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Rag Doll Ch. 06 Pt. 01

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Bobby, Rick, and the girls come to America.
19.8k words

Part 6 of the 12 part series

Updated 10/08/2022
Created 03/07/2013
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My thanks to Grand Teton for taking the time and having the patience to unravel my scatter-gun approach to punctuation; that this makes any sense at all is due mainly to his efforts, so a big thank you. Also in there was my darling Lori, who first enlisted the help of her friend GT, she could see I needed help, she went and got me some, so thank you darling. Thanks also to OldkingClancy for his continued help and support, and as always, to Bonnie for being honest in her opinions and criticisms.

Part 2 is hard on the heels of this, I split it in two parts otherwise it would be far too long to read, but part two is more or less completed, watch this space...

As before, you should note that this is my world, not the real world, so things happen the way I want them to, not the way they happen in the real world; hopefully you won't spot any glaring differences, but if you do, please just grin and pass along, and hopefully enjoy the ride. If you needed reminding, all characters are over 18.

If you liked this segment, please vote for it, if you didn't, please tell me why; I can't promise I'll follow all your suggestions (especially the anatomically impossible/illegal/suicidally insane ones) but I will note them and possibly try to learn from them. I answer all emails, so if you would like a reply, don't forget to include your email address.

Your vote is the only reward we authors get for posting our work here, and I do like to hear from the people who like what I've done so far, and those who think otherwise, so please don't be shy about voting, and commenting as well. I never take anything personally and I've made some good friends from some of the people who've written me in the past to tell me what they liked and didn't like.

Have fun, I did!



It felt good to have the space and freedom to consider what to do with my life, and to throw my lot in with my family (and now it didn't feel so strange to say that word...).

I think I'd finally started to become a better person; of course, the new me was still a lot like the old me; these things take time, there was a lot of garbage still stirring around inside me that I had to unlearn, and there were still social graces and nuances of interacting with other people that I just didn't get at all.

But now I had Shari, my new-found sister, to help me; for some unknown reason, she loved me; actually, she loved me more than it was proper for a sister to love her younger brother, but I didn't care, because I loved her the same way. Shari was truly lovely, as well as warm, kind, patient, understanding, organised, fiercely protective of her younger sister, Yaz, and loved my younger brother (and hers, too) Rick, who was in love with Yaz, and vice-versa.

Shari had shown me what it could be like to care for another person. It wasn't long after Rick brought Shari and Yaz to live at the house that I discovered he and Yaz were in love, stumbling on the two of them making love, brother and sister relationship be damned. Yaz was gorgeous; Rick was almost ridiculously good looking, so I suppose it was inevitable the two of them found each other, especially at a time when they so desperately needed someone. Shari had tried to engage me in a similar relationship, but I was too unsettled by what I'd seen, and what little I'd done with her had made me feel like it was somehow wrong and shameful.

Eventually I had seen what and who Shari really was, her vulnerability and her need, and finally understood it matched my own. To my amazement, I discovered what it was to actually love someone and need them, and to have that love and need reciprocated. She'd literally pulled me back from the lip of suicide, and showed me that life could have meaning, that finally I wasn't alone.

So now Rick and Yaz lived in one part of the house and Shari and I lived in another part of the house, although we still spent most of our time together. We'd split the house into two dwellings, for all intents and purposes: the upper floor for Rick and Yaz, the middle floor for Shari and me, and the ground floor as a family space, with the dining room, sitting rooms, and the kitchen. I had begun to feel a puzzling, and surprisingly deep attachment to Rick and Yaz; perhaps some of Shari had finally rubbed-off on me. Splitting the house the way we did was my way of ensuring my kid brother and my little sister stayed close and connected to me.

I'd had an epiphany over Nicky, where I realised just how I'd wronged him; Rick had shown me just how wrong I'd been, how much we'd hurt and abandoned Nicky, how alone we'd left him. If it wasn't for Barbara, he'd have had nothing in his life. He tried to be my big brother, and I slapped him away, we both did. We never knew that our father had abducted him from his mother when he was still a toddler and brought him to England; we always thought Nicky was Barbara's son, they'd been so close, and then that fateful night when he disappeared, my father had beaten him half to death. Barbara, my mother, had I but known it, had helped him to leave, but she'd left no clue where he'd gone, and she was dead the next day, murdered by that bastard now rotting in an American prison. Nearly four years after her death, prompted by Shari, we'd finally gone to visit her grave, to apologise for everything, and ask her forgiveness.

