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Rebuilding Ch. 02

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Cementing a nude and erotic relationship.
10.6k words

Part 2 of the 5 part series

Updated 06/23/2023
Created 03/27/2022
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This is the second chapter of an ongoing story. I strongly recommend reading "Rebuilding" before you read this second chapter.

This story is a work of fiction. Real places and institutions are mentioned or implied, but they are used fictitiously here. As far as the author knows, no real person affiliated with any of those places or institutions has done anything akin to what is described in this story. Any similarities between any character in this story and any real person are coincidental and unintended. I encourage comments on this story, both favorable and unfavorable. Thank you for reading.


Amanda started college in Chicago the last week in August. Although she had gotten into her first choice of college, Amanda was a little put out that, as a freshman, she had to live on campus and wasn't allowed to have a car on campus. That made it necessary for me to drive her to school the weekend before new student week. Caitlyn came with us.

Leaving your child at college the first time is bittersweet for both parent and child. The fact that the weather was perfect that weekend helped a little. The three of us shared a hotel room Saturday night so Amanda could move in as soon as the dorm was open to her Sunday morning. Her new roommate, Anita, a slightly chubby woman from Iowa, had the same idea. Fortunately, Amanda and Anita hit it off. The concert the university had scheduled that afternoon, open only to new students, gave Caitlyn and me the perfect excuse to get on the road home. Caitlyn started her college orientation the next day.

The excellent weather held through Sunday. I had stopped to get gas in northern Indiana. A mile or so past where I got back on the freeway, there was a sign announcing a rest area ahead. "Do we have enough gas to get home without stopping?" Caitlyn asked.

"More than enough," I replied.

"In that case, please pull into that rest area," Caitlyn asked.

The cars in the rest area were, of course, parked close to the building housing the restrooms and vending machines. "Please drive all the way to the end," Caitlyn asked. I did, parking several spaces away from the nearest vehicle. I looked at Caitlyn with perplexity, not understanding why she'd had me pull off the freeway. Caitlyn smiled at me. "Get out and take all your clothes off," she said gaily. "I want to ride home naked."

I have a policy that, when a woman as beautiful as Caitlyn (there is only one) tells me to take my clothes off, I do it. Caitlyn took her clothes off too. "Pop the trunk," she directed. When I did, she grabbed my clothes from me and tossed them in the trunk along with her own. She shut the trunk and said with a laugh, "we won't be able to cover up unless we stop and get out of the car naked." I looked in the passenger compartment. She was right. There was nothing in there either of us could cover ourselves with.

Driving down the Interstate buck naked with a beautiful naked woman in the passenger seat beside me was fun. Caitlyn slid down in her seat and put her bare feet on the dashboard. That made it more challenging for me to keep my eyes on the road. Caitlyn giggled each time a truck we passed blew its horn.

We had to take the belt road around one major city. Predictably, an accident brought all four lanes of traffic going our direction to a stop. "This is a new experience," Caitlyn said. "Completely nude, at a dead stop, surrounded by hundreds of cars and trucks." She laughed. "I'd jack you off, but we don't have anything to wipe it up with." That lack of foresight didn't prevent me from using a couple of fingers on her. Caitlyn came before traffic started moving again. I suspect the couple in the car to our right knew exactly what we were doing. There was a pleasant scent in the car the whole way home.

Caitlyn started her orientation the next day. She had driven herself to the university that day. When she got home that night, she said "Jesus! They want $ 450 per semester for a parking pass and that just gets me a space at the opposite end of campus from the Music School! That is almost a 45-minute walk!" We decided that it made more sense for me to take her to school and pick her up. My office wasn't that far from the university and, as the owner, I set my own hours.

I was in my office that Wednesday afternoon when I got a call from Beth Monroe, Caitlyn's mother. My anxiety level spiked. I assumed Beth was calling to rip me, or worse, for my relationship with Caitlyn. "I want to thank you," Beth said. "Letting Cait live at your house this school year saved us a ton of money. I'm very grateful. Cait gets to stay with her beloved piano, so she's thrilled." I hoped the piano wasn't the only thing about our arrangement that thrilled Caitlyn. Beth paused. I was waiting for her to ask whether I was fucking her daughter. Instead, Beth said, "Cait's a very special person." I had to stifle the urge to say that I knew that well. Beth ended the call saying, "take care of her Peter, and thanks again." What was that meant to communicate?

