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Red-Eye Flight to Seoul

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Hot encounter in business class with female Korean student.
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Some time ago, when working in Germany for an international corporation, they sent me to their office in Seoul, Korea, again. While I did not enjoy long-distance air travel that much, I almost looked forward to this flight because I loved Korean air with their excellent service and young attractive female flight attendants who wore very appealing uniforms.

I had a window seat on the right side in the last row of the business class section, which was, on that day, not all too booked; there was one passenger across the aisle next to the opposite window, an elderly Korean lady, who was engrossed in reading her book... I thought that this was the beginning of more than twelve hours in this plane and got a bit tired just from this thought...

Just a few minutes before the aircraft doors were to be closed, a stressed looking young woman with a backpack entered the plane. She looked Korean, wore a loose fitting light pink T-shirt, blue jeans, and white sneakers of a very small size. To my delight, she was seated right next to me on the aisle seat. She took off her backpack and put it underneath the seat in front of her, smiled at me and said a friendly 'hello', which I returned.

I noticed her exhausted look and her heavy breathing, so I asked whether she had to run to make the flight.

"Actually yes," she replied, "my flight from Italy was late..."

"Glad you made it!"

"Yes, thank you... it was literally in the last moment I arrived at the gate..."

"Vacationing in Italy...?" I inquired.

"Not really," she said, "I spent four months in Pisa on a semester abroad."

"I have been there, Pisa is very beautiful, and so is the Tuscany province surrounding it; another great city not too far from there is Florence by the way..." I remarked.

"Yes, I liked it there very much..."

"So you speak Italian...?"

"I do. I am an Italian literature major..."

"Interesting! I assume you are Korean?"

"I am, yes... but while my dad is from Korea, my mom is originally from the U.S.; my parents met when they both were grad students at Stanford... Well, and my mom's family is from Italy..."

"I see, this explains things a bit..." I smiled at her, the young woman smiling back at me.

At this point, a flight attendant announced our immanent departure and went over the safety information, which I usually did not listen to, as I had heard this too many times before... My young Korean neighbor, though, was listening attentively, so I did not want to disturb her by continuing the conversation...

Instead, I took the time to discretely look at her a bit more... She was a very pretty young lady, gorgeous round face with expressive dark eyes, long black hair, and not wearing any make-up, which she, incidentally, did not really need anyways with her stunning looks... I also noticed that, despite her T-shirt being somewhat loose, the contours of her bra were partially visible when she moved around... I also saw that she wore a narrow black leather belt with a golden buckle on her jeans which provided a nice sexy accent to her otherwise rather easy-going travel outfit. Last not least, I could hardly take my eyes off her sexy white Reebok sneakers which were so tiny as if they belonged to a girl rather than to a young woman... I wished I could see and touch her cute little feet... Her hands were equally small and delicate, but her fingers were not short, and also were decorated with a sexy red nail polish...

"Are you traveling on business?" She interrupted my slightly secretive observation of her beautiful figure. The announcement had indeed ended in the meantime. She probably guessed who I was from my attire, I thought...

"Indeed, my company sent me to our Seoul office for a week or so,'" I replied.

"Your first time there?"

"No, maybe I have been there around five times so far, but I always like to return to this wonderful country and city..."

The young woman smiled in appreciation of that compliment.

"By the way, I am Chris... nice to meet you...'" I introduced myself.

"Nice to meet you, too! I am Grace."

"Very pretty name... interesting that your parents did not choose a Korean first name for you..."

"I guess my mom had her way with that one," Grace said, smiling again... She looked even more beautiful with that smile on her face...

"Are you close to completing your degree...?" I asked her.

"Fairly close," Grace replied, "just one more year to go for my bachelor's..." I figured she was around 21 years old...

"I assume that in addition to speaking Italian you must be fluent in both Korean and English?"

"Yes, that's correct, my parents always talk English at home..."

"Impressive," I said, "aside from English I know only a few words from a few other languages, but don't speak any of them..."

