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Rachel McAdams Does Literotica

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Scarlett Johansson and Emma Watson discipline Rachel.
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Note- I do not own the rights to the work of Conan Doyle nor do I the character of Sherlock Holmes. This is purely fan fiction inspired by said stories. Likewise, any person herein described by myself refers to no one in real life. Special kudos also to the bondage illustrator Bill Ward.


The actress Rachel McAdams had stumbled across the erotic fiction website by the name of Literotica whilst browsing the internet and had been quite taken. In particular she enjoyed the celebrity section and was highly amused by the entry by Scarlett Johansson. She decided there and then to write one of her own featuring herself as the lead villainess Irene.


'The Erotic Scandal In Bohemia.'

London, 1892.

"I wonder what the woman is doing right now?"

Doctor Emma Watson peered over the top of that days edition of the Evening News and pondered the offcut remark. Opposite the petite English rose sat her partner in work and life, Scarlett Holmes, the worlds first and by far the best female private detective. The pair of elegantly dressed ladies were seated in the study of 221B Baker Street, Scarlett's lodgings in the heart of London. Bored as ever the blonde beauty was aiming her Webley chambered revolver at the wall, seemingly about to add to the already peppered wall where she had forged the initials of her Majesty Queen Victoria, V and R in bullet holes.

"Which woman?"

"THE woman."

BANG! Scarlett fired and scrutinised her work. Whenever Scarlett referred to THE woman she meant the notorious American opera singer and adventuress Rachel Irene Adler. Emma always referred to the same as that bloody Yank, fiercely jealous as she always was when another woman was mentioned by her lesbian lover.

"I care not a jot about the vile creature." Huffed Emma who resumed reading.

"I don't believe you, surely you fondly recall that day four years ago in 1888. Oh, how I miss those rosy cheeks of hers."

Again Emma looked up, her heavy lidded eyes ablaze with fury.

"Oh really? Upper or lower?"

"You know the answer to that my precious, and don't glare at me so."

Emma made a noise with her teeth and scowled even more. She did indeed remember March, 1888, when the retired wartime nurse had been present when they had been visited by a mysterious client who had turned up masked. Emma looked off into the distance as the memories flooded back.


"Please be seated," said Scarlett. "Allow me to introduce Doctor Watson, a very close colleague if ever there was one. To whom do I speak?"

The tall and distinguished gentleman sat down and placed his plumed hat on the table. In the brilliantly lit room he looked at each lady in turn. Scarlett had her medium length fair hair back and up and wore a sleeveless floor length dress in peacock blue. High necked and with a ruffled lace hem she looked chic and graceful.

"Charmed, my dear Doctor." He bowed.

The younger of the two, Emma has her light brown hair pushed back with loose waves about her shoulders. Her dress in olive had a high waist with button accents and a lace up back. Also floor length, the Count perceived her black boots under her slightly raised hem.

"I cannot divulge my true identity due to the rather delicate matter on which I have been conveyed." He continued. "Suffice to say the client I am acting for is highly ranked and is immersed in such a scandal that European history may be influenced."

"So you cannot help us in the identities of yourself and your illustrious client. Then I must refuse my help."

Scarlett moved to the fireplace and poked at it several times.

"But you must! Only the famous Holmes can help solve this singular problem."

"As my dear Doctor Watson would relate, I need data to solve any and all crimes that I investigate. If I have no facts I cannot aid you."

"This is too bad, too bad."

The masked visitor squirmed and wrung his hands as he contemplated the words of Scarlett Holmes. At six feet tall he wore a black vizard mask to disguise his ruddy features. A heavy cloak of blue silk with gold brooch was worn over his double breasted coat and britches. His fur lined boots were of a rich brown, commonly worn in Europe.

"But of course Sir, I already know who you are." Announced a casual Scarlett.

"What!" How?"

"By simple deduction, Count Kramm of Bohemia."

The man was lost and stammered and stood in disbelief.

"Holmes, this is exceedingly remarkable!" Cried Emma.

"It is my business to know what other people don't." Said Scarlett with a smug grin. "For instance the Count dresses in the ways of Germanic aristocracy. Moreover his calling card is the type made in Bohemia and I perceive that the Count has a penchant for buggering his pet dog!"

The blustering man stood to his full height and screamed a profanity.

"My good woman, what on earth is the meaning of this outrageous statement!"

