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Requiem for a Heavyweight Ch. 04

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Ken and Roxanne have the second of three dates in one day.
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Part 4 of the 5 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 05/26/2017
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Ken and Roxanne have the second of three dates in one day.

Revised, Rewritten, and Continued from Chapter 03:

As if she was expecting him to make his move to kiss her, she returned his smile with a sexy look. Catching each other's glance, as if this kiss was meant to be, in a magical moment, their lips touched with the charge of a plug inserted in a socket to flow electrical current. Sexually arousing them both, the kiss served as the initial key that unlocked their brains stuffed full of repressed, sexual desires and feelings of loneliness and sexual frustration. Parting from one another while looking at one another with calm surprise, they sat in the car in silence without speaking.

"That was a nice surprise," said Ken as truly in understatement as how he felt about kissing Roxanne for the first time.

As if she was already his girlfriend, she looked at him differently now. As if they were already in a romantic relationship, she looked at him as if he was her boyfriend. As if they were already sexually intimate, she looked at him as if he was her lover. As if it was love at first sight and they had already found one another's soulmate, she looked at him as if she wanted to have sex with him right then and right there in the car.

"I didn't expect that to happen," said Roxanne blushing while continuing to look at him with a sexy smile. "That kiss was amazing," she said as her understatement repeated to him.

Not wanting to screw things up by rushing things, Ken looked at her as if he had already overstepped their new friendship by kissing her too soon and showing her how he romantically felt about her. Already ready to apologize for what he thought was a misstep, he asked her his next question as if he was a schoolboy and she was his puppy love classmate.

"Are you sorry that I kissed you?"

Ken fondled the contours of the steering wheel much like in the way that he wanted to fondle and explore the contours of her sexy and shapely body.

"Sorry?" She gave him a loving smile. "No, I'm not sorry that you kissed me," she said with a little laugh while reaching to touch his forearm. "It was beautiful kiss," she said pausing to look at him as if he wasn't real and she was dreaming him. "That kiss moved me. I felt something. After my no-show date at the restaurant, thinking that I'd be alone and lonely for the rest of my sexually frustrated life," she said with a laugh. "This day has turned out to be a special day. I shall remember our first kiss forever."

Ken smiled at her in the way he smiled when one of his experiments was a success.

"I felt something too, something that I haven't felt in a very long time," he said touching her and fondling her hand as if he was touching and fondling her breast.

Other than feeling repressed emotions that had disappeared deep down inside, he felt his cock twitching. Her kiss had turned him on and, if he wasn't horny enough after watching Jeff with Cindy, he was suddenly so very horny. Wanting to take advantage of this opportunity, not wanting to let her go, he reached for her. With no one else there but them and with Jake at the other end of the huge garage in his office readying the paperwork for Ken to sign to buy the Lincoln, he leaned in to her across the console and pulled her closer. When he reached for her, it was then that he realized just how big this car truly was.

Nonetheless, him negotiating the immense width of the car, with a gentle arm around her back, he leaned closer to her and kissed her again. This time, a sexual kiss, the kiss was much longer and much more passionate than their first kiss. This time, instead of just a peck, he parted her lips with his tongue and they French kissed. Lusting from his long, self-imposed abstention from sex, this time, in the way that he wanted to search her mind and probe her soul, his kiss was more searching and probing. He explored her mouth with his tongue, and relinquishing her tongue to his, she returned his sexual passion with her sexual passion.

'Wow,' Ken thought after they separated from their second kiss that was even better than their first kiss.

Yet, not satisfied with just a kiss, while kissing her again, he reached his hand down to her hip and squeezed her firm ass through her short skirt before lifting his hand higher and sliding it across her slender back. Obviously trusting him to behave, with her arms raised around his neck, perhaps her subtle green light of a hint for him to touch and feel her, she obviously trusted him enough to give him free access to feel her ample breasts. Taking her body language of her unprotective breasts as his cue to touch and feel her big breasts through her blouse and her bra, he moved his left hand to the front of her big tits and felt her entire right breast in his hand.

