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Return to "Weekend School" Ch. 08

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Diana and Deirdre punish and play with each other.
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Part 8 of the 14 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 03/02/2013
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Once again, you may find more enjoyment if you read the earlier chapters first, but that is not necessary. There is some dealing with bodily functions, so those offended by that should read no further. All characters are over 18. Fetishes and some discipline are of course significant in this story, but be aware that this story involves lesbian relationships as well.


Deirdre Carmody, Laura Franklin's middle-aged aunt who had raised Laura and now joined her at the "Weekend School" Laura ran for adults who wanted to re-experience the school discipline they had known earlier in life, and Diana Prentice, the 20-year-old fetching blonde prefect, who was the junior faculty member at the school but who had already created a strong impression by the severe discipline she administered at the school assembly, enjoyed spending the night in Deirdre's commodious bed.

Laura had given her aunt a superb suite to enjoy during her stay and Deirdre was especially pleased when Diana visited her there and actually requested that the older woman take her in hand and put her through her paces. Diana was reeling from her success as an incipient disciplinarian after she had awarded a red F in Conduct to a woman who behaved sarcastically to her in class. Joanne Winston, the unfortunate pupil, was punished by Diana right then and was then severely caned at the assembly, also by Diana.

Diana was feeling that she may have come down too hard on the hapless Joanne, but Aunt Dee, as Deirdre was referred to lovingly by her niece, Laura, assured the delectable blonde that she had behaved totally appropriately. Of course, Deirdre was also more than willing to administer some serious discipline to Diana, but apparently that had, if anything, stimulated all the more Diana's affection for Deirdre, who certainly enjoyed disciplining but managed to carry out such impositions with an aura of affection and concern for the pupil she was punishing.

Now, after humiliating Diana by taking her temperature rectally and then subjecting her to the insidiously painful punishment of wearing stinging nettles in her knickers, as well as spanking and caning Diana's bottom, Deirdre was enjoying spending the rest of the night enfolded in Diana's arms in bed. Diana clearly enjoyed the cuddling and the closeness, too.

Deirdre had been disciplined in this same suite by Laura upon arriving at the school. Laura, who had been disciplined during her growing up time with her aunt, who had been widowed early, punished her aunt quite memorably, including denial of bathroom privileges during the imposition. This resulted in Deirdre's losing control and having a bowel movement in her knickers, much to Laura's barely-suppressed glee and Deirdre's humiliation at filling her panties. But both understood that Deirdre also had a submissive side that reveled in her niece's shaming her so mightily.

"Dee," Diana whispered in her bedmate's ear, "I so thrilled to your disciplining me here tonight. And I'm so filled with love now as we are here embraced in the other's arms. I feel so warm and loved and happy."

Deirdre too told Diana that she now regarded the youthful prefect as her daughter much as she had effectively adopted her niece Laura. "You also proved your bona fides to everyone, I understand, with the way you conducted yourself so beautifully at the assembly," Deirdre assured her, even though she of course had to add that she wished she could have witnessed the scene in person.

Diana wanted to make Deirdre feel loved, so she set about inserting her index finger between Deirdre's rather broad labia and caressed the inner lips as well as aiming inside for Dee's G-spot. Deirdre grew frantic with anticipation as she had not been very active sexually in recent years so as Diana teased her by avoiding stimulating her now very risen clit, she hankered for the burning fire in that excited organ to be assuaged.

Deirdre began to show all the signs that orgasm was imminent. She bucked her hips and Diana increased the tempo and the power of her fingering, now grazing the glowing clit's tip as Deirdre let herself slip into a kind of frenzy. When she did cum, she felt filled with glowing ardor and grasped her young lover in her ample arms and pressed together.

Diana for her part enjoyed the embrace and the warmth as well as feeling she had done something that her new friend deeply appreciated. The lithe blonde smiled at how happy she had made the brunette, compact Deirdre. Diana was defiantly bisexual, as it happened, and at home she was never in need of male company.

