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Return to "Weekend School" Ch. 12

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Students are made to do their business in front of class.
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Part 12 of the 14 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 03/02/2013
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[This story involves bodily functions, so if that offends you, please read no further. All characters are 18 or over.]


Laura Franklin was highly pleased by the success of her weekend school, now conducted twice monthly, for adults who wished to return to an old-time school reminiscent of their own school days and complete with corporal punishment from female teachers. Melody Haynes, a veteran teacher just over 50, and Ann Smithers, also an experienced teacher at 29, were the lead teachers; Laura, who was 25, and a lovely young woman named Diana Prentice, who was all of 20, were the prefects. Laura's aunt, Deirdre Carmody, also a former teacher, had joined the cadre and had been serving as a disciplinarian when the other teachers decided to refer misbehaving pupils to her.

Melody telephoned Laura during the week to let her know that she was under the weather and would have to skip the forthcoming weekend school session. Laura was a bit anxious as she had 50 pupils signed up for the school. But she thanked Melody for letting her know and wished her a quick recovery. She retained a slight suspicion of Melody, her own former teacher but who had engaged in what turned out to be a wildly unsuccessful effort not long ago to undermine Laura.

Laura had made sure Melody was humiliatingly disciplined upon discovery of her plot to supplant Laura, but all the latter's suspicions were not yet gone. She stopped off at her aunt's home on her way to her own residence. Deirdre Carmody had planned on attending the weekend school but now Laura told her she would serve as a regular classroom teacher along with Ann Smithers.

"I've also assigned Diana as your prefect," Laura said with a smile, knowing that Dee and Diana had become acquainted quite intimately, "as I have seen that the two of you work well together."

Once the weekend began and the pupils, aged between 30 and 50, were in class, the few who had been previously been disciplined by Dee knew she could be severe, while the others saw her as more motherly than Melody, who was correctly perceived as an especially savage disciplinarian.

Some of the pupils seemed to want to test Dee's mettle. Two in the class who were likely the youngest, just over 30, were the first to act up. Kenneth Vane started passing notes to Adele James. Diana was watching from the back of the classroom and came up to both and pulled them by the ear up out of their seats.

"You two will come up with me to the front of the class," she said firmly, as she pulled them along.

She then told Dee that she had caught them passing notes. Adele was made to hand over the note. Diana read it aloud, so Dee could hear but not the class.

"It says, Miss Carmody, 'Our new teacher looks like she's older than Miss Haynes, and probably isn't as strict.' Then, I suspect it was this girl'—pointing to Adele—who answered, 'See what she has on under her skirt.'"

Dee blushed slightly at the naughtiness of the notes. She quickly told both to get up on their knees on the chairs on either side of her desk. Diana knew without being asked what came next.

Both she and Dee stood behind the two and Dee unhooked Kenneth's belt and Diana flipped up Adele's uniform skirt, disclosing her white school panties, which the young prefect ceremoniously lowered to Adele's knees. Then Dee pulled down Kenneth's white boxer shorts. Both were now bare-assed in front of the class. Dee reached into her handbag and took out two butt plugs with tails. She handed one to Diana, put a dab of Vaseline on hers and handed the tube to Diana, who did the same. Then both inserted the plugs into the respective anal openings in front of them.

Both pupils looked quite silly with tails sticking out of their bottoms. Dee whispered instructions to Diana who proceeded to stand behind Kenneth and with her thin cane, gave him four crisp strokes, eliciting screams as the cane was administered with some strength. Diana then gave Adele four equally strong strokes, which also elicited major screaming, and the class could see the red tramlines on their bottom cheeks.

The two were told to remain where they were for the rest of the class. Dee had taught both history and English when an active teacher, so she proceeded with a lesson that focused on British literature of the early 19th century.

Then she announced that she was giving a pop quiz on the material covered in the class, with a recess break to follow. Diana carefully watched the class from the back and after Dee had handed out the quiz and answer sheets, Diana saw Robert Graham peeking to see Frances Henry's test paper.

She came up behind Robert and took away his test paper. She also had him come up to Dee, who told him he would be awarded a grade of zero on the quiz. Frances was unhappy that Robert had gotten into trouble by looking at her paper and she raised her hand and said, "Miss, I don't think he got anything from my paper because I hadn't begun writing down the answers yet. I always read the test before filling out the answer sheet."

Dee told her to stand and responded, "You needn't try to get him off because he was naughty in just looking at your paper. Now you come up here, too."

Frances was surprised at being summoned by the experienced teacher. Dee sat herself down on a straight chair and beckoned Frances with her little finger. The 35-year-old redhead lay across Dee's commodious lap as the teacher flipped up Frances' little school skirt and disclosed a pair of bright red panties.

"These are not regulation, my dear," Dee commented in a soft voice.

