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From bold confessions to Mike & Maggie's unforgettable night.
16.1k words

Part 2 of the 3 part series

Updated 10/17/2023
Created 10/01/2023
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──♡─♡♠♠♡ Chapter 1 ♡♠♠♡─♡───

Through Mike's Eyes


That early morning alarm, blaring at 5:30 AM, always hit me hard. But every day, it was the same routine. I'd lay there for a bit, soaking in the quiet before everything went haywire. Maggie was beside me, breathing so calm, so peaceful. Didn't want to wake her, so I got up real quiet-like, heading to the bathroom.

That shower, man, it's like therapy. Warm water hitting my back, steam fogging up the mirror, and that old school Old Spice soap of mine. Felt good, you know? Refreshing. Every drop was like gearing up for the battle of the day. When I got dressed, white shirt, those slacks, I looked in the mirror and thought, "Mike, you've come a long way."

Walking out, the smell of breakfast hit me like a ton of bricks. Good bricks. Maggie was up, working her magic in the kitchen. Bacon, eggs, coffee -- she had it all going. The kids, Nat and Ryan, they were up too, groggy but getting there.

The kitchen table was set just the way I liked it. Coffee, hot and ready, and my newspaper laid out. That's Maggie for you. Always paying attention to the little things. As I settled in, she hit me with that smile. "Morning." Felt like pure sunshine. And the kids, they chimed in, rubbing their eyes but happy.

Reading the paper, something caught my eye, "Reagan Proposes 'Star Wars' Missile Defense System." Dang, 1983 was something else. The world was changing fast.

Breakfast was our thing, the whole family sitting around, talking about whatever. It was cool, you know? And as I got up to leave, despite being teenagers, both kids jumped up and hugged me tight. That right there, that's what powered my day.

I looked at my family and told them that I loved them all. Meant it too, every word.

Stepping outside, briefcase in hand, I felt ready. I had my family, had my job, and every step felt like I was moving forward. Life was throwing curveballs, but I was dancing through them, trying to figure out the next step.


Carolina Heritage Bank of Florence, that place was like my second home. Always buzzing, always something going on. But inside my office, it was my little bubble of calm. Usually, I'd be diving into reports, paperwork, and maybe sneak a peek at the Wall Street Journal. But that day, those papers? They just sat there, gathering dust while my head was off somewhere else.

Looking at myself in the little mirror on my desk, I could see the changes. Hair, more salt than pepper now, and my eyes usually looked calm. But now? They were miles away. The sun coming through the blinds made these patterns on my face, and all I could think about was me and Maggie. The stuff we'd been getting into, the videos, the toys... man, that was some wild stuff. Those videos, mostly with big black dudes and white women, and that new toy she got was black too. Wasn't hard to connect the dots.

Then it hit me. Was I... you know, not big enough for her? The toys she chose, what we watched, it painted a clear picture. And man, it hurt, right in the gut. Got me questioning myself.

I've always been proud, you know? Did well for myself, took care of my family, and loved Maggie with everything I had. But these new...hints, they messed with my head. Sitting there, lost in thought, my fingers brushing my chin, I was sure about one thing -- I'd do whatever it took to make her happy.

I remember glancing over at this photo on my desk, the kids, Ryan and Natalie, and Maggie. Big smiles all around. We had a good thing going, years of trust and love. This new stuff, it was just a blip, another turn on the road.

Checking my watch, I knew I had to snap back to reality. Bank stuff to do. But even as I got back to work, my thoughts kept drifting to Maggie, to us, and what the evening might bring. Whatever came our way, I was all in.


Driving up to the house, that sunset was something else. Made everything look kinda... golden. As soon as I stepped out of the car, there was that unmistakable smell of steak grilling. Man, my stomach didn't waste time telling me how hungry it was.

Walking in, I was hit by this song playing, something slow and romantic. The living room was pretty dim, but I could see the candles from the dining room flickering. And then, bam, there she was. Maggie, standing there in this blue dress I hadn't seen in a long time. It might've been old, but boy, did it flatter her. Showed off her curves just right without showing too much, if you get what I mean. And her hair, usually pulled back for the day-to-day stuff, it was down, kinda wavy.