Being around Caitlyn Monroe was never dull, but we fell into a routine. We showered together each morning. I'd drop her at the university in the morning, go to work, and pick her up in the evening. Sometimes, she was at school late. I didn't mind. I preferred picking her up to letting her drive by herself, alone, at night. Obviously, I had fallen hard for Caitlyn. Still, I was certain she'd leave me eventually for someone her own age.

On December 21, I went to Chicago and brought Amanda home for Christmas break. We got home around 11:00 p.m. Amanda stripped as soon as she got inside the house. "I've been waiting for this," she said. "An RA yelled at me the first week I was there for going naked in the halls. I've had to wear clothes almost all the time."

Caitlyn came into the foyer wearing only her short tee shirt. She and Amanda hugged like reunited lovers. When they separated, Caitlyn looked at me and asked, "Peter, why do you still have clothes on?" With Amanda completely nude and Caitlyn bottomless, I was the odd person out. I stripped.

As I took my boxers off, Amanda said, in a saucy tone of voice, "I was waiting for that too." She and Caitlyn shared a smile.

Amanda and I took Caitlyn to the airport early on December 23. Caitlyn was flying to Atlanta to spend Christmas with her mother. She was booked on a flight back early on December 26. After we saw Caitlyn off, I dropped Amanda at home and went into my office. Caitlyn called as soon as she was off her flight in Atlanta. She called again that afternoon and that night.

Something unexpected had come up so I got home later than I planned that night. As I came in from the garage, Amanda called out, "I'm in the kitchen." I walked in the kitchen and saw Amanda standing at the sink wearing only an apron. Even though she is my daughter, the sight of her bare ass peeking out the apron back was sexy. "Get your clothes off and help me with dinner," she commanded.

I went upstairs to the bedroom, stripped, and came back to the kitchen. Amanda immediately assigned me a task. As I was working at the counter, Amanda said, "Dad, I need to slide in front of you to get the dill out of the cabinet." I guess I didn't give her enough room because my dick brushed against her ass. I jumped back. Amanda turned to face me. "Dad," she said in an annoyed voice, "we're going to bump into each other. It's no big deal."

Amanda had an expression of frustration on her face. Before I could stop her, she reached out and took my dick in one hand and my balls in the other. I hate to say it, but her hands felt nice. "There," she said, "I'm holding onto your dick. Lightening hasn't struck, the ground hasn't swallowed us up, and no voice from on high has said 'you've sinned.'" She let go of me, untied her apron, and pulled it over her head. She grabbed both of my hands with hers and pulled them to her breasts, holding my hands there. "You're touching my tits," she said. "Nothing bad has happened. Lighten up."

Amanda let go of my hands and I let them drop to my side. She put her apron back on and we went back to fixing dinner. She was right, I thought. We had touched each other intimately and nothing bad had happened. I began to worry. Amanda was a very beautiful and sexy young woman. We had two more days of just the two of us in the house. I certainly wasn't going to start anything, but would I have the strength to resist if she did?

I went into the office again on Christmas Eve and, again, I was there later than I intended. When I got home, Amanda had a wonderful Christmas Eve dinner laid out and waiting. Erin must have taught her how to cook; she hadn't learned from me.

We ate dinner in the nude and brushed against each other several times while we were cleaning up. I was more relaxed about that than the day before.

While Erin was alive, we always watched a particular movie on Christmas Eve and then exchanged gifts. Amanda and I had broken with tradition the year before because it was just too painful that first holiday without Erin. I wasn't that crazy about the movie, but I asked Amanda if she wanted to watch it. She thought for a long moment before she said, "Yeah. Let's." She poured two glasses of wine while I found the DVD and put it in the player. Amanda sat on the sofa directly opposite the television monitor. I started to go to another chair, but she said, "Dad, please sit next to me." The movie ran about two hours. My daughter and I sat cuddled against each other, naked, until it ended. I must admit that her bare skin against mine felt very nice.

After the movie ended, we exchanged gifts. Amanda gave me several books. "I know books are a lame gift," she said, "but you're tough to get gifts for because you go out and buy the things you want." I had gotten Amanda a few things, but the featured gift was the newest, most complicated smart phone and an enhanced subscription so she could use all its bells and whistles.

