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Quality Control

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The new girl at the shop enjoys some dirty hazing.
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Ed came running up the cereal aisle. He screeched to a halt, the freshly shined shop floor not providing the necessary friction to stop him colliding with Steve, who promptly dropped a stack of corn flakes boxes.

"Thanks mate," sighed Steve, stooping to pick the boxes up. "What's the fucking rush?"

"New girl!" gasped Ed, catching his breath. "Have you seen the new girl?"

"No, didn't know there was one. Why, she alright?"

"Oh, mate, you've got to see her!" said Ed, a broad smile splitting his broad face. She's on fruit and veg with Johnno."

"Lead on," said Steve, gesturing vaguely towards the front of the store.

Steve had worked at the supermarket for six months now, Ed a little over four. Steve was twenty-three and thoroughly miserable with the way his life was going. Ed, only nineteen, had more enthusiasm. He was a bit of a prick, with a puerile sense of humour, but Steve didn't mind him.

And, every now and again, there was a new recruit.

The two of them -- Steve, slim and shortish, and Ed, taller but a touch overweight -- stood at the end of the tea and coffee aisle, convinced they were safely hidden from view round the corner.

"Look, there she is," pointed Ed. Steve followed his finger.

She was gorgeous. Young and petite, barely filling out her uniform, her beautiful, elfin face topped by short-cropped blonde hair. They watched her for a while, before John -- the older man charged with inducting the new staff -- caught sight of them.

"You two stop gawping," he ordered them gruffly. "Piss off back to the store room, there's a delivery coming in soon."

Morosely, they did as they were told. Early hours at the supermarket were miserable, but at least they'd had a brief bit of excitement today.


The next morning, Steve was working alone. Ed was working nights the rest of the week, and Steve had been assigned to unload pallettes of toiletries and sundry pharmaceuticals. He persevered through their task, loading up goods trollies to take out to the shop floor.

Wheeling one such trolley down the pharma aisle, he was greeted by the welcome sight of the new girl, waiting at near-empty shelves with a few boxes of tissues and baby wipes on.

"Hi!" said the girl, brightly bopping up in front of him with a smile that said she was far too much of a morning person. "John said I should help stack this area today. I'm Poppy."

Steve introduced himself awkwardly, and began unloading boxes of tissues onto the shelves.

"So, this is only your second day, right?" asked Steve, trying to strike up a conversation with the beauty.

"Yep," she said, smiling. "Second day of my first job."

"How old are you?"

"Eighteen," she said, happily.

"Enjoying the job, so far?"

She shrugged.

"It's fine, I guess. Pretty boring. Must be some way to make it more interesting, you know?"

They worked side by side for a time, chatting amiably and quickly finishing their task. She was a sweet girl, and Steve found himself enjoying her company a great deal.

"One thing I don't get," said Poppy, with a quizzical look.

"What?" asked Steve.

She pointed at the label on the edge of the shelf. "Why are they called 'facial tissues?' I mean, why are they so good for facials?"

Steve laughed, assuming she was joking.

"I hope you're talking about beauty regime stuff," said Steve.

She gave him a weird look.

"You know what a facial is, right? It's when a guy --"

"Yeah, yeah, I know!" he replied.

"Well, why are they just for that? I mean, are they a special kind of tissues or something? I'd have thought any old tissues would work for getting that off."

OK, thought Steve. This was a little weird, but he could cope with a little weird from a gorgeous girl. Was she flirting with him in a bizarre way? Did she have a weird, deadpan sense of humour? She seemed to be totally serious.

He decided to play along.

"Well," said Steve, putting on what he imagined was an air of authority, "we have to test them out. To know if they're up to scratch. Fit for purpose."

"Hah! Yeah, right," she giggled.

"No, really," he continued, with mock seriousness. "You know that little room off the store room, with the frosted out glass? That's the testing room."

She laughed and gave his arm a playful slap.

"You're full of shit!"

"No, seriously. I usually do the testing for things like this because I'm younger than the senior staff. We haven't done a test in a while either, so it's about time we did a check."

She looked at him with her mouth open in mild shock.

"Really? You actually test them out for that?"

