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Reader's OC Futa Ballbusting Pt. 01

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Reader's created futanari fighters clash up in the Arena!
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! Announcement!

The Arena found its next contestants!


Hello dear Literotica readers, Swizzle here!

I'd like to thank you all for creatively spending your time and giving birth to those sweet-ass futas!

I've chosen a few contestants, and I admit, it was not an easy task...

For those that didn't get their creation to fight today - I may use some of them in part 2, because I absolutely adore your works and ideas.

If you'd like to help me determine what should I include in my next story, write in the comments what parts did you like the most in this one or any other suggestions that come to your mind. Maybe you want to see more of Sarah or Lucida? Im all ears! (Futa ballbusting forever!)

Now, have a seat in the crowd, and enjoy the fight... Happy hunting, gentleman.


The rules of the Arena are clear: no killing, no clothes, and no restrictions on dirty moves. Fighters can utilize some non-fair tactics like punching and kicking below the belt, holding or tackling your opponent and so on, no fouls whatsoever. The match ends when every opponent is knocked out.

There is also one new rule that contestants might want to know about: Points for hits!

+1 point for striking a limb

+5 points for striking the torso

+10 points for striking the head

+25 points for striking the genitals

+100 points for making your enemy cum by any means

-100 points for cumming

The last person standing is the winner, the person with the most points gets the second place and so on.

So! There they are. Standing in the four corners of the great Arena...

Four different creatures excitedly observing their opponents, just waiting for the sweet sound of the bell to release them from their starting positions to meet their destiny.

An elf, a cyborg, a human and a minotauress... It will indeed be an engrossing fight.

Sora's grip on her bow tightened. She checked if her quiver was full of lust arrows, still carefully observing her opponents with her beautiful, pink eyes. The elf was looking brave and calm... but that was just on the outside. Sora was a shy creature. She always fought bravely for her cause, to spread her seed and contribute to the repopulation of her kind. But there were moments when she'd become timid, embarrassed and lose her potency...

Sora was a special kind of elf. A lust elf. She was a leader of a small tribe, where she was the only futa, and the rest were the few remaining females that bore her children. To repopulate an entire race, Sora had to do something more than to impregnate all of her wives. She had to let her life essence flow inside of different elves and humans, providing that they are willing to support her and be left sired with her offspring, of course.

The elf flicked her long, white hair back and waited patiently. A pleasant breeze swept over the length of her perfect, flaccid penis hanging between her legs. It was the elf's crucial tool in regard to her quest, along with the two always full sperm factories packed tight below her rod. She managed to use them a significant amount of times, mating with many females around the region, but she wanted to ensure that more children will be sired, so she joined the Arena to gain renown and popularity. Even if she doesn't win, the participation alone would provide her with additional caring females, eager to take her load and mother her seed. Naturally, all of that for the greater good... She was using her penis not to feel a tedious pleasure, to empty her precious balls in anybody she grabbed off of the streets. Every second that she spent in those taverns and inns with carefully selected females between her legs, pumping on her cock, she knew she did all that for her children. And with her final thrusts, right before a well-deserved, mutual climax, when her bulging gonads were slapping hard on her chosen partner's thighs, she often imagined her cheerful babies and the legacy that she was yet to build for them. The mere thought of that future always filled Sora with bravery and determination...

Next warrior, a tall, lithe looking human with a metal arm was crouching and tapping the steel fingers on her knee. She was currently searching and secluding all of the weak spots that her adversaries possessed. With a smug smile, she glanced over their exposed gonads, covered only by their members. Minding the amount of points she can harvest only by tapping those poor, vulnerable parts was exciting her more than anything. Her right, cybernetic eye with black sclera and an azure, feline pupil adjusted, marking her primary targets and illuminating them in her view. She knew exactly where to strike to make the most of it...

Lilith raised slowly, her silver, long hair slid from her shoulders to her back. She herself had a very small target to hit. The length of her penis was a bit embarrassing regarding her tall figure, and surprisingly, there were no gonads to find on her whatsoever. But that all was soon to change, as Lilith planned to surprise the spectators and her opponents with her tricks...

