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Return to the Haunted House Pt. 03

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Sarah gives me the ultimate gift.
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Story does not have any rosa-blanca.ru

Part 3 of the 3 part series

Updated 03/05/2024
Created 02/05/2024
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Return to the Haunted House Pt. 03

Lying in bed, bathed in sweat with a beautifully slim, toned, and lithe woman who had invited me to her home for afternoon of filthy fun. It was nearly 5 PM and I expected a text from a friend of the woman sweating beside me.

"Sarah's on her way back," I told Kacey, "Did you want to come to the pub for dinner?"

"Tempting," She replied, "But I'll pass tonight as I have a number of classes to run tomorrow."

"Fair enough," I said, "If you change your mind, you know where we'll be."

Kacey encouraged me to use her bathroom to freshen up, which I enthusiastically accepted. Ten minutes later, I kissed Kacey goodbye and made my way to the pub and waited for my old colleague and part-time lover to return from Adelaide.

After embracing, we took our seats and browsed the menu. Sarah looked great in her business suit if a little frazzled from the conference.

"How was it?" I asked.

"Long, but good," Sarah replied, "Made a few potential contacts."

"Fantastic," I said, "You are the best lead converter I ever worked with."

"Ha, flattery will get you everywhere," Sarah smiled, "How was your day with Kacey?"

"Really good!"

"Yes, she is really good, isn't she?" Sarah chuckled, "Did you get suitably 'acquainted'?"

"We did, twice."

"I'm glad she took care of you today because I'm pooped," Sarah confessed.

"Understandable," I agreed, understanding that there would be no sex tonight which suited me because the tank was empty.

"I would like to utilize those non-bedroom skills of yours to help me draft a couple of proposals, if you're okay with that?"

"Of course, I'd love to help you."

Sarah regularly consulted me to edit and enhance business proposals or sales pitches from time-to-time. Our collaboration and complimentary skills were the keys to our team's success back when we worked together in Western Australia. Sarah brought in the business, and I ensured that we delivered the results to the clients. The profit margins were high, and the employee bonuses flowed like honey.

While Sarah smiled at my enthusiasm to lend my assistance, I noticed a tinge of sadness in her eyes. My thoughts drifted back to what Kacey said earlier. Thinking back to our time together, I could not think of a time that I ever considered making a pass at Sarah. That was not the relationship we had. Sarah and I were corporate monsters, driven by the need to be the highest performers and the most richly rewarded.

If Sarah had confessed to Kacey that she lamented that I had not expressed a romantic interest then that was a retroactive wish, borne from regret that Jamie turned out to be a bad choice. Besides, had we hooked up then there was a risk of upsetting the business dynamic, plus it is not wise to 'dip into the corporate inkwell.'

Sarah and I ordered our meals and chatted innocuously until the food arrived. Following several drinks afterwards, we jumped in her car and made the short drive back to her mansion with the million-dollar sea views.

"You want to stop at the haunted house again?"

"Sure," I replied, knowing what Sarah had in mind.

The sun was setting, and its dying light cast long shadows across the land. The contrasting spectrum of orange and blues reminded me of our first visit all those years ago. This time, there were no buildings to explore. The house and the stables were long since demolished. However, the land was grossly overgrown. The entrance gates that I knocked over on our first visit had been removed, but the general outline of the boundary remained.

"Look, there's the cellar," I said pointing to the stone steps that led to a hollowed-out space in the dirt.

"Yeah, I remember that" Chuckled Sarah, "I was scared stiff."

The shell of the former cellar was overrun with weeds. We moved on to discover that the courtyard retained its intricate brickwork, albeit covered in moss and rogue grass. Again, we identified where the stables once stood, but now the trees and shrubs were out of control, making traversing the property a challenge.

As we stumbled around, we discovered remnants of the previous owners that we recognized from our first visit. Items like glass medicine bottles, buttons, and scraps of leather bridles that called back to an older era.

"Shame the house isn't here," I said, "I'd rail you like there's no tomorrow."

"Would it be as good without the kids illegally drinking in the next room?"

"I guess we'll never know," I smiled.

As the shadows lengthened further, navigation required the torch app on our mobile phones to get around. As we reached the southern boundary of the property which was at least an acre in area, we noticed the fence was constructed of six-foot high chain link steel replete with barbed wire. In front of us, we noticed a large hole created by bolt cutters.