"Tell me," Deirdre said calmly, "a lovely girl like you can have her pick of amazing looking men. Do you find that experience that different?"

"There's a warmth with the right woman," Diana answered with a broad smile, thinking that for her needs, Deirdre was just about perfect. Diana had no need of some gorgeous creature who rivaled her in attraction factor.

After recovering from the excitement to which she had become so unaccustomed, Deirdre directed herself to pleasing Diana. She began to quietly pet the younger woman, moving from her pert breasts down her smooth front to her perfectly-trimmed mons. But Deirdre chose to insinuate her finger further down, inside Diana's cute little anal rosette. She couldn't help wondering if she stimulated her bedmate there, the same result might occur as happened when her niece Laura diabolically teased her Aunt Dee rectally and soon, Deirdre found herself losing control in her panties.

Diana did enjoy the anal stimulation but knew it was highly unlikely that she would disgrace herself as she now understood Deirdre had done with Laura the other night. This was because Diana suffered from regular constipation.

"You should know, Aunt Dee," she said with only a slight show of embarrassment on her fabulous face, "that I'm usually blocked up back there. So you can play with me all you want and if you stick your finger in far enough, you will only get a smudge of 'Didoody' on it," she grinned.

While both women were thoroughly enjoying each other's highly intimate company in bed, Deirdre decided to suggest a brief change of venue. "Do follow me, darling, and we shall see how we can deal with your little situation...with my little enema bulb," she said with a happy look on her countenance.

Diana was not so sure how well she felt about this turn of events. "I have tried that without much success," she confessed, "but I guess it can't hurt anything," she added with a pleasant smile.

A pleasant pang of shame pervaded beautiful Diana's face as she pulled up her skirt and lowered her pretty pink panties before kneeling on the tub with her bottom cheeks lewdly spread. Deirdre couldn't help but be amazed at the gorgeous tableau presented in front of her as she gazed at what seemed a perfect female form.

The older woman filled the small white enema bulb, took a dab of vaseline and gently let her finger slip it into Diana's anal opening, then inserted the nozzle into her tight little hole. Deirdre then began pressing the bulb to inject the solution into Diana's rectum and colon. The bulb was not huge so this was a modest-sized enema. Deirdre figured that even if Diana was blocked, this might do the trick.

Just to prevent embarrassment, Deirdre then softly slipped a small buttplug from her bag into Diana's pretty anus. Diana emitted a sigh of pleasure at this last intrusion.

"I think I'd love your finger turning me on in there sometime," she grinned to Deirdre.

Soon she was amazed to feel the pressure of wanting to expel. She told Dee, who advised her to let it work some more.

Now, Diana really felt the pressure. "Aunt Dee," she began to plead, "you need to let me sit on the toilet. It wants to come out."

Finally, as Dee watched her struggle to retain the solution, Diana fearing that the plug would pop out—an unlikely prospect, Deirdre thought—Dee told Diana to sit on the toilet and Dee reached around and slipped her hand under Diana's bottom and slowly extracted the plug.

It took a moment but then liquid with large pieces began to flow out of Diana's tight hole and she grimaced as she realized that the smell of her expulsion was filling the bathroom.

"I'm so sorry for smelling up your loo," she shyly apologized to Deirdre.

"That's all right, darling," Deirdre replied, "just so long as we've cleaned you out."

Now after Diana was finished, Dee wiped her carefully and treating her as a small child, told her cutely that she could pull up her little panties.


Deirdre found herself really drawn to Diana, but realized she had been seeing the lovely blonde's softer side. She knew from what Laura had told her that Diana had proved herself to be a notably impressive disciplinarian, despite the misgivings she had expressed to Dee in private.

After the two had again enjoyed holding each other warmly in Deirdre's bed, Deirdre looked at her new friend and asked, "Diana, dear, it's time you had a chance to show me how adept you have been in asserting your authority over these returning adults in the classroom.

"Let's say that I'm a returning middle-aged pupil (which of course I am)," Dee went on, "and you have caught me misbehaving in class. The Mistress has turned me over to you and you realize that you will have to discipline me quite seriously in order for her to continue to hold you in high regard."