She caressed her metal arm, smiling confidently and activated the electric current to flow through it. She came here to test herself and her abilities, so even if she'll have to fight all three of the participants at once, she'll do it with utmost efficiency. Just thinking of the possibilities, the combos that she could execute, that made her feel powerful. The cyborg highlighted her opponents eyes, throats, genitals and feet in a bright yellow color. Those were the weakest spots, and that was what she was aiming to abuse the most. A quick jab in the eyes - enemy temporarily blinded, moderate level of pain, +10 points. A swift fist to throat - enemy temporarily strangulated, moderate level of pain, +10 points. A vigorous knee driven to the underside of both gonads - enemy extendedly immobilised, possible regurgitation, immense level of pain, inevitable discomfort spreading throughout the genital area, +25 points. A powerful stomp to the foot - enemy temporarily immobilised, moderate level of pain, possible collapsing to the floor, +1 point. Oh yes, and the possibilities of combining her highlights for different attack approaches were almost bringing a tear to her left, human eye. She will make herself proud wining this contest...

Besides Lilith, there was another contestant that joined the Arena to assess her might. Brittany was enthusiastically jumping from side to side, glaring at the others, reading herself to charge immediately after the bell rings. She clenched her fists hard, keeping the guard up and imagining how she will obliterate her opponents, battering their nuts in with her studded gloves and shin guards. Each of her gloves and shin guards had a set of dull spikes, that would neatly slam into the soft structures of one's testicles or tummy and thus generate a lot of ouch-ouch.

The only pure, unmodified human here, she was the perfect combination of speed and strength. Brittany primarily used her legs to carry out precise and firm kicks aiming for her opponents weak points, but her arms were strong enough to not be taken less serious. Many years of training and kickboxing has made a futa of steel out of her and a fierce competitor given her sports background. Smart, patient, tactical, but never shies from being the aggressor and fighting on the offensive. Brittany possessed two perfectly thick thighs and ass cheeks so mesmerisingly beautiful in their nature, that at times her opponents would get distracted by just admiring how perfectly thicc she was.

Her goal was to take down her targets one by one using her knowledge on how to use enemy's weight and speed against them. To expose them and abuse their weaknesses. To throw in an epic armlock on somebody and smash their faces and/or balls in, and to emerge as the last futa standing. Oh yes, Brittany could almost smell the gruesome stench of victory and see the proud smile of both of her mothers that helped her on her way here. Her futanari mother always encouraged Brittany and trained her in fighting, teaching her a few useful moves, while her female mother taught her to stay determined and focused. It was high time to show everybody what she's really made of...

The last contestant was by far the largest of them all. With a quite dumb smile, Maya was staring at her opponents, imagining how fragile could they be... Would one solid punch suffice to make them break into tiny pieces? She laughed quietly, scratching her massive, low hanging balls. She missed the time she was tending her farm and mating with other mares because of her futa-virility. Maya was the strongest and smartest of her giant friends. The minotauress joined the Arena to provide for her farm. To get money and make everyone happy. She planned to destroy her enemies in a fast, straight-forward way and return home, to her friends and partners.

She was a big girl... Her waist was almost at other people's eye level. Her breasts, to her, were a round B-cup, but to normal humans they were much bigger. Maya had two bull horns, both almost 20 cm in length, growing out of each side of her head. Her legs, from the middle of her thighs to her ankles were covered in soft fur and ended in hooves. She also had two melon sized testicles covered in a thick, saggy ballsack that acted as a shield. It would take a couple of very hard hits to genitals for her to feel any pain. Maya also had a monstrous horsecock that was currently hidden inside her sheath.

Maya laid her eyes on the human readily jumping in her corner. She thought it will be most fun to start with her. She bumped both her gloved fists together with a smug smile on her face. The gloves had little round metal plates on her knuckles, to maximise effectiveness. She was ready to deal some serious damage and receive a nice, motivating beating herself.

The moment has come...

Suddenly a sharp sound of the bell prominently swept over the Arena. It was time for the contestants to have a whack at each other.

Almost as it was all planned, Lilith took off straight to Sora and Maya leaped towards Brittany, making a double 1 vs 1 scenario!