"No, they're not, Miss," Frances responded, blushing. "I didn't have any white ones, so I had to wear these."

"You are being spanked for interfering without cause," Dee said firmly. "After that, I will ask Miss Prentice to discipline you for improper uniform. She told Frances to lift herself up and Dee pulled the red panties down and off.

"These are being confiscated for the weekend," she announced, holding them to the class, who tried to stifle natural giggles as Frances's face turned very red—redder than the color of her panties-with shame.

Then Dee began spanking Frances as one would a misbehaving child. She aimed at alternate cheeks and soon Frances was crying out as her bottom grew hotter and redder.

Finally, Dee had her stand and bend over the desk. Robert was ordered to drop his trousers and undershorts and bend over next to her.

Diana came behind both with her thin cane and snapped it over each bottom in turn. She positioned the strokes, giving each a stroke at the top of the bottom, then down near the crease with the thighs, and then across the middle of the bottom cheeks. The two now cried out with each stroke. Diana, looking every bit the gorgeous avenging young angel, now cruelly aimed the cane to crisscross the first three strokes, giving each two strokes in opposite diagonal order. Now the two screamed loudly as the cane again hit the existing sore lines of the earlier strokes.

She then told Robert to pull up his shorts and trousers over his sore and blistered bottom. She flipped Frances' skirt down and now both were sent back to their seats. Diana followed Frances and made sure her bottom made direct contact with the hard wooden seat, with her skirt hanging over the edge. She of course was bare since Dee had taken her offending panties.

Meanwhile, Ann Smithers was next door in her classroom conducting a biology lesson. This was an all-morning class, and just before the pupils expected to be given a recess break, Ann asked in a calm voice if anyone needed to use the lavatory.

The students were surprised, since one of the school rules was that pupils were expected to attend to their bathroom needs before or between classes.

About seven girls were told to come forward after raising their hands. Two girls, Larissa Clement and Jane Kendall, were trying to keep straight faces. Miss Smithers decided to deal with them first.

Very quietly, she asked, appearing to recognize that what she was asking was quite personal, whether each needed to do #1 or #2. She had decided that those terms were the least embarrassing ones she could use.

Both Larissa and Jane were somewhat nonplussed by this question but, while they tried to sound embarrassed, said that they had responded because they did need to do #2 now.

"Can we go now?" Larissa asked, not realizing that she was asking for the teacher to respond harshly at being pushed. "It's...urgent, Miss," she added.

"You will both stand right here," Ann Smithers snapped at both girls.

"Class, I've decided that it will be useful for you to observe a demonstration on how best to perform the daily need to defecate. That means doing #2," she announced.

"These two ladies have indicated that they need to go now, so I will have them demonstrate to you the best posture to assume when using the toilet," she said with a totally impassive demeanor.

Larissa and Jane, both in their 30s and quite attractive, were now totally horrified to see in what scene they had inadvertently volunteered to be the performers.

"Miss," Jane pleaded, "please don't make us do that in front of everyone. It' shameful!"

"It's a perfectly natural function," Ann Smithers said brightly. "I intend to help the class learn to perform it in an easier and more healthful manner."

Then she looked more sternly at the two.

"If you refuse to participate," she said coolly, "you will be reporting to special detention after classes today."

The spectre of being sent to the much-feared, after-school punishment session sobered both Larissa and Jane, and they fell quiet. The other five girls were quietly told to return to their seats.

Ann lay out a plastic covering next to her desk and placed two blocks from behind her desk on it, and now instructed both girls to step into the foot slots on the blocks.

"Now lift your skirts," she ordered, "and lower your panties so they are just below your knees and make sure they stay there by keeping your legs apart."

The girls were facing the front wall, so when Ann stepped behind them and pinned up their skirts, exposing their bottoms, the two thought that at least the class, especially the boys, weren't viewing their frontal anatomy. They did not realize that Ann had so placed them so that the class would be able to see the act as they released their bowel movements.

"Now squat as far down as you can," Ann said, "and hold onto the handles on each side of these blocks in which you are standing."

Both Larissa and Jane now had squatted so that their bottoms were about six inches from the deep saucer-like dish that was implanted in each of the blocks.

"This position simulates the use of what has been called a squat toilet, which has been in common use in many parts of the world, especially Asia, for centuries," Ann lectured. "It permits you to defecate without forcing your movement to move out through a tight constricting part of the anal canal that is straightened in this posture."

"Larissa and Jane," she then said, "hold onto the handles and allow your anal opening to release your bowel movements. They will fall into the dish below, which may be removed after you are finished. Normally, the squat toilet will have a wide-enough hole into which the feces will fall."

Both girls were now sufficiently nervous that they had trouble doing what came most naturally sitting on a regular toilet. But after a few long moments, Larissa found she could relax her anal sphincter and much to her embarrassment and the class's fascination, a long, dark brown movement slowly and then quickly emerged from her pretty bottom-hole.

