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reality_warp.exe Ch. 02

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A sequel, but NOT a continuation.
3.9k words

Part 2 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 10/24/2018
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Editor's note: this story contains scenes of incest or incest content.


Lana Verity was in her room one day, working on a literal world-changing computer program. As more and more code was being typed and implemented, the girl fidgeted and shook in anticipation and wanton excitement.

At a first glance, Lana looked like a regular high school graduate. . . who just graduated from university. Long silky red hair, modest b cup breasts, and a figure that, while a bit on the slim side, worked just fine for her. She's eighteen, but has just earned college degrees in multiple computer sciences that most people don't get until almost twice that age. She is, in no exaggeration of the term, a genius. However, her genius intellect, along with constant grade jumping, rendered her with hardly any friends. She was alienated throughout most of her life with the only people supporting her being her family.

So she did what any stereotypical lonely, antisocial teenager did: go to the Internet. More specifically, porn sites. Lana had heard a phrase that the quiet ones were most considered to be the freakiest in terms of sexual fetishes and vices. And she thought that suited her to a "T". She had multiple fetishes that she would even try to find pictures and videos and fiction pieces that incorporated as many of them as possible. Incest, futanari, hyper, furry, excessive cum. These were what made Lana go wild. And more often than not, she desired for all of those things to be real.

Lana was a very bright person. At the age of fourteen, she did tech work for the government. At sixteen, she even won awards for her contribution to the advancement and improvement of medical science. But now, at eighteen, she was working on something she would consider her greatest creation. It's a good thing she's still at home she thought. Her family was needed. She could've moved out by now and gotten herself an actual house all to herself thanks to the work she's done. But years of alienation and loneliness have left her shy and distrusting of the world. She had to have her parents go as representatives to accept checks and awards.

One of the benefits of governmental work was the access to their tech, which Lana would neither confirm, nor deny if she was asked if she had replicated a good amount of their software. But it was just what she needed for her secret experiment. Combining different pieces of software and code from the government with her own, she began working on something truly monumental. An executable computer program that can alter the fabric of reality. However, she knew it was impossible to create stuff out of thin air. When Einstein speaks, you listen. But theoretically, she should be able to alter the physical, and possibly even mental and psychological properties of things and people that are already there. Something like this could win the Nobel Prize, but Lana was solely interested in using it for her own personal gains.

After another hour of nonstop typing, it was finished. Lana gasped, and then smiled when she saw that the program was up and running. A text box had appeared on her computer screen, awaiting her first input. "Perfect. Now for a test run."

"(Lana_Stacy_Verity)increase_breast_cup_size(1)" is what she typed out, then entered. Hoping to increase her breast size from a b to c. Two seconds had passed, then she felt her boobs expand outward. Three seconds later, she was looking at herself and saw her new breasts. To say she was elated would be an understatement. But to her astonishment, her shirt and bra didn't shift or press up against her swollen chest. She removed both of them and checked her bra size. It said it was now a bra made for c cup breasts.

Lana was intrigued. This wasn't supposed to be the case. She thought, perhaps altering a person's physical state also alters whatever that's associated with whatever was changed. Although, presumably whatever is in that person's possession. She checked her other bras, and they all said they were for c cup breasts, confirming her theory.

But now, another one formed. She quickly clothed herself and went out into the living room. Sitting there were her mom, Rachel, and dad, Tristan watching the evening news, and older sister, Michelle whose face was glued to her phone.

"Hey, guys." Everyone's attention turned toward her. It was unusual for Lana to be the one to make herself known, so naturally they were all curious. "So, quick question. Do you think there's anything different about me?" She pressed her arms in slightly to make her boobs more pronounced.

"Uhhh, no?" Tristan responded.

"There doesn't seem to be." Rachel.

"Why? Should there?" Michelle. Lana couldn't help but hear the light venom in her voice. Michelle is older than Lana by one year, but she feels grossly overshadowed by Lana. She tried to stay the loving, caring older sister for years, but then grew bitter as she felt incredibly jealous of her sister's achievements. Nothing Lana did could mend the rift between them. Until now, she realized.