*Maya vs Brittany fight*

Maya, not thinking strategically, but preferring to rush to battle without thinking, just lunged at Brittany, wanting to grapple the human. Brittany reacted just in time, jumping out of the minotauress' way and sending a side-kick

to her attacker's belly, digging her shinguard's dull spikes into her nicely shaped six-pack.

The minotauress missed her lunge and felt a slight impact on her tummy, spikes seemed to do nothing on her tough skin, so they just infuriated the beast. Maya quickly reacted by turning around and sending a fist to where Brittany's head was just a moment ago.

Brittany's sharpened reflexes allowed her to swiftly duck down, where she saw two perfect opportunities swinging loosely and bumping into each other between Maya's thighs. Like a clockwork, she moved her bare foot forward, embedding it sturdily on the ground, then pulled her right fist back and shot it up, shoving it perfectly between Maya's dangling, relaxed nuts. Like they say, death from below...

For Brittany, it felt like hitting a very heavy bag of potatoes. The dull spikes on her glove dug nicely into Maya's black scrotum and the impact itself was quite hard, raising both her colossal balls up, almost reaching the minotauress' pelvis.

Maya's eyes widened in shock. She hadn't felt such pain in a long time. Her nuts actually pulled themselves up, sending waves of burning sensation throughout her abdomen.

Brittany hit hard, but it was not hard enough to bring the giant down. The minotauress, filled with fury, managed to grab one of Brittany's arms and raised her, bringing her to her front. She delivered a hard punch to Brittany's stomach.

The hit was strong, but for Brittany it was manageable. She was accustomed to pain, so she just focused on her options. Her arm was being held firmly by the angry minotauress, so she had to find a way to get free. Brittany's brain acted instinctively. She realized that Maya's ballocks must ache a little at this moment, so why not finish the job?

She swung backwards, gaining momentum and when she was flying forward, she kicked her foot up Maya's exposed nuts. The minotauress groaned in surprise, letting go of Brittany's arm.

The kickboxer made use of Maya's inattention, falling to ground and rolling forward between the stunned minotauress' legs and stopping behind her. After the roll, she targeted her large aching balls again.

Brittany perfectly knew that to hurt the giant, she had to aim for the weakest spots. If her kick did nothing to the minotauress' stomach, she had to rely on aiming for the two heavy orbs hanging in front of her face.

She launched two solid punches, each to one giant gonad respectively. Her knuckles impacted the enormous testicles from behind, making Maya's whole ballsack raise in the air. Then, to end her rightly, she jumped up and rammed her knee into the giant's groin, smashing her testicles against their owner's pelvis.

Maya roared in pain, her knees bent on their own and she fell down, not able to withstand Brittany's outstanding might inflicted on her fragile parts. Shielding her dairy products with her massive hands, her mind focused on a frustrating, burning sensation in her genitals that made her even more angry and strangely aroused...

A vibrant pick, horse-like cock started to raise from Maya's sheath while she tried to focus on her rage, not her sore nuts.

Brittany jumped to the side, trying to think of a follow-up move, but her head was suddenly grabbed by the minotauress' great hand.

Maya turned over to the back, moving Brittany's head to her aching gonads and jammed her face right into her scrotum.

For Brittany, the stench was horrific. Her face was stuck between Maya's melon-sized nuts, where she was forced to inhale her musk.

She started to flurry her assaulter's easy-accessible family jewels with her padded fists, hitting the orbs from the sides, trying to break free from the grasp.

Maya's eyes squinted hard and her penis started to pump itself erect faster, reaching her full length in seconds, towering over her body like a mast.

Brittany started to feel dizzy and got a boner after inhaling the minotauress' pheromones for a while. She felt very aroused and stopped beating on the huge globes.

Maya felt that the human was finally charmed, so she let go of her head, falling loosely and relaxing, letting her bruised balls rest.

The kickboxer was dazed with sex. She raised her head and looked upon the fully extended, pink horsecock before her. She instantly felt the need to suck it.

Brittany raised to her knees and neared the glorious dick that she was so drawn to. She grabbed it and started to massage Maya's length with both her hands, watching as the monster twitched powerfully.

Maya breathed a long sigh of relief, feeling pleasure spreading over her genitals. It was nice to feel comfort sweeping away the soreness of her nuts to the side.