Surely she didn't actually believe him? She was obviously taking the piss, but the look in her eye... if there was even a chance she was serious, he had to try, right? It had just been a joke, but how far would he take it?

"Absolutely. It's highly confidential, of course. I don't like to talk about it much around the others -- they mostly get stuck testing boring things and I don't like to remind them that I got the fun job."

"It does sound fun..." she said, thoughtfully. "Who do you test it on?"

"Welllll... normally we either ask a professional to join, but sometimes it's a good idea to have someone amateur. Just an ordinary person, new to the biz, with no preconceptions." He decided to push his luck. "I could show you, if you like."

That was it. Now she'd either laugh or tell him to fuck off.

"Alright," she said, smiling sweetly. "As long as you're sure it's OK."

He grabbed a box of "facial tissues" off the shelf.

"Follow me," he said.

He dashed back to the store room, Poppy following close behind, giggling. Off to the far side there was indeed a door with frosted glass. Steve glanced around, and when he was happy there was no one watching them, led Poppy to the door. It took some effort to open, having been barely used since long before he had started working there. It opened into a small room with a few almost empty shelved and a broom in one corner. Poppy squeezed in, and he slammed the door behind her.

"Testing room, huh?"

"Absolutely," he said, nodding earnestly.

"Funny, it looks just like an old broom cupboard."

"Well, I haven't had to test anything for a while. But I think it's past time we did some quality control. Don't you?"

"Sure thing," she said, smiling, and to his shock, she carefully dropped to her knees. He stood in stunned silence for a moment.

"Um..." she mumbled after a bit. "Don't you need to... you know?"

Steve's cock hardened in his underwear, and he hurriedly pulled it out of his pants. Poppy bit her lip, giving it an appreciative look.

"Wow," she said. "You've got a really big dick. Is that why they ask you to do the testing?"

"Yeah, but I don't like to brag."

He began to rub his hard cock, slithering his foreskin back and forth. Poppy watched patiently, that sweet smile on her face.

"You're right, this is fun," she said, happily.

He jerked his manhood, harder and faster, until, after only moments, the crescendo of an orgasm surged through him and he sent a thick spurt of hot jism onto the young blonde's face.

She gasped, the warm fluid running down her cheek. He continued to rub himself, sending stream after stream of pent-up frustration flying out in thick, liquid form. Poppy knelt there, her faced covered in creamy white gunk, blobs of it on her forehead, her nose, her lips and chin.

"Um... could you pass me one of our test sheets please?" she said, waving her hand about.

"One sec," said Steve, tucking his dick away. He whipped his phone from his pocket and took a quick photo of the cum-covered beauty.

"What's that for?" she cried.

"I need to document it for the files," he said, finally passing her a wad of tissue paper.

Poppy wiped the thick filth from her face, a process which took quite some time. Globs on her uniform and in her hair refused to shift. Finally, she stood up, dumping the soiled tissues into a grubby bucket under a shelf.

"I'm not sure these facial tissues are that good. They didn't do a very good job getting it all off my face."

"Thank you, Poppy," said Steve, sagely. "That will all go in the report."

She gave him a big smile. "Thanks Steve, that was fun! Do you test any other products?"

"From time to time," he said, "but perhaps we can bring the schedule forward since you're keen to get involved."

"That sounds great!" she said, beaming.

"Happy to show you the ropes," he smiled.


The next morning there was no sign of Poppy. As he stacked shelves with crates of lager, operating on autopilot, Steve worried that he'd scared her away. He should never have done that yesterday. Convincing a girl to hide out back with him so he could jizz on her face? It was appalling. It was obscene. It was... a lot of fun, he had to admit. But where was she now? Was she never coming back? Was she telling the manager about it? Was he one shift away from the sack?

Just as he was finishing his work, the tiny blonde appeared, scooting up the aisle.

"Hi Steve!" she beamed.

"Oh, hi Poppy," he said, relieved that she seemed pleased to see him. "Where have you been all morning?"

"They had me working on the cigarette counter at the front. Stock-checking. It was sooooo boring," she complained, pulling a cute little pout.