When we arrived at the cemetery, we were shocked to find the huge, ornate memorial covered in lies and hypocrisy my lying, despicable, psychopath of a father had erected was gone, and in its place was a small, dignified headstone with a simple, heartfelt message of love. I knew straight away that Nicky had done this, and my heart leaped; he was alive, he'd survived, dear God, our big brother was alive, and he'd come back!

I was still reeling from that revelation when Shari noticed something; there was a flower-holder set into the base of the headstone, and there was a handful of what I'd at first thought were weeds, but Shari bent down and pulled a stalk out of the holder, and I saw it was a flower. A few blue petals still clung to the stem in among the brown, curled petals, and when she bent the stalk, it didn't snap, it was still fresh and pliable. The implications hit us immediately; those flowers were only put there a little while ago, maybe only a week or so, and there was only one person in the world who'd come here to do that.

Nicky had been here just a short while ago, he'd been less than half a mile from our front door, but he'd not contacted us, and once again those feelings of guilt and shame, and loss, too, resurfaced. We'd made him hate us, for our constant rejection of him and our mother, for our steadfast refusal to do or say anything while our father beat the hell out of her, and for being the spoiled little pigs we'd been all our lives.

Shari saw all this going through my mind, and reached up to gently cup my face in her hands.

"It's okay baby, it's okay, he'll come back one day, he's not like how you were, you said that yourself; with all that happened to him here, he still came back to her, and he'll come back again one day, when enough time has passed. Let's go home, baby, it's cold, and we have to talk."

We trailed back to the car in silence, lost in our thoughts, Shari kept her arm through mine, her warm hand in my pocket holding mine, and when I looked down at her she smiled back at me, but there was a hint of sadness in her eyes. Initially it had felt peculiar to me, this connection she was trying to forge with Nicky, but then, when I thought about it, perhaps not so peculiar after all. She had every right to try and find some part of him for herself; he was her big brother too, and if she'd never known him, it wasn't her fault.

Back at the house, Yaz and Shari set about making lunch while Rick and I sat huddled in our own thoughts, exchanging the occasional guilty look as we flicked through the pile of photo albums, looking, really looking, at our mother, seeing her features in ourselves. There was no doubt in my mind that Rick resembled dad, as did Nicky, but now I could see Barbara in him too, in his eyebrows, his jaw-line, his cheekbones, his ears, and especially his profile.

Rick was obviously thinking the same thing as he constantly flicked his gaze from the albums to my face and back again. Yaz finally broke the morose silence by calling us into the dining room, where the girls had made pork chops and baked potatoes, with green peas, carrots, and creamy baked onions, and a big apple pie for dessert.

Shari and Yaz tried to keep a flow of light conversation through the meal, but their efforts were falling on deaf ears as Rick and I stared unseeingly at the wall and chewed mechanically, our minds still at our mother's graveside.

"...and so I said he could fuck me, but only if I got to wear a sheep costume and call him Bo Peep!"

I looked around as that last comment finally seeped into my head.

"Wha...?" I blurted, and Shari grinned at me.

"Finally, the Sleeper Awakens! We've been talking to you two space-cases for the last ten minutes, and both of you have just been sitting there staring blankly with your lips moving! Eat your lunch, it's getting cold, we have things to discuss and a few things Yaz wants to run past all of us; that means you two have to be on the same planet as the rest of us earthlings, so call your mother-ship, tell them you'll phone home later, and get cracking on your lunch Bobby, and you too, Ricky, we didn't spend all that time slaving over it just to watch it get cold."

Yaz smiled minxily at Ricky, who glanced guiltily at his full plate and started forking his food away , as did I, suddenly discovering just how delicious that meal was; my sisters are superb cooks, I have to say, and I'll take serious issue with anyone who says otherwise. All too soon, our plates were empty, and Rick helped Yaz clear the table, finally bringing in a jug of coffee and a handful of mugs from the kitchen. Once everyone was seated again, Yaz started talking.

