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Queen of Spades Pt. 01

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Sissy has to submit 2 Trans Cartel leader 2 save gf and mom.
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Hey everyone. As I said in Queen of Clubs redone, sorry for the long absence. Been planning a lot of stories and world-building. Also, as said in Queen of Clubs, Queen of Spades is a part of a huge Drug Cartel War saga with different series including Queen of Clubs. Here's the first part of Queen of Spades. Let me know what you think. This story contains poly relationships, domination, sex slavery, human trafficking, trans woman's dominating sissies and cis women. All characters are above the age of 18. This story is under copyright protection. Also, this story is a short intro with a little sex in it.

Chapter 1: Taylor Holland

"Hey baby," Amber says as she walks up to me at my locker with her golden hair bobbing with every step. She pecks my cheek with a kiss.

"Hey," I say, wrapping my arm around her. She's a little taller than me and I shouldn't be insecure about it, but part of me is. I shouldn't feel insecure about anything, I was the starting quarterback who led the team to two playoff victories even though we lost the game after that.

I might be short, but I'm fast and I have a cannon for an arm.

"Yo, Taylor. What up," Tom Collins says as he walks up with Craig Grand, Jake Schnieder, and Walker Willis.

"Hey, what's up guys."

"Party at my place tonight to kick off the start of the Holiday Break! Parents are going to be gone. We've already got booze."

I look at Amber, and she smiles. "Hell yeah, we'll be there."

"God, Taylor, your girlfriend is cooler than you," Jake says.

"Faggot alert," Craig says as Sam Harper walks by. Walker, Jake, and Tom laugh while Amber and I both tense up. Sam's a feminine skater punk with blonde hair and a girly bubble butt. He wears black skinny jeans that really make his butt stick out. Part of me admires his butt, but then I see all the shit he gets for it and I'm glad I'm not him. We used to be friends once, but everyone thinks he's a sissy. I had to distance myself from him. I feel bad about that, but I can't let him drag me down.

"Suck any dicks lately?" Walker asks.

"I bet he's got a profile on all the gay apps," Jake says.

"Ten bucks says he's wearing girly panties," Tom says.

"No one is stupid enough to take that bet," Craig says. Sam doesn't say anything, he just scurries off in humiliation.

"Why do you guys have to be assholes?" Amber asks.

"And here I thought you were the cool one," Jake says.

"No one wants a faggot like him around," Tom says, rushing a hand through his dyed blond hair. "Right Taylor?"

"Right..." I mumble under my breath. Amber rolls her eyes at me.


After school, Amber and I head over to my house. My mom gives us a wave while she has what sounds like a really intense phone call about real estate. "God that bitch was going on and on about the little shit and constantly making a big deal about every little thing. I was about to lose it with her. I can't stand people like her. I could tell right from the get-go she wasn't going to buy."

We head into my room and shut the door. "Why do you just go along with everything Tom, Jake, Walker, and Craig say? They can be such assholes sometimes. I hate the way they treat Sam."

"Yeah... You're right. I just... They're my friends."

"Not very good ones."

"They don't mean anything by it. They're just... I don't know."

"You know damn well they're assholes. The only reason you hang out with them is that they're popular."

"You're popular too and you hang out with Lyndsey, Emily, and Kate."

"I don't hang out with Lyndsey. I hang out with Kate. Lyndsey is a complete psycho. All the Lanes are. Emily is okay." She continuously runs her hands through her blonde hair as her ocean blue eyes flicker away from mine. "Besides, I've known Kate since kindergarten."

"Can we just forget about it?" I ask.

"You should talk to Sam and apologize."

"Seriously?" I ask as I stare at her with a slack jaw.

"Yeah. Seriously. He's got a hard enough time, as it is without your friends picking on him."

"Fine... I'll do it the next time I see him," I say.

"You should do it over break. Or else you won't see him again until school starts."

"Why do you care about Sam? He is gay and everyone knows he cross-dresses. Tom has a picture of him wearing a thong."

"Sam's kind of like a little brother to me since he's Kate's twin. And don't you think you're being a bit of a hypocrite? You wore a pair of my underwear before."

"That was different! You talked me into it."

"Is that why you kept them?"

"I... I just." I stumble on my words, not knowing what to say.

"In fact, I'm missing quite a few pairs of underwear. And a skirt. You wouldn't happen to know anything about it, would you?" I shake my head no, trying my hardest not to look over at my closet where I hid the clothing I took from her.