"Well, I'm glad you're here. Look, about yesterday --"

"Yeah!" she interrupted him. "I thought we could test something else today!"

"OK..." he said, uncertain what she was about to suggest. "What do you have in mind?"

She grabbed his hand and excitedly led him back to the pharma aisle. She stopped at the "family planning" section.

"Let's test these!" she said excitedly, grabbing a compact box off a shelf and handing it to him.

He looked at the carton. "Durex -- ribbed and studded," it read.

"You're serious?" he said, gobsmacked.

"Of course I'm serious. Come on, let's go to the testing room."

The two of them practically sprinted out the back, virtually bashing down the door to the broom cupboard. Poppy turned to Steve and put her arms around him. It was a squeeze in the tiny room, but there was enough room to maneuvre.

"Open the box!" she said, breathlessly.

He did as he was told, ripping the carton open and fishing out a packet. He tore it open with his teeth, taking care not to rip the condom.

Poppy slipped an arm down and slid her hand into his pants. Wrapping her fingers around his hardening cock, she leaned in close.

"Ready?" she said, her lips by his ear.

"Very," he said, pulling his erect cock out from his pants. Fumbling a little, he unrolled the condom onto his member. "Are you?"

"Definitely," she said, giggling. She used her free arm to yank down her trousers and her tiny white knickers, holding onto him with the other. Stooping slightly to get into position, Steve pressed his desperate cock against the lips of her pussy, pink and wet.

"Put it in!" she insisted.

He thrust forward, his thick cock sliding into her warm hole. The little slip of a girl was astonishingly tight, and he grunted with pleasure as her wet flesh rubbed against his.

"Oh god!" she cried, grinding against him. "You're so big!"

He pounded into her, grunting as she moaned and yelped in pleasure. Her cries grew louder, and Steve had a moment of panic. He slapped his hand onto her mouth, muffling her cries.

"Shhh... we'll get caught!"

Poppy clearly didn't care. She wriggled on his cock, her squeals smothered by his hand. He thrust into her, as hard and as fast as he could, until at last his cock exploded inside her. He filled the condom, and pulled out, panting.

"Mmmm..." mumbled Poppy, sighing with pleasure. She looked him in the eye with a sardonic smile. "Caught? Are you telling me you're not really a product tester?"

Steve wiped his sweat-sodden hair out of his eyes.

"So I'm not officially sanctioned," he said, pulling the condom off and chucking it into the increasingly soiled bucket. "It was still a good test, right?"

"Mmm, the best. What do you want to test tomorrow?"

"I've got something in mind," he said, with a wicked smile. She looked up at him, with that cute, quizzicle expression. "You'll find out tomorrow," he promised her.


They agreed that the next morning they'd meet in the "testing room" just before the store opened at eight. Poppy was waiting there when Steve let himself in. She was propped up against the wall, her trousers and knickers around her ankles, the dainty fingers of her right hand rubbing against her tiny pink clit. Her eyes were closed, and she didn't notice him there, watching her. He stood, spectating appreciatively, watching how her golden curls wrapped around her moist fingers.

He coughed politely, and she almost jumped out of her skin.

"Oh!" she gasped, surprised. "Sorry, I finished my work early so I came in here to wait for you. I got a bit excited thinking about yesterday."

"You're something else, you know that?" he said, leaning in to kiss her. She giggled as their mouths pressed together.

"What?" he asked, pulling away.

"You fucked me and came on my face before we even kissed," she explained.

"I suppose I did. But it was all in the name of science."

This made her giggle even more.

"What are we testing today?" she asked, once her laughter had subsided.

Steve reached into his pocket and pulled out a small, pink bottle. He held it up so she could read the label.

"'Slide Lube,'" she read. "'Water-based. Suitable for all sexual contact.' Um... what are we going to do with this?" she asked nervously.

"Turn around, and I'll show you."

She hesitated, but turned, showing Steve her tiny, pert backside. He placed a hand on her back, and gently pushed her forward, so that she was bending over, at least as much as the limited room allowed. He squeezed a blob of the lube onto his fingertips, and reached down.

She gasped as he made contact with her anus. Gently, he rubbed the fluid around her tiny opening, and a little more forcefully, pushed a finger inside.

