it had been mutually civil, but he was still a man. Maybe she'd appreciate how fit he'd gotten, jump into his toned arms and rub her head against his firm chest, fold her arms around his flat belly... He wouldn't have wanted her back if he though she was that kind of girl anyway, but it was a nice daydream.

Such a nice daydream that he was thankful his blood was all in his legs at the moment. He still hadn't visited one of those places yet, but there was always a temptation when you lived in the city and there was seemingly one every few blocks, if just a single booth...

David forced himself on for a few more miles, until his mind was crystal clear and free of impurity, frustration of many kinds. He arrived at the front door of his apartment building around six, judging by the position of the sun and the time of year, and his watch.

Down in the lobby, making him regret how drenched in sweat he was, was miss Palm, his neighbor.

Happily plump and curvy with proud laugh lines, miss Palm was the sort that sat quietly in the background of a red-blooded man's mind, waiting for a moment to strike on a lonely night. Seeing her with his blood already hot didn't help one bit. She turned to him with a lovely smile and a genial nod, then approached, and he had no polite way to escape upstairs.

"Mister Rheis, lovely to see that someone is peppy this morning." She grabbed his upper arm shamelessly and squeezed his bicep, nodded in approval. "Why, just the other day, I was trying to get myself out of bed with a crowbar, haha, joking of course, but with Ryan away, I feel like the housework can wait a few days while I sleep in. Do you keep your apartment very clean? I imagine you do." She did have a way of stealing people's responses and continuing the conversation with or without their input, so David simply pursed his lips in a tight smile and nodded along. "Oh, I've heard stories about how bachelors can be, but you don't seem the type to let your home get messy. Very clean, I say about you to people. What people? Well, you know, people who are interested. My church group wonders if you'd like to come to a service one of these days, not that we're going to be pushy about it since we know you're lapsed, and my knitting friends have seen you once or twice in passing. You know how old ladies gossip."

David made sure to cut in with a laugh. "I wouldn't call you an old lady, miss Palm. Early twenties, am I right?"

She playfully whapped his chest with a balled-up fist and wavered with her blush. "You're a cute liar, but I am still a married woman. And there you go with that 'miss' nonsense. Haven't we known each other long enough for you to call me Vivian?"

You still call me Rheis, but if that's how you want to play it. "My bad, Viv. Anyway, I've got to go and wash up. I'll see you around?" He turned to start up the stairs before she gave her answer to a question that was really only a polite goodbye.

"Actually, Davie~" she said, picking up the ball, "I was hoping to talk to you today, if you have the time? It's a bit sensitive, so could I come up to your room-" she blushed still more rosy, "-once you've finished your shower?"

Oh no, oh fuck... Don't tell me this is that, now that her husband's out of town. Well, it's not like she isn't attractive, in a friend's mom sort of way...

David stopped on the first step, deep in thought for a suspiciously long time before breaking down. He could always turn her down gently if his morals held up to temptation once he was done cleaning up. And there was always that booth down the street if he really needed some attention today...

"Alright, Vivian. Should I call when I'm ready for you?" he said.

She grabbed his wrist and pulled him down from the first step, then raised slightly on the balls of her feet to kiss his cheek. "Viv. It's Viv; don't chicken out now, okay? And yes, just call me over when you want me."


"I'll be done within a half hour, I bet..."

Vivian actually licked her lips and said, "I'll be waiting~"

Understandably, he flew up the stairs to the fourth floor and made sure that he had condoms left over from his time with Lisha. They wouldn't have been good anymore, he thought after failing to find a single one anywhere he'd have put them. Viv had to have some herself, right? If she had been planning to do this for any length of time, she had to be already thinking about birth control, unless she was one of those types and wanted to trap her husband with someone else's baby...

He stopped himself in that track of thought. Viv had always done right by him, and there was no calling to defame her character that way in his mind without proof. He wouldn't go for anything like that anyway, so it was a moot point. The woman was a damn PTA member for fuck's sake!

To rid himself of newly-emerging bad thoughts, David took his shower long and cold, until a certain involved party was too small to have any say in the matter at hand.

He'd just have to turn her down gently, in such a way that her husband would never find out about the attempt at infidelity. And hey, there was always the possibility that he was wrong on every level, and that she only wanted to talk with him about something summarily wholesome. Either way, he couldn't have mister Johnson poking his head into the discussion.

He got out of the shower, dressed in something unflattering: a character tee and sweatpants, and went to knock on her door.

Vivian slipped out of her apartment without letting him see past the sliver of doorway that she used and shepherded them back into his place. She did have a daughter, David remembered, though it had been long enough since he'd seen her that he didn't have a firm picture in his mind anymore. Was Vivian planning to screw around right behind her daughter's back, while she was just next door!? Hopefully the girl hadn't seen her mother sneaking out like that. Just sliding through the gap was more suspicious than leaving in the company of a man.

"I don't suppose you have a pot of coffee?" Vivian set a hand on David's chest, spread her fingers as she pushed him backwards into his apartment. Without confirmation, she sat at his dining table and produced a file folder, tented her fingers while waiting for him to join her.

