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Rebecca's Naked Interview

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A reporter humiliates herself for an interview.
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Another short, rather silly one. It was going to be centered around an ENF theme, but got a bit out of hand, so I put this in the fetish category. Cheers!


Rebecca's Naked Interview

"He'll allow the interview, but only under these conditions," said the guard at the gate.

"He mentioned nothing about me having to be naked!" I screamed. "I am not one of his mindless pets!"

I'm Rebecca Moore, a struggling news journalist for a local cable network. For seven months, I had been working on scoring an interview with the infamous man known as Anon de Sade. A wealthy, if not categorically rich man. He earned his fortune the traditional way. He inherited it. Anon de Sade had a reputation for manipulating women, stripping them of their dignity and independence. Supposedly, other wealthy men would send their wives to him for "conditioning."

Although rumors of this activity had been heard for several years, it wasn't confirmed until a woman came forward. She had escaped her husband's grasp and reported her situation to the authorities, explaining that her husband had sent her to Anon de Sade's manor for his supposed brainwashing services.

It was my opinion that the police didn't take the woman seriously and dismissed her testimony, but after reading of her accounts, I knew there were far too many details for this to have been imagined. I took it upon myself to investigate the matter myself. After months of hounding the reclusive man by mail, email and phone, he had finally agreed to an interview. In his letter, it stated that the interview would be conducted on his terms, in his format. As long as I agreed to the conditions, I was allowed to ask de Sade any questions I saw fit. It seemed reasonable at the time when I signed the contract, because by format, I was thinking he would perhaps want it filmed on a couch or behind a desk, or the manner in which questions and answer session would be filmed. I certainly didn't think he meant I was to interview him without any clothes on.

"I'm sorry, but you're not allowed through until I have collected all your clothes," said the man at the gate. "Or you don't go in at all."

I looked over at Beth, the camera-girl.

"This is ridiculous, Beth. I'll bet he's demanding this thinking I'll just walk away from the interview. Just make sure you film me from the neck up."

I stepped out of the car and quickly removed my dress and everything underneath.

"Ma'am, the shoes... they stay, too."

"You're kidding me," I said, as I was about to put them back on.

"No, I'm not. Everything. Same goes for the other girl." He pointed to the passenger where Beth was sitting. Her jaw dropped open.

"What? Why?" said Beth. "I didn't agree to this!"

"Beth, we have to get this interview," I said, bending over, ducking my head into the car. I know my tits swayed heavily leaning in like this. I had large, ample breasts. They had been, perhaps, the saving grace to my ratings which were just high enough to keep my job. I really needed a big story to show the world what I was capable of. Maybe then I could get a job at a larger network.

"Rebecca! Really? You're going to make me do this?" Beth pleaded.

Beth had a nice figure. Broader than mine, but she was by no means fat. Rather, she was quite fit. It was apparent she exercised regularly.

"Please, Beth. You won't be the one in front of the camera. We break this story and we're both moving up!"

"Fine!" she puffed, and then began stripping herself naked in the vehicle, throwing articles of clothing out the window to demonstrate her frustration. Finally, she stepped out, allowing the guard to see her tits and pussy like I had done.

"Satisfied?" she asked the guard.

"OK, you may both go on through," he said.

We stepped back in the car, with me behind the wheel and put it in drive. It was a quarter mile road to the front of the estate.

"This is humiliating," said Beth.

"I know. I'm sorry to put you through this, but we need this. This man should go to jail!"

"I know. It's why I'm agreeing to do this. Just because this man is going to see us naked, does not mean he will have power over us. You do this interview right!" said Beth. "You expose this man!"

Beth was very much on my side. I never realized how passionate she was about her work. And she was right! I was going to get de Sade to admit he brainwashed women, turning them into mindless, senseless fuck slaves for their selfish husbands.

Anon de Sade owned a manor. Large arches greeted us as we pulled up to the front double-doors of the building. They were easily fifteen-feet high. A man in a black suit and tie appeared to be waiting at the door.

