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Retribution of the Chambermaids

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Two maids exact vengeance on their sadistic master.
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Another tall tale suggested by Mrs. 123z.


England, 1780.


"So you wish for me to take on another chambermaid to ease your overburden, is that right?"

"Yes, your Lordship. Since Fanny left I have been most overwhelmed by my workload. It is a large house and the hours are long."

Katherine stood stock still, nervous and afraid at her own boldness. Cruel fate had brought her to Grantley Manor and she rued the day she had crossed the threshold of the front door. Born of a humble life she and others like her had to eke out a living in the harshest of ways. Servitude being the most popular. At the age of twenty the slim and not unattractive woman had worked for Lord Grantley since she had turned eighteen, and a more sadistic brute of a man she had never known. Perverted and sadistic, the wealthy aristocrat wielded the whip AND his cock with ever increasing demands.

"You expect me to throw away pennies on some young trollop? I'm not made of money girl."

In fact Lord Grantley had a substantial wealth thanks to his heritage and successful career as a lawyer and lived a sumptuous life. Indeed he was fully expected to be knighted by King George before the end of the year. The son of Thomas Grantley he had been educated in an all boys college and had married Grace soon after, a frigid ice maiden who had born him no children. Resentful of a loveless marriage and little sex life and put together with his lonely school life his Lordship harboured a spiteful grudge for the fairer sex. His large Manor and grounds in Dorset necessitated a number of servants and he chose his female staff to a high degree.

"How old is she?" He asked as he reclined in his plush armchair.

"Eighteen my Lord. Jane is young and healthy and very eager to work."

"Eagerness I admire. Does she know that she would be beholden to obey my express demands, and, shall I say special demands?"

Katherine understood his words only too well and prayed that she knew what she was doing in bringing her best friend into this hell.

"Very well, bring her in the morning and I shall inspect her personally. I shall discuss this with Barnes also. Now, come here and suck my cock."

He stared at the woman with the most cruel and malicious eyes and a nasty curl of his lip.

"My Lord."

Katherine obeyed and knelt in front of the grinning slob as he unbuttoned the front of his breeches. How many times had she been subjected to this humiliating and debased chore. To spurn him would result in a beating, to perform fellatio badly would mean the cane. She took hold of his hardening manhood and began to stroke it in her right hand. He growled at her touch and shifted in his big chair as the woman put her lips to the spongy head. Her hand gripped the veiny shaft which pointed up from the thick nest of pubic hair as she moved down on his knob with a steady bobbing.

"Ah! The bitch does suck well. I hope your friend is as gifted as you."

He felt her hot breath as she devoured half of his length, her hand screwing around his organ in a clockwise twist as she licked him. Katherine hollowed her cheeks as she drew him in deeper with her lips firmly closed on his fleshy rod. Lord Grantley threw his head back as her dextrous tongue slithered this way and that as she desperately hurried to bring him off.

"Yes, yes!" He cried as he squirmed on his fat ass.

Saliva ran down the underside of his prick as Katherine rocked back and forth on her haunches and felt him throb in her mouth. Faster and faster she licked and slobbered and flicked at his scrotum with her slender fingers. He grunted loudly as he came and Katherine inhaled through her nostrils as she kept his pulsing cock inside her mouth as he humped up. The milky white ejaculate ran out of the corners of her mouth as she gulped the rest down her throat. When he had ceased coming Katherine duly cleaned his knob and replaced it in his breeches which he drew up over his corpulent belly.

"Dismissed." He said abruptly and she curtsied and left the study, smiling to herself as she did so.

Revenge will be sweet.


The next day the housekeeper, Mrs. Mannering brought Katherine and Jane before his Lordship, and as they stood side by side he ran his eyes over the slip of a girl. Dressed in her best frock she looked at the floor as both young women awaited his decision.

"Look up girl." He spoke, his voice one of arrogance and conceit.

Jane looked up with big blue eyes and bit her lower lip.

"I have spoken to my butler Barnes and shall grant you a months trial, and in that time I expect you to obey me at all times. Do I make myself clear?"

"Yes, my Lord."