"I don't drink it... Caffeine." He was frozen a few feet from the doorway, forced himself to step into the kitchen and press the button on his kettle. "I do have hot chocolate, if that's good enough?"

Vivian turned her bright face to him with a warm smile, cheery dimples... "Oh, that would be just lovely, wouldn't it. I only thought that we should have something to drink while we talked. Maybe I should have baked us a little something to snack on, but after the party last week, I think I must have hurt my shoulder whisking. Come on then, Davie, sit down and let mama have a word."

He came to the table and managed to control his shakes enough that it wouldn't show on the surface of the mugs he brought with him. "You brought paperwork with you?"

"It never hurts to be prepared," she said, patting the folder. "So, as you may already know, my darling Ruth turned eighteen last week."

"So that's what the party was for."

"I'm so sorry, we were trying to keep it down, but some of her friends brought party poppers and you know how these things can get out of hand."

He'd been unable to go to sleep that night. "No problem at all, Viv. It'd take more than a little noise to trouble me." They were still more quiet than his last neighbors, and that was a status quo worth defending with his life. "But why are you bringing that up now? Aren't we going to... I mean, maybe it's best not to beat around the bush, because the answer is no. Not that you aren't beautiful, of course. If you weren't married, there wouldn't be any good reason to refuse, but you should treasure that relationship more..."

"I see..." Vivian closed her eyes and reached across the table to hold his hand. David felt he at least owed her this much consolation, just a moment of human connection. "Davie, did you think I was coming over today to have a tryst?"

And his brain short-circuited. What fell out of his mouth was a dumb, "You're not?"

Then she was all sunshine and rainbows again. "I'm flattered, but no. And thank you for confirming the kind of man you were. Ryan doesn't think it matters, the character, but I know from experience that a gentleman is much better than a pleasure-seeker. So, I've told you that my daughter's eighteenth birthday has come and gone, but don't you know that she didn't have a boyfriend at the time to take her virginity!? Goodness me, I didn't know until days after and it came up during breakfast. Oh, and all of those poor boys we invited to the party so she'd have her pick, but that's what we get for going against tradition. I blame myself for not sticking to my guns on that point."

"Viv, what exactly are we talking about?"

"Hm? I would think it was obvious, but perhaps not to a gentleman. I was going to ask you to take my daughter's virginity."

"Oh... Wait, what!?"

"Well, we can't have her eventual husband thinking she sucks in the sack, now can we? A girl has to get her experience somewhere between now and then, but you see she's absolutely apathetic about the whole thing! I asked her when she planned on getting it taken care of, and do you know what she said to me?"


"She said she'd just volunteer for a day in a public relief station... Sometimes I wonder. Doesn't it just seem so impersonal?"

David sipped his hot chocolate as an anchor to the morning that he should have had. After his morning run, he might have gone to the grocery store. He was out of cabbage. "That's where a lot of them are doing it, I hear."

Vivian rocked back and forth in disbelief. "Yes, it's the fashionable way of going about it. I know there's a thrill to having an anonymous partner, it's what I had after all, but being stuck halfway through a wall just seems demeaning. So, I'd much rather have a good man that I've vetted myself take her to bed and show her a good time before anyone else can poison her mind with gratuitous sex. Would you be interested at all?"

"Why me?"

She pinked. "Well, you see, my Ryan goes to the same health club that you visit, and though he doesn't actually peek, that doesn't mean he doesn't see things. You know, things in the shower?"

David blushed too.

"Ahem. After that, it was mostly a case of going out and figuring out what kind of guy you were, whether you matched up well against the others that we were considering. But I'm sure you don't want to hear about any of those. I notice that you haven't really given me your opinion on the matter as a whole... Dear Ruthie has been a softballer for years, so she's nice and toned in addition to, I'd say, a firm rack and a slappable tush." The woman counted off her daughter's alluring features on her fingers. "And she waxes, so she's super smooth if you like that; ripe and ready to get eaten out like a juicy peach. No piercings, so you don't have to worry about catching on anything when you toss her into bed, and no tattoos. Oh, and really ticklish; I bet you could keep her wiggling until she pees herself~ Not that I know she's a squirter, but I am, so it might run in the family."

"Holy..." David held his head in his hands, thinking. "So, you want me to go over and do her right now?"

Vivian flounced around the table and hugged him from behind. Her cushy curves did not help mister Johnson's temperament... "Oh, you're willing to do it for us? I'm so glad~ But no," she said before returning to her seat and opening up the folder she'd brought along. "My family is rather traditional, I believe I said something to that effect earlier. Well, we happen to believe that a girl's first time should be at the hands of a ravishing stranger, masked for preference so she never knows who it was and has to second-guess every man in her life." Vivian held one cheek with a dreamy expression as she was engulfed in a memory. "Me? I'm fairly certain it was my own neighbor. He stole into my bedroom on the very night I turned eighteen through the open window and forced my head under the covers while he took me. Oh, I fought back and accidentally kicked him in the nuts, so he had a limp the next day. He was really a gentleman about the whole thing. Anyway, I'd like you, Davie, to catch my Ruth unawares and ravish her until she's too weak to fight back."