I stopped the car and Beth and I clamored out, grabbing the necessary video equipment along the way. I approached the man. His eyes didn't seem to focus too much on my naked body. Rather, he kept his eyes on mine.

"Jarvis, I assume," I said.

"Something like that," he replied. "Do... come in!"

He opened the doors and waved us into a large foyer. He closed the door and turned to us. "So ladies. You do understand that it is a privilege, not a right, that you are here."

"It is indeed a right!" I said. "If this man has been conducting criminal activity, he deserves to by tried and sentenced. The public must know!"

"You may not agree with Master's lifestyle," said the host, "but that doesn't make him a criminal. Now follow me."

He led us through the foyer into the main living area, an area bigger than my entire home. In the middle of the room, furniture had been moved, allowing space for an interview. Two small, wooden chairs were positioned near the center, facing each other. The chairs didn't look particularly comfortable, but one of them had what appeared to be a dildo or vibrator sticking through the bottom seat. The seat itself was small. It was obvious there was no way of sitting on it without inserting the object into one of my orifices.

I looked up at the butler. "No fucking way," I said, eyes flat.

"Ah, so you understand what that is for, then," he said, pointing at the dildo. "And the answer is 'Yes, fucking way.' You see, Mr. de Sade has instructed me that if you want this interview, then you will at least come to understand his philosophy, and how he helps his clients. By clients, we are specifically talking about the women who he works with. He does not harm them. He starts by making them understand that they are all objects of desire, and should be treated as such. If you are unwilling to experience his philosophy, he does not feel you are qualified to report on it. He believes this won't just be an interview for you; it will be an experience in learning about yourself and his techniques."

"I would think this very request is illegal!" I exclaimed. "Besides, I think you just told me everything I need for the story."

"I assure you I have not, but you are free to leave," said the host. "My master is under no obligation to serve you, either. It's his place and his rules. Decide now or go home."

I looked back at the dildo rising out of the chair. It was big, but I'd played with some close to it in size before. I would sit on it and do my job, I thought. Interview this asshole, dildo or no dildo in my pussy. I was committed to trapping this man into admitting to his illegal activities.

I marched over to the chair, spread my legs and slammed down. It hurt a bit, but I didn't want to make a spectacle in front of the butler, so I hid my discomfort.

"There!" I said, looking sternly at the man, who was now smiling widely. "Go get de Sade. No more games."

As he left, Beth started setting up the tripod and camera equipment. "I can't believe you're taking it this far," she said.

I positioned myself on the chair, crossing my legs, the dildo still driven deep into my vagina. I was dry, but otherwise it felt fine. Not necessarily stimulating, but not unpleasant.

"You have really great tits," said Beth, pointing the camera at me. "Be a shame not to record them while they're out."

"No way," I said. "Keep it professional!"

Just then, another man marched into the room. He was in his mid-30s in a slim, dark suit. He was handsome and vibrant, looking confident. I almost stood up to greet him, before realizing that with the dildo inside me, it was best to stay seated. He strolled up and sat in the chair in front of me, the one without the protruding obstruction like mine had in it.

"So you're Anon de Sade then?" I asked.

"Yes, and I will gladly answer your questions, but allow me to elaborate a bit more about the conditions. First, there is only one thing you may not ask me, and that is any question that has to do with why I am making you conduct this interview in this fashion. You are also not allowed to complain about the format during the interview, whatsoever. Either of these two occurrences will result in me ceasing the interview immediately, and sending you on your way."

"You mean I'm not allowed to address the fact as to why you have me naked, sitting on a dildo? This is absolutely not..."

"Ah ah ah!" he interrupted. "No mentioning it or you leave now. Do you understand the rules? You may ask about anything else, mention anything else, but not about your current AGREEMENT on how you are conducting this interview"

I paused. He was intentionally trying to humiliate me, by not allowing me to object to it. I could always report on the terrible conditions of the interview later, when he wasn't in my presence. Suck it up, girl, I thought to myself. Just focus on what I can get him on now. Make him admit he has used and harmed women.