Grace took her smartphone out of her bag and connected it with a set of earphones, indicating that she wanted to have some time for herself now... Glancing at her screen it seemed she was listening to some hip-hop and K-pop music, I also could hear it a little bit from her earphones...

I figured it would not be long before dinner was served, so I turned on my back-seat monitor to watch some U.S. news in the meantime...


After a while, I noticed the familiar smells of high-quality Korean food coming from the board kitchen... dinner was about to be served... I set up my tray table in anticipation of a nice meal, and soon, a very attractive flight attendant in her Korean Air uniform approached us, asking for our dinner choices... I also decided to have a glass of wine, as well, I figured this might help me sleep for some time after the meal...

During dinner, Grace and I engaged in a conversation about our experiences with Italian culture, people and foods, and how the European lifestyle compares to that in Korea or in the U.S.... I noticed that, given her young age, Grace had a very keen sense for various cultural aspects and cross-cultural differences, maybe also because her parents were from two quite different cultures...

I then asked her whether she missed her family and Korea in general during her time abroad.

"Yes, very much so..." she replied. "I called them quite regularly but this has been the first time I spent so much time on my own and without my parents or other family..."

She fell silent for a few moments, making me wonder if there was something else... and then she continued to talk...

"And, well, to be honest, I am also missing my boyfriend... We just had started dating a few weeks before I left for Italy... We did call each other almost every day, sometimes over the phone, sometimes via video call, but in recent weeks..." She hesitated...

"Well, it's just, he has been harder to reach, not as engaged as before.. I wonder if..." she clearly had trouble saying her fear out loud... "um, I mean, it almost looks like he is involved with someone else..."

Grace's expression was very sad, I was not sure what to say...

"One way or the other, you will find out soon, I wish you the best..." I said eventually.

"You know, there were instances in the past where I suspected my wife of cheating..." I continued. " For instance, one time, after a longer trip, I found a bottle of after-shave in the bathroom which clearly was not mine... I chose not to confront her and let it go... which turned out to be for the best, as she kept being very committed to me afterwards..."

"That was a big gesture from your part," Grace commented.

"Not sure, but now the situation is entirely different for other reasons... about a year ago, our baby daughter was born, our first child, and since that time, my wife and I had very little sex... she says she is always tired and her focus is entirely on the little baby... I tried different things to motivate her but it has been a true challenge..."

Grace said a few words expressing her understanding of the situation...

"In general," I explained, "it is not easy for me to abstain from sex or sexual experiences for longer periods of time..."

"So... what do you do...?" She inquired, curiously.

"I guess what most people do, or I should say, most men... watching online porn, masturbating, having fantasies about sex with various attractive women you encounter during the day, and so on..."

"Interesting... honestly, I also need to have regular sexual experiences, and so during my time away, I masturbated frequently, usually just to various fantasies in my mind, typically involving having sex with my boyfriend or some other guys... not much porn, actually, but on occasion I do check some of these videos out, as well... A few times, the phone and video chats with my boyfriend got quite graphic, actually, and we both masturbated while talking and acting dirty with one another..."

Grace's openness about such a private and personal topic surprised and stunned me... what motivated her to confide so much in me? Just the fact that I had shared my own experiences with her...? In any case, I noticed how, during these quite personal and intimate sharings, I had become more and more aroused, and my desire to have sex with Grace increased and intensified over the course of our meal... In all likelihood, though, this would just stay in my fantasy, I thought...


After the meal, our flight attendant took our trays and we could finally stow the tray tables away, having more space around our seats again... Grace took the opportunity, unbuckled her seat belt and walked towards the bathroom...

Somehow I was curious what Grace carried around in her backpack, and so I took the opportunity of her being away for a few minutes, and opened it up to explore its contents... I found a few personal items that ladies typically carry around with them, but there was one larger pouch whose contents surprised me somewhat... Grace had packed a dress, a pair of pantyhose, and a pair of flats... all of these were of black color as I could see when taking them out one at a time...