"It is known in some hushed circles throughout Europe that the Count loves his Pomeranian dogs to such an such an extent that he partakes of the physical side of his affections. If you care to see, he has unmistakable red dog hair in abundance around the groin area of his britches, and a tell tale distinct aroma of canine faeces about his person. The Pomeranian breed has a sad history of bad smells due to poor anal glands and it's quite evident in this case. The dogs have an abundant textured coat as you can see for yourself."

"But, but, I."

"Outstanding Holmes, but quite obvious now you explain."

Emma looked decidedly unimpressed now she had the explanation and wrinkled her cute nose as she realised the Count did have a certain odour about him.

"It is simplicity itself, my dear Watson. You hear my deductions with admiration, but when I explain how I came to my conclusions you mock me. You see but do not observe. For example, you see the steps from the hall to this room every day but do you know how many there are?"

"I must confess I know not."

"Quite so! Now I know that there are seventeen steps because I observed. Tut, tut Watson, fear not. It will be clear to you one day."

"I fear not Holmes. I can never be your equal."

"Quite, but you improve with time. Tell me my vital statistics."

"36-25-36. Your bust is an adorable 32DD with the prettiest nipples and the most sinful of areolas!"

Emma almost gushed with information and sat bolt upright in her chair beaming with pride.

"Bravo! Good work, and thanks for the flattery. Now you Sir are no doubt here on the bidding of the King of Bohemia himself. And worry not, I am most discreet in these matters of State."

The Count had visibly shrunk as he sat back down dejected.

"I cannot help myself, the Pomeranian is such an affectionate creature, and most handsome."

Watson stole a look at Scarlett who managed to supress a grin. Count Kramm related the sorry situation whereupon the King was about to become engaged to marry to a Swedish Princess. But the reckless King had enjoyed a dalliance with a well known opera singer from New Jersey who had in her possession letters of his impropriety, along with compromising photographs.

"Rachel Irene Adler, of some thirty years of age now resides in West London. It is the profound wish of His Majesty that said items be procured and destroyed. Ladies, we have but three days before the announcement of the engagement, and must make haste."

Scarlett had listened in silence until now.

"And why does the King think it likely he would be blackmailed by this remarkable woman?"

"Pure logic, he is worth a fortune. We firmly believe Adler would remit the items in question without turning one hair of her golden locks."

"How much do you propose for my expenses?"

The Count held open a chamois leather bag which contained three hundred pounds in gold.

Emma looked on at the sight of so much gold and watched Scarlett stand.

"Very well. I bid you good day and we will be in touch within the three day deadline."

"You accept the offer? Splendid, splendid."

The Count rushed off and left the pair alone.

"Any ideas Holmes?"

"I have one main plan. I shall flush out the hiding place with a simple ruse of a house fire. We shall observe from a close distance and watch the lady panic and retrieve her treasure. We have three hours until the evening when we will pounce. Until then my precious let us while away the time in my bedroom. Scarlett held out her hand and they both retired to bed.


Midnight came and saw Holmes and Watson back at the lodgings in Baker Street somewhat perturbed.

"Blazes! I was certain that my plan would work, Rachel Irene Adler is certainly shrewd. Therefore it remains for us to take drastic measures Doctor. We will kidnap the lady Adler and bring her to the black room."

Emma sat with her mouth hung open. The black room! Her eyes went to a heavily locked wooden door in the corner of the room and knew in an instant what Holmes had in mind. Even Mister Hudson was not allowed to enter the room under solemn oath. Scarlett Holmes was blessed with an extraordinary brain and stunning beauty. Her only vice was an insatiable need for pleasures of the flesh, and female flesh to boot.

"Come Watson, let us not dally a minute longer."

She gave her young lover a broad smile.

"I do believe that I'm going to enjoy this night."


Rachel's point of view.

I awoke from a false stupor and knew immediately that I had been administered chloroform to subdue me. My mouth was smothered with a silk scarf and my eyes were temporarily blinded by bright lamps. Despite the fact that my hands were secured behind my back I was perfectly relaxed under the warmth of the lights. A hand rested on my knee and as it brushed my dress I quivered as the hem was gingerly raised up to the tops of my stockings.

"She is awake." Said a soft voice in a cultured English accent.