Not stopping him by slapping his hand away, when he felt her nipple make an appearance with his touch and poke his palm through her brassiere, he fingered her nipple. Then, in the way that Jeffrey had done with Cindy, and with him sexually inspired and still horny after watching their public masturbation display and oral sex act, he placed his hand on her bare knee. Having already passed first base and having already rounded second base, he was heading for third base in hopes of heading for home to score.

Gradually, in the very way that Jeffrey did with Cindy, he moved his hand up her short skirt to her bare, shapely and naked thigh. Not used to being alone with a woman, especially in a parked car, his first few, romantic moments with her was clumsy and prematurely physical. No doubt, sexually inspired by Ken with Cindy at the restaurant, when he reached between Roxanne's legs too soon to cup and finger her pussy through her panties, she pushed his hand away. Obviously, she didn't mind him squeezing her ass, feeling her breasts, and even fingering her nipples through her clothes but she obviously wasn't ready for him to feel her pussy through her panties.

"Whew! Ken...Jesus," she said with a laugh while removing his hand from beneath her short skirt. As if she was a lineman on a football field, she pushed him back with a stiff arm to his chest. "Slow down cowboy. Take it easy," she said leaning back away from him and straightening her clothes. "What's the rush? If you drive as fast as you make out with women, then you're going to have an accident," she said with a laugh while fanning her face with her hand. "That's not to say that you didn't get me going," she said blushing. "You did. Whew!"

Fearful that his aggressive, premature, sexual behavior had spoiled things between them, he begged her forgiveness.

"I'm sorry. Please forgive me," he said. "It's been a while for me, since before my divorce two years ago."

She gave him an understanding smile.

"It has for me, too, but we have the whole day ahead of us to get better acquainted, that is if you don't have other plans," she said.

'The whole day? She wants to be with me the entire day? That's a good sign,' he thought.

Surprised that she opened the door to turn their time together into more of an official date, a day long sexual affair perhaps, he smiled. He'd love nothing more than to spend the whole day with Roxanne. She was so beautiful, so sexy, and was so much fun. With him not having a woman in his life other than the female scientists at the lab, he was thrilled to finally spend a day with such an attractive and sexually appealing woman.

"I'm not going anywhere," he said. "I'm yours for however long you want me," he said squeezing her soft hand.

Chapter 04:

They got out of the car and walked towards the office where Jake was. As if they were already boyfriend and girlfriend or sexually intimate lovers, he reached down and took her hand in his and when he did, she looked up and gave him a smile. Ken signed the paperwork and wrote his personal check for the car. They left the garage together still holding hands.

"I can't believe I bought a car. Out of all the sportscars that I've lusted over, I can't believe I bought that car, a factory Lincoln limousine," he said with a laugh once sitting beside her in her Mustang. "I only wish I could have driven out of there today. I would have loved to go for a long drive."

She patted his knee.

"With me sitting in the backseat and you chauffeuring me around, you'll have tomorrow and years to come to take me on as many drives as you'd like," she said giving him a sexy smile. "In the meantime, I can give you a ride home."

He looked at her as if she was hinting that she wanted to spend the rest of the day with him at his condo.

"Really? Thank you. I'd rather ride with you than have to walk home," he said with a little laugh.

He looked at her as shocked as he looked at her with sexual excitement. He couldn't believe he was with his beautiful woman from the restaurant. With her even more attractive than Jeffrey's receptionist Jennifer, he couldn't believe his good luck. Only, He had never been alone with a woman in his condo before. Moreover, never having any company, his condo was a cluttered mess.

"No problem. It will be my pleasure to drive you home," she said.

When she turned to smile at him, he gave her a sinister laugh.

"Aren't you afraid that I'll attack you?"

She gave him a sideways look and laughed.

"Nah, you look fairly normal to me, albeit a bit quirky, now since you're a Lincoln Town Car, Executive L limousine owner," she said teasing him.

He returned her laugh with his.

"Yeah, I know what you mean. I'll have to trade in my Ralph Lauren sweaters and Brooks Brothers corduroy pants for black suits, black ties, white shirts, and a chauffeur's cap," said Ken laughing.

She looked at him with curiosity.

"So, you didn't tell me," she said looking over at him before refocusing her attention on leaving the gated parking lot. "Where do you live?"