I felt the soft, silky fabric of her black dress and imagined embracing Grace closely while she was wearing this sexy and stylish garment... Then I took out her smooth black pantyhose, again feeling the delicate fabric all over with my hands, getting more and more aroused as I fantasized seeing this young Korean woman wearing this hot pair of lingerie, and moving my hands gently over her feet, legs and private parts, all encased in this smooth fabric of the black pantyhose... Finally I also explored the cute little black leather flats, which had a shiny polish on them, very sexy and elegant... After feeling out these cute shoes all over, I held them close to my face, sniffing them intensely, and noticed an intoxicating mix of fragrances, including the scent of the leather material, a sweet flowery scent of her foot lotion, and a slightly musky, sweaty smell from her feet, as well... I was so lost in my highly arousing exploration of Grace's clothes from her bag that I almost missed her exiting the bathroom and returning to her seat ... In the last moment, I quickly packed everything into her bag the way I remembered these pieces to have been stored, and narrowly avoided being caught in the act...

The lights in the cabin had been dimmed, and both of us were quite tired at this point, we both had traveled for most of the day, and for me, the wine had added to my tiredness, as well... So we got ready for an extended mid-flight nap which would for sure be much shorter than what we would get during a regular night... I watched Grace as she first took off her sexy white Reeboks, showing her smooth white socks which encased her tiny feet, and then put her seat back low and the foot rest up... She wrapped herself in a blanket provided by the airline and rested her head on a pillow, also by Korean Air... Not long thereafter, she fell asleep...

I enjoyed watching this pretty young Asian student sleeping peacefully next to me, her nice rounded ivory face, her contrasting long black hair, and her tiny feet dressed in her cute white socks that showed at the bottom... In my fantasy, I would seduce her, and eventually have hot and steamy sex with her...

Before going to sleep myself, though, I could not resist the temptation to inspect Grace's white sneakers, which she just had taken off a few minutes ago... I gently picked them up from the floor and explored them carefully, one at a time... In fact, their insides were still warm and slightly moist from Grace's feet, and when sniffing her shoes out thoroughly, I also noticed a similar mix of olfactory aromas as before when sniffing out her black leather flats... There was the background scent of the leather material, then a subtle flavor of lavender from her foot lotion, and a strong musky overtone scent from her sweaty feet, as she had clearly worn these Reeboks the whole day, and likely also for quite some time before... Sniffing these intoxicating smells emanating from Grace's tiny white sneakers made me very aroused again, and I continued living through my fantasies of fucking Grace, who was wearing all kinds of different sexy outfits for me... I finally fell asleep as well and had steamy dreams about making out with Grace who was entirely nude except for her smooth soft black pantyhose...


A few hours later, I awoke from the strong scent of nail polish... When I opened my eyes, I indeed saw Grace painting the short trimmed toenails of her right foot with a bright red polish, her foot resting at the edge of her seat... This was the first time I had seen her foot directly and it was so cute, small, and crazy arousing to me that I got lost in my admiration completely...

When Grace noticed that I was awake, she smiled at me and greeted me with a 'good morning'... I returned the greeting, and made a remark about people doing beauty work for their bodies while traveling... She found the remark funny and giggled in amusement...

"Yes, I want to be really pretty when returning home..." Grace said. With that, she had finished her right foot, and turned her leg sideways, resting it on my lap to my surprise...

"You don't mind, do you?" She asked, even so slightly mischievously, it seemed to me... Could it be that she had noticed something 'wrong' in her bag...? Or did she catch me sniffing her white sneakers last night...? Or had she just noticed my long stare at her naked foot while she was painting her toenails...? Or, maybe, all of the above...?

"Not at all," I replied truthfully. "I guess the polish needs to dry now..."

"I appreciate it!" Grace smiled at me again. "Indeed, this way it is just easier for me..." With that, she turned her attention to putting nail polish on the toenails of her left foot...