She'd done something special tonight, not showing off or anything, but like she was saying, "Hey, remember me? The woman you fell for?" And her voice, when she greeted me had this playful hint.

Seeing her in that dress, with those candles and that music, I was taken back. Yeah, she'd changed over the years. A bit softer here and there, but to me, she was as stunning as the day we met. Every part of her was like a reminder of our journey together. And by the looks of things, tonight was going to be a little different.

As she got closer, I got a whiff of her perfume, the usual one but with a twist. Something more seductive. She took my hand and led me to the dinner table, all fancy-like.

"Steak and wine," I managed to say, by my voice was a bit shaky. I could tell, the night wasn't just about the food.

She poured the wine, and I took a sip. Felt the warmth going down, tasted those hints of berry. Everything felt more... intense. The way the cutlery sounded, the songs playing in the background, and the way she looked at me, like she was trying to tell me something.

We chatted through dinner, sometimes just quiet, but there was this tension, you know? Like we both knew there was something more, something we weren't saying out loud. The air was thick with memories of the stuff we'd been exploring together. And every now and then, our eyes would lock, having this silent chat of their own.

I saw Maggie take a deep breath, like she was trying to find her footing. She said she'd been thinking about this for a while. She'd even practiced what she was going to say on her way home.

Then she said it. She said she's been thinking about being with a black man. I guess I shouldn't have been surprised with the all the videos and the black dildo, but I wasn't thinking that at the time.

I felt this lump in my throat. It felt hard to breathe. Everything around sort of faded, and all I could hear was her voice.

Then she said she wanted me there. Why did she want me there? So I asked her if she wanted it to be a threesome.

She shook her head, no. She said she wanted me to watch like in the videos we had watched together.

Then, she looked straight into my eyes and said, "I want you to see me with a black man with a big dick" and "I want you to watch while he gives me what you can't."

It was like someone had knocked the wind out of me. I mean, we'd watched those videos, brought some new toys into the mix, but hearing her say it out loud, so bluntly, was tough to hear.

I had a pit in my stomach. I don't know if I was was feeling jealous or insecure or what, but I did feel this huge sense of being exposed. The thought of Maggie, my Maggie, with another man? It was confusing, terrifying, and it intrigued me.

It was like Maggie had thrown a grenade and we were both waiting for it to explode.

She looked as stunned as I felt. She covered her mouth, like she was trying to shove the words back in. Her eyes were wide, scared, but there was also this fire in them.

We didn't say anything. Man, it was heavy. Like we'd opened a door we couldn't close anymore.

I saw Maggie, really saw her. Not just as my wife, but as Maggie, this whole person with her own wants and complexities. She was standing there, completely open, raw, and that took guts. The Maggie in front of me was so much more than the roles she played every day.

She laid it out. All the things we'd skirted around for years - she just put it all out there. Her hand was still clamped over her mouth. And I was there, staring at her, lost and finding her all at the same time.

It felt like hours passed in those few seconds, and everything we'd built, every sweet moment and tough time. I was thinking about all of it.

I reached out and I pulled Maggie's hand away from her mouth. I tried to be gentle as I did it. I did in a way that I knew Maggie would appreciate.

I asked her if she really wanted to do this. I asked it in a very intimate way. Like we were tearing down the walls and meeting each other for the first time again.

She nodded her head, yes. Her dark eyes stared right into me.

Then I asked if this was something she needed.

She nodded again.

Already knowing what she'd say, I asked her if we did this, could things ever go back to the way they were before.

She shook her head. If we did this, there was no going back. No do overs. That scared me.

Then I realized how much we had already changed and there wasn't anyway back from that. I mean you can pretend something didn't happen on the outside, but on the inside, you will always know the truth.

I asked her. I asked if we had already passed the point of no return.

She nodded. No going back.

Every time she nodded or shook her head it exposed truths we'd buried for years. We were not the same people who'd stood at the altar all those years ago.

I locked eyes with Maggie. I reached out and lifted her dress over her head. I knew her body so well, but it felt different.

She wasn't wearing a bra. Her breasts, still looked great. Not quite as perky as they were twenty years ago, but they were soft and full. Still very nice. I could see the subtle stretch marks on her belly and I lightly traced them with my finger. I don't think she liked them, but I loved them. They were a reminder of the family we built together.