I actually began to think that perhaps Beth should photograph all that I was enduring, so the public could see for themselves what a bastard he was, but then everyone would see my naked body and I didn't need that all over the internet. Better she just film above my neck and I get this asshole in the interview.

"Fine," I said. "Let's begin with recent events. You met with a Mrs. Julianne Nelson over three weeks ago. Is that correct?" I was referring to the woman who had contacted authorities and later, me.

"Yes," he said. "She was to go through my program. A one-on-one seminar, if you will."

"And how long does this seminar take?" I asked. The dildo began to vibrate gently. I could feel its hum, yet could not hear it. It startled me and I thought to say something, but remembered the terms of the interview and quickly held my tongue.

"It depends," said de Sade. "Some women only take a few days to complete the course. Others may take weeks."

"What exactly does this course, or seminar, entail?"

"Oh, you don't know?" he asked.

"It's why I'm here interviewing you, Mr. de Sade," I said, feeling the vibrator beginning to warm up and increase in speed. By this time, I was certain I could hear a faint humming noise. Admittedly, this was slightly distracting my attention from the interview.

"Well, Miss Moore. All women are objects of pleasure. As such, they need to learn how to take pleasure for themselves. To fully embrace what their role really is."

He was falling right into my trap, I thought. "Their role?" I asked, with a condescending tone.

"Yes, their role. Exactly," said de Sade. "There is nothing sexist about it. It's simply nature."

The vibrator was throttling up significantly now. I noticed Anon watching my tits jiggle subtly with the force of the vibrations and I tried to position my arms over my nipples to block his gaze. This, however, had me kneeling in an awkward position, putting more weight directly onto the rubber mechanism that was grinding into my pussy. My juices were flowing now; my body responding uncontrollably, yet naturally, to the stimulation.

"Describe to me exactly what you are getting at. How do you consider a woman an object?" I could barely mouth the words.

"Well, take you, for instance," said de Sade. "You parade in front of a camera for a career. You are, if nothing else, an exhibitionist. It is in your nature. You like to be the center of attention. You take pleasure from it. But you don't take it far enough - as far as you would like - all over some self-righteous excuse for a moral code. But look at you now..."

He waved his hand, motioning at my body. I looked down and noticed how ridiculous I must have looked, bending over, trying to cover myself, while subconsciously grinding my pussy deeper and deeper into the quivering dildo. Composing myself, I sat upright and uncrossed my legs. I was not going to be made a fool, especially in front of this creep. I refused to allow a huge vibrator going off in my pussy to get in the way of getting this story! The dildo rocked in and out at great length and speed. The engine that drove it was clearly heard throughout the room. It continued to pump harder and faster with each stroke, but I was determined.

"Admit it, de Sade," I said. "You purposefully humiliate and torture women. You make them do things abhorrent against their nature! Certainly not what's in their nature!"

I leaned up in my chair a bit, allowing the vibrator to work my vagina in a slightly more comfortable position. It was so loud now. Like jet engines, it seemed, and I had practically been screaming to be heard. The motor worked furiously as the dildo slammed into my pussy at record speeds. Anon de Sade stared at me throughout the ordeal, focusing on my breasts which were bouncing furiously up and down now. My body shook to the jolts of the hard, mechanical fucking.

"Do I make women do things against their nature?" he asked. "Absolutely not! At any point in time while I am working with a client, she may get up and leave. I hold no one against their will, thus I can't 'force' anything on any woman."

"But look at me," I said, while cumming hard on the artificial cock. I groaned in deep pleasure and was ashamed I climaxed so forcefully and unexpectedly in front of this pompous man and everyone else in the room. My pussy juices soaked the chair underneath. "Look at what you just made me do!" I exclaimed.

"I didn't make you to do anything."

"But I couldn't have gotten this interview without doing this!" I exclaimed.

