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Redemption Ch. 08

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Lucien's redemption.
10.3k words

Part 8 of the 14 part series

Updated 09/22/2022
Created 04/23/2014
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Okay. Sorry it took so long to post, but I needed to do some research and draw up notes and such. Our crew is finally getting closer to Earth. From here on out it gets pretty dark. We'll get glimpses into Lucien's past (and it's not pretty). Again the male on hermaphrodite scenes are going to get racier and maybe in the next chapter is when girl Rayne finally catches up to them. For now I just needed to form the base of the relationship between Luke and Boy. Please don't forget to vote. If you've skipped voting in other chapters, because the numbers are not even, try to go back and vote. Also, I thrive on comments. I need to hear your feedback o know if the story is understandable to you. There's a bunch of stuff going on, lots of characters. Is it getting confusing? Did I forget to tag dialog and you have no freakin' idea who is talking? Let me know. A head's up: Lucien is into Domination. He likes kink. He resorts to spanking when he's up against a brat. I will say no more. Enjoy this next chapter (hopefully)...


The weredragons, Remuel and Zakreel handled landing on Rhydiam Nine. Rayne gathered her things in preparation for the screening process prior to receiving her permit to proceed to the Edenian solar system.

Cyneolle already warned her the Edenains wouldn't allow Chameleon or him anywhere near Earth. Drakken was a wanted escaped criminal from the galactic penitentiary on Mercury as well, but the dragons said they had a plan.

That plan came in the shape of two Seraphs, a pretty, red-haired reaper named Amaranth and Ashriel's twin, Garethiel.

Rayne was shocked at the enraged reaction Cyn had when he saw the white-winged male Seraph standing on the tarmac in the spaceport when they landed.

He grabbed Remuel by the throat and slammed him against the door to the piloting cabin.

"What is the meaning of this?" he snarled in his scary demonic voice.

Rayne rushed over to them and tried to pry his fingers away from the blue-faced red weredragon.

"Cyn, please. Control yourself," she demanded, unable to get him to let poor Remu go.

Her eyes went round when all of his body weapons activated, armbands and shoulder mini-canons glowing green.

"Cyn," she shouted angrily.

The weredragon bared his fangs and fire began creeping out of his skin, even as he struggled to breathe with Cyn's huge fist wrapped around his throat.

"I demand to know why that bastard is here waiting for us." Cyn snarled, his voice so thick it was barely understandable.

With his lips pulled back into a snarl, Rayne was shocked to see that from his canines back, Cyn's teeth were sharp and jagged, almost like a dog's...or wolf. As if to underscore that observation, Cyn's throat and chest rumbled with a vicious animalistic growl.

Remu just made a gurgling sound.

"How do you expect him to answer if you're gripping him tight enough to snap his neck?" Rayne yelled smacking Cyn's arm. It was all she could do since his fingers formed a steel vise around Remu's neck.

Cyn just growled, the green glow of his weapons heightening. The enraged cyborg was going to vaproze the weredragon any second, and she had no inkling as to how to stop him.

"Cyn," she exclaimed again, this time pulling on his dark blond dread locks.

"They're supposed to help us get to Earth," Zakreel blurted behind them. "Garethiel has a few living quarters round the solar system, specifically one in New York. It's the only way we're going to be able to get you and Chameleon on the planet."

"What does that son-of-a-mongura's ownership of living dwellings have to do with my being accepted on Earth?" Cyn grated cocking his head to one side as his eyes narrowed on Remuel's ever-growing blue face.

Zakreel gulped. When Remu rolled his eyes, beginning to go limp, Rayne shouted, "answer him, damn it."

"Cyn is going as Garethiel's personal guard," Zakreel replied.

Rayne jumped into Zakreel's arms, shielding him from the Cyn's wrath when the cyborg dropped Remu's listless body to the ground and turned on the golden weredragon instead with a deafening roar.

"Stop it," she ordered, her arms hugging Zakreel's thick neck so Cyn wouldn't choke him too. Even her legs were locked around the weredragon's waist in an attempt to shield him from the cyborg's weapons. "What is wrong with you? Why are you so outraged?"

Cyn's massive chest heaved with his rage, his fists clenched at his sides. "I want nothing to do with that fff—"

The hatch opened and Amaranth strolled in with Garethiel behind her. Cyn's lush lips tightened into a hard line, and his bulging eyes looked wild.

Amaranth's amicable smile froze and she pushed out her arms to keep Garethiel from going any further into the transport.

"Uh—are we interrupting something?"she asked tentatively with Garethiel looking over her shoulder wide-eyed.

