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Getting naked, and more, with college friends.
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This story is a work of fiction. Some real places and institutions are mentioned or implied, but they are used fictitiously here. Insofar as the author knows, no real person affiliated with any of those places or institutions has done anything akin to what is described in this story. Any similarities between any character in this story and any real person are coincidental and unintended. I encourage comments on this story, both favorable and unfavorable. Thank you for reading.


I met Melina Doukas in an econ class fall semester of my sophomore year of college. Melina was very noticeable with her straight black hair, Mediterranean complexion, and tight, athletic figure. My first conversation with her started when she asked me after a class if I had understood something the professor had said. I tried to explain what I thought she had said and got myself so tied in knots that Melina laughed. Her smile and her laugh were captivating. Looking back, I think I fell for Melina at that moment.

Melina and I started dating around the start of second semester. Melina was on the school's swim team, and I was a football player. We stayed together throughout undergrad. Both of us did well academically. Melina got into the MBA program at a prestigious business school in Chicago. Surprisingly, at least to me, I got into a law school in Chicago. We lived together in a North Side apartment. We married the summer after Melina got her MBA.

Melina's MBA was a two-year program. After graduation, she got a job in the finance and accounting department of a large hospital group in Tampa, Florida. My third year of law school was the first time Melina and I had been apart in over four years. I had a cold and lonely year finishing my J.D. and finding a job in Tampa. Eventually, I landed an in-house position with a company there.

The only person I knew when I got to Tampa was Melina. She had been there almost a year already and had developed some friendships. Melina was particularly good friends with another woman who worked in the hospital's administration. Carol Shuster was about six years older than us and was senior to Melina in the company. Melina didn't report to Carol, but the two women had offices close to each other and frequently lunched together. Shortly after I arrived in Tampa, Melina and I went out to dinner with Carol and her husband David.

Carol was an attractive woman with blonde hair, blue eyes, a rather large chest and long, nicely-shaped legs. David was tall with broad shoulders. Carol and David both appeared to be very fit. I learned that David was Dr. Shuster, a vascular surgeon. Despite being a few years older than us and in higher status positions, Carol and David were unpretentious and genuinely enjoyable people to be around. Melina and I socialized with the Shusters frequently.

I moved to Tampa in June. One Monday evening the following May, Melina said over dinner, "I had lunch with Carol today." That was hardly news. "Carol had never mentioned it to me before," Melina continued, "but today she told me about a place she and David go to often on weekends north of town. They're going next weekend and invited us to go with them."

"What kind of place is it?" I asked.

"It's a resort," Melina said, "called Caliente."

I had never heard of it. "Do you want to go?" I asked. Carol and David were pleasant people. I could manage a weekend with them.

"I'm not sure," Melina replied.

"Why aren't you sure?" I asked.

"Well," Melina said, "Caliente is a nudist resort. Clothing optional they call it but Carol said everyone there goes nude."

I hadn't remotely expected that. I'd heard there were nudist resorts in Florida but Carol and David seemed too establishment to be the kind of people I thought went to such places. "I understand the dilemma," I said.

Melina reached into her purse and pulled out a folded color brochure. "Carol gave me something about the place," Melina said. We unfolded it on our small dinner table. There were several pictures showing tennis courts, an elaborate pool, and an pleasant bar. There were people in the pictures. The people weren't showing anything, but you could tell they were naked.

We both looked at the brochure silently for a couple of minutes. "It looks like a nice place," Melina said hesitantly. "I checked," she added, "the weather's supposed to be nice this weekend."

"Do you want to go?" I asked with some surprise.

"I don't know," Melina said again. "Carol said she and David love the place and she thinks we would too. She said that going there and taking off your clothes is like entering another world. All the stress about work, money, and everything else just vanishes while you're there. That's what she said."

Melina sounded more interested in going to a nudist resort than I would have expected. I asked again, "do you want to go?"

"I don't know," Melina said a third time. "Being in a place with people, including two people we know pretty well, and being naked is scary, but it's also exciting." Melina paused. She looked at me with her gorgeous face and brown eyes. "If I said I want to go," she asked, "would you go?"

I sensed this was a big moment in our relationship. Neither of us had ever said a flat "no" to something the other wanted to do. In part, that was because we had a lot of common interests. However, it was a basic premise of our relationship that we each trusted the other's judgment. If I really wanted to do something, Melina trusted that I had a good idea and a good reason; and I trusted Melina's judgment the same way. Telling Melina "no" if she decided we should go to the nudist resort with Carol and David would be rejecting that premise. "Of course," I said, "if this is something you want to do, I'll do it with you."