"Ha, that's how those teenagers got in here," I chuckled.

Back in the day, three sides of the property had boundaries of high stone walls that were impossible to climb. Access from the road was by the double gates (which I accidentally toppled) and a smaller front gate, covered by a stone archway that was rusted closed.

Sarah and I never ventured to the southern boundary on that visit. Rather, we observed the approach of the underage drinkers from the upper floor of the house, coming at us from the courtyard. At the time, we wondered how they had scaled the stone perimeter and now we had the answer, there was no stone wall there.

Where we stood, the lights of Old Willunga twinkled in the distance. The sight was romantic, and Sarah pulled me close as we stared into the night.

"So?" I asked, after a moment of silence, "You gotta go?"

"Ha, yes!" Sarah giggled seductively, "That's why we're here and I'm busting."

"Then be my guest."

Feeling comfortable, uninhibited, and reminiscent, Sarah kicked off her shoes and pulled down and discarded her trousers and delicate lace panties before squatting down against a tree. I knelt beside her and placed a hand on her stomach.

"I can't stop thinking about it," She moaned while rubbing her clit with increasing fury.

"It was an amazing experience," I agreed watching her diddle herself to a climax, "One of a kind."

"Oh, fuck!" Sarah hissed before unleashing a huge arc of pent-up piss that splashed in the bushed several feet in front of her as she spasmed violently.

"Nice!" I sighed, impressed with the pressure.

Sarah continued flicking her bean and she emptied her bladder, lost in a strange trance of pleasure and desperation. Her head resting against the bark of the tree, eyes closed and chest heaving.

"Wow!" Sarah signed after the burst reduced to a trickle, "I've been saving that up since the end of the conference."

"That's fucking three hours ago!" I observed after checking my watch.

"Aren't I a naughty girl?" Sarah giggled innocently standing up and admiring the puddle.

"Fucking sexy woman!" I replied pulling Sarah to me for a passionate kiss while fondling her breasts.

I attempted to spin Sarah around and bend her over, but she resisted, stating that she desperately needed a shower and wanted my help with some sales pitches. After pushing me away with a chuckle, she dressed and grabbed my hand, leading me back to the car.

Moments later, we arrived home. From the fridge Sarah grabbed a bottle of wine and ushered me into her home office. She opened her laptop and brought up some documents she had created.

"Have a read of these while I have a shower."

"I would rather join you first," I said, cheekily blowing Sarah a kiss as she was leaving the room.

"Then we'd get no work done," She smiled alluringly.

Sarah took at least 15 minutes to freshen up in the bathroom. I took the time to fulfil my promise and read through her templates, making copious notes, and jotting down numerous ideas.

"How did you go?" Sarah asked, walking back into the office dressed in a plush white monogrammed dressing gown.

For the next several hours, we discussed how best to craft the best pitch possible. Sarah sat in my lap and typed away, shooting me suggestive glances and adoring smiles.

"Just like old times," I said, as Sarah's dainty fingers danced across the keyboard.

"I'm loving this colab!" She responded by stroking my leg, "We make the best team."

The way Sarah was looking at me as I offered ideas and improvements, I wondered if there was any truth in what Kacey and I discussed earlier that day. The furtive glances, the soft demeanor, dilated pupils, and soft breathing marked a departure from our usual interactions.

"Holy shit!" Sarah suddenly exclaimed, "It's one o'clock in the morning."

We had been at it for hours without noticing the passing time, which is how deeply engaged with collaboration. I suggested that we call it an evening because we could have gone on, but we had achieved a lot of quality work together to the point where the proposals were almost complete. If Sarah did not win this consulting work based on her pitch, then the universe would be out of sync.

"Let's wind down on the couch," Sarah suggested after shutting down her laptop, "I'm really happy with the results."

Sarah told me to take the Ottoman coach. She fixed us two Tullamore Dews, put on some background music, lowered the lights to a warm level and laid between my legs. After clinking glasses, she melted into my body. Holding the glass in one hand, the other rested on my leg. My free hand stroked Sarah's arm.

"Mm, this is so nice," She purred as her hair tickled the side of my face.