While Brittany was deluded by Maya's scent, another fight took place on the other side of the Arena...

*Lilith vs Sora*

When the bell rang, Lilith took a running start to get to Sora and engage her in a melee combat. Her mind was flooded with all the different possible hit combinations.

Sora was impressed how fast Lilith was. She quickly drew her bow and shot a volley of lust arrows in her opponent's direction. Unfortunately, not a single arrow connected. Sora was shocked to see a creature so agile and quick-thinking!

Lilith was extremely fast and dodged from one side to the other, seeing the projectiles as in slow motion. She jumped and soared through the air, avoiding all the arrows and landed right in front of the surprised elf.

The cyborg was hungrily ogling Sora's body, her mind working in a super-sonic speed. Sora's eyes, throat, genitals and feet were highlighted in bright yellow in Lilith's sight.

She viewed a hundred different approaches that used various combinations of assaulting Sora's weak points, but for now she just grabbed the elf's big, pillowy breasts with both of her hands, enjoying her fingers digging into Sora's delicate boob-skin.

Oh, how nice and smooth her skin was... Lilith gasped with delight, thanking herself for that stupid thought that crossed the human part of her mind.

Sora, seeing that he opponent was right in front of her, grabbing her luscious breasts, acted instinctively and immediately raised her leg, hitting Lilith's groin with her knee. To elf's surprise, completely nothing happened. She didn't even feel any soft, squishy orbs down there.

Lilith smiled viciously and looked Sora in the eyes. Her seminal tanks were not filled yet, thus leaving an empty space between her legs with an exception of her dick, that started do expand quickly.

The cyborg was finished calculating her combo... She squeezed Sora's breasts harder, making her moan and drop the bow. The elf grabbed Lilith's arms, thus completely exposing her bottom half. How silly can those full-organics be...

Lilith stomped on Sora's foot hard, making her squeal and spread her legs a little, bending her knees, hence adjusting her hanging testicles in an optimal position for Lilith's other leg to make a dent in them.

While squeezing on the elf's marvellous tits and blocking her left foot, Lilith launched a series of solid knees aiming for both of Sora's unprepared gonads, pounding them against her pelvic bone.

Sora didn't prepare herself to take such powerful hits aimed at her precious testicles. Every second, her nuts were being squashed between her own abdomen and Lilith's metal knee cap. Her flaccid penis was also caught in the crossfire, as few of the knees connected with her dickhead.

Lilith showered her opponent's balls with seven quick but solid kicks just as planned, grinding the seed inside her orbs and feeling how Sora's fingernails dig into her forearms with great force. She let go of her breasts and without mercy, grabbed the elf's highlighted, flaccid penis and launched a powerful electric zap from her metal arm.

Sora's genitals trembled in shock as she felt a stunning sensation resounding inside her dick and testicles. The cold, metal hand was clenched around her length, emitting waves of electricity. The jolt, surprisingly, did not scorch her skin or harm her in any way. It only sent seemingly unending waves of electric flow throughout her genitals, making her balls jump uncontrollably.

The cyborg observed the elf's shocked expression with satisfaction. She held her sublime penis a bit more, delighted by the feeling of power. Lilith knew that genitals were most efficient to attack to get the most of it. She finally let go of Sora's shocked dick and watched as her nuts shiver.

With battered, red testicles, Sora backed up a little, trying to keep her composure. Her vision was blurry from tears that began to form up in her eyes. Her nuts ached so badly she thought she'll not be able to have children any more. She fell to her knees, not being able to stand on her jelly-filled legs and grabbed her damaged goods hanging in her scrotum, trying to check if they are all right, which they fortunately were.

Lilith was very much aroused by the situation she just created. Her penis was standing up, almost reaching her ribs. It was expanding quickly thanks to her synthetic skin. The cyborg liked the feeling of her opponent's breasts in her hands... She was thinking about sticking her dick in, between them and rubbing her cockhead on Sora's pretty, full lips.

Sora on the other hand tried to stay focused. Her nuts were filled with a burning sensation, but they were intact and able to sire children, thankfully... She reached for her lust dagger and while Lilith was bedazzled by dirty thoughts, she threw it, aiming for her opponent's stomach.


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