Melina broke out her 100,000-kilowatt smile. "So," she said, "if I decide I want to run around naked, you'll get naked too and let Carol and a bunch of strange women see your dick and balls?"

"Well," I replied, "David and the other guys will be seeing your bare tits, ass, and cunt."

"Yeah," Melina said, "Carol and David and everyone else there would see every bit of both of us." The way she said it made it sound like a good thing.

Melina and I both left work early that Friday. Packing for the weekend was a challenge. If we would be naked most of the weekend, what clothes should we bring? We settled on one outfit each in addition to what we were wearing. Our rationale was to have something clean to wear for dinner. I also stuck a pair of shorts, swim trunks, and an old law school tee shirt in my duffel bag.

We were going to ride to the resort with Carol and David. We met them at their home in one of the nicer parts of Tampa. They were dressed normally for a Friday afternoon in Florida in May. I don't know what I had expected. During the drive, Carol and David went over some basic rules of etiquette, like always sitting on towel. "Some nudists will tell you it's impolite to look at other people," David said.

"Which we think is crap," Carol added. "If you don't want people to see you nude, don't go nude around other people. I'm not ashamed of my body. I like my body and want other people to see it. Being seen is part of the fun."

"Seeing other nude people is fun too," David said. "People who go nude take better care of themselves so they will look good with nothing on. You will see many attractive nude women this weekend."

"And attractive nude men," Carol added. There was a moment's silence. From the back seat, I saw Carol look at David. He nodded his head quickly. "I've known Melina for about two years now and the four of us have been together a lot since Peter moved down last year," Carol said. "David and I like the two of you very much. We're looking forward to seeing you naked and you seeing us naked."

What Carol said brought home the reality that, in not too many minutes, the four of us would be together completely nude. Carol and David would be looking at Melina's and my nude bodies. Oddly, that sounded exciting. As if reading my mind, Melina reached out, took my left hand in hers, and smiled. Melina was telling me she was nervous but excited.

Walking to our rooms after check in took us past part of the pool. It was a warm Friday afternoon and there were a lot of people around the pool. Everyone I could see was, indeed, naked. "We'll go up to the rooms and strip off then come back and have drinks by the pool," David said. I watched as Melina swept her eyes over the pool and then looked at me. I knew she was thinking, as was I, that we'd soon be two of the naked people by the pool. I wasn't sure how Melina felt about that now that the reality was confronting her.

Our room was nice with a balcony that overlooked the pool. We stepped onto the balcony, still dressed. After looking down at the naked people, Melina put her arms around me and kissed me. "We came here to get naked," she said. "We might as well do what we came for."

"No second thoughts?" I asked.

"I'm nervous as hell," Melina said. "I was brought up to keep my tits, ass, and vag covered. But I really want to do this. I want us to stand together naked while Carol and David look at us." She swept her left arm in the direction of the pool. "See all those people down there? Would they really be having as much fun if they had swimsuits on?"

We went into the room and undressed. We spread sunscreen all over each other. We grabbed towels and I grabbed our room keycard. I opened the door for Melina. She stepped outside wearing only flip-flops. I followed as naked as Melina.

Carol and David were waiting for us on the walkway. My first thought was that Carol did, indeed, look particularly good naked. Her full breasts look natural. Her stomach curved out only slightly. She had no pubic hair so I could see a part of her vaginal lips.

My next thought was that I was very happy to be there naked with Melina, Carol, and David. Stepping out of the room into a public space with no clothes on felt like breaking out of a box I hadn't realized I was in. I suddenly felt very free. I looked at Melina. She had a look of pure joy on her face. We hugged. Melina's body against mine always felt great.

After we broke our hug, Carol asked "Glad you came?"

In unison, Melina and I both enthusiastically said "Yes!"

You two look wonderful naked," David said.

"Thank you," Melina replied.

"You guys look pretty good too," I said.

"Thank you," Carol replied. Gesturing towards her mound, she said, "I don't always shave down there, but I do before we come here. It makes me feel more naked and exposed. I love that feeling."

"I just saw some chairs open up," David said. "Let's go!"

Walking downstairs to the pool should have been nerve-wracking. I was very conscious of the fact that I was naked; that my dick and balls were on display to anyone who looked. Instead, it was liberating. After years of being taught to cover parts of my body, here I was in public with everything exposed. Not only me, but Melina and everyone else I saw was exposed. No one seemed ashamed or upset about that. To the contrary, everyone appeared to be having a wonderful time. Additionally, being naked felt great. The sun and breeze on parts which had always been covered was wonderful.

We put our things on four lounge chairs about three rows back from the pool. "You boys sit down," Carol said. "Melina and I can get the drinks." Looking around, I noticed that the crowd seemed to range in age from Melina's and my age up to people I guessed were in their seventies. The crowd was predominantly, but not exclusively, white. One seeming common factor was that everyone seemed more or less fit. I didn't see anyone who was obese.