"Steve..." she whispered, shaking a little. "I've... I've never done this before."

"Then maybe it's you who's being tested today."

He reached into his pants, pulling out his cock, already rock hard in anticipation. He leaned forward, his lips brushing her ear.

"You got this," he whispered.

He pressed the swollen head of his cock against her anus, thrusting forward, gently at first and then more forcefully. He entered her suddenly, the resistance giving way. She gasped again. Slowly, he moved his hips, sliding his cock in and out, each time slipping a little more in.

"OW!" she squealed. "That hurts!" She sucked air through her teeth, hissing. "That really hurts Steve!"

He pulled out, gently.

"Sorry," he said. "We can stop."

"No, it's OK," she said, breathing deeply. "Just use more of that stuff."

Steve squeezed the bottle over his cock, coating it with lube, and rubbed it all over. Satisfied he was suitably oiled up, he pressed his cock back against Poppy's asshole.

"Ready?" he asked her.

"As I'll ever be," she said.

He pushed back into her, sliding in easily now he was extra slick. The sensation of course, soft flesh against his cock was incredible. Poppy grunted in discomfort, but before long, the sounds shifted, becoming groans of pleasure.

"Shit..." she gasped.

"You OK?"

"Yeah, I'm OK."

"Doesn't hurt?"

"It does," she admitted, "but it's kind of a good hurt. You can go a bit harder, if you want."

He did so, thrusting eagerly into her tight little butt.

"Oh my god..." she moaned. "Oh my fucking god!"

His thrusts got harder, more aggressive, until he was pounding her as hard as he could. With a guttural grunt, he came, shooting his load into her insides. He pulled out, spent.

Poppy turned round, a tear trickling from her right eye.

"Did I pass?" she asked.

"With flying colours," sighed Steve, breathless.

After they'd struggled back into their uniform trousers, cracked open the door to check no one was around, they left the broom cupboard, both a little flushed.

"We're running out of things to test," said Poppy.

Steve gave it a moment's thought.

"Maybe cough syrup? I could give you a sore throat."

"Ew, gross," laughed Poppy, but gave him a kiss. "I'll see you tomorrow."


On Friday, tragedy. He overslept.

Running into work at ten to eight, Steve clocked in hurriedly, made his apologies and stocked the biscuit aisle as quickly as he could. He hadn't seen so much as a blonde hair of Poppy, and as soon as he was able to, he snuck out the back to the broom cupboard.

He reached forward to open the door, but stopped. He could hear Poppy inside. Hear the same moans and grunts and squeals that she'd made for him just two days before as he fucked her in that room.

Shit, he thought. Who was she in there with? He bet it was Ed. The fucker had probably switched back to mornings just to get some.

He stormed off.


By Monday, he'd calmed down. After all, it had just been a bit of fun. Who cares if she wanted to mess around with some other guy? Plenty of broom cupboard time for everyone, right?

Still, he tried to find Poppy, just to talk to her. To find out what was going on.

There was no sign of her.

He looked down the veg section, the bakery, the tea aisle, and, of course, pharma aisle -- their aisle. He looked out the back, he looked in the broom cupboard. Not a sign.

Eventually, he asked John if he knew where she was.

"She got sacked," he said, without ceremony.

"Why? What did she do?"

He grunted with mirth. "Isn't that the question," he said, cryptically, but left it at that.

When he'd made up his time and finished his shift, Steve stomped out of the store morosely. Head down, he didn't notice Poppy until she'd almost run into him.

"Steve!" she cried. "I've been waiting for you to finish. You were ages."

"Yeah, I had to make up time for Friday." He looked her in the eye. "So what happened? Why'd you get fired?"

She sighed.

"Well, when you didn't show up, I got sick of waiting for you. So I decided to have some fun in the test room."

"Fun?" he probed. "With..?"

"With myself!" she protested. "Only, without you there to put your hand over my mouth, I ended up making a little noise, and..."


"They caught me testing the cucumbers."

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KrullTheWarriorKrullTheWarrioralmost 2 years ago

I loved this, it was sexy and fun.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Unexpected end. Funny.

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