"I shall pay you £6 a year and I demand the best of everyone I employ. Any tardiness or mishaps will force me to exact the strictest punishment."

As he spoke the two servants looked at the thin and long cane he fingered in his hand. Jane knew what he meant from the stories that Katherine had related to her this past year. Spankings, canings, and sexual horrors were all too prevalent for anyone to endure.

"Katherine will show you her room which you both shall share. Now go."

After the perfunctory inspection the pair hurried up the main stairs and to the servants wing on the north side of the house. The bedroom had no window and was sparsely furnished. Katherine handed over a maid uniform to Jane as she sat on her thin cot.

"So, are you up for it?" She asked as she lit a candle.

"You know that I am. We shall hand this brute some poetic justice believe me."

"I have a plan formulated. We shall soon give this bastard what for."

The two friends ate a welcome supper with the other servants that evening and both succumbed to a deep sleep before the next days hardship.


It didn't take long for Jane to fall foul of Lord Grantley's displeasure. Up at five in the morning every day the two women attended their various duties before the household awoke. His Lordship took breakfast at eight and headed off to his office in town. When he returned at five he happened upon Jane who had just taken a moment to mop her brow and take a breather.

"What slovenly behaviour is this? Do I support you to take things easy, you little strumpet!"

"Forgive me, my Lord. 'Twas but a mere second I swear."

Jane stood erect in her crisp uniform of a white cotton gown over a plain linen petticoat. A large bonnet sat on her golden curls and she wore a pair low heeled buckled shoes which she hopped on nervously.

"Go forth into my study!"

Jane bowed as she slowly entered the room, fully expecting the worst. Grantley followed and removed his wig, cravat and waistcoat and stood in his knee breeches and long sleeved shirt.

"Please my Lord, do not harm me I beg of you. I am but a pathetic wretch."

"Nonsense. I warned you in advance. I do not suffer fools gladly. Now bend over that table."

He pointed to a sturdy looking oak wood table and Jane obeyed as she began to sob in desperation at her predicament. She felt her gown and under things lifted over her lower back and her nether cleavage fondled by rough hands.

"As soft as a newly born. Too bad. Now put your weight on your elbows, spread your legs and hold that position at all times."

Unaware that her lewd stance displayed her tuft of fair pubes she assumed the position and dipped her head. Then without any warning the broad strap or belt bit into her upturned rump with extreme force. Jane screamed at the fire on her ass. Again she was struck and it took all of her efforts to stay standing as the momentum thrust her forwards. As he laid into her the pain spread like wild fire and tears streamed down her face. Lord Grantley chuckled as he observed the redness supersede the previously white flesh of her pert cheeks. She would show some bruising in the morn.

"Hold still, tart!"

He barked as he came down hard once more on the helpless female. Broad marks were now developing on both her nates in a crossed pattern, but despite his force he had not yet drawn blood. Her initial screams were now reduced to a low whimpering that caused her entire frame to quiver. He stopped the punishment and reached out and ran his hand along her bottom, admiring his work. It felt hot and he could make out tiny ridges where his belt had connected the most. He made a fan of his right hand and slid in between her inner thighs and brought it up sharply into her most vulnerable spot.

"Your cunt is as dry as a bone, shame. No permanent damage done. I hope that you know your place. You are my slave. You may leave."

Jane stood slowly and gingerly touched her stinging backside before lowering her petticoat and gown.

"Yes, my Lord. Thank you, my Lord."


It was the turn of Katherine to suffer two days later when she had inadvertently served her master tepid tea instead of piping hot as he preferred.

"Have you taken leave of your senses, you stupid cunt! I shall whip your fucking tits! Strip off completely!"


"YES! Slut! I want you naked."

Reluctantly Katherine slipped her gown and under things off and then rolled down her stockings.

"Is this what you want?"

"What! Is this what I want, your Lordship!"

Grantley virtually spluttered the words as his rage knew no bounds.

"Stand still and put your hands behind your head. Now spread your legs and thrust out your tits."

The next thing Katherine heard was the surreal sound of her own scream. Grantley brandished a riding crop and was lashing down and down again on both the poor woman's breasts. At first her full boobs were struck just below her erect nipples on the rounded globes. The pain was excruciating as gradually the sadistic brute made firm contact with her nipples.