My jaw clenches. Her face softens. "Relax. I actually think it's sexy."

"I don't cross-dress... Wait... what?"

"I think it's hot when a feminine boy dresses in girl's clothing. I bet Sam is so sexy when he dresses up. Especially with a little makeup. You'd look good too. No offense, but you're kind of built for it. You've got a nice bubble butt that I love."

I pull myself out of it. "I'm not a sissy and I don't cross-dress."

I think she knows I'm lying, but I just don't want that part of myself getting out. If people knew I was secretly dressing up in Amber's clothing and jerking off to dominate dick girls plowing little sissy boys, my life would be ruined. I've already got everything planned out. I got a full-ride scholarship to Miami U to play football and Amber already got accepted there as well. We're going to graduate and get really good high-paying jobs and eventually get married and have kids. There's no room for my cross-dressing fantasies. And they're just that, fantasies. It's just a phase.

Her face flattens. "Whatever. Fine."

I place my hand on her knee and use my other hand to try to pull her face towards mine as I lean in for a kiss. She instantly pulls away. "Let's just go to the party."

I sigh. "It's a little early, but whatever."

My mom's still on the phone when I tell her we're heading out and probably won't be back until tomorrow. She waves me off, not even listening.

We get in my car and head over to Tom's place. It's not that far from mine, but even though my mom makes at least six figures from selling real estate, our large house looks like a shack compared to Tom's.

Craig, his little brother Tim, Jake and his little brother Connor, Walker, Walker's sister Emily and his brother Blaise along with Lyndsey, her younger sister Michelle with her three friends Piper Daniels, Claudia Adkins along with Kate are already there. Amber immediately pulls away from me and heads over to Kate. Whatever.

The boys are already doing shots and Walker pushes two in my hands telling me I need to catch up. We head to the garage and play flip cup. Soon the party is in full swing and half the school is here. It's packed and after several shots later and a few beers, I'm drunk.

Real drunk. I can't even walk straight, let alone stay standing. My mind is a complete haze. I can't remember where I put Amber or my phone. Jake hands me another shot and I down it. Then he pulls me outside as Walker sparks up a blunt. It only takes a few hits before things start to get blurry.

The last thing I remember is falling on the couch and landing on the floor.

Chapter 2: Amber Kinney

I wish Taylor would just be honest with me. He has been dressing in my clothes; I know it. I also know he jerks off to sissies getting fucked by dominant girls with dicks. He doesn't do a good job of hiding his browsing history. I know I shouldn't go through shit like that, but I can't help it. To be honest, I actually find it all extremely sexy. But I hate the fact that he straight-up lies to me about it. It really pisses me off.

For some reason beyond me, Taylor's dream in life is to go to college, get a degree and start a family. That just sounds so boring to me and is the farthest thing from what I want. I know deep down he really doesn't want that. It's what he thinks he should want. It's stupid. I'm almost to the point of breaking up with him.

Especially with the incident with Sam. I hate how he and his so-called "friends" treat Sam. It really pisses me off. At least Sam doesn't hide who he is.

As we get to the party, I spot Kate and ditch Taylor. As soon as she sees me, she gets excited and hugs me. She hands me a shot and we cheer before we down it. Lyndsey gives me the stink eye, but I don't care. Fuck that bitch.

As the night goes on, the party gets packed with almost everyone at school. At least the people Tom and his friends deem cool enough to show up. Fucking assholes.

Kate and I continue to drink until Kate's recently dumped ex-boyfriend, Craig, harasses her. "Come on, Kate, I just want to talk."

"Craig, I told you I'm done. There's nothing to talk about and I certainly don't appreciate you coming over to my house after I told you that we're done. Just leave me alone!"

"Craig, you're coming off as a creepy stalker. That's not cool," I say.

"Stay out of it."

"No, you stay out of it, Craig!" Kate snaps at him as she steps up and pushes her finger into his chest. "If you don't back the fuck up, I'm going to file a restraining order against you. And stop texting and calling me. My lack of responses should say all there is to say. You literally sent me over 50 texts yesterday."

"Baby..." Craig goes to say before Kate interrupts.

"Don't call me that anymore. We're not a couple. You lost that right when you hit me. We're done. Come on Amber, let's go to my place."

I give Craig the bird and follow Kate out. He just glares at us. "Let me grab Taylor."

She shrugs. However, as we head into the living room, I find him passed out on the floor. "Actually, fuck Taylor. He's an asshole. Let's go."