Cyn turned his head. Rayne could not miss when his eyes locked with Garethiel's.

The cyborg turned fully toward the two newcomers, his weapons still activated and glowing.

Amaranth unsheathed her divine sword, the light almost blinding as she pulled it out of a pocket of air at her side.

Rqyne gasped, releasing Zakreel as she darted to Cyneolle now.

"Easy there, big guy," Amaranth said softly as Rayne grabbed Cyneolle's stiff arms.

Rayne swung herself around him, putting herself between him and the Seraphs.

"Cyn, what is your problem? Calm down. I've never seen you like this," Rayne exclaimed.

Garethiel cleared his throat. "I'm..." he began, "I'm—"

"You are nothing," Cyneolle roared.

Zakreel was trying to rouse Remuel. Rayne's fingers dug deeper into Cyneolle's upper arms as she turned her head to the side to look at the male Seraph.

His face was pale, his blue eyes wide and suspiciously glittery. He swallowed hard, lips thinning to a hard line. He took a deep breath and frowned, anger sparking in his eyes now. "No one told me," he got out through clenched teeth. One tear rolled down his cheek. "I didn't know—I swear."

Cyn roared, hands fisted at his sides, head thrown back.

Rayne's ears hurt, and she released him to cover them with a growl. This whole mission was going to shit.

"You fucked her and just left her," Cyn raved.

Rayne gripped his arms again, but this time because she could suddenly feel a wave of pain rolling from the enormous cyborg. She wasn't sure how she could feel it, but it vibrated through her like a thousand cries of agony.

"I was just a stupid, arrogant child," Garethiel shot back.

"What are you both going on about?" she screamed, desperation filling her. At this rate, she'd never find Lucien or Boy Rayne.

Cyn remained quiet this time, as well as Garethiel.

Remuel was getting to his feet with the help of Zakreel.

Rayne looked from Garethiel to Cyneolle, but neither uttered another word. They just stared at each other.

This time it was her turn to make an enraged sound. She released Cyn and stormed out of the transport.

Her boots ate up the ground as she weaved between the thousands of aliens heading to and fro in the spaceport. She could feel the long overcoat she'd thrown on billowing behind her.

Before long, she realized the girl reaper was striding alongside her.

Rayne stopped abruptly and glared up at her.

The girl was tall. So tall, Rayne barely reached the two mounds of flesh on her chest barely covered with a pair of black straps. Pretty grey eyes fringed with dark red lashes peered down at Rayne. Amaranth's pert nose was peppered with a light smattering of freckles. Her plump lips curved up in a shy smile. "Guys, huh? They're little more than walking gonads and testosterone."

Rayne sighed, crossing her arms over her chest. "Cyn is a cyborg."

Amaranth shrugged, her black wings flaring just a bit as she shoved her hands into the pockets of her skin-tight vinyl pants. "Hey, he's got a dick and a pair of balls. That alone impairs their judgment sometimes."

Rayne bit the insides of her cheeks to keep from smirking.

Amaranth rocked back on her heels and grinned. "Where were you headed to?"

Rayne looked around. Thousands of aliens milled about. It might be the first time she saw so many since her days at...

"Heavens Pearly Gates," she gasped remembering the Lizdrac that had found her ambling aimlessly through the streets after...after she'd been pushed her out of a cold and dreadful place. She wracked her memory to see if anything else surfaced but the vision was gone.

Amaranth wrinkled her nose. "You really want to go there? It's like three days flight away even with Gar using his magic—that is unless Cyn hasn't killed him by now."

Rayne snapped her eyes back to Amaranth, remembering her mission once more. "Why were they so angry? What were they talking about?"

Amaranth huffed out a sigh as she smoothed one finger over a perfectly arched brow. "Garethiel is Cyn's father."

Rayne gaped at the girl, struck mute for a few seconds. "But...Anniel." She covered her mouth with a gasp. "Ashriel."

Amaranth nodded. "Yeah, I know. Gar and Ash are identical twins...well sort-of identical. Garethiel is always smiling and bubbly and blond, and Ash is...well Ash is Ash." The girl reaper rolled her eyes.

Rayne closed her eyes and pinched the bridge of her nose. "Maybe we need to go back."

Amaranth's eyes grew round before she frowned. "Why would you want to go back to Alpha 7? I say it's about time Cyn and Garethiel face each other."

"No. Not back to Alpha 7. I meant back to the transport."

Amaranth gave her a sheepish smile, "Oh-okay. Good idea."