"Shari, boys, you know we agreed that we'd invest all the money we got from the sale of the business in a new, family venture. Well I think I know what we're going to do. As we're all aware, Shari knows the Property Development game as well as mummy ever did, she knows how to assess properties and negotiate on price, I've got a good handle on the renovation, contract, and end-user marketing side of the business, Ricky knows how to renovate and repair to a high standard, and I think you're going to want to get your hand in as well, Bobby. I've been doing a little research on the property markets in this city, and there's quite a lot that should interest any property developer. Did you know there's a university right here in Carlisle?"

I did, but I'd never paid it much attention; none of the students ever spoke to me or paid any attention to me except to look disgusted and cross the road when I came trundling by with the road sweeper going full blast. Yaz grinned as she continued.

"Where there's a university there are students, and where there are students, there's usually a chronic shortage of accommodation, and Carlisle is no exception. I had a talk with the Housing Officer at the university, and she told me that they're having to board students with families all over this part of Cumbria just to give them somewhere to live, and the problem gets worse every year as the students have to move out of Halls at the end of their first year to make room for the new intake, and so they have to find somewhere to place that class."

"There are several places I think we could convert into student housing quite easily; that place two doors along is a good one; it's empty, and has been for a while, I counted at least six bedrooms, it's almost as big as this place, so if Shari likes it too, and the numbers add-up, maybe we should seriously consider buying it and converting it into student housing."

Shari looked at Rick and me.

"Well, what do you think? Should we go with Yaz's recommendation? Speak up, guys, this is your chance to say yea or nay."

As my knowledge of the property market could have been printed in full on a pinhead, I just nodded, trusting Shari and Yaz on this. Rick sat silent for a few seconds, mulling over what Yaz had said, then cocked an eye at Shari.

"We'd need to move fast, and work even faster, if we want to get anything in place for the early-summer housing rush, but I think we could do it, if we get the right people. Okay, game-on!"

Shari smiled, then sobered up again.

"Now for the other thing; if you're serious about tracking Nicky down, then perhaps we should do something about it. Maybe we should hire an investigation agency, there must be those that specialise in tracking-down missing persons. If no-one objects, I'm going to give that a try. You two have a think about Nicky, what he liked, where he might have gone, or where he might have been; we know he was abducted from America, could he have gone back there to try and find his mother? Ricky, see if you can dig up anything in that pile of papers in the attic, maybe there's a clue in there, or something that will help an investigator, or if mummy told you anything more, or even just mentioned in passing. That bastard used to boast to her all the time about what he did; maybe he let something slip one time about who and where he took Nicky from."

And so it was decided; we would kick-off the family business with Yaz's recommendation, and while we did that, we'd look for Nicky, now that we knew he was out there. We were all feeling the urge to bring him back, Rick and me because we needed to apologise to him, and the girls because they needed their big brother, period.

Once the business of the day was concluded, Rick and Yaz disappeared into the family room to watch TV while Shari and I lingered over fresh coffees. We'd both seen the looks and secret little smiles they'd been exchanging, so it was no surprise to find the family room empty when we finally made our way there to sprawl on one of the big soft couches in there. At least whatever they were doing, they were doing it two floors up and out of earshot, so we wouldn't be disturbed, although Shari was looking like she wouldn't mind me disturbing her at all. We sat in comfortable silence for a few minutes, finishing our coffees, constantly making and breaking eye-contact, until Shari couldn't take any more, throwing her leg over me and straddling me as she sat in my lap, grinning as she laced her fingers behind my neck.

"Okay, coffee-break's over, time for some happy-time, baby, are you ready to play?" she grinned, grinding herself against the lump that had magically appeared in my jeans. My hands automatically slid around her waist, then down, to cup and squeeze her firm little backside, making her grin even wider.

"Ooohh Bobby, you do want to play, don't you?" she pouted at me, a wicked glint in her eye, as she began to slide herself back and forth on my lap, making my cock grow and harden almost painfully.

Shari leaned down to kiss me, just a light, playful brush of her lips against mine, her tongue flicking out for a second, before catching my bottom lip between her teeth and nibbling gently. Something made me pull her closer, Shari grinning as I suddenly pulled her up against me, crushing her breasts against me as I captured her lips this time, my tongue parting her lips to fence lightly with hers. Shari returned the kiss even more fervently, until we were lip-locked, my hands clamped around her lovely, firm bum, holding her tightly to me. Eventually, Shari broke our kiss and climbed off my lap, much to my disappointment. She must have seen my look, as she leaned down to kiss me quickly.