I shook my head and lifted my head from my prone position and through half lidded eyes I perceived two of the most unlikely figures it had been my fortune, or misfortune to behold. The walls were lined with cork, presumably as a sound proofing.

"As I see."

Scarlett Holmes had made up her face in the most dramatic fashion. Her long lashes heavy with mascara, and her full lips richly painted red. She was wearing a flowing black negligee that was quite transparent, and a pair of highly polished armpit length black kid gloves. A red leather corset with black lace trim squeezed her waist to an agonising cinched appearance that flared her already wide hips. Her thighs were bare and she sported a fine pair of black leather boots with incredible towering stiletto heels. Her bountiful breasts were uncovered and had thumb sized nipples that stood out proud. Between her thighs was the unmistakable golden covered muff that pouted sensuously and uncovered.

"I find her legs to be most handsome." Observed Scarlett as she raised the dress more.

Doctor Emma Watson was beside her and shot her lover a withering look. The demure young woman had morphed and was dressed provocatively in a highly polished black leather corset which squeezed her already slim waist in further. Her pert breasts were dramatically pointed and her hair hung loose over pale shoulders. Sleek black stockings held up by thin garter straps hugged her slender pins and framed her delicious denuded Mound of Venus delightfully. On her legs were a pair of knee high boots, tightly laced in front and with four inch stiletto heels. It was obvious that the petite beauty could only move awkwardly in her drastic outfit.

"More than mine, lover?" Demanded Emma.

"Never my sweet." Answered Scarlett with a flutter of thick lashes.

As I listened my thighs were opened and I experienced a definite tingling sensation that convinced me that I must have become bewitched. The dress rose even higher uncovering my gleaming skin just below my undergarments, and the panting of the two dominatrix filled my ears. I felt gloved palms caress my soft skin and I am afraid to admit that the pressure of the hands, the fingers that touched my pubis, and the thrill of being subdued fuelled my arousal. I humped my hips in moves that seemed I was unable to control, and my loins became consumed by an unquenchable fire that made me clench my buttocks.

"Observe the vulva my dear Doctor. Enlarged and filled with vaginal fluids. Also see how her silky blonde pubes become distinctly darker as they become moist."

My underwear was removed down my stockings and the muscles in my thighs stiffened as my exposed sex was rubbed lightly. My quim, belly and legs were now bared and I wriggled with my hands under my body. As I was titillated by Scarlett Holmes I confess that my thighs spread out voluntarily and my mound raised up between my thighs which I saw made the good Doctor Watson wide eyed. My loins overheated and I wondered what to expect next.

"Splendid, splendid, she is nicely aroused. Watson, undress her completely. I call this the black room, which is obviously a misnomer as it is quite bright. No, it is the black room because I come here to fulfil my darkest fetishes."

My dress was drawn down from my body and my wrists were undone so that my body could be bared for all to see. I was unceremoniously pushed to my knees on the floor from behind by Holmes. Then suddenly, in my unprotected and vulnerable state, my arms were pulled up behind me and I was tied by rope at the wrists and elbows in such a manner that my bosom thrust out. I mumbled through my gag to no avail as a further length of rope was tied at the tops of my hips and around my cunt, cutting into the sensitive flesh.

"Have a care, Miss Adler, the tiniest movement by your good self will cause the ropes to dig deeper into your exquisite cunny. I suggest you remain ever so still. If you can that is."

I slowly looked up at the leather clad duo and my eyes grew large at the menacing looking riding crop wielded in the right glove of Mistress Holmes.

"My name is Scarlett Holmes, private investigator. I have a vast knowledge in many skills. Chemistry, British law, tobacco ash and stains. And my favourite, Anatomy. Let us see if we can loosen your tongue and discover where you keep that little hoard of your memento's of the King of Bohemia."

The scarf that had been wedged in my mouth was withdrawn and I gulped in welcome oxygen as the green eyed blonde siren leaned over me.

"I know not what you may refer to, I am simply a singer on the stage."

I flashed my hazel eyes in an innocent way and tilted my head to the left slightly.

"Very well, I am glad of it. I strongly desire some sex play with you and intend to enjoy myself to the utmost."

My gaze focused on the crop which was brought sharply down on my left mammary with a savage crack. This was followed by two further strokes in quick succession on each of my swollen nipples.

"By all that's holy!"

