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Queen's Wish

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Mother and son are drawn together...
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AN: Writing season again! Well, mine anyway. It came a little late this year, but such is life. But enough from me. Enjoy the story!

The incessant alarm keeps ringing, sadly out of reach, in the opposite side of the room.

I hate myself sometimes.

The morning light pierces through the window, welcoming dawn. I sigh contently, positive that nothing can ruin my day.

Dragging my corpse out of the nice, warm and toasty blankets, I almost immediately crash onto the cold wooden floor, hitting my elbow.


I shut my eyes to cancel the tears starting to pool in them. Freaking low blood pressure...

Slowly standing up, I make my way to the noisy phone and dismiss the alarm.

After a quick shower, I put on my favorite pink pajamas with cute rabbit slippers, and prepare some hot chocolate with marshmallows.

A lazy day...

No work for a few weeks. Much needed freedom and zero stress... What more can a girl ask for?

I frown as I imagine the mocking look of a certain young man.

Look at this forty-three-year-old woman calling herself a girl...

"Age is but a number! I am eternally twenty-five!" I say, pumping my fist in the air.

My voice echoes in the cold, empty house, and my energy falls.

"Stupid..." No one answers me.

I hum a mindless melody to drown out the silence as I bring my delicious goodies to the living room.

Building a warm nest in front of the T.V, I contemplate which shows to binge on. Maybe some bloody horror? Or a sugary sweet romance...? I settle for something medieval where gorgeous shirtless guys fight each other with swords. Yum.

A few hours pass by in a flash and I get up to do the dishes, singing along to the end-credits blasting at full volume in the living room. It's not difficult to imagine myself spending most of my time like this. Mostly because I do spend most of my time like this.

Just me, myself, and I.

But that's fine.

I'm not lonely. Not lonely at--

"Fuck's sake!" A voice shouts and the T.V goes quiet shortly after.

I smile.

"Mom! I swear! How many times have I told you to lock the door? Especially with the T.V drowning out all sound. What if some kidnappers--"

"My baby!"

Caleb stands rooted in place as I tackle him. He catches me and I wrap my arms around him, rubbing my cheek against his broad chest, breathing in his musky cologne. Brown sports jacket, white shirt, faded jeans, and boots. I rarely see him wearing anything else.

"Yeah, enough of that, Mouse. One of these days I'll just sidestep and laugh as you crash into the furniture."

I look up at his face.

Dark grey eyes, so much like my own, stare down at me.

"Will you really do that?" I ask and pull out my puppy dog look.

As expected, my son gets a little flustered and looks away. "W-well, of course I wouldn't actually do that, but still..."

"I love you!"

"I...love you too." He says and shakes his head. "No, you little demon! Stop distracting me. The door!"

He puts me down and I click my tongue.

"Oh, you giving me attitude now, Mother? What are you, a kid?"

I sigh. "It's the middle of the day, honey. Surely kidnappers are only out at night."

"And what if they're not?"

"Then I'll fight back."

"Fight back? You?" He arcs a brow. "The person that literally lost a fight against a kitten?"

"That was one time..."

"Mom." His face turns serious, and he holds both my hands. "On a real note, you need to start taking these things seriously."

"...I know."

"No, you don't. Assuming you had no visitors, and the fact that you're still wearing pajamas; that door was unlocked since last night."

He sighs. "I know I can be a little... intense, when it comes to security."

"A little?"

"Fine. Very intense." He brings my hands to his face and softly kisses the knuckles. "But I worry about you, and I only want you to be safe."

Even after everything, knowing my eldest son still cares, fills me with infinite joy. I pull a hand away from him and place it on his cheek. He leans his face into the touch and closes his eyes.


"Okay...?" He asks, opening his eyes.

"I promise to be more careful from now on."

"Good." He smiles, and my heart starts racing for some reason. Such a handsome boy.

My boy.

He suddenly pulls away from me.

"And now, on to business." Caleb says and leads me towards my bedroom.

"W-wait, what?" Confusion clouds my face. Not paying it any heed, my son gently pushes me inside.

"We're going out. You need to get ready."

"Out? Out where?"

"Out of the house. Now, chop-chop, Mouse. We don't have all day."

I cross my arms and lean against the door frame, narrowing my eyes.

"What are you up to...?" I ask, suspicion lacing my voice.

My son quickly looks away and swallows before smiling wryly.