But what was that...? Just above her right ankle, I spotted a cute small butterfly tattoo... another aspect of her sexy cute little foot that immensely aroused me... As my eyes traced the details of this sexy piece of body art... I imagined that her parents, and in particular her Korean dad, probably had not seen this tattoo; and actually, maybe, she just had it made recently while she lived in Italy...

Eventually, Grace had completed painting the nails of her left foot, as well, and both of her legs clad in her blue jeans now rested on my lap, Her little feet stretching all the way to the right side of my seat, pointing to the window and close to my right arm rest, I could not believe my luck of having this gorgeous young Korean student next to me, feeling her warm legs on my lap, and having a prime view of her absolutely stunning cute tiny feet that were now even prettier with the bright red polish having been applied to their toenails... I spotted an almost identical little butterfly tattoo above her left ankle, which seemed to be exactly symmetrical to the one on her right foot... so cute and sexy...!

Grace wiggled her cute toes around, spread them wide and pulled them back together multiple times, playing with her toes for quite a while, almost as if to do this for my entertainment, if not sexual tease... It all looked so innocent, though, and she could have said that she always did this after painting her nails, just to get them to dry a bit faster... Of course, I didn't mind these sexy toe movements of hers in the least, and got very aroused by them, my excitement being reinforced also by smelling the strong scent of nail polish rising up right under my face, as her toenails slowly dried...

"I really would like to touch these feet...'" I said very softly to myself, not with the intention of being heard...

"What was that...?" Grace must have heard something...

"Nothing... well..." I stammered, not sure what the best way was to reply to her...

Instead of asking me more questions, though, Grace suggested a foot massage... Maybe she had heard my words exactly, maybe she had figured out my foot fetish long ago... in any case, I accepted her invitation joyfully, and got right to massaging the feet of this beautiful young Korean woman next to me...

I started out with her right foot, as this one was closer to me, gently massaging it all over, the top, ankle, showing the cute butterfly tattoo, the heel, sole, ball, and also her cute small toes... I had to be careful there, though, since her toenail polish had not completely dried yet and I did not want to create a mess there...

Touching, massaging and caressing Grace's soft tiny foot all over was like being in foot fetish heaven for me, I immensely enjoyed every inch and every minute of it...

I noticed Grace liking it, as well, her face showing an expression of aroused excitement, and she told me several times to continue with the massage and to take my time with it...

After I was done with thoroughly massaging her cute right foot, I paid the same careful attention to her left foot, giving it a very sensual and thorough massage, as well, until my hands got tired from all that work...

Grace thanked me and gave me a quick kiss on my cheek... now that was for sure very unexpected... I blushed immediately, causing her to smile at me...

Grace moved herself a bit closer to me, raised her knees up and placed her feet on my right thigh.

"You like my feet, don't you?" She asked with a smile containing a slight smirk.

"Absolutely," I replied honestly. "I have never seen and touched such cute soft feet before... they feel amazing when I massage them... I also like the toenail polish you chose for them, and these cute little butterfly tattoos above your ankles... they are absolutely killing it..."

Grace's smile broadened from hearing my complements... her right foot moved slightly closer to my crotch area and her right heel touched my meanwhile hard cock as if by accident... I was pretty sure, though, that she had planned this move quite intentionally and carefully...

"Thank you so much for your compliments!" Grace said. "I have not met anyone so far who is into feet, but honestly, I do feel very special about getting this great foot massage from you and all the attention you are giving to my feet..."

I was so aroused that I was close to grabbing her right foot and putting it directly on my boner, indicating to her that I'd like her to rub it with her sole, when our flight attendant approached us and announced that it was time for lunch... I wonder what she was thinking when seeing Grace's naked feet on top of my right thighs close to my crotch area...


Grace had to shift her position, and afterwards we were able to unfold our tray tables so that the flight attendant could serve us lunch... Again, we used the time of the meal to engage in some conversation. We first compared notes about our 'extended nap' during the flight... each of us had gotten barely four hours of sleep... Still, it would be easier to get off the jet lag with at least some amount of good rest, I knew that from experience...

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