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Reality Game Show


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"Quite right," she stated. "We're going to shoot the entire season before we release any of them. We want to take the viewing audience by storm. We'll advertise heavily right before the first episode is released. You saw the non-disclosure part of the contract you signed. None of the participants, or anyone affiliated or in any way associated with the show can breathe a word about it, or their actions in it, until after the season is over. Even after the first few segments are aired, we don't want people giving any hints about what might be coming up next."

"I understand," I reassured her. "I also saw that you're going to furnish me with access to every episode, not just mine, for free. That's very nice of you."

"Think of it as a perk for being part of our 'family' for bringing entertainment to a new level." We'd reached a canvas chair in front of a large mirror with lights all around its edge. "Have a seat, please. This is Tanya. She'll be handling your makeup and wardrobe."

Tanya gently took hold of my chin, turned it this way and that, and set to work making me look -- well... glamorous, if I say so myself. After that, she helped me into wispy pair of panties and a rather gauzy dress. Since I'd been instructed to leave my own bra and panties at home, my skin showed no lines from straps or elastics, which was apparently important since sooner or later I'd be naked. I was well aware of that. And so was the flock of butterflies that had now taken up residence in my tummy. And if they'd taken up residence, why were they flapping so hard to escape now?

Tanya led me out onto the set. I balked the moment we entered the lighted area. I never expected that I'd be faced with a live studio audience! But there they were -- a sea of faces of people seated auditorium style, from almost level with the floor, rising high up into the air. They broke into applause, ribald comments and raucous laughter the moment they saw me. Someone had obviously 'warmed them up' and it was astonishing to think that they were also subject to non-disclosure agreements. Would all these people manage to keep mum about what they'd seen? I was also vaguely aware that enforcement of that issue wasn't my problem. Still, I stood, stunned, perhaps looking like a deer staring into headlights.

Tanya had to tug on my arm, pulling me to the center of the stage where I met the program host, Gene Waters. He was a trim, dapper man, with graying hair and perfectly straight, gleaming white teeth, which showed a lot as he smiled. He acted genial, shaking my hand, but it seemed that his smile didn't quite reach his green eyes. He looked me up and down, which made me also look down. I gasped quietly, because the gauzy dress I was wearing clung to my curves, and revealed more than it concealed. My nipples, areolae, belly button, and wispy panties were all clearly visible. No wonder the audience had gone wild upon seeing me.

"So, Bobbi. Here's the set," he said, gesturing around us, speaking calmly, as if he was in the presence of a semi-naked woman all the time -- and perhaps he was. Actually there wasn't much to see of the set. It was a large stage, but a heavy purple curtain hid everything other than a ten foot section at the very front of the stage. I had no idea what was behind the curtain, but centered over it, up high was a sign that spelled out 'Fulfill Your Fantasy' in large gold letters.

"Fulfill your fantasy," I murmured, reading the sign.

"That's right. I'll explain the premise once the cameras go into action," he informed me. "As you can see, we have both kinds of cameras -- the larger ones that are on rollers, and smaller handhelds. We want you to be completely spontaneous as you hear about this show."

"But this is a reality show, right?" I asked.

"It's a combination reality show and game show. You'll see," he responded. Lights were brightening. "It looks like we're about ready. Here we go." He was holding a hand mike like I'd seen on many game shows. A stage hand held up 4 fingers, then 3, 2, 1 -- counting down, then pointed at Gene.

"Good evening, viewers. I'm your host, Gene Waters," Gene said, staring into a camera whose red light was on. "We're thrilled you chose to join us for what promises to be an exciting evening. Our contestant tonight is Bobbi, and from the puzzled look on her face, I'm guessing she wants to be clued in to what's in store. Bobbi, what does the sign say?" He moved the mike near my lips.

"It says 'Fulfill Your Fantasy' Gene," I said, trying not to let my voice squeak, although my vocal cords seemed tight in this strange environment and situation.

"That's correct, Bobbi. When you applied to be on this show, you shared three of your favorite fantasies with one of our producers. You said that all of them turn you on. I think you said they get you all hot and bothered, and you used them when you... ummm... take care of yourself, sexually. Is that true?"