I traced down her body with my finger until I got to her lace panties. They were new. Sexy. I pulled them down slowly. I could already smell her. I love her scent. I sat there for a minute, taking it all in: Maggie, vulnerable and open to exploring something new with me.

I kissed down the front her body until I got to her pubes. Man, she smelled so good. Then I kissed each thigh.

We had not been performing oral sex on each other for very long. It was quite new to us. It wasn't until recently that we started doing it and now it was the only thing we did. She really seems to like it. In fact, since that first time I went down on her, we hadn't had intercourse.

I buried my face between her legs and started licking her. She grabbed the back of my head and pulled me into her. I thought about how new this was for us. I focused on her pleasure. I tried to match her movements, but it was difficult her standing and me on my knees in the middle of the living room.

I did my best to keep pace. Her pussy was getting warm and really wet. I could sense that she started cumming and she started to buck against my face. I tried to stay with her through it. Her hips where gyrating almost violently. It was everything I could do to keep my tongue on her clit.

When I felt her grip on my head relax, I looked up at her. I had a sense of pride at being able to give her an orgasm. I had never given her one until recently. I could feel her wetness on my face and I could still taste and smell her on my lips.

I felt a closeness, an intimacy. All this new stuff we had tried gave me a rush. I loved that she was showing me how sexual she could be.

She was telling me that she needs a bigger dick than I have. She can't help that and I can't change my dick. What was I supposed to do? I love her and I wanted her to feel fulfilled.

I saw the whirlwind of emotions in Maggie's eyes — love, desire, and even a bit of fear — reminded me of our marriage, with its ups and downs. This new chapter she suggested was uncharted territory, but our love had always been strong.

I was still a little out of breath having felt like a cowboy riding a bucking bronco. I paused to settle myself and then with as much sincerity as I could muster, I looked up and told her we could try it.

And there it was. I had just told my wife of twenty-two years that she could have sex with another man. Not just any man. A black man with a huge dick.

Was I doing the right thing? FUCK!

──♡─♡♠♠♡ Chapter 2 ♡♠♠♡─♡───

One Stroke, Many Revelations


The warm, golden rays of the morning sun danced through the gaps in the curtains, casting a gentle glow over the room. Maggie stirred, feeling the silken sheets against her skin. As consciousness fully returned, the events of the previous night rushed back, making her heart race. She lay there, bathed in the soft light, her mind replaying the moment she'd confessed her deepest desires to Mike and the passionate connection they'd shared afterward.

A smile spread across her face, a mix of relief, surprise, and excitement. To have shared such an intimate, vulnerable part of herself and to have been met with understanding - it was a gift she hadn't expected. The warmth that started in her heart seemed to travel downwards, and a familiar urge began to build.

Maggie glanced towards the bathroom, hearing the sound of the shower running. The idea of a quick solo session, a little 'self-romance', seemed enticing. However, she chuckled softly to herself, thinking she couldn't risk a 'flick session' making her or the kids late for their day. Responsibilities awaited.

Instead, she sat up, stretching her arms and letting out a contented sigh. Pulling on her robe, she padded to the kitchen, deciding to make breakfast. The aroma of coffee filled the air, a comforting and familiar scent.

As the children, Nat and Ryan, descended the stairs, ready for school, Maggie was struck with a sense of normalcy. Amidst the whirlwind of emotions and the evolving dynamic between her and Mike, life's daily routines provided an anchor. She served them their breakfast, chatted about their day, and kissed them goodbye as they left for school.

Mike, now dressed in his work attire, approached Maggie, and for a brief moment, they shared a knowing look. Words weren't necessary; their eyes conveyed everything. He pressed a soft kiss on her forehead, whispering a quick "I love you" before heading out the door.

Maggie stood there for a moment, the house now silent. Today felt different, charged with a new energy, a new promise. She was on the cusp of something exhilarating, and she couldn't wait to see where it would lead.


With the house now empty, Maggie took a few moments for herself, sitting in the cozy nook by the kitchen window with a cup of tea. The stillness of the morning was a stark contrast to the rush of thoughts and feelings swirling inside her. She sipped her tea, allowing herself to get lost in her thoughts.