"I saw that! You're definitely super, ultra, up to something!"

He bursts into laughter, something I haven't heard in a long time. Next, he squeezes me in a tight bear hug. "Put me down, you freaking giant!"

"So cute! I just want to like, put you in a box and keep you in my pocket, then-- Ow, ow, ow! Okay, Mouse, I give up!" He says, after I keep lightly punching his hard body.

"I gave you life. You better not forget that."

"I wouldn't dare. Now put on something casual, while I get your present from the car."

"Present?" I tilt my head, not recalling why I'd get a present.

Caleb looks at me for a few seconds, then sighs. "Of course you'd forget your own birthday."

"I didn't forget, I..." Not meeting my son's eyes, I continue. "It's not important, just another day..."

A silence follows before I hear his voice again. "It is important. It's the day celebrating your existence in this world, without which, I myself would not exist."

"...That's really a mouthful of words." I say with a happy smile.

"That it is, Mother. I'll be back."

I watch his figure as he disappears into the living room. Pulling off my pajamas, I toss them on the bed.

My wardrobe's a mess. Should really start sorting it or something. On second thought, why bother? It's not like I ever really leave the house, since I work remotely. And I don't really know anyone in this city. So, no friends to invite me to places. Happy days.

I put on grey wool leggings, find a white blouse, and along with it, throw on a black cardigan. Shoes...? Can never go wrong with sneakers.

While I do my hair at the vanity table, there's a knock on the door.


Caleb walks in with a bunch of plastic bags and looks around.

"Ha." He exclaims and nods, seemingly impressed by something.


"Nothing." He says and sits on the bed, staring at me.

I bite back any retorts coming to the surface and eye the bags. "So, what did you get me?"

"I don't know."

"What do you mean, you don't know? Is it a jack-in-the-box that'll punch me in my young lovely face when I open it?"

"Humility, Mother. And no, it's two surprise care packages from that famous clothing store downtown."

Care package... Famous clothing store... It can't be...

I stand up and stare at Caleb with wide eyes. "Belle Déesse! Honey, you can't! That place is too expe--"

"Firstly." He says, rising from a relaxed position. "One does not question the price of gifts. Second... there's something one says when receiving gifts... What was it again? I remember it was also something my mother taught me regarding gifts... If only I could recall..."

I giggle and pick up a dark rubber band, tying my hair back in a ponytail.

"Okay, okay. Fine, baby. You win."

He grins and pulls out two large, luxurious, purple boxes covered in a velvet material, making me gasp.

"I'll go wait in the car. You may have a peek, but don't take too long."

"Wait, Cal--" And he's gone.

I slowly run my hands over the boxes.

The containers alone are probably worth a fortune...

"Oh my God..." I say as the content dazes me.

A high-end red dress, folded carefully. The material feels heavy, smooth, and soft. Made with a kind of silk I've never felt before.

A tear runs down my cheek as I keep examining this national treasure. It's so absolutely stunning, I feel inadequate standing so close to it. When's the last time I got such a gift...? Was it... Yes, when I was still married. Before I... I...

I don't deserve this. Not after...


After I hang the dress in my closet, not daring to fold it back up, I notice a separate compartment within the box. Hesitantly, I slide it open and smile at the matching pair of high heels.

They really don't play around with fashion. A pity though, seeing as I won't be wearing this, ever. Despite how happy I am to have gotten such an amazing gift, I just can't imagine myself in it.

"You've got to be kidding me..." I say, as I open the other box. It contains the exact same dress but in blue. My son always was so indecisive...

Such a sinful man. Getting me gifts like this while being unaware of my feelings. Feelings that can't ever see the light of day.


I lock the doors and head over to where Caleb's waiting in his car. Some kind of muscle model. Wonder what happened to his old one.

The moment I get in, I lean in towards him and pepper his face with kisses.

"Thank you, baby..." I say as I lean back to my seat and close the door. "They're really beautiful."

"Are they now?" He asks and starts the engine, reversing out of the driveway. "I only decided on the colors, so I don't know what they look like. Can't wait to see you in one."

I smile sardonically. "Then you'll be waiting for quite a while. I can't see myself ever wearing them."

"That's weird." My son says, seemingly confused.


"That you can't see yourself wearing them, since you'll be wearing one tonight."


"No arguments. You're wearing it."


"Oh, yes."

"Caleb, I'm not wearing those dresses."

He grins. "Well, too bad. I already made reservations at a place for tonight. An expensive place."