We had never been this intimate before. It felt like we were in a long-time loving relationship. Yes, we have shared romantic moments previously like regularly hugging, even spooning in bed, but it never had intimacy. Our sex was more hardcore than loving, and our interactions were as long-term, hard-drinking friends.

Maybe I was imagining a change in our relationship? After all, I was given Sarah's blessing and encouragement to have sex with one of her friends, and she had planned for a threesome later in the week. These actions did not lend themselves to a change in intimacy. But here we were, enjoying a tender moment together, typically enjoyed by a loving couple.

"I have to go to bed," Sarah whispered, after draining her glass, "I am so tired."

"Lead the way," I said, as I placed the glass on the side table.

Sarah rolled off me, and I could see the tiredness etched on her beautiful face, but she smiled at me and tugged at my hand. She led me to her bedroom, switched on a side lamp and discarded her robe. I marveled at her gorgeously sexy body in the half-light briefly before slipping deftly beneath the covers.

After undressing, I took my place beside Sarah and suddenly wondered whose side I was sleeping on: Sarah's or her husband's, and that thought made me uncomfortable. She rolled on her side and begged me to hold her. I extended an arm between Sarah's head, shoulder, and pillow before matching the contours of her body. She placed a hand on my arm.

"Mm, I love the way you make me feel," Sarah whispered, "Respected and valued."

"That's always been the case," I whispered back, "From when we started working together."

"I know," Sarah whispered, "But this is different."

With Sarah's cheek resting on my arm and my other draped across her taut stomach, it was hard not to feel tender emotions, but I dreaded the utterance of the "L" word, already employed by Sarah twice.

"How so?" I asked, enjoying the warmth her body felt against mine.

Sarah hesitated, the words difficult to formulate and, thankfully, not wanting to reveal a truth too soon.

"I fell so blessed to have you I my life," Sarah whispered, tilting her head slightly towards me, "You support me as a friend and..."

"...a lover?"

Sarah quietened as she took in her adultery. It only lasted a second, before she declared, 'yes,' I was a friend and a lover, and she had no regrets.

"Erm, so no regrets about cheating on your husband?"

That was the wrong question to ask. For several minutes, Sarah unleashed a tirade of invective against him, the likes of which I have never heard. We generally avoided talking about her status when we got together. The bile Sarah spewed against Jamie was unprecedented yet bitter. She blamed him for every ill-fated action that ever befell her after leaving Perth.

As this torrent of emotion spilled out, I continued to hold Sarah secure in my arms but kept my mouth shut. This anger, I knew simmered below the surface, but for it to bubble tonight as we spooned in bed was unexpected and uncomfortable.

I had no idea how unhappy Sarah was with her situation. I viewed her change or adaptation to circumstances as chameleon-like. She was able to adapt to the changing circumstances because she loved her husband. Alas, my presence unleashed some pent-up anger with Sarah's lot in life and she yearned for a life that was long since extinguished.

"I fucking hate him," Sarah wailed, "He doesn't love me at all."

Holding Sarah in my arms, I felt a traitor to myself, to Sarah and to Jamie. Nevertheless, Sarah was my friend and colleague whom I respected deeply.

"He must," I offered, smoothly, "That's why you're married."

Sarah was agitated now. Years of pent-up frustration began to tumble from her mouth. She told - unverified - stories of abuse and neglect that she put up with. Life was unbearable when Jamie was home because he was so emotionally distant, obsessed with work and filing reports.

The frustration was relieved with Kacey when Sarah regularly caught up to masturbate together, to experience Omoshiri on the front deck of Sarah's and Jamie's magnificent house. With Sarah, likely, telling her friend how much she loved me. Kacey had told me the truth.

Ours was a love requited though. Over the years, Sarah and I had talked about her leaving Jamie to come and live with me, but she could not pull the trigger. Wealth had a powerful effect on some people and while I did not earn Jamie-level money, Sarah refused to leave.

I let Sarah vent while the side alarm clock ticked past 2 AM. Her body aligned to mine felt so good. The volume never rose above a whisper, but Sarah was angry and frustrated with her lot in life. She cursed the state, the town, and the house. Every aspect of her life came in for a critique. In short, Sarah was frustrated and angry.