"Oh, never mind then. Sorry, I'll be back in my room." Before anyone could say anything, she hurried back in. That confirmed her theory. She thought that if her bras were different, then perhaps her family wouldn't be aware of it. As if they were her natural size all along. Back to the computer she goes.

"(Michelle_Robyn_Verity)abandon_negative_feelings_for_sister" Enter. Lana knew that the start of the change would happen after two seconds, but then decided to wait an extra three since that's how long it took for the first alteration to finalize, just to be on the safe side. Once five seconds have passed, she picked up her phone and texted Michelle to come over. After waiting a little, the door opened and her hopefully nice again older sister was standing in the doorway.

"Hiya, sis. What's up?" Lana couldn't believe it. She hadn't heard Michelle officially address her as "sis" in a long time.

"Nothing much. Just wanted to confirm something." She couldn't contain her smile.

"All right then, dork. I know better than to ask questions. See ya at dinner." Another shock to the system. It's been ages since Michelle joked around like that with her as well.

However, Lana was now conflicted. Her sister was now nice to her again, but it wasn't by natural means. She had essentially rewritten her sister's code. But she then thought that this was an intended function of her creation. And if her relationship with Michelle had been fixed, then it's no skin off her teeth. She then realized that while she was cognizant of the change to herself, Michelle didn't seem aware of the change made to her. Perhaps only those who execute the commands actually notice anything, she thought.

But now that she had her test runs, her mind couldn't help but delve into the deep, dark recesses of her brilliant, yet perverted mind. It was time to try out something on a much bigger scale.

"(Tristan_Blake_Verity)gender_swap" Enter. Five seconds. Lana went back out into the living room and met a grand sight. Michelle and her mom were still there, but now, instead of a tall, rugged man, sat a tall, slender, beautiful woman. Her clothes had matched the ones worn by her when she was still a man, but now fitted to her new form. And only Lana seemed to take notice.

"Tristan, dear. Could you please grab my purse? It's just right next to you." The woman, still named Tristan, reaches next to her, but held it out of reach. Rachel was trying to get it from her, but then Tristan moved in and planted a quick kiss on her lips before handing her the purse. Lana's parents always played around like that, but seeing the now wife and wife couple do it all the same thrilled Lana. Even something like a sex change doesn't merit attention from others.

Back to the room she goes. Lana is now certain that with this, she can change the world to her liking. She can actually bring all her fantasies and desires to life. Feeling adventurous, she decided to make a big change to herself.

"(Lana_Stacy_Verity)anthropomorphic_humanoid_dog_transform" Enter. Two seconds pass, then Lana felt her whole body start to change. She nearly cried out in pain. Her entire body was sprouting fur and growing ears and a tail all in three seconds. But when it was over, she breathed a sigh of relief. Looking down at herself, she didn't even need a mirror to see herself. She still had her figure, but she could also now say that she is a light brown dog. Strangely enough, she still had her hair. But she was fine with that. She reached behind her and felt her tail. She was so excited about the transformation and how sexy she thought she looked, she actually managed to wag it with little to no thought.

Before she went back out though, she typed in "(Verity_family)anthropomorphic_humanoid_dog_transformation" but held off on entering it. She already knows the answer, but she still wants to see how the family reacts to her appearance. She entered the living room and saw that everyone was doing something different, including Rachel being in the kitchen looking through the cupboards. Lana walked over to her with the intention of making contact while getting a drink.

"Hey, mama."

"Hi, sweetie. How's my favorite pupper?" It took all Lana had not to bowl over and start laughing as Rachel called her that, and then proceeded to scratch her behind the ears. She'd be lying if she said she wasn't enjoying the gesture.

"I'm fine. Just here for a drink. K, bye." Lana was already back in her room with a glass of water, really just to keep herself from being a liar. But as soon as she got back in her room, she "Enter" on the computer. This time, she didn't bother going out to check. She knew it would get annoying to have to make multiple trips. So with some fancy wiring and hook-ups, she was able to connect her computer to her laptop in a way that she could compress the program enough to fit on her laptop. The process took a couple of minutes, but in the end, it was successful.

Lana unplugged everything and put it all back as neatly as she could, then went out into the living room one more time, first making sure to finish the water, and was greeted with a very welcoming sight. Tristan, Rachel, and Michelle were all anthropomorphic dog people of varying fur colors. Without saying a word, Lana moved over to the open recliner next to the sofa, and got ready with the laptop.