I frown. "So? I'll just put on something else."

"It's a formal-only dress-code."

"Still doesn't mean I have to put on one of those dresses."


A sigh escapes my lips. "Why are you so adamant about me wearing them?"

"I just..." He thinks for a moment. "It would mean a lot to me."

"That doesn't tell me anything..."

"Just trust me okay? Please?"

I close my eyes for a moment before a thought strikes me. "Is this some kind of prank?"

"Prank..." Caleb breathes out exasperated. "You're getting paranoid, Mouse."

"Then why...?"

"Because I want to take you out on a date!" He says, so quickly, I barely caught the words. "And I know you'll look breathtaking."

Silence fills the car.

I blush bright red. He didn't mean that kind of date. I know that.

I know that, but...

Need to get my head out of the gutter.

All things considered, I'm truly blessed to have such a wonderful son. When everyone turned their backs on me, he was the only one that stayed. That took my side. Loyal to the end, even though I deserve his scorn.

Without him by my side these last few years, I honestly don't know how I would've gone on. He was my rock, my foundation.

Is it any wonder than, that my heart, as well as my body, started longing for him as a man?

"...I'll wear the dress."

He doesn't say anything, but the look on his face conveys his joy.

I vacantly stare at the passing scenery. Suburban houses, kids playing in their yards, families hosting barbeques... We used to be like them too.

What are Caleb's younger siblings doing right now, I wonder... Do they still hate their mother? Or have they maybe forgiven her? I haven't called ever since... then. And neither have they.

The scenery changes to industrial buildings and shopping centers.

My son pulls into a parking lot next to an official looking building.

"What, are we going to court?" I ask when he opens my door.

"Close, but it's an art museum."


"...thus countless wars were fought over this masterpiece. Queen Arianna herself, bestowed upon the artist the great title of Royal Virtuoso."

The curator sends a glare my way for the hundredth time as he leads the group to another exhibit. I honestly can't help giggling every other minute. The more he kept talking, the more interesting the expressions that colored Caleb's face grew.

My son's head is tilted to the side as he tries without success, to decipher the painting in front of us. Finally, he just shrugs and shakes his head.

"It's a dot." He says dryly. "Royal Virtuoso my ass. Anyone can paint a black dot on a white canvas and call it art."

I start laughing uncontrollably.

"What's more, this crap is worth five hundred million... How? Why? It's money laundering, it has to be."

"He's coming this way, lets get out of here, honey." I grab Caleb's hand and we practically run out of there as the bald curator approached with a murderous look in his eyes.

We stop on the next street over, buying a soda each from a vending machine.

"That was fun. Where to next?" I ask, thrilled to continue spending time with my son.

"Let's... Yeah, I have no idea. Maybe something will pop as we explore."

"So unorganized."

"Shut it."

We move from store to store, marveling at some items, laughing at others. A weight of loneliness falls from my back, making my steps lighter.

At some point we started hold hands, practically skipping about as people gave us weird looks. Car horns, dogs barking, a million people talking and shouting, and various other sounds fill the air.

Ah, the outside world. Always so lively.


"Let's do it." I say again.

"That's another no from me."

"Come on, it'll be fun." I start pouting.

"For you, maybe. I can't think of anything more traumatizing then entering a sex shop with your mother."

"There we go." I drag my son into the dark red building. The place is empty safe for a goth girl standing behind a counter. She gives us a passing glance before going back into her phone.

There's a chair shaped like a giant phallus with two fluffy orbs as seats, headphones shaped like breasts, and toys. Lots and lots of toys.

"Honey, look at this!" I wave a laughably lifelike, rubbery, sixteen-inch penis in front of Caleb's face. He grabs it with a lot of vigor before releasing the thing as if it bit him.

"Fuck! Why does it feel so real?"

"What do you even do with this?" I wonder idly. "It's too large to be used conventionally... Maybe if you spank someone..." My eyes light up.

"Oh, I dare you to try it, Mouse. See what happens." Caleb crosses his arms.

I grin. "Maybe next time."

We move deeper into the shop with my son growing ever more uncomfortable, and me teasing him with whatever I can get my hands on. He's so cute when he panics at every little thing, a far cry from his usual poise.

"That's right, Billy! Fuck your mother like the whore she is! Oh yes, yes, yes!"

We both freeze and I catch a glimpse of a large screen T.V playing further in the back. No need to guess what it's playing.