After listening to her unabridged outburst, I was fading. Luckily, after unloading her chest, Sarah was too, and we soon fell asleep. At some point in the night, I extracted my arm and rolled over onto my back. The room was as black as sack cloth, and I drifted off into a deep but slightly disturbing slumber.

Hours, or minutes, later, the passage of time had no meaning in a completely dark room, I was aroused by the sensation of a hand on my cock stroking me to hardness. As I drifted back to consciousness, I felt the warm and moist set of lips on my tumescence, bringing me to the state of maximal hardness.

At that moment, Sarah straddled me and sank her frame onto my cock, deep inside her pussy. For the first time ever.

When we first became lovers, it was an anal only relationship. In some warped way, she justified her adultery by offering her arse to me and saving her pussy to Jamie. It was an arrangement that I was happy with, but this new development meant that a new "L" word was about to be uttered.

I was not able to complain. Experiencing Sarah's pussy for the first time felt amazing when she settled on my pubic bone. She exhaled a long satisfying moan of approval as she settled down on me.

Sarah rode me slowly at first before gathering pace. We did not assume any other position. We held hands as her tight cunt gripped my hard cock, and she bounced up and down on me. I was frozen in fear and dared not say anything as Sarah rode to continuous orgasms.

All I was used to was Sarah, which she allowed me to plough with reckless abandon. Her pussy, on the other hand, felt like a delicate gift. It was tight, soft, and wet, and gripped my cock in a way that her arse did not. There was much intimacy in what we were doing, and it felt that we both crossed the Rubicon, deliberately.

I could only see a brief outline of Sarah as she rode me against competing shadows in a room completely blackened. She purred contentedly as we held hands on the darkness. She repeatedly cooed how good our coupling felt and urged me to come inside her pussy.

Sarah expertly milked me and without changing positions, she emptied my balls deep inside her. Time had no meaning. When she wanted my seed, Sarah simply took it from my balls. I came hard and loud. Sarah chuckled as my waning cock spasmed inside her womb. She collapsed against me and kissed me furiously before rolling over and falling back asleep.

"I love you!"

Without consulting the clock, I took a swig of water, turned over and promptly fell back into a slumber, not referencing the significance of what just occurred because I was so tired.

My next memory was of the blinding light that scorched my face several hours later. I heard the scrape of curtain against rod and the sun burning my eyes.

"Wakey, wakey!" Came a sonorous voice.

Against the window was the naked frame of Sarah, looking at me with the radiance of a person in love. She knelt down next to me as I recoiled from the intrusive light and kissed me tenderly as I wiped my eyes.

"I have no regrets," Sarah smiled as I slowly came to life.

"Nor do I," I confirmed, wiping my eyes as the sun blinded me.

Sarah kissed me passionately, rose with the sun backlighting her magnificent body against the bedroom windows, then walked towards the bathroom. I felt under slept but was unable to fall back into a dream. After switching on my phone, the time was nearly 10 AM!

After rolling over to Sarah's side of the bed, I asked if Sarah was working today. The response was that if I helped her finalise the proposals then we would have the rest of the day to ourselves. In the fog of tiredness, I struggled to recall what else was needed. These thoughts fought against what had happened earlier.

The "L" word was uttered.

She remembered and I recalled it.

I heard the water blast from the shower. Lying in bed, I waited for the order to join her, and it duly came. Joining Sarah in the cubicle, I was pulled close and kissed passionately. No words were exchanged but the smile and the eyes confessed an unmistakable feeling, and a change in our relationship.

Not sure of my feelings about this change, I doubted Sarah would give up her current life. There were opportunities in the past and she hesitated. Despite her confessions to the contrary, Jamie was a major player in Sarah's life.

Around lunchtime, the two of us had hammered out several sales pitches that we agreed upon. Satisfied with the collaboration, Sarah hit the "Send" button and the files galloped across the internet to various inboxes.

"You'll win every one of those pitches," I said as Sarah closed her laptop.

"Without your polish, I would never stand a chance."

Relieved, Sarah suggested a trip down the coast to a place called Ingalalla Falls to relax for the rest of the day. After I agreed, Sarah packed several bottles of wine into a calico carry bag and some snacks before bundling me into her husband's 4x4 and then rumbling down the coast. In the evening, we invited Kasey to the pub in Willunga for dinner before returning home and a most restful, fully earned sleep.

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