"Hey, pumpkin. What'cha working on this time?" Tristan asked.

"Nothing much, just browsing the net. But I wanted to be out of my room for a bit." Lana wasn't entirely sure whether or not to call Tristan "mom" or not. It would make sense if that was the case, but up until a few minutes ago, all her life she's called her "dad". She decided to wait and see if Michelle addresses her.

Naturally, her claim about being online was false. Instead, she was going to change everything. And this time, she'll be able to observe the changes in person. But first, a change on a more. . . global level. The news station was on the verge of ending their broadcast so Lana needed to act fast if she wanted to see immediate results.

"(world_population)anthropomorphic_humanoid_transformation_(Verity_family)_exclude." She thought that might work, but she wasn't sure. She decided to forgo specific animals to see what would happen, but such a broad umbrella term for the entire world also worried her. But, she won't know if she doesn't try. Enter. Her eyes were glued on the TV screen. Two seconds had passed, and her eyes, still glued, widened in hidden glee. Everyone on screen was changing. Another three seconds, and the transformations were complete. And to her delight, they were different. The anchorman was now a tiger, and his anchorwoman co-host was now a literal vixen. She turned to her family and was happy when she saw they didn't change. But now for some really freaky stuff.

"(world_population)hyper_endowed_shemale" Enter. Now it's time to really start bringing her fantasies to life. Two seconds later, she felt herself changing. She did her best to hold in her moans of pain as to not bother her family, but it was rough. Fortunately, it was only for three seconds, but they felt more like three minutes of anatomical changing pain. But when it was over, she saw clear as day her now swollen m cup breasts covered by her newly adjusted shirt. She thought perhaps something went wrong with the genitalia aspect, but then she felt something huge pressed up against her legs. She had to adjust herself to get a look, but she saw a very noticeable cock dangling out and what looked like two basketballs in her altered shorts. She couldn't contain her smile as she looked over and almost immediately got hard and wet after seeing her family. They all too were hyper endowed with magnificent breasts and gargantuan packages. She managed to get a quick glimpse of the TV before it switch to commercial and saw that the news team also changed.

As her cock was hardening, two thoughts crossed her mind. First, feeling blood pumping into her new, growing appendage was a weird feeling. It was completely foreign to her, but in a very pleasurable way. But the second thought was that she shouldn't be getting hard. She had changed people's physical state, but now everyone considers it normal. As if they've all been like this since birth. So if her family caught her getting hard, they'll still call her out on it. Thinking fast, she typed "(world_population)sexual_arousal&masturbation_accept&encourage" Enter. If the three seconds from before felt longer, then the five seconds needed to take hold felt like forever, hoping and praying that no one would call her out until they were up. The five seconds ended just in time as Michelle then looked over.

"Dang, sis. You must be pretty horny. You must've been browsing something real kinky. Go on, let it all out." Lana started breathing again after Michelle was done talking.

Tristan looked over and said, "Damn, honey. Impressive as always. Now if you want to get naked, that's fine. Just make sure you don't just throw your clothes on the ground. If anything, I think I'll do it too." Lana was on cloud nine as she and Tristan began stripping.

At full mast, Lana could now see that at full erection, her cock must've been a little over five feet tall and three feet wide. But Tristan's erect cock had to have been a little under six feet long and four feet wide. It astounded Lana to know that enough blood was being pumped to accommodate for their extended schlongs.

"Well now, you two have fun. I'm gonna go help mom in the kitchen."

Michelle didn't get far without hearing Tristan say, "Okay, baby. Love you."

"Love you too, mom." Mom, Lana thought. Now she officially knew what to call her.

Now before anything else happened, Lana reached for her laptop and typed in one more thing to help make this experience special. "(Verity_family)incest_accept&encourage" Enter.

Five seconds. Lana craned her head to the kitchen where Michelle had just entered and approached Rachel.

"Hi, mom."

"Hey, babe." Babe. A good sign for Lana. And an even better one was seeing the two of them lean in for a lover's kiss. Her hard dick was now throbbing wildly.