Kate calls her brother Sam, and he shows up not long after. We get into his beat-up Pontiac and take off.

"Hey, Sammy. I'm sorry for my boyfriend and his douchebag friends. They're all assholes."

"Why, what happened?" Kate asks.

"Nothing!" Sam says.

"Just my boyfriend and his stupid friends being jerks. That's all. Nothing new," I say.

We pull up to Kate's house and raid the kitchen before going to her room. We finish a can of pringles and a bag of popcorn before we cuddle in her bed.

"Guys are such assholes," she says.

"I know! I'm so pissed at Taylor. He is lying to me. Straight up to my face."

"About what?" she asks.

I don't even think about it. "He's been taking my clothing and wearing them. I know he has a hidden stash in his closet."

"What a hypocrite. And he makes fun of my brother for cross-dressing."

"I know, right? Like, I don't even care that he does it, just don't lie about it. I actually kind of think it's hot. Not gonna lie. I'd love to peg his ass when he's all dressed up."

Her eyes go wide. "Really?"

"Yes!" I say.

She bites her lip. I brush a string of her long blonde hair out of her face and get lost in her dreamy blue eyes. "That's so hot. I'll be honest, I've kind of always wanted to be fucked by a girl with a strap-on."

This time, I'm the one biting my lip. "Do you have one?"

She shakes her head no. "Why would you fuck me if I did?"

"Yeah, actually."

"What about Taylor?" she asks.

"I'm actually thinking about breaking up with him."

Her eyes go wide. "Really? Why?"

"Don't get me wrong, I actually think I love him, but we don't want the same things. He wants to live the American white-picket-fence kind of life and that's not for me. I want to have fun and experiment. Try new things and maybe have an open relationship. I don't know. I just don't want the boring life everyone else gets stuck in."

"Yeah, I know how you feel. I don't really care to get married either. Honestly, I think I might be gay." She bites her lip and looks away.

"You only think so?" I ask.

"Well, I don't know. I've never actually been with a girl, so I don't know for sure."

"Want to find out?" I ask.

She nods. I don't even hesitate; I lean in and kiss her. She kisses me back. I wrap my arms around her and pull her into me.

We tug at each other's clothes and soon we're both grinding on each other buck naked. She's so lean and in great shape. I run my hand down her abs while my other hand grabs her tight ass. She grabs mine and grips my plushy cheeks. My fingers find her neatly trimmed pubes before diving into her oasis. She moans, and a shudder runs through her.

Then she dives her fingers into my pussy and we slowly mirror each other as our tongues dance between our lips. She finds my clit and rubs so painstakingly slowly. I try to return the favor.

I pull away from her and sit down on her face, reverse cowgirl style so I can lean down and bury my face between her legs. She grinds her crotch against my tongue as I lick up and down the walls of her vagina.

She grips my ass cheeks, spreading them. I finger up those sweet pussy lips and get my fingers nice and wet before I push one up her tight little asshole. She groans out and pays me back in kind, shoving a finger up my ass. I've always loved anal. I just have this ass obsession for some reason. I love the feeling of her finger up my ass as she licks my pussy.

We grind on each other. I'm so hot and bothered. My skin breaks out in a sweat as I fuck her cunt with my tongue and bury two fingers deep inside her ass. She goes wild on my own pussy and finger fucks my butt.

I feel like I'm melting into her. My body is on fire. I reach down with my free hand and grip my tit. The sensation makes me gush and is exactly what I needed to fall off the edge. I squirt all over Kate's face as she hits her climax. We melt into each other.

I roll off her and collapse, trying to catch my breath. That was the best orgasm I've ever had. Taylor just doesn't know how to use his tongue or his cock. It doesn't help that his dick isn't all that big. That's why I think it'd be better if I was on top.

"Fuck that was amazing," Kate says with a sigh. "It's official. I'm gay. There's no doubt in my mind after that."

As amazing as that sex was, I feel super guilty about it now. Even if Taylor deserved it, it doesn't make me completely innocent. I shouldn't have cheated on him. I feel like I should break up with him. I don't want to though. I want things to work between us. I really do.

Kate reaches over and pulls out a bowl and her weed. She cracks the window open and sparks it up, taking a hit before she passes it to me.

I take a hit and pass it back. We get high as a kite before I pass out beside her.