"Stand still!"

Katherine went weak at the knees and her ankles buckled as she tried to maintain her stance in the middle of the room. His arm was a blur as she blinked furiously as she was savagely chastised. Her breath almost gone she fought to stay conscious and feared that her ribs may crack at any given moment. After five more blows the brown haired woman sank to her knees, exhausted and shaking with shock at the searing pain in her tits.

"Cunt! When you are able, get up and fuck off!"

Lord Grantley left and Katherine laid limp on her side, her upper body bruised and blood splattered. This man would pay!


Jane snapped up as she readied herself for bed to the door to her room being flung open. It must have been midnight and there stood his Lordship in his flannels and a tankard of ale in his fist, quite obviously drunk.

"Stay still peasant! I shall fuck some respect into you."

Grantley pulled on her bed covers and tossed them aside, then he turned to her and followed up with a wrench on the front of her night gown which caused her bosom to spill out.


He continued to rip the ruined gown down to her feet and tossed her backwards onto her cot. Jane had a wide eyed innocent look as her attire was torn asunder and she laid on her back naked and shaken. The angry Lord dropped his lower flannels and his member stood proud and erect. He had looked forward to this for a week.

"No my Lord. Have pity on a poor wench such as I."

"Pity is it now? I no not the meaning of the word."

Her mouth gaped at the sight of the man hovering over her with his slobbering lips and heavy breathing. She lowered her gaze to a short length of hemp rope which he stretched out long.

"Turn over, cunt!"

Jane slowly obliged as he immediately strapped her arms behind her narrow back and pushed her onto her belly. She so wished to kick back but thought better of it. Then she felt her legs part and his stiff organ slide up inside her soft quim.

"Heavens! No more, no more!"

"Hold with your rants!"

Her young and tender body yielded to him as he began to thrust in and out, his large and obese frame atop of hers. He spat on her ass and smeared it into her crack as he fucked her with full and strong strokes.

"Cunt! Cunt! Cunt!" He intoned with each and every push in as he pounded the slender creature into the mattress.

The old bed creaked and shook under their weight as he repeatedly banged the shit out of the sobbing maid.

"I'll teach you not to be insubordinate!" Cunt! Cunt! Cunt!"

His groin pressed hard into her buttocks as he rotated his hips and rested his organ inside her tunnel as he thrilled to her tightness. Jane visibly sagged as he finally thrust up inside her to the root and sprayed her cunt with his seed. She laid there still and frightened until she realised that he had left her alone. Shortly Katherine returned from her final chores and they both fell into each others arms in a huddle of tears and anger.

"That is the third time this week!" Cried Jane.

"Tomorrow. It must be tomorrow." Said Katherine with a set jaw.


"What...what happened to me?"

Lord Grantley tried to raise his heavy body and looked around the dank basement but saw no sign of anybody. It had been some time since he had stepped into the cold and mouldy room. He heard a noise then and jumped a little, and that was when he realised that he was naked and held captive. His ankles were in chains which were secured to the stone floor in metal rings. His wrists were encased in leather cuffs and his arms were above his head, chained to the ceiling of the cellar. His Lordship felt defenceless and humiliated and very exposed.

Katherine and Jane were both as naked as the day they were born. The darker of the two, Katherine, had her breasts thrust up and firm and her long legs and arms gave her a look of haughty superiority. Beside her the more demure and graceful beauty that was Jane stood alert and expectant, her golden hair falling in silken curls down to her medium sized tits.

"You awake, my Lord." Said Katherine in a surprising soft tone.

Grantley struggled on his restraints but the more he did so the more he had to balance on tiptoe as he swung from left to right.

"Drugged. Must have been drugged."

"Quite so. When Barnes served you brandy I had already added a sleeping potion to the bottle."

"Release me wench. I am a Lord of the Realm. You shall pay dearly for this outrage. For pity's sake!"

"Pity is it? I no not the meaning of the word, isn't that what you told us? For a very long time you have treated me like a piece of excrement, and this is what you have forced us to do."