Lana then felt a tender hand under her chin pull her eyes away from the delectable sight. But before she could say anything, she felt Tristan's full lips press against her. Her eyes widened but then closed after a second and kissed back. Tristan took that as the signal to open her mouth and probe Lana's with her tongue asking for permission. Lana agreed to it and the two of them began French-kissing like they've been lovers for ages now.

"Here, lets get that taken care of." The low tone and huskiness of Tristan's voice sent shivers throughout Lana's whole body. And she soon discovered what Tristan meant when she felt a hand move up and down her shaft. She let out a low and erotic moan at the touch. "That's right, baby. Moan for mommy."

Tristan then moved so she was on the couch with her legs spread wide and her monster cock and balls raised up, revealing her tight, fresh pussy. "Come on, baby. Mommy's ready for you." Lana didn't need to be told twice. But before she plows her dog-mom, she decided to type in something else just to be on the safe side.

"(Verity_family)body_stretches&shifts_for_sex.()no_damage_done_to_body" Enter.

Now Lana is a virgin in every sense of the word. Especially with her new cock. But that made it all the more exiting. She'll be giving up one of her virginities to one of her hot moms. Very carefully, Lana lined up the huge tip of her pre-cum drooling cock to her mom's folds. Using the pre to lather up the area as a sort of lubricant, Lana then proceeded to insert her giant member inside her mom.

A loud and sensual groan escaped both Lana and Tristan's lips as Tristan was being pierced by her daughter. Lana could only move for a bit before she was forced to stop. But when she looked down after squeezing her eyes shut in bliss, she saw that she was able to get three feet in with Tristan's stomach greatly extended outward to match the size of her cock.

"Oh, fuck yes, baby! You're inside mommy! Go deeper!"

Lana could barely move, but after a while, she was able to slide her dick out until only the tip remained. And then, she thrusted it back in getting a whole foot more in. But it wasn't enough. She needed to get her entire length in. She made a few more thrusts with both her and Tristan moaning in ecstasy and calling out each other's names saying how much they love this. Lana thought for sure she'd explode before making it all the way in, but surprisingly, she managed to hold out. As soon as she hilted, Tristan cried out in pleasure as she came hard from her pussy.

"Oh, fuck! Fuck fuck fuck, holy shit, baby! Your cock is amazing! Go on. Rut me like the bitch I am. Pour all your hot cum inside me."

Lana decided to wrap her arms and tits around Tristan's skyward cock as leverage and began pumping like mad. What neither of them knew at first was that both Rachel and Michelle had come out of the kitchen and were stroking each other off to the sight. Lana kept pumping and pumping until she finally reached her limit. With one last cry, she let loose what had to have been gallons of cum she could feel churning in her balls and shooting out of her tip. In just two seconds, Tristan was totally bloated with her torso all rounded out. Five seconds later, cum began traveling upward and out of Tristan's mouth. Lana's seemingly never ending stream of gelatinous cum ended after about three minutes. By then, the entire floor was cum, and Tristan was lying in it with a dazed look with an open smile and tongue hanging out. Some even got onto the laptop. It's a good thing I put some protection on it, Lana thought.

Lana saw that everyone was covered in cum from head to furry toe, a sight she found extremely hot. "Sooo, am I in trouble for flooding the house?" Rachel and Michelle just giggled a bit.

"Not at all, my little slut." Rachel said with what looked like motherly pride in her eyes for what Lana did. "I'd say this is the most you've produced yet. And it looks like Tristan had a fucking fantastic time. We'll need to deflate her. But now I'm super horny and covered in cum. Bend over, I wanna finally fuck that sweet, virgin pussy and finish inside you." Hearing Rachel say all this turned on Lana so much her pussy was soaked with juices running down her fur covered legs.

Lana wasted no time in getting ready. She presented her shapely ass to the woman who birthed her, and gave a good showing of her moist lips, dangling balls, and her cock draped across the cum covered floor.

Meanwhile, Michelle moved over to Tristan and sat down on her stomach to push out the excess cum. It poured out of her pussy and mouth in waves.

Rachel lined up her massive five-and-a-half foot long, three-and-three-quarters wide dick to Lana's virgin entrance.


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