When they entered the transport again, Garethiel still stood at the entrance, leaning against the open hatch at the top of the ramp. His wings touched the steep grate of the ramp and his hands were shoved deep in the pockets of his glossy black pants.

There was no hint of Cyneolle anywhere.

Amaranth touched his shoulder after Rayne walked inside and stood next to Zakreel who was still attending Remuel.

"He said he was staying here," Garethiel said staring at his boots.

Now Rayne could see how much he looked like Ashriel, except for the blond hair, blue eyes, and stark white wings. She could also see the facial features Cyneolle had acquired from the twins; the strong jaw, nose, and the shape of his eyes. Cyneolle's mouth was more lush like his mother's though, and his eyes were a mixture of gold, green, and blue from both parents.

"Well, someone does need to keep watch over Drakken's body," Zakreel added.

"We'll all stay," Rayne commanded. She was anxious to get under way and didn't want any more setbacks.

"Well, It'll be a tight squeeze, but I guess we can deal," Amaranth agreed. "We still need to go though the screening and get our transport and gear inspected."

"What about Drakken? He's wanted in the Edenian solar system." Rayne looked around wondering who she could spare to perhaps accompany the vampire back to wherever he came from.

"He wanted to come along," Remuel said, his voice raspy because of his bruised throat. He sat in one of the lounge chairs clasping a metal cup Zakreel had given him. Smoke billowed from the top of the metal container making Rayne wonder what he was drinking.

"Fine," Rayne said with a nod.

"Drakken will be no problem. Iophiel is aboard, right?" Garethiel asked.

Rayne blinked, as she reminded herself Chameleon's real name was Iophiel. "I need Chameleon for this mission—" she began.

Garethiel nodded. "I know. I was going to suggest he liquefy and surround Drakken to make him look like a sculpture. I like collecting works of art. We can say it's just another addition to my collection in New York."

Rayne nodded. "Good. That's a great idea." Looking at the anxious faces around her before focusing back on Garethiel, she added, "What about the rest of us?"

"Well, I was going to suggest we take my cruiser. I can say you're my wait staff. My cruiser is already authorized to fly into whatever territory I wish, at my own risk, of course. You just need to pass the screening process. I'm sure there'll be no problem. Most people don't like to displease a Seraphian Master Guardian."


Lucien stared into the cage, anxiety riding him hard.

"Say something to me."

Boy continued huddled in the corner facing away from him. She'd pulled her wings back into their slits, leaving no hint of the sparkling splendor they'd all been witness to. She was still naked, and messy wisps of hair had escaped the thick white braid lying against her curved spine.


Her pointed ears flattened slightly and a low growl emanated from her. At least that was better than nothing.

The temperature in the kennel area of Crimbregeere's main spaceport was almost freezing. Even with the massive white wings he now sported on his back, he still felt the biting cold.

Rows of cages lined either side of the narrow corridor and the dim overhead lighting flickered annoyingly. To either side of Boy Rayne were Fluffy and Frisky, Remi's Moordian Devils. Boy's cage was only big enough for her to crouch in. He'd wanted to go in and stay with her, but, apparently, humanoids weren't allowed to sleep in the kennel area.

A few feet away, Lucien saw Devon, Ashriel, and Anniel—still in wolf form—approaching. Lucien rose from his stooped position.

"Anything?" he asked when they stopped in front of him and the cage.

Devon handed him a folded blanket he carried under one arm. He'd allowed the bioluminescence of his eyes to shine unrestrained. The animals within the kennels around them stirred uneasily.

His bother shook his head. "But if it'll make you feel better, I volunteered to put my service pet in the kennels along with yours."

Next to Devon, Ashriel growled. "I don't like this," he hissed.

Anniel also made a little growling noise and nipped at Ashriel hand.

Ashriel dropped down to stroke his hands through her silky black fur.

Lucien felt the whispers of their telepathic communication float through his mind.

"It's just for one night. Tomorrow we'll be on our way," Devon said to Ashriel.

Lucien crouched by the cage again. "Rayne. Annie's staying with you. Look. Even she has to wear a muzzle."

Boy Rayne growled louder.

Ashriel scowled. "If he's—"

"She," Lucien snapped with a little more force than necessary.

Ashriel glared at Lucien. "If that Merulian-Fae-Cat keeps growling, I'm going to refuse to allow my Anniel in there."

Anniel gave a little snort and walked to the door of the cage, pawing at it.

Ashriel rose from his crouched position, and Devon pulled back the glow from his eyes, going blind again. A second later, a Gruesh guard came strutting around the corner.

"So, are you caging the black bitch too?"

Ashriel almost pounced upon the guard if Lucien and Devon hadn't grabbed him.