The two took a few minutes to dress and now Diana was wearing her crisp white blouse and grey flannel skirt, accompanied by her sheer hose and burgundy pumps. Deirdre had put on a schoolgirlish top and skirt of the sort that the returning women tended to prefer for classroom wear over the weekend at school.

"You know you purposely disobeyed the Mistress's direction to pay attention to your work, not gossip with your neighbor," Diana said severely to Deirdre. "So now you are going to be punished, Missy."

The use of the diminutive was intended to bring the middle-aged Deirdre down a few pegs and so it did, for she blushed at the crisp comment by this woman who was so much younger than she was but so clearly capable of assuming the authority that would permit her to embarrass Deirdre greatly.

As Diana stood in what now had become a classroom but only for the two of them, she told Deirdre to climb up on the wooden chair facing the class next to the Mistress's desk. She made Deirdre understand that she was to kneel on the chair, facing front over the back of the chair.

When Deirdre had done that, Diana stood behind her and flipped up Deirdre's skirt, disclosing her regulation green school knickers. "Everyone can see you in your knickers, which is what happens with naughty girls," Diane icily advised Deirdre, as she put her thumbs in the waistband of the knickers and slowly drew them down over Deirdre's ample bottom cheeks.

She pulled the knickers right down over Deirdre's knees and to her ankles. Then she used her cane to poke between Deirdre's thighs and told her to move her legs as far apart as she could while kneeling on the chair.

"And now they all can see your little private places down there," Diana told the increasingly nervous Deirdre. She even took a little poke with her cane at Deirdre's deeply-recessed anal rosette, which led the older woman to flinch at the violation of her most secret place.

"I do hope you had been to the girls' loo," Diana said calmly, "but you know that we do not allow naughty girls to interrupt their punishment with trips to relieve themselves."

Deirdre was fairly confident that she would not shame herself during the punishment, but Diana's insidious threat had undermined her feeling that she could withstand whatever the severe young woman was about to administer to her person. She quietly said she was ready for whatever Diana had in store for her.

"Oh I hope you are," Diana said with a note of disdain in her voice. "You old girls come back here for the weekend and think you are the belles of the ball, but we will put you in your place, of that you may be sure!"

Diana picked up her cane again, and stood behind Deirdre, whose bottom was now trembling with anticipation. Diana stared between Deirdre's spread legs and noticed the hair around the woman's pooching labia and could see the long dark strands of pubic hair through her legs.

She thought to herself, "These middle-aged women are clueless when it comes to grooming themselves in their intimate areas. Perhaps I will tell her that as part of her discipline, she will be shaved down there."

But now she returned to the need to impress Deirdre with old-fashioned discipline. Diana lay her cane across Deirdre's white bottom, drew it back, and expertly applied two crisp strokes quickly to the middle of the bottom. Then she waited to allow the strokes to sink in and for the characteristic red tramlines to appear, which they soon did. Deirdre had tried to restrain herself from crying out, but the second stroke surprised her and she emitted a little scream, more of surprise than outright pain.

Diana continued with definite pauses for impact to apply her cane to Deirdre's bottom, using her two-stroke method to attack first the top of the woman's bottom and then the very sensitive area between Deirdre's bottom and thighs. These last two strokes led Deirdre to cry out again and Diana thought that she had better be ready for the next instalment.

The tall, beautiful prefect now positioned her cane to apply strokes that diagonally went across the horizontal tramlines on Deirdre's bottom. Deirdre took two crisp diagonal strokes on one diagonal, following almost a minute later by two more on the other diagonal. By crossing the lines, Diana was reigniting the sting of the earlier strokes as well as providing new pain, and Deirdre began to sob without the ability to control her crying.

"So now you do know what happens with naughty girls in this class, don't you, Missy?" Diana intoned.

"Yes, Miss Prentice, I surely do and you have taught me an important lesson, thank you," Deirdre blubbered, really feeling the pain of the caning now.