"I'm not going to rape your daughter." David felt strange to have to say it aloud.

"No, no, not at all~" Vivian waved away his concerns. "I'll let her know that it's coming and secure her consent. She was just planning to throw her virginity away with a stranger in any case, so I'm sure she'll be on board. But anyway, I have her schedule all written up, along with some maps that show her walking paths to and from school. There are some alleys that I think would work really well if you want to go the route of dragging her in and pinning her against a brick wall or somesuch. Also, there's my schedule, color coded so that you know when I'll be out and you can just come over and take her in her own house. I happen to think that would be incredibly hot, and afterward she'd be absolutely surrounded by reminders of the day she lost her virginity~ So romantic~ Ah, and here's a copy of our apartment key, and the codes to our alarm systems. And I'll let the authorities know what we're doing, so you'll just show them this blank licence here and they'll let you go, should you get caught in the act."

Huh, so public sex licenses actually existed... David pocketed it without thinking. "Then, not today?"

"Don't tell me when, of course," Vivian said. "It should come as a surprise to me, and to Ruth, so I'd say wait at least a week so that she has time to stew in her own juices. By the time you get to her, I imagine she'll be really juicy~ Ah, and don't bother using a condom. She's on the pill, but it's so hot to have to come home with a stranger's cum dripping into your panties or down your leg~ But you're really going to do it, right? I need to hear you say that you agree, verbally."

David sighed. If it wasn't him, it was going to be some other guy. Looking through the paperwork, it seemed to somehow all be on the up and up...

"Alright, I'll do it."


Ruth wasn't the only one left to stew in her own juices for the week that came. Though he felt like a creep, David went out to get a balaclava and rope, made sure that it was comfortable enough on his skin that he'd feel okay with using it on Ruth, and went through an online knot-tying course so that he wouldn't choke at the starting line. It was his responsibility to see that Ruth had a pleasant time losing her virginity, whatever form that was going to take; he'd take her in her own room, he decided, and waited with a heavy feeling in his chest for everyone next door to leave for the day so he could take his position.

Everyone left, according to the schedule that he'd been given, and David used the copy of his neighbors' key to go inside once he'd made sure nobody was watching from either side of the hall. whether or not he had the licence to do what he was doing and explicit consent, he didn't feel like explaining what he was doing... Once inside, he had a few hours before Ruth would come back from her college classes and, as her mother had written for David's perusal, immediately go for a shower as she did every day. A note had implied this would be a great time to attack, since Ruth would be nude and ready to go...

Since he had so long to wait, David paced the apartment to get a feel for the space. It felt odd, like a mirror image of his own apartment with different furniture. He felt as though he might be found out at any moment even though he knew damn well nobody would be back until Ruth had already been alone with him for a few hours. Just wearing shoes in a residential space felt weird as he paced back and forth, but the thought of taking them off by the door was even weirder. But ultimately it was a normal space. There were pictures of the family on the shelves in the living room along with the entertainment systems and a black, leather couch that he wouldn't admit to looking familiar.

Not wanting to leave evidence, David went to the window and drew the blinds, then cursed himself for it since the neighbor on the other side might notice the discrepancy. Nobody was supposed to be there after all, but he couldn't take it back... He held a hand to his chest to calm himself as he waited and planned things out. Now that the space was more than a floor plan to him, the couch in the living room was looking nice, and there was always the option of jumping her in the shower itself when she would be freshly wet... like her mother recommended...

His cock was a guiding rod, hardening inside his pants as he considered each scenario in turn. It had been a full week after all since he'd even touched himself; he felt that Ruth should get all of the stamina he could muster over a week of anticipation, so that her first time with a man would be special... He felt like such a creep, but this was what her own mother had wanted after all... Wasn't it better that Ruth was going to be deflowered by a man who didn't actually like the rape fantasy?

He went into her room, deciding on his original plan, and made sure that there was enough room for himself in the closet by moving hanging shirts to the side. Now that he was here, things felt like they were finally becoming real. Alone in a young woman's room, how could he stop himself from taking a look around?

Ruth was messier than the rest of her family, had left a few sets of clothing on her bed, her hamper already overflowing with... Right on top, lingerie... White lace with pink strings; David couldn't help himself and gently picked up a bra and panty set. So, Ruth was a B-cup... Just touching them brought a faint, womanly scent to his nose, and David brought the panties up to his face for a proper sniff.

Arousal surged in his pants, and he'd come one more step toward recognizing that he was just a plain old pervert. David put the underwear away and tried not to think about Ruth, on a normal day, slipping the soft, cottony garments over her gentle curves... Over the course of the day, rubbing against her skin...

It had been a mistake to come over so early. All he wanted to do now was jack off, but he had to wait another hour and a half before Ruth would come home. He set an alarm on his watch and lay down in her bed, the bloom of her scent from the sheets doing nothing to help him calm down as he closed his eyes and tried to nap the rest of the time away. Even though he was nervous, he was eventually able to quiet his thoughts enough that he could lie quietly in wait.

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