"Level down the aggression, fly-boy," Lucien growled in his ear. "She's in wolf form. That's what a she-wolf is referred to."

Ashriel shook them off, still glowering at the Gruesh guard that had stopped far from them with wide frightened eyes.

"Hey," he said frowning now, "I don't want any trouble from you people. I ought to report this to my supervisors." He began tapping directives into his wrist communicator.

Lucien held up his hand. "No. It's okay. We've just had a long trip and are tired. We didn't think our friend here," he gestured toward Boy Rayne, "would be forced to spend the night in the kennels." Lucien frowned. "She's not an animal."

The Gruesh lowered his wrist communicator and approached tentatively until he stood near the cage. His eyes went over Boy Rayne's form appreciatively. All that was visible was the long delicate curve of her back and the curve of her ass cheeks resting on her feet as she huddled in the corner of the cage.

Lucien felt his jealousy stir as the male continued to look at her ass with a leering smirk.

"So she's you're little fuck toy?" the blue-hued Gruesh chuckled, bright white teeth showing through his parted deep-blue lips.

Lucien bit the inside of his cheek and had to clench his fists to rein in the urge to punch the male's blue-skinned face. He had nothing against Gruesh females, but the males, he couldn't stand. Maybe it was the fact that they had two cocks that made them doubly revolting for Lucien.

"She's our companion," Devon said.

He'd been standing almost behind Ashriel, practically invisible behind the reaper's wings. Ashriel rested his wings against his back and the Gruesh male's eyes went round when he finally saw Devon clearly

Dev was still disguised as a flaxen-haired reaper, his face completely different from its usual perfect proportions. Unfortunately, that wasn't enough to curb the effects of his cambion nature.

Both Ash and Lucien realized at the same time the male had fallen under Devon's enchantment.

"Uh-oh," Lucien mumbled.

Devon arched a brow at both of them until the Gruesh male took a step toward him, licking his deep blue lips like he was about to chow down on the best meal he'd had ever. Dev's eyes went wide now as he took a step back.

Yeah. He'd figured it out too.

Ashriel looked at Lucien. "Quick. Get him to put Anniel in the kennel and let's get out of here."

Lucien stepped up to the man, his skin already prickling with fear. What if the man tried to touch him to get to his stupid brother?

The man's blue eyes rose to Lucien's in a drunken stupor. Lucien could already tell he was about to protest having the view to Devon blocked.

Lucien let a bit of his own power out. "Let's put the pretty wolf in the kennel, shall we?"

The Gruesh's eyes went glassy. "Of course."

The male moved mechanically toward the gate to the cage and slid his hand over the security panel. The locking mechanism pinged and a little light near the panel went from red to blue.

The cage door swung open. Lucien rushed inside and gripped Boy, turning her to face him.

A metal mask covered the lower half of her face with a small slit over her mouth. Her cheeks were tearstained, but she glared at Lucien and tried to struggle out of his hold.

"Baby," Lucien sighed hauling her up into his arms.

"Shit, Lucien," Ashriel hissed behind them.

He ignored the reaper and the noises outside the cage.

Boy wrenched herself from his hold and crossed her arms over her breasts. "I'm not your fucking baby."

Lucien sighed and ran an agitated hand through his hair. "Rayne—"

"I'm not Rayne either," she roared...except for a moment she sounded very an enraged male. Her voice had deepened, her muscles had tensed, becoming more pronounced. Lucien stood his ground, staring at her as she fought past her anger, her breasts heaving now that she lowered her arms to clench her fists at her sides.

His eyes jerked away from looking at her groin and he replaced the image of a small soft cock with the sight of her breasts and pretty face.

"Then tell me what to call you," Lucien said in a low tone, his face smoothed out to show no motion, though inside, he felt his soul was being torn to shreds bit by painful bit. What the fuck was he feeling for this Merulian?

Boy bit her lips, her eyes dropping before she stared defiantly at him again. She let out a humorless laugh. "You know. It really doesn't matter, does it, Master?" she finally spat.

Lucien flinched.

Anniel nudged Boy's belly with her head and looked up at her with a little whine. Boy bit her trembling lip and sank her hand into Annie's fur.

"Lucien," Ashriel called out again.

At his panicked yell, Lucien turned his head to see the Gruesh guard crying and blubbering all over Devon, doing his utmost best to kiss his brother on the mouth. Both Ashriel and Devon tried to dissuade him physically.

Lucien grimaced and uttered a curse under his breath. He pushed the blanket he had into Boy's hands and rushed out of the cage.

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