"Well, I hope you have taken this to heart, Missy," Diana continued to address her with a tone of disdain, "because next time, I will be writing about your behavior to your mother, so she can deal with you when you get home from school."

"Oh, please, Miss," Deirdre said plaintively, "I'll be good, I promise."

"I'm sure you will," Diana smiled, as she realized it was fine to wind up this little scene, "and now I'm going to apply some soothing cream to your naughty bottom."

Deirdre asked if she could get up, and when Diana nodded her assent, Dee stood and took off the panties dangling at her ankles, so she could walk unimpeded.

She followed Diana and lay across the bed on her stomach while Diana sat down next to her and started to softly rub some cream into the angry tramline welts that had risen across Deirdre's bottom.

"Now I know why Laura and the others have such respect for you, darling," Deirdre gushed as she felt better with each application of the cream by Diana's fingers to her bottom. Diana reached down with those fingers and began to touch Deirdre right in the furrow between the older woman's wide and puffy labia. Soon her finger insinuated itself right into Deirdre's vagina and Deirdre found herself moving her hips in response to the intense stimulation.

She soon climaxed and Diana smiled as she took Deirdre in her arms and gave her a strong, loving hug. As she hugged her wonderful new friend, she told Deirdre that she had been thinking that it would really be nice were Deirdre to allow her to clean her up in her pubic area.

"Do you mean shave me down there?" Deirdre asked with a modicum of surprise.

"Yes, my dear," Diana answered with a broad smile. "You're too warm and wonderful to have a messy forest down there and I think you will enjoy seeing your lady bits more clearly. So will anyone you choose to make love with, I might add."

Deirdre was uncertain, but in for a penny, she thought. She had decided to accept Laura's invitation to join her at this weekend school and figured that this might indeed add to her newly rejuvenated sexuality that had languished for so long after her husband's demise.

"You're really a nice-looking lady," Diana complimented her, "so let's get you looking like a woman in tune with today."

Smiling her agreement, Deirdre followed Diana to the bathroom where the younger woman sat Deirdre on the closed toilet seat and had her push forward so her pubic area was off the seat and her legs quite well apart.

Diana took the can of shaving cream from her kit bag and after washing Deirdre's intimate area, her mons and all through her legs, applied the cream to the area and rubbed it in softly with the tips of her manicured fingers. When these happened to graze Deirdre's prominent clit, she made little murmurs of pleasure, which Diana enjoyed hearing.

Now she took the razor and carefully wiping the cream off, shaved Deirdre's mons veneris cleanly and then with a very sure touch, removed the hair from the older woman's labia and all along her furrow down through her legs. She even had Deirdre pick up her legs and hold them in what for punishment might have been the diaper position, so that Diana could apply her precise shaving touch to the recessed area around Deirdre's dark bottom-hole.

Finished with the shaving, Diana washed off the remaining shaving cream and soap with her fingers, and applied some skin aftershave cream to the now-tender places where Deirdre had been covered with hair for a long, long time.

"I do feel a bit juvey, sweetie," Deirdre said with a grin, "a middle-aged woman like me now looking like some teenager or trying to resemble a smart young woman like you."

"Nonsense," Diana responded, also grinning. "You will see that both men and women you may find yourself involved with will enjoy seeing you as you are down there. Of course, you watched me so you know how you will do this yourself from here on."

Deirdre was feeling more confident by the moment, even though she still was reeling from the caning Diana had administered. She knew that she would be feeling those strokes for quite some time.

But now she turned to Diana, gave her a long unsolicited kiss on her lips, and thanked her for being such good company and for taking such an interest in her.

"Well, as you know, Dee," Diana answered, "Laura did ask me to look after you and once you responded so wonderfully to my asking you for discipline, everything went along perfectly. Laura does want you to take a class or two as a Mistress and I will be delighted to serve as your trusty prefect."

"Oh that will be glorious," Deirdre exclaimed. "I will so enjoy doing that with you, darling. And just having you with me there will give all the support I will need to measure up to my niece's definitely exacting standards."

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