"And yet here we are," he said, smiling. "But I clearly didn't FORCE you. At any point, you could have refused and gone home. Instead, you sit there getting fucked by a vibrator of your own volition."

He was right, I thought. He was breaking no laws. I had agreed to all these terms to meet him. I hadn't been forced into anything. There was no reason to believe the women who went through his seminar were treated any differently. All of them could have left at any moment for all I knew, refusing entirely to be subjected to any humiliating sexual acts.

It took me a while to process all this and as I stayed there, frozen in place, the vibrator working inside had grown even more intense. It was abusing my pussy and though I'd only just climaxed, I could feel another one coming on.

"You're right," I said, defeated. Anon de Sade smirked at me as I continued to speak. "Since I made the mistake of taking it this far, I'm just going to cum once more before I leave. Give me a moment."

I took a deep breath and sat up a bit more, re-positioning my hips over the pumping vibrator. It was driving itself in deep and I wanted to feel all of it. I wanted to be used, to surrender my pussy and my senses to this experience.

Anon watched for a moment and then slowly spoke. "I think you wouldn't be in need of my services like many of my clients," he said. "You seemed to grasp the gist of the proper role of a woman quite well."

It didn't take me long to respond, as I squirted all over the floor, making a ridiculous mess. "Yes," I screamed. "Yes! I get it."

Beth then suddenly spoke up. "Rebecca, can I try. Please." She walked into the frame of the camera.

Not thinking, I said, "Sure," and pulled off the protruding dildo. Without wiping it clean, Beth straddled the large object, sinking down all the way, forcing it in.

"This feels amazing," she said. "I was starting to get jealous over there."

Anon de Sade smiled and activated the dildo, cranking it higher than any setting he had used for me. It was deafening as it pounded away at Beth's wet, open pussy. I could just make out her screaming over the pump's engine. She was really getting it. At first I thought maybe it was too much, but within moments it was clear Beth was well suited for the mechanical violation. It had her coming multiple times within minutes. de Sade finally turned off the equipment.

"Thank you," said Beth, looking at the man, then me. "I can't believe I just did that. It was incredible."

"And do you still think I'm an evil man?" asked de Sade.

I said nothing. Instead, I slowly began packing the equipment. I didn't care if de Sade and his servants and even the rest of the world saw me naked. I had been utterly humbled.

"Come on, Beth," I said. "Let's get moving. We were wrong to think the man is a criminal."

"Oh, but Rebecca," exclaimed Beth. "There's still a story here."

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"We haven't yet fucked him."

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AnonymousPervAnonymousPervover 4 years agoAuthor
To Tess

Tess, none of my stories are "serious" in any way whatsoever. Fiction is fantasy, and in my particular case, sometimes utterly absurd. I have written one non-fiction piece that I haven't published here, and even it isn't serious. Just reminiscing on some fun times.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
In response to Anonymous 10/08/17;

That is the whole point of the story! Both of them eventually gave in to their basic urges, and they each (or should I say BOTH) eventually indeed DID fuck him or should I say let him fuck them, as I feel that was his intention all along, after having given him permission to do so, possibly even giving him permission to film them both in their submission to him, giving him a further weapon to use against them in case they sued him. He could simply produce the videotape of them, giving explicit permission to use them in any manner he so chose, at any time he so chose, meaning he could summon either woman to his estate, and she would have to show up, dressed as he requested, or else suffer a pre-chosen sexual penalty (OF HIS CHOSING.)

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
Very Cliched

Very cheesy too. This wasn’t meant to be a serious story was it? I didn’t check.


AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
5 star

Very funny. Nicely done. Very skillful.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
Flat and unsatisfying

Flat and unsatisfying, especially the end. In fact the only kick is that lame last line.

And, from a reporting point of view, had she publicised the fact that he would only do an interview under the those circumstances then that would have been rather bad news for the antagonist. She was supposed to be a struggling journalist yet she did nothing to stop him from taking control of the situation, almost as though she had never conducted an interview before...

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