Soon, it was time to head to school. The familiar hum of the classroom, the energetic chatter of students, and the general ebb and flow of school life enveloped her. While her role as a teacher demanded her full attention, her mind would occasionally wander back to her personal revelations and the conversation with Mike.

As the morning classes ended, Maggie found herself in the teacher's lounge for their scheduled planning hour. The aroma of freshly brewed coffee mingled with the subtle scent of chalk and school supplies. Teachers exchanged casual banter, and some hurriedly graded papers.

Bella, her brunette curls bouncing as she entered the lounge, made a beeline for Maggie. Their shared history, both professional and personal, meant they often sought each other out during these breaks.

"You look... different," Bella remarked with a raised eyebrow, as she poured herself a coffee.

Maggie grinned mischievously. "Oh, Bella, you have no idea. Yesterday was... enlightening."

Bella's interest was immediately piqued. "Don't leave me hanging! What happened?"

Maggie leaned in, lowering her voice. "Let's just say, dinner had a dance of its own." She winked, leaving Bella even more intrigued.

"Girl, you better spill all the tea when we chat later!" Bella laughed, playfully nudging Maggie.

Maggie nodded, her lips sealed in a teasing smile. "Trust me, it's a story worth waiting for."

The two shared a moment of giggles before delving into their teaching preparations, but the promise of a juicy story lingered in the air.


"Hey, Bella," Maggie's voice was hushed, the events of the previous night still fresh and sensitive.

"Hey girl," Bella's voice echoed warmth and anticipation. "I've been on pins and needles. What happened?"

Maggie let out a soft sigh, "I told him, Bella. I told Mike I want to... you know... with a black man." There was a pause, pregnant with unsaid words. "And...he's okay with it."

A peal of laughter, rich and unrestrained, broke from Bella. "You're shitting me!" she howled. The surprise in her voice danced through the phone line. "Mags, I did not see that coming. Mike's got some surprises up his sleeves, huh?"

Maggie chuckled, her cheeks flush with a mix of embarrassment and excitement. "Yeah, it's... I can hardly believe it myself."

"And here I thought that tiny dick of his would have him bolting for the hills! I mean, who does that? Only a white guy, am I right?" Bella laughed again, and Maggie could imagine her shaking her head in amused disbelief.

"Oh, stop it," Maggie admonished gently, though her laughter joined Bella's.

"Alright, alright," Bella caught her breath. "But come on, Mags, Luther's gotta be the lucky guy. After that moment you two had?" Bella's voice was teasing but curious.

Maggie paused, and for a moment, the image of Luther, tall and imposing, flashed before her eyes. "I... I don't know yet, Bella. It's all so new."

"You don't know? Girl, anyone with eyes could see that spark. There's a fire there, Mags, I'm telling you." Bella's tone was light, but the implication hung heavily between them.

Maggie hesitated before the confession slipped out. "There's something...something about him, Bella. But let's not get ahead of ourselves."

Bella's laughter was softer this time, knowing. "Okay, Mags. I won't push. But lord, you've got me living vicariously here. I can't wait to hear the rest."

Maggie let out a soft, anticipatory laugh. "We'll see, Bella. We'll see."


The mood in the bedroom was palpable, the air heavy with a mixture of anticipation and nervousness. They both could sense the divergence in this night from their previous routines. Historically, their trysts had followed a specific script, a quickly executed act where Mike's earnestness and Maggie's quiet acquiescence culminated in a fleeting but sincere moment of intimacy. But that formula had recently been replaced by a tantalizing dance of erotica, filled with videos, toys, and shared oral pleasures.

This evening, however, there was a hesitant energy in the room. The elephant, or perhaps the decision made at the "Dinner Dance", was clearly present. They lay there, letting the weight of the silence grow.

Then, Maggie, ever the one to take charge when things felt adrift, decided to breach the silence. Her hand discreetly slid beneath the covers, seeking out Mike's familiar warmth. She found his penis, fully erect, almost desperately trying to assert its presence, to be bigger than it was.

However, she was careful. She knew Mike's sensitivity, how his small dick could quickly reach climax with just a tad bit of direct stimulation. Instead of stroking him, she let her fingertips trace his length, teasing but not directly confronting. Her fingers then found his balls, larger and distinct from his penis, and she rolled them gently in her hand.

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