She started the car and pulled out in traffic.

"Not far from here. I live in the Back Bay part of Boston. I live on Beacon Street at the corner of Clarendon. There are visitor spaces in the garage below where you can park your car. I have a pass in my wallet that you can put on your windshield. Other than using it for Jeffrey to park, this will be the first time I'll be using my pass for a female visitor," he said with a smile.

She looked at him with furrowed brow.

"I see," she said with a laugh. "So," she paused to look at him. "I'm your first? You're a female, parking pass, giver virgin?"

He laughed.

"I never thought of it that way but I guess you are my first and I'm a female, parking pass, giver virgin," he said laughing too.

Driving by his direction, he watched Roxanne focus on her driving. Braking to downshift and accelerating to upshift, with her foot moving from clutch to brake to gas pedals, she skillfully maneuvered her way through traffic as if she was a race car driver driving through a busy downtown street in Brazil. With every movement of her shapely leg, he watched her skirt slowly inch higher up her sexy thigh until her short skirt was barely covering her panty clad pussy mound.

He was embarrassed by his teenage behavior in copping cheap feels of her skirt clad ass, her blouse and bra clad breasts, and her panty clad pussy. Yet, giving him something to masturbate over later should his time together with Roxanne not go as well as he hoped it would, he was happy that he had sexually explored her beautiful body. He slouched down in the passenger seat and sat quietly while enjoying the ride home and enjoying the view of her lovely leg.

As if he was feeling her again now, he relived the sensation of feeling her shapely body, her shapely ass, her big breasts, and her erect nipples. Definitely, she had C cup breasts and her erect nipples were big too. It's amazing what guys can tell from just one feel of a women's breast. When it comes to tits, able to feel tits with their hands, arms, elbows, shoulders, legs, and chests, all men are all tit experts.

"I feel I've known you for a long time," she said looking over at him. "Not on guard and careful what I say, your easy nature puts me at ease. I'm comfortable and feel more relaxed with you and I like that about you," she said looking over at him before watching the road again. "You don't have the bloated, bold, and boastful pretenses that other men that I've dated have."

He smiled over at her and squeezed her naked knee while wishing he could move his hand up her short skirt again to cup her pussy through her panties.

"Well, I like you, too. I enjoy your quick wit and your fun sense of humor," he said pleased that she thought well of him and didn't think that he was a pervert by feeling her up in the car. "If we're being honest, I must admit, though, I was intimidated by you at first."

She looked at him aghast.

"You intimidated? By me?" She looked at him as if he was teasing her. "You're kidding, right? Why would you feel intimated by me?"

He suddenly showed a face of sad dejection.

"Women who look like you aren't usually interested in men who look like me."

She looked at him as if he was nuts or was just begging for compliments.

"Seriously?" She laughed. "Have you looked in the mirror recently? You're quite good-looking, Ken." She turned to look at him again. "Someone needs a reality check and a dose of self-esteem."

He gave her a sad and vulnerable look.

"Well, I'm still smarting from being dumped in my last relationship, I guess. Mostly my fault, in trying to build my career, I worked too much and didn't give my wife enough attention."

Instead of smiling, as if told that she had a life-threatening illness, Roxanne had a serious look on her face.

"You were married before?"

'Oh, oh,' he thought.

Wondering if him being married before was a deal breaker and a game changer, he looked at her and when she didn't return his look, he responded.

"Yeah," he said.

Hoping that being married before wasn't a relationship ender before it even started, he looked down at her carpet as if he was watching an imaginary bug.

"How long were you married?"

He looked over at her again and she returned his look when they were stopped at a traffic light.

"Long enough to have a child and child support payments, but it's all good. Our divorce ended on friendly terms," he said while watching for her reaction to his confession of his last, long-term relationship.

Now, he wondered if she was married before.

"And you?" He looked at her. She was so beautiful. She was so sexy. She was everything that he never knew he wanted I a woman. "Were you married before?"

Now she had his look of dejection.

"No, I've never been married and have only been in one long-term relationship after college," she said choosing not to tell him that her fiancé died. She paused before responding to him again. "I'm curious about your comment. Women who look like me aren't usually interested in men who look like you," she said looking over at him before focusing back on her driving. "By that comment I'm curious how you view me and, more importantly, how you view yourself?"