"You like that, Mom? You like how your son fucks your tight pussy?"

"What impeccable timing. Truly." Caleb says, looking at the floor and blushing.

My heart starts racing and a warmth builds up in my lower region. Suddenly I'm very much aware of how hot my son's hand is in my own.

Does he feel something beyond just awkwardness and embarrassment...? Or am I still just his mother, his Mouse?

I don't know if I'm disappointed or relieved when he drags us outside the shop.

"That's enough of that. Now, how to get rid of this awkwardness..."

Feeling mischievous, I stand on my toes and wrap my arms around his neck.

"What awkwardness, handsome?" I ask provocatively.

"Ha, ha. You're hilarious." He says while avoiding my eyes.

Before I get any more ideas on how to escalate my teasing, my son picks me up and holds me like a princess. "I give up, I give up! Please put me down!"

The peoples' stares hurt, silently judging us.

"You threatened me with a giant dildo, Mother. Bear at least this much."

The people around us that heard that, widen their eyes and some even gasp. I fidget with my hands in front of me, wishing the ground would just open up and swallow me to escape this humiliation.

"...You fucking asshole... I'll get you for this." I whisper.

"Naughty, naughty, Mother. We mustn't use bad words. Remember?"

"...Enjoy this while it lasts."

He just laughs as he effortlessly carries me.

Eventually I forget about the shame and slowly enjoy the feeling of being carried in my son's strong arms. My hand 'accidentally' brushes against his chest time and again, the hard muscles making me hot.

I know it's wrong. But it's not like it will ever lead to anything...

We arrive back at the parking lot next to the museum. Caleb puts me down and we relax on a nearby bench. I lean into him as he wraps an arm around my shoulders.

For a while we don't say anything, just soaking in each other's company.

My son's brow is furrowed as he stares into the distance, thinking of who knows what. I admire his strong jawline, 5 o'clock shadow, dark curly hair... Gorgeous... My baby...

"Thank you." I say, looking up into his eyes.

"For what?"

"For today. For taking me out."

He hesitantly opens his mouth to say something, but than swallows whatever it was.

"It's not over yet." He says instead, leaving me curious about what's going on in his head. "But it might be... tonight."

"That would be a shame..." I say forlornly.

"Yes... Yes, it would be."


"Remember; I'll pick you up in two hours, Mouse. Don't even try to escape."

I chuckle. "I'll be ready, honey."

As Caleb's car disappears around the corner, nervous energy floods my system. Even if it's just a mother-son date, I can't stop being excited like a girl before prom.

I head inside the house, locking the door behind me, and make a beeline straight to the bathroom.

It's like I've entered a dream where anything's possible. I can fool myself into thinking the prince has finally arrived to rescue me.

I want to be a princess for just this one night. Surely that isn't too much of an ask...

I peel off my clothes, suddenly very conscious of my naked body. Why didn't I go jogging more often? The excess weight on my hips, butt, and thighs damage my self-esteem. Good wide birthing hips, my own mother used to say.

Dammit, it's not like this is a real date but... I want to look good for my son. I want to feel...sexy. It's been so long since I've felt this way, and the fact that the cause is my son, sends tingles down my body.

I cup my small modest breasts, moaning in delight as the nipples grow hard and sensitive.

"Later..." I remind myself. There'll be enough time to play with myself after our date, and hopefully enough memories as I'll definitely sneak in a few touches of his sexy body.

For now, though, I shave my legs and pubic region, further fueling my fantasy that I might get lucky tonight.

If only it wasn't just a fantasy...


It'll forever be a fantasy. It needs to be.

The mere thought of Caleb rejecting me is excruciating, and more importantly... I don't want to screw up his life as well.

I quickly finish up in the bathroom, and slowly, like defusing a bomb, put on the blue dress.

"Amazing..." Words leave me as I stare at my reflection in the full length mirror. The dress is sleeveless on the right side, flowing down to just above my ankles, with a slit that runs to mid thigh, showing off my smooth shaven legs.

The three inch heels perfectly compliment the dress and gives me a much needed boost in confidence. Now I wouldn't look like a hobbit standing next to my son.

My hair is done up in my favorite style, mostly because it's the easiest; a ponytail, but with stray bangs covering my forehead. A touch of purple eyeshadow, mascara, blush and red lipstick, and I'm good to go. If nothing else, I can be proud of my skin.


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