She uttered a sigh of relief and felt good, even though doing this in front of the whole class, and the boys especially, was horrifying still to her.

Jane took longer as she normally found she had to push to expel her doody, the word she still associated with defecation from her childhood. But she too managed without making audible grunts to push the solid lighter brown log out of her pooching anal rosette, while everyone looked at her ass in amazement.

Ann now handed a few threads of toilet tissue to each girl and bade them wipe themselves and deposit the soiled tissue in the dish below them. Although this was also highly embarrassing to them, both appreciated the chance to clean their bottom-holes and to use the tissue to cover their bowel movements.

"Now stand up, pull up your underpants, and let your skirts down," Ann directed.

She showed them how to release the dish with the movements and the tissue from the toilet block, then told them to take their dishes with them and go with the prefect to deposit them in the girls' room toilets.

Both appreciated the opportunity to leave the classroom after they had suffered such exposure of their most intimate bodily function.

Laura, who was serving as Ann's prefect, escorted them to the girls' room and watched as they deposited the contents of the dishes into the toilets and flushed it all away.

Then she had them rinse out the dishes without touching the inner surface where the feces had fallen and bring those back with them to class. Ann had dismissed the class for recess so the two were spared facing their classmates after what they felt was a terribly shameful experience.

Ann was smiling as Laura returned with Larissa and Jane. She complimented them on their demonstration and said she would award them extra credit for their weekend grades.

Both realized that they had best keep quiet and try to be permitted to go out for recess without further incident. Ann was happy that she had successfully demonstrated something that could help them in life and released them to go out. They both calmly walked out of the classroom.

"That's quite interesting, Ann," Laura commented after their departure. "I suppose it shows that we in the western countries don't know the best ways at times to do simple things."

"Yes, indeed, Laura," Ann responded. "Those girls were horribly embarrassed but none of the pupils watching them will likely forget that they both had their bowel movements without grunting or straining. The science is clear: by squatting you straighten the rectal canal so that much of that stress is eliminated."

When they had finished for the day, Laura, who was quite shy despite her position as the actual head of the school, invited Ann to join her in her well-appointed suite for an end-of-the-day drink. Ann, who was in her very late 20s and unattached, gladly joined her boss.

After serving up two nicely-mixed g-and-t's, Laura smiled at Ann and asked her how she had come to know about the squatting position for defecation and its advantages. Ann answered that when she had been teaching in Asia early in her career, she had been introduced to the squat toilet by some of the local teachers who were not at all embarrassed to demonstrate its use.

"Laura," she explained, "you would have been amazed to observe these well-dressed women readily raise their skirts, hold them up without any problem, pull down their panties below their knees, and lock their legs into these footholds, holding onto the sides as they proceed to pee and then have a bowel movement."

After listening with care, Laura asked if she could show her again how to relieve herself in that squat position. Ann smiled and told her boss: "Fortunately, Laura, I do need to take a dump now."

She found a place in the room where she could place a large bowl under her and hold onto stationary objects that were large enough not to move when she grasped them to balance herself. Then she carefully lifted her skirt and tucked it up into the belt she had on and pulled her white cotton panties down below her knees.

She gradually managed to slip into a full squat over the bowl, then released her urinary sphincter and began to pee. The pee stopped when she was able to allow her anal sphincter to open enough so that a long brown log slid out of her anus. When it had dropped off into the bowl, Ann resumed peeing and Laura handed her some toilet tissue to wipe herself clean front to back.

"I'd better dispose of this in your bathroom," Ann smiled, as she pulled up her panties, let her skirt down, and picked up the bowl with her pee and poo, "unless you want a bowl with doody floating in peepee as décor."

Laura grinned and walked her into the large and well-equipped bathroom where Ann carefully poured the contents into the toilet, flushed, and then rinsed the bowl out thoroughly in the sink.

Ann looked at Laura and even though she knew how dominant Laura was, dared to challenge her boss.

"Laura, I have a feeling you may need to do number two, too," she smiled. "Maybe you'd like to squat and do it in front of me. Have you ever squatted with your panties down and skirt up, and defecated while being observed?"

Laura blushed but recovered her presence and cool. "Yes, Ann," she responded confidently. "I had two brothers and they sometimes got to see me in the bathroom, as I did them."

She took the bowl Ann had used and put it where Ann had placed it on the floor. Then she lifted her lovely tweed skirt and pulled down her stylish pale lime panties to her knees. Finally, she squatted and Ann watched from the rear as Laura's cute little anal rosette pushed out and excreted a long light brown turd. Laura reached for some tissue and wiped herself from front to back and put the soiled paper in the bowl.

Ann decided she had better submit to some embarrassment, too. She offered to empty the bowl for Laura but Laura said she would do it and walked quietly to the bathroom and emptied it.

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