I screamed as Scarlett Holmes slashed at my tender tits from varying angles with the hard tool that whistled as it cut through the air. And each time I was struck the ropes cut into the flesh of my crotch as I was unable to cease my jerking due to the punishment. Holmes was blessed with a diabolical skill as she imposed several cracks of the crop upon my breasts, and I was at once aware of my vagina palpitating about the tight ropes. My inflamed labia was stimulated beyond anything I had ever endured, and I confess that I deliberately rubbed against my binds in order to elevate my guilty pleasure. The taut rope pressed on my flattened clitoris and I gasped for air.

"See how the minx enjoys her torment Doctor, her vaginal juices are quite copious."

I sucked in air as my initial punishment had stopped and I observed my tits were of a smouldering reddish hue. Holmes took up the crop once again and patted my cunny with the hard tip. I arched my back as I was stroked with slow circular motions that made me positively whimper with sheer unadulterated delight.

"Excellent sport to be sure. Only the beginning mind, unless you care to bare your soul."

I shook my head stubbornly and awaited with bated breath the next step as the distinct clatter of stiletto's on the hard floor echoed in the so called black room.


Emma's point of view.

I looked on in wonderment and my little muff prickled with a salacious exaltation as I watched the pornographic scene unfold before my eyes. I felt an odd sense of tallness as I tottered in the outrageous high heeled boots that Scarlett had suggested I wear. The warm air felt singularly peculiar on my unadorned pubis which had by now become very hot and moist.

"Hold this my sweet." Said Scarlett and passed me a length of chain.

"On your pretty toes if you please." Rachel squirmed and furrowed her brow.

The private investigator ran the chain through a ring that hung from the ceiling and attached it to the rope that still pulled the naked Americans arms up and behind her. As the chain was hoisted up by the leather clad Holmes she was forced onto tiptoe to ease the strain on her shoulders.

"What a stunning derriere, do you not agree my dear Watson?"

Indeed such a perfect posterior I had never encountered, apart from my beloved Holmes. From my angle her two firm cheeks were lifted up behind her and separated slightly to reveal her cunt hair that was visible just below her anus. The fair hairs followed a path between her thighs and on up and the moisture there was evident that she was aroused.

"I simply refuse to talk Mistress Holmes, do what you will." Said Rachel stubbornly.

I watched Scarlett grin quite maliciously as she took a hold of a black leather flogger which had a thick handle and about thirty thongs at the end.

"Let's see if your backside holds up as well as your tits."

Her arm came up and the obscene tool connected with Rachel's right buttock and the blonde yelled out. I felt a thrill of excitement down my spine and my nipples poked out as hard as bullets. My hand instinctively moved between my thighs where my fingers found my dampness, and I stroked my outer lips with sinful bliss.

"For goodness sake! Cease this madness you witch!"

"Wrong answer Miss Adler."

As Rachel struggled against her bondage Scarlett let fly with the flogger and administered repeated lashes that rendered Rachel's unprotected bottom with red stripes. She writhed and clamped her thighs together as her sex became sopping wet as a result of the stinging blows on her soft naked flesh. Her tortured rump had the curious effect of firing her ardour! The flogger rode up between her thighs and connected with her vulnerable cunt, and her mouth opened in a silent O shape. The poor woman snapped her head up as she was given no time to recover. "Have a care Holmes! Surely you go too far."

I implored my lover who looked upon me with that permanent pout of hers that I adored, and she stopped immediately.

"As you wish my dear. How about I do this."

Scarlett dropped the flogger and smoothed the tender buttocks of Rachel with the palm of her leather glove. Then she slid around and cupped the woman's wet quim.

"Oh my goodness, how is that so good!" Moaned Rachel as she dipped her head forward.

I frigged my own cunt frantically as I looked on engrossed as Scarlett moved her middle digit into Rachel's slit and the bound figure bucked back as her pleasure mounted.

"Come Watson, join us."

With no hesitation I gingerly tottered to the women and ran my palms up the soft naked thighs of Miss Adler and considered closely the enticing and gleaming gash. She spread her legs to allow my fingers to better caress the intoxicating lips of her pouting vagina. Tentative at first I bent forward and extended my tongue to make contact with the wet labia. Unable to move Rachel made a drawn out moan and I was rewarded with a tiny gush of her heavenly sweetness from within. I inhaled most deeply and closed my eyes as I lapped the welcoming slot as a kitten lapped a bowl of milk.


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