The sound of water running down the stone walls made a drip, drip, drip noise as the two women busied themselves behind the squirming man. Katherine held a riding crop, the very same one that belonged to his Lordship. How apt. She stepped to the left of the vertical captive and touched his flabby buttocks with the keeper.

"Observe and enjoy, Jane."

Her arm rose up and a swish through the air signalled the beginning of poetic retribution for the unhappy women. She rocked on the balls of her feet and then scrutinised his fat ass. Grantley heaved up on his toes and screamed like a girl as the leather hit him directly across both cheeks. Again he was struck and a thin welt appeared on his corpulent flesh as if by magic.

"This is most jolly!" Said Katherine with a twisted grin as she administered five more hard whacks.

Jane observed several visible red lines cross each other and a sheen of cold sweat prickle the mans spine with tiny beads. He was heard to make low whimpering sounds the whipping continued without pause.

"Please, please." He begged with a moan and a sob in his throat.

"Please, nothing!"

Katherine took two steps back and came down even harder in a rapid tattoo with the crop, alternating with side to side swipes and then up and down the brown crack between his buttocks. Her tits jiggled on her chest in a sordid rhythm as she concentrated on the very bottom of his butt. She had figured out that without the encumbered clothing her aim was much better now she was nude. After perhaps fifty cracks of the crop the assault ceased and Grantley hung limp on his aching arms.


The petite fair haired one took the thin weapon and flexed it in both hands. Then she came behind the bloated figure of her tormentor and proceeded to thrash his backside with a series of surprising forceful spanks. Her arm came around in full swing to hammer out dozens of stinging blows that seared into the sadists skin with maximum spite. Bruising and bloodiness now transformed his hide from what was once a flabby white.


Jane was a natural as she danced on nimble toes quickly adjusting to the bastards flying lump of a body. Despite her tiny frame she made him stagger, reel and lunge up. For good measure she held the crop horizontally and smacked him just behind the knees which caused him to expel all air from his lungs. "Let us dance, my Lord."

Grantley mumbled incoherently as he hung on the chains. Katherine took a leather glove from Jane and placed it in his anal opening. Slowly but surely the determined maid pressed in her index finger without resistance and did not stop until it was fully inserted. She turned to Jane who wore the other glove and grinned as her left index finger joined her friends. They prodded and probed for a while and then withdrew, Jane letting her finger run down his nether cleavage and then away.

"Now for the dildo."

Katherine held up the six inch long leather cock and held it to Grantley's puckered hole.

"I'm guessing that you gave not had anything bigger than a finger in your sorry ass, but you fucked us and now we fuck you."

"'Tis a dream, a nightmare!" He muttered as the head of the false cock began to penetrate his rectum.

"Do it, do it," urged Jane.

Katherine felt his anus stretch out as she pushed in regardless. The power, the domination was sublime as the women fucked his ass over and over. In and out, in and out of his sphincter, back and forth, back and forth. Grantley drooped as he passed out and Katherine stopped the buggering.

"We are done?"

"We are. Let us make haste. We must to Ireland and from there to America. This life is over for us."

As they left the tell tale sound of the sadists thick, slimy blood disgorged onto the stone floor.


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EmirusEmirusabout 5 years ago

I have already said that I think you have an imagination and it takes courage to write a story, because it’s so easy to commit errors, not set in the present day. Certainly it’s something about which I would have to think very carefully.

My interest, both as a writer and a reader, also lies between two and four pages. If a story is interesting I might stretch to five but only once have I had enough interest to go to eleven pages.

I’ve got six stories at various stages at the moment including a collaboration with another writer. I also have several others at the bullet point stage.

So there’s not a lot between us. Except that I’m not in a hurry to submit a story and that’s because I want it to be the best I can do in every aspect. My mind rotates around each story as I think of how to write the next section and when it’s ready it’s ready. I also take care with spelling, punctuation, paragraph length and word usage. I’m fortunate that I have developed a friendship with another writer and we edit for each other.

It’s just a bit of fun with me as well but I still want it to be the best I can do. I’m not the best writer on Literotica, and I never will be, but I still want to be the best I can. I know it’s egotistical but I want a red H on every one of my stories.

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