"Two seconds, baby, just got to get something!" and with that she dashed upstairs; after a few seconds, I heard her light tread as she skipped downstairs again. She came back into the family room carrying a quilt and a couple of pillows. She threw them on the couch and slipped out of her harem slippers and began undoing her jeans.

"Come on baby, aren't you joining me?" she grinned, and I jumped up and began kicking my shoes off as I almost yanked my jeans down in my haste! By the time I got my jeans off and tugged my polo shirt off, Shari was down to her skimpy little panties and bra, and looked like the best reason in the world for a rampage. She grinned at me as I took in the full impact of her long, sleek, shapely legs and tight, luscious little bottom hugged inside her tight panties, her small, high breasts clearly outlined in the light bra she was wearing. Two intriguing, tempting little points poking through the material, and the tumbled mass of her Titian hair, a lustrous cascade of red-bronze, framed her beautiful, heart-shaped face, contrasting perfectly with her creamy complexion.

"Is that all you're going to do, baby, stare at me?" she teased, turning her back to unhook her bra, flirting her gorgeous little bum at me, barely concealed as it was in her filmy panties. All I could do was look at her, taking in the elegance of her long, sleek back and slim waist, her flaring hips and her perfectly rounded, pert little bum cheeks, just built for fondling and nibbling, the smooth skin and perfect muscle tone, and once again the contrast of that silky mass of bronze hair against her creamy skin with its faint golden tinge hinting at her exotic heritage.

I slipped up behind her and slid my arms around her waist, hooking my thumbs in her panties and sliding them off before moving my hands up her rib-cage to cup her firm little breasts and gently tease and squeeze her hard nipples. Shari giggled and thrust her bum back into my groin, trapping my cock in the tight cleft between her buttocks, and rolling them to squeeze me playfully.

"Bobby, is that all for me?" she whispered wickedly, grinding her bum against my stiffened cock, then turning to once again kiss me while simultaneously grinding her crotch against mine. I was in a state of exquisite agony now; I was holding a beautiful naked girl, and there was only one thing I wanted to do with her, but blindly gratifying myself wasn't part of the new me; I owed my awakening to her, and I knew what I wanted to do to her to make her feel as good as I did right then.

I slid her off me, holding her by her waist as I urged her down next to me, kissing and licking her taut nipples, making her sigh and moan softly as my teeth grazed the sensitive flesh. I continued kissing and licking in a line down her taut stomach, making her wriggle and sigh delightfully, savouring the feel of her warm silky skin against my lips and tongue, until my tongue-tip lapped at the apex to her fragrant slit.

Shari groaned as I teased her lips apart, flicking my tongue over her clitoris in its little hood. She responded by twining her fingers in my hair and pushing her mound against my mouth as I bored-in, flatting my tongue to lick her in long sweeping passes the length of her slit, feeling her labia pulse against my tongue as they swelled and darkened with her arousal. Her scent surrounded me, filling my head with her sweet, seductive musk, turning all my thoughts to her, losing myself in what I was doing to please my girl, my whole heart and soul in her hands as I drank her salty, tangy sweetness, my tongue gently rubbing and licking her hard little button, her juices flowing over my tongue as I lapped and drank her

Finally, after a few minutes, or a few hours, I'm not sure which, Shari reached down to cup my face.

"Baby, it's your turn, sweetie!" she murmured, sliding away from me and kneeling-up to kiss me, with me responding by once again holding and squeezing her taut bottom as my lips sought hers. Shari responded by gently grasping my now rigidly erect cock, squeezing me with one hand as she fondled my balls with the other. She broke our kiss to smile wickedly before dropping her head down to lightly lick the tip of my cock. I groaned at the feel of her tongue on me, and at the sight of her gorgeous little bottom thrust so provocatively in the air as she continued to kiss, lick, and finally suck me. I twined my fingers in her luxuriant hair, enjoying the feel of the silken strands as her head bobbed on my cock, anything to distract me from the feel of her hot mouth sucking and licking me so perfectly.

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