Growing increasingly uncomfortable with his sudden truth or dare disclosure, Ken shrugged his shoulders, looked out the window, and paused before answering.

"I don't know, maybe, I'm saying too much too soon. I think of you as an intelligent woman who possesses the confidence to know what she wants and has the beauty and the sexuality to get it," he said while thinking that she already has him wrapped around her finger.

As if she was a witch, she already had him under her spell. She laughed.

"Okay, so you think that I'm smart and pretty. That's a good start to begin a relationship. Now how do you view yourself?"

'Relationship,' he thought?

He liked the idea that she was the one to mention them beginning a relationship. Obviously by the way he was looking at her, was already enamored with her, and was sexually attracted to her, he'd love nothing more for her to be his new girlfriend.

"Uhm, well, I'm a guy who possesses more intellect than good looks. Maybe because I'm not confident enough, but I'm generally too shy to go after women who attract me. If I do happen to connect with a woman, my too serious nature and preoccupation over my job quickly turns them off. Basically, I'm a nerd in the body of an athlete," he said with a laugh.

She returned his laugh with her laugh.

"Well, maybe if I confess how I feel about you, then that will give you more confidence and allay your preconceived judgments to allow you to tell me how you feel about me," she said.

He nodded his agreement.

"Okay," he said. "I'm game."

She looked at him while reading him.

"First of all, being that you're not in the environment of a lab perhaps, I don't find you serious at all. I find you funny, but in a cerebrally refreshing sort of way. I like the fact that you're intelligent, are not a regular dumb and insensitive guy interested more in beer, sports, and getting laid. Obviously, in the way that most men are, you're not a player," she said.

She gave him an approving smile.

"You're right about that, with this my first date with a woman, if we dare call this a date, I'm not a player," he said with a laugh.

He returned her smile with his sincerity.

"Now, as far as physical appearance, the first time I saw you, I couldn't take my eyes off you," she turned and shot him a wink. "I thought you were a hunk. Easy on the eyes, you need to know that you are quite good looking."

He laughed out loud.

"Seriously? Me? A hunk? Wow, unbelievably all that time, I thought you were staring at my friend, Jeffrey," he said with a laugh.

She made a face as if she had just swallowed something sour.

"Jeffrey? Nah, he's not my type. Your friend appears too perfect and too polished. He doesn't look sincere or the type who would commit to a woman. Now he looks like a player," she said with a laugh while looking over at Ken. "He looks like a lawyer. Is he a lawyer?"

Ken laughed at her perception of his friend.

"He is a lawyer and a damn good one, I might add," said Ken.

They shared a laugh and then she became more serious again.

"In the short time that I have known you; I could immediately tell that you're different from most other men I meet," she said. "Except, when it comes to groping, then all you guys are alike," she said with a laugh. She turned and shot him a smile. "What is it about guys and tits? You guys revert to your senior prom days when in the backseat of a car with whichever girl has a big rack."

He laughed at her analogy.

"I'm sorry," he apologized again. "My horniness is hormonal. I'm halfway through a change of life phase. Obviously, I'm going through menopause," he said with a laugh. "Only, instead of buying a convertible sports car, I bought a Lincoln limousine," he said laughing again. "Besides, it may have something to do with my Mom not breast feeding me or my Mom breast feeding me. I'm not sure which," he said laughing. "Actually, I don't know a guy who doesn't love big, shapely breasts in the way that you obviously have."

She laughed out loud.

"Menopause, now that's funny. You're too young to go through menopause," she said shooting him a look. "How old are you, anyway?"

Raising his chin and putting his hand to his waist, he turned to the side to strike a pose as if he was doing a photo shoot for the GQ magazine.

"How old do I look?"

His pose was funny. His pose made him look foolish. His pose made him look as if he was doing a rum commercial while posing as a Captain Morgan impersonator instead of the GQ model look that he was going after.

"Thirty-five but in the way that you groped my breasts and went under my skirt and in between my legs, I'd guess that you were fifteen-years-old," she said with another laugh.

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