Chapter 3: Kamilla Zorita

The coke business is booming, to say the least. Profits have been soaring, making our cartel all rich as fuck. The biggest reason for our success is our ability to grow Coca in a greenhouse. This plant is hard to grow outside its natural environment of the hot tropical conditions in such places as Columbia. However, thanks to my two best growers, Dmitry Grimes and his girlfriend Bianca Carrido, and myself, we have figured out a way to replicate that environment in our greenhouse and produce a variant of the coca plant that grows like a weed. The secret is to create an environment that is higher in altitude.

"I gotta say, you two are geniuses with plants, and you definitely deserve a huge holiday bonus. I don't know where we'd be without you two," I say as I pull them both into a hug.

"Aww, thanks," Bianca says. "It was really Dmitry's crazy idea to make a more hybrid Coca plant that would be more durable in different climates."

"Hey baby, don't cut yourself short. Without your tender touch and care, they'd never be so fruitful." She smiles and hugs him.

"Well, you both need to be proud. I expect you'll both come to our Christmas party?"

"Wouldn't miss it," Dmitry smiles. Dmitry is your typical tough black man. Always standing ready to fight.

"Good. It'll be loads of fun. Well, I got to go check up on how our production is coming on the manufacturing side of things. I'll stop by later and help with the harvest."

"Sounds good," Bianca says. Bianca has a classic beauty. An elegant face with silky hair and a petite frame.

I head out as my security team escorts me out to my car. Raden Knox, a new protégé of my head of security, Winston Howell, opens the door for me as Winston joins me in the SUV while Raden gets in the front seat. I scroll through my tablet and look through the most recent orders. I smile as the orders just keep coming in.

We arrive at the manufacturing plant that turns the coca into the refined cocaine we sell. As I arrive at the plant, I meet with Anthony and Veronica Cambeiro, a married couple who oversee our production of cocaine.

They and their team take the dried coca leaves and soak them with lime water or other alkaline liquids and then it is extracted with kerosene in metal drums. Workers use sulfuric acid to extract the dissolved cocaine and form a liquid solution to which lime is added, leading to the precipitation of coca paste.

Workers then add acid and potassium to remove impurities, followed by bicarbonate, to cause the base to separate. The base is further dissolved in a solvent like acetone and then soaked again in acid. Finally, the cocaine paste is filtered through a cloth to separate, then dried.

Alternatively, the base can be dissolved in a solvent, such as acetone, ether, or ethyl acetate, and heated in a bath of hot water. Methyl ethyl ketone is another solvent that workers add to the hot liquid mixture, along with hydrochloric acid, leading to cocaine hydrochloride crystallizing in the solution. Solvents are pressed out by hand, followed by a hydraulic press, then the mixture is heated in a microwave to create cocaine powder.

We use both methods. Anthony and Veronica kind of compete with each other to see which method is better. But honestly, both methods make very fine coke. Our coke is always the finest because we do not cut it with baking soda or any other method.

It takes about 450-600 kilograms of fresh coca leaves to create 1 kilogram of cocaine base. That's why we have ten times the number of greenhouses compared to manufacturing plants.

As I walk in, Anthony and Veronica bicker with each other about the small details. "I'm telling you, lime water is not good enough. It is too weak."

"Oh, and gasoline is so much better." Veronica towers over Anthony with her black hair in a ponytail. Her jeans are ripped and her shirt is stained with what looks like some kind of paste. She's very attractive, with thick thighs and a nice ass.

"I see you two are still going on about the same argument," I say, interrupting.

"She's just mad that I'm right," Anthony says. Even though he's shorter, that doesn't make him any less of a man. He's what I'd describe as a very animated person. Always passionate and speaks with his hands.

"Bullshit," Veronica retorts.

"Enough. How are you two still married?"

"We're passionate," Anthony says.

"We may fight and bicker, but it only makes our love that more intense," Veronica says

"Intense is definitely how I describe your relationship. Anyway, how is production? Are we on schedule?"

"Of course. That's something we both can agree on," Anthony says with a smile at Veronica.

She nods. "We'll have another shipment ready by the end of the week."

"That's what I wanted to hear. I was just checking in. Our orders continue to increase. Business is booming. I'll let Viviana know our shipment should be ready on time. You two are the best," I say with a smile.

I take off from the manufacturing plant and head to meet up with the rest of the Cartel while Winston goes over any security threats.

"I think we should double down on security in our greenhouses. Those are the most vital to our manufacturing process," Winston says. He's a big hulk of a black man, and I trust him with my life. He's been the head of my security for almost a decade now and my personal bodyguard for even longer.

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