"Damn, Dad," Amanda said. "This is something! I should fuck you as thanks." I guess the look on my face told Amanda I didn't appreciate that remark. "Don't worry," she continued. "I'm not going to ask you to fuck me although, based on what Cait says, it would be a lot of fun. The incest taboo is overblown, at least between adults. There's nothing coercive about our relationship. You're more my friend than an authority figure now."

Amanda was quiet for a moment. She looked at me and smiled. "You do have a great body for a guy your age," she said. "Really for a guy twenty years younger, and that penis looks awesome. But I know what fucking me would do to you. I think you could rationalize having sex with your daughter, but you'd feel so disloyal to Cait, you'd off yourself. Also, I don't want to risk hurting Cait. You two love each other more than I think either of you know."

Amanda took a deep breath. "You want another glass of wine?" she asked. I nodded. She stood up and took my glass. I watched her glorious ass as she went into the kitchen. She came back, handed me my glass, and sat right next to me. We sat together naked for over an hour talking about things other than sex.

Caitlyn was only gone about 75 hours, but, seeing her come through airport security, I realized how much I'd missed her. We did one of those 'soldier back from the war' hugs in the concourse.

I'd intended to be a bit more formal, but Amanda gave Caitlyn her Christmas gift as soon as we got in the house. Amanda had gotten Caitlyn a pair of black suede boots that were about knee high. I went ahead and gave Caitlyn my gift. At Amanda's suggestion, my gift was a necklace. The front of the necklace consisted of several horizontal strands with stones mounted on them, each strand shorter than the one above so it formed an inverted triangle. The stones were diamonds and aquamarines, Caitlyn's birthstone. The five figures I spent made it the second most expensive gift I'd ever given anyone.

Caitlyn's reaction justified the expense. She was speechless for almost a minute. She finally said, "uh, wow. I wasn't expecting this." A smile started to grow on her face. "I've got an idea," she said. She took the necklace and the boots and ran upstairs.

A couple of minutes later, Caitlyn came back down the stairs wearing the necklace, boots, and nothing else. She looked sensational. I stepped forward to hug her as she reached the bottom of the steps. Caitlyn pulled back a bit and said, "not with your clothes on." I stripped in record time, and we hugged. Caitlyn put a hand on my dick and said, "let's go back upstairs."

As we started up the steps, Amanda said, teasingly, "what about me?"

"You've got a vibrator," Caitlyn retorted.

Caitlyn did take the necklace and boots off before we began making love. Seeing her in them, though, had gotten me so excited that I had to make a conscious effort to go slow so Caitlyn didn't come too soon. She still came quickly, and I came just after her. We lay in bed kissing. After a while, Caitlyn said, "I really missed you, Peter." That made me feel wonderful. We stayed in bed and made love twice more.

When we finally came back downstairs, Amanda was sitting naked in the living room with her legs spread, her vibrator beside her, and a satisfied look on her face. "How's your mom," Amanda asked Caitlyn. The question seemed so out of context that all three of us laughed.

"Mom's doing well," Caitlyn answered. "I guess hanging out nude with Richard's friends has had a positive effect. She's lost weight and looks great. She seems happier than she's been since we lost Dad."

"Did you hang out nude?" Amanda asked.

"No," Caitlyn replied. "It was a strictly clothed holiday, although Mom and Richard are going to a nude New Year's Eve party." I wondered later if that casual comment had planted a seed.

With my consent, Caitlyn and Amanda invited two of their three close high school friends, Yvonne, and Elaine, over for New Year's Eve. I gathered that there had been a falling out with the fifth girl in their group, Peggy, over the skinny dipping which had happened at our house the previous summer. I didn't think much of it until the 29th, when Caitlyn and Amanda explained what they had in mind.

"What we thought," Amanda explained, "is that we'll have the girls over for a late dinner, drinks at 8:00 and eat around 9:00. Then we'll all just hang out until the New Year. We thought, though, we'd make it interesting."

"How?" I asked, knowing my daughter's penchant for naughtiness.

"Well," Caitlyn said, "the two of us, Yvonne, and Elaine will be dressed up. We told them to dress sexy but decent. We'd like you to greet them at the door, serve drinks, and serve dinner in the nude. In fact, we want you to be nude the whole night."

"The four of you will keep your clothes on?" I asked.

"Yes," Amanda replied. "CFNM."

Caitlyn could see I wasn't enthralled by the idea. She used the nuclear option, saying "please Peter" in her special tone of voice.