I felt my face getting hot, and not from the bright studio lights. "Yes. That's very true, Gene," I admitted, wondering how far down my body this hot flush extended. I also was surprised to find that the humiliation of being dressed this way, and admitting publicly that I pleasured myself was strangely titillating. My pussy tingled.

"Okay. I think we're ready to open the curtains, and explain the game for which you've been chosen." The curtains parted, revealing a wall with three doors in it. One was painted red, one yellow, and the third was green.

Gene gave me time to gawk at them, then explained. "You stated three fantasies. There are three doors. You're going to choose which fantasy to fulfill, because you're going to select a door. It's your choice. Once you've made your selection, you're going to have your fantasy fulfilled, as our audience watches. We're going to view you from many angles, so the people watching will be able to see high definition, intimate details of everything that happens."

I swallowed hard, thinking about 'intimate details' and camera closeups. I thought about the three fantasies that I'd shared. Which of those three would I want potentially thousands or perhaps millions of people see me act out? Then I realized that, in a way, it didn't matter which one I'd be most 'comfortable' sharing with the viewers. There were three doors, and I had no idea which door led to which scenario.

Gene was grinning, obviously pleased by my expression. I imagined he saw shock, humiliation, discomfiture, and shame as the reality set in as to what I'd agreed to do. This was 'reality TV' all right. I also understood now the heavy penalty clause in my contract. I'd known I'd have to be naked, and that sex would be involved. But I thought Olivia wanted to hear some of my fantasies to gauge the sort of person I was. It hadn't really dawned on me that I'd be acting out one of those fantasies.

"Well, Bobbi. I think I see your mental wheels turning," Gene chuckled. "Our viewers must be on the edge of their seats. First of all, they're appreciating your body, clearly visible through that garment you're wearing. Second, they're probably dying to know what those three fantasies of yours might be. And third, they're wondering how you'll decide which door to choose. So please speak up."

I cleared my throat. "Okay, I'll try. The only clue that you're giving me is the color of the doors. Red usually means danger, while yellow means caution, and green implies safety." I paused a moment, then continued, "However, I seem to remember that there was a classic porno movie that had something to do with the green door."

Someone in the audience called out clearly, "Behind the Green Door, with Marilyn Chambers."

I turned and tried to make eye contact with the person that said that. I saw a man smiling and nodding, and assumed it was him. "Thanks. That was it, I think." I turned back to Gene. "So maybe the green door is actually the most dangerous. Maybe you're trying reverse psychology on me, and the red door is the safest. Maybe I should split the difference, and choose the yellow door instead." I really had no idea which door led to which fantasy. I decided to throw caution to the winds, and told him, "I choose the red door."

Gene looked at me with raised eyebrows. "Are you sure?" he asked. Suddenly the audience members started voicing their opinions, like on many game shows I'd seen.

In the ensuing cacophony, I heard phrases shouted out like, 'no, the green door', 'yes, green', 'yellow, yellow, yellow', 'no, stick with red' and 'green, I tell you' until my mind was spinning. I was tempted to cover my ears with my hands, it became so noisy and confusing. Gene let the audience have its reins for a while, then made 'settle down' motions with his hands. The room got quiet again. He asked me, "Have you changed your mind?"

"No, Gene. I still want the red door," I answered as calmly as I could, but my knees were shaking slightly.

"Very well," he said. Turning to the cameras, he stated, "Bobbi has chosen the red door, and she wasn't swayed by the audience one bit. It's time for her fantasy to be fulfilled. And we get to watch it happen. I hope you're as excited as I am." He turned back to me with what looked like a lecherous grin and said, "Young lady, proceed through the door you've chosen."

On slightly wobbly legs, I walked up to the red door, turned its knob, and stepped through it. Behind it was a short corridor with another door at the end -- a plain white door. I looked behind myself and saw that one of the cameramen was following me with a handheld camera. I opened the white door, and stepped into a large, well lit area. My eyes darted around that space, trying to gather as much information as possible, and as quickly as possible. The data they gathered flooded my brain.

The incidentals, such as the low, padded bench, and the wooden table were noted, and then set aside. The main thing that my eyes reported was the fact that they saw men standing there. A quick count revealed that there were five men. Five naked men. Five naked men wearing black hoods with holes for their eyes, nose, and mouth. Five naked men playing with their semi-tumescent cocks. Everything finally coalesced into the revelation, "Oh my god! I picked the gang bang scenario."

All this happened as I walked into the midst of the waiting men. One put his hand on my shoulder and pushed downward, growling the command, "Suck me, bitch!" Before I could blink, his dick poked my lips. I instinctively opened my mouth, and found it rapidly filled with his cock. I started sucking, as other men took hold of my hands and brought them to their groins. I couldn't see anything other than the pubic hair of the man that was now fucking my mouth, but my hands wrapped themselves around two well endowed male genitals. I started blindly pumping those.

As I was engrossed with trying to pleasure three men at once, someone took hold of my gauzy dress, and tore it powerfully off my body. The rush of air on my skin told me that I was now kneeling naked, other than those wispy panties that still tried to conceal my sex. Rough hands started playing with my tits, lifting them, slapping them, and subjecting my areolae and nipples to a pinching, rolling action. Another hand dipped inside the front of my panties, and explored my pussy, which was dampening rapidly. As one cock was yanked from my mouth, it was quickly replaced with a different one. The musky scent of aroused males filled my nostrils, adding to my excitement.

Perhaps you're wondering what enjoyment the studio audience could possibly be getting at this point. It wasn't until I saw the show later, during its official broadcast, that I realized what had occurred behind my back. As I stepped through the white door into the well lit area, the entire construction of the wall with its three doors, the corridor, and the white door were all silently raised up out of sight. So all this action was taking place on the same stage where we started, now in full view of the audience. Also, the various camera views were displayed on large monitors, rendering close-ups of the action. It was almost as if they were standing right next to me as I sucked and fondled those cocks. The same images were beamed into the homes of the pay-per-view watchers during the official broadcast, at that later date.

And those cocks I sucked and manipulated swelled and stiffened, in my mouth and in both of my hands. Tension built as the males worked themselves into a frenzy, doing things to me. I was being worked into a frenzy myself by what they were doing. I loved tasting all those cocks, the scents in the air, and the sensation of so many hands on me. Fingers from the hand inside my panties had found my hole, and claimed it. Another hand worked its way into the back of my panties, and that was too much for the flimsy material. It parted with a brief ripping sound, and someone grasped its shreds and tore them off me.

Moments later, hands urged my knees apart, and a hooded head slid under me from behind. The man was face up, and his tongue lashed across my hot, wet labia, and then plunged into my depths, curling and wriggling inside me. I'd had men lick me in a perfunctory manner done there, sort of as a token homage to my sex, before they got done to the 'real business' of screwing me. But this man relished what he was doing. It felt like he was worshiping my sex. It was as if he was dining on me like a connoisseur. I started purring on the cock I was sucking, drawing its salty precum into my throat.

This continued for an indeterminate amount of time -- me doing my best to suck the currently available four cocks in rapid sequence -- when it happened. A lubed finger suddenly wormed its way into my ass, opening my nether hole. The shock of that rapid entry (caught in a startling closeup, as I later saw during the broadcast) caused me to gasp. At that precise moment, the cock in my mouth was being shoved inward, accidentally causing its head to enter my throat! The guy driving that cock must've liked that sensation, because he grabbed my head with both of his hands and proceeded to give me the new experience of being throat-fucked!

Rather than gag, or throw up, I instinctively tried to swallow what had entered my throat, using the muscles designed to do just that. Not only did that suppress my gag reflex, it apparently stimulated the guy in a fantastic manner, because he called out, "This fucking bitch is trying to swallow my fucking cock! Oh my god! If she keeps this up, I'm gonna blow my load way too soon!" After several more throat thrusts, he pulled free before he was forced to climax like that.

I was actually a bit sad that he'd pulled out, because I enjoyed practicing my newfound talent. Of course, the other four men -- yes, even the one eating my cunt so nicely -- gave me more practice as each one mimicked the first, shoving their cocks as deeply down my throat as they could. As I watched the broadcast later, I saw on one closeup that everyone watching could actually see my throat bulge forward as the swollen head of each cock entered it. Even though I was watching the broadcast alone, I still blushed furiously as I saw myself acting like a wanton whore, eagerly opening my throat for their pleasure, spittle drooling down my chin.