Caitlyn and Amanda insisted that I come home around noon on New Year's Eve. I didn't understand until I got home that they intended to shave my body. The girls stayed clothed but had me strip off and shower. When I came out of the shower, Caitlyn spread shave cream on my chest while Amanda went after the hair on my back. Once they had shaved my back, chest, and abdomen, Caitlyn started on my right leg and Amanda on my left.

After they finished with my legs, I was told to sit on the edge of the tub and spread my legs. Amanda spread on towel on the floor and Caitlyn started cutting my pubic hair with small scissors. Caitlyn had Amanda hold my dick up so she could get the underside and trim my balls. Caitlyn then spread shave cream around my pubes and shaved me.

When Caitlyn finished my pubes, I had to stand up and bend over. "Jeez Dad," Amanda said, "you have a hairy ass. I never noticed that before." Amanda took the small scissors and trimmed while Caitlyn held my butt cheeks apart. Despite the things we had done together, my body had never been inspected that minutely by Caitlyn, much less Amanda, before.

The girls dressed for the evening around 7:00 p.m. Amanda wore a tight-fitting red dress that was cut extremely low on top and was slit to her hips on both sides. Caitlyn wore a tight grey top over a short black skirt with patterned black hose. Both young women looked delectable.

Our doorbell rang just after eight. "Answer it Peter," Caitlyn directed. Naked and shaved, I went to the door and opened it. Yvonne and Elaine were standing outside. I let them in and closed the door. Like Caitlyn and Amanda, Yvonne and Elaine were dressed nice but sexy.

We stood in the foyer while Yvonne and Elaine looked me over. Caitlyn and Amanda stood a few feet away. It was fun to be on display nude for four attractive, well-dressed young women. After a minute or two, Yvonne said, "Caitlyn, I like his outfit."

Caitlyn walked to me as she said, "Amanda and I thought it would be an enjoyable way to end one year and start another by having Peter be our nude waiter tonight. Peter, dear, please get us all a glass of wine."

As I walked towards the kitchen to start my night as the nude waiter, Elaine called out "nice ass." I was flattered.

Except for serving drinks and, later, dinner; I stayed in the kitchen away from the young women. After I had served the last course, cleared the table, and loaded the dishwasher, Caitlyn came in the kitchen. She kissed me on the cheek and said, "you're playing along with this very well."

"It is, sort of, fun," I replied.

"Well," Caitlyn said, "you've earned the opportunity to come out and enjoy the party with the rest of us, naked of course." That was probably about 10:30 p.m. I followed Caitlyn into our living room and started talking with Yvonne and Elaine, who were both a little drunk. Yvonne started to reach for me but caught herself and pulled her hand back. Caitlyn saw her do that. "You can touch him," Caitlyn said. "Just don't make him come. That's for me." I wouldn't tolerate it as a usual thing, but, for one night, it was sexy to have Caitlyn granting the girls permission to handle my dick without even asking me.

Yvonne started gently running her index finger along my shaft and circling it around my head. That made me hard. "I like that," Caitlyn said. "Let's keep Peter hard until midnight." For the next hour plus, all four girls were stroking my dick and fondling my balls anytime one of them thought I wasn't hard enough. It reached the point where I really wanted to shoot a load.

I turned on the TV just before midnight so we could watch the Time Square ball drop. I hadn't noticed Caitlyn slip out and was a little perplexed when she walked back into the room just before midnight wearing a robe instead of the sexy outfit she'd had on. The girls counted down as the ball came down. When it reached the bottom, Caitlyn flung off her robe and yelled "Happy Nude Year!" She was, of course, nude. She wrapped her arms around me, and we kissed.

When Caitlyn and I finally let go of each other, Elaine said, "Cait, your outfit goes well with Peter's."

"We wear these most of the time we're together," Caitlyn replied. "Want to see something else we do when we're together?"

"Sure," Yvonne answered.

I hadn't realized that Caitlyn was a bit intoxicated too. She leaned her face to my ear and whispered, "pull out before you come and shoot on my face." Then, she knelt on the floor and took me in her mouth.

Caitlyn's skill at blow jobs had improved markedly in the time we'd been lovers. She had learned where I was most sensitive and what to do to get me off. She used that knowledge that night. Sooner than I really wanted, I pulled my hips back and slid my dick out of her mouth. My dickhead had just cleared her lips when I shot, all over her face. Caitlyn smiled.

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