As if it was choreographed -- and maybe it was -- I was lifted and carried to the table, and placed face up on its surface. Four of the guys seized a wrist or ankle, and held me spreadeagled as the fifth stepped between my opened thighs and fucked me with long, urgent strokes. My cunt eagerly accepted each dick as they fucked me in rotation. I was held, helpless and open the entire time, and I was thrilled. Soon I was moaning and shouting things like: 'Oh fuck yes yes' and 'right there... you got it' and 'like that... oh shit!' and 'yes, keep doing that... please don't stop' when my words were intelligible, rather than nonsense syllables of passion.

I came.

They kept fucking me.

I came again, sweating and screaming out my orgasm. It was so intense that I hyperventilated. At that point, I thought I might be done cumming. I was wrong.

Now as they fucked me, they hammered their carnal pistons in my tunnel, getting themselves off. I felt the telltale twitches of those wonderful dicks, and then the guy screwing me at that moment would drive himself as deep as possible, and hold still as he spewed his seed. I could feel the hot blasts wash against my sensitive cervix, and because my cunt was virtually plugged, some of that semen was forced through the small opening that led to my womb. When that guy was finished, he'd be replaced by the next, who'd repeat that process.

Soon my cunt and womb were bloated with those 5 loads of semen. My gaping cunt was belching cummy pussy farts, as pockets of air, compressed by their thrusts, emerged, dragging their sticky semen along with it. On the actual broadcast, at this point I even saw my cunt blow a cum bubble, which expanded and then popped wetly all over my labia and thighs. I heard the studio audience's reaction to that, to which I was oblivious at the actual time. To be honest, I was so focused on the excitement of my gang bang that I'd forgotten the audience most of the time, other than a few extra loud outbursts. When I did remember them, perhaps I automatically flushed with embarrassment, but I was being fucked so well I didn't really care.

Since all the men had climaxed in me, and their cocks were now drooping somewhat, I thought perhaps we were done. But they carried me over to the low padded bench, placing me face up, stretched out on top of it. Moreover, they tied me into place, with my wrists and ankles tied to the four bench legs, and another set of ropes across my torso, passing above my tits, below them, and just above my mound. I was quite secure and vulnerable like that, and wondering what was now in store for me.

I didn't have to wait long to find out.

Two women approached me. Like the men, they wore black hoods and nothing else. The hoods hid their hair color, and their smoothly shaved pussies gleamed wetly in the lights. Without a word, one straddled my face and shoved her wet, fragrant cunt right against my lips, blocking my view of the room. I started eating her cunt as well as I could without having my hands available to open her. I began thinking of her as 'woman 1' as I dined on her.

Even though I couldn't see her, I could feel the second woman's hands on my upper thighs, followed by the sensation of her blowing on my pussy. She (woman 2 ) licked my closed labia, and blew again, the sensation of coolness sending ripples of pleasure deep into my body. She pressed my labia open, and again licked, and blew softly. My entire vulva chilled in a delicious manner. Then her warm lips engulfed my clit, and the sudden temperature change made me buck with excitement. That excitement caused me to eat the cunt pressed against my lips more fervently, and I heard woman 1 start moaning and purring with pleasure. My cunt muscles rippled rhythmically, expelling more semen from my depths.

All too soon, woman 1, straddling my face, grabbed my hair, lifting my head to press it harder against her cunt. I heard her making a keening sound as she began rocking herself against my face. "Cumming!" she gasped in a strangled voice, just before her cunt inundated my face with her nectar. When her rocking ceased, she stayed as she was, leaning back enough that I could look up along her torso, watching her tits heaving as she panted to catch her breath. That sight pushed me toward my peak, but woman 2, eating my cunt (actually sucking the semen out of it), removed her mouth, and spanked my pussy with the flat of her hand -- not harshly, but enough to derail my orgasm. I moaned in frustration, seeing the woman riding me smile down at me.

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