I shifted my gaze from the crowd to Melina and Carol standing at the bar with their bare backs and asses towards us. As I watched, each woman picked up two drinks. They turned and started walking back to us. I had seen Melina naked many times before; but never outdoors in full sun with a lot of other people around. Although we'd been together about almost nine years by that point, it was like I was seeing her for the first time. Melina was at her most beautiful nude in the sunshine. Widening my focus a little, I realized I wasn't the only one watching Melina and Carol.

I was sitting sideways on the lounge chair. Melina handed me my drink and sat down next to me. David was stretched out on another lounge. Carol gave him his drink and sat on one of his thighs, facing Melina and me. I could tell Melina was excited.

"You know," Melina said, "walking to the bar is such a simple act. I'm amazed how much fun it was to do it with no clothes on."

"We thought you'd feel that way," Carol said. "That's why we invited you. Peter, how do you feel?"

"I feel a lot happier than I expected," I said. "I've known Melina is gorgeous from the first time I met her, but I never realized how beautiful she is until I saw her naked in the sunshine a moment ago."

"Peter," David said, "does Melina look better naked or with clothes on?"

"Naked!" I said, "No question!"

We sat by the pool and talked, drank, and looked for over an hour. Then, an attractive slender woman and a thin, wiry man approached us. I guessed them to be about David's age. "David," the woman said, "you didn't tell us you were coming this weekend!"

"We weren't sure our guests were going to accept our invitation and we might not have come if they hadn't," David replied. "Lucy, Mark, I'd like you to meet our friends Melina and Peter Warren." Melina and I stood up. We shook hands with the couple.

"I'm Lucy Bratton," the woman said, "and this is my husband, Mark."

"Lucy is a cardiologist in the group David practices with," Carol said.

Lucy got a slightly naughty look on her face. "You know how you sometimes wonder what one of your co-workers looks like naked?" she said. "David and I don't have that problem. We know what each other look like naked."

Nodding at our drinks, Mark said, "it looks like you're taking the afternoon off. We're going to go work out. Dinner later?"

With a mock pout on her face, Carol said, "I'd love to but I don't have anything to wear."

"What you've got on now will do just fine," Mark said. "That outfit looks wonderful."

"Melina, Peter," Lucy said, "you'll join us for dinner too, won't you?"

"If nude is the dress code, we'd love to join you," Melina said.

To David, Lucy said, "I thought you said you weren't sure your friends would come. They seem enthusiastic to me."

"We're out of our clothes now," I said. "The hurdle was thinking beforehand about being naked around others."

"That's true," Mark replied. "Lucy and I have brought a few couples here who hadn't gone nude before, and we've had people sailing with us...."

"We don't allow clothes on our boat," Lucy interjected.

"They've all been anxious about getting naked that first time," Mark continued, "but, once they are naked, they don't want to get dressed again."

I won't bore you with a detailed account of our first visit to a nude resort. Suffice to say that Melina and I both loved it. I should add that, when we got back to our room that first night, Melina and I had one of the best and longest lovemaking sessions we'd had in months. Going nude all day and evening with other nude people re-energized our physical passion for each other.

We went back to Caliente with Carol and David nine more times that year, and we got to sail Tampa Bay in the buff with Lucy, Mark, Carol, and David. Lucy and Mark really didn't allow clothes on their boat. They had an understanding with the marina. We all stripped in the parking lot and left our clothes in the car. "The other people who keep their boats here are very tolerant," Lucy explained.

"No," Mark said, "we just bring attractive guests like Carol and Melina. The guys who own the other boats like seeing beautiful nude women."

"Just the guys who own other boats?" Lucy asked. "You like seeing nude women too."

"Yes," Mark said. "Fortunately, I'm married to a very beautiful woman who goes nude a lot."

By the first anniversary of our first visit to Caliente, Melina and I were comfortable enough to go there without Carol and David. We'd made friends with other people we met at the resort. As long as weather permitted and we wouldn't get in trouble, Melina and I strongly preferred being naked to having clothes on.

For most of undergraduate school, Melina and I had been part of a pretty tight group with two other couples. Unusually, all three couples were still together. Our friends were still in the Midwest. Being in Florida and working hard, Melina and I didn't see our friends very often; although we had been in both of the other couples' weddings and both couples had been in ours.

Kurt Mueller had been a football teammate of mine. Melina had introduced Kurt to one of her swimming teammates: Gwen Johnson. Kurt's father owned a very successful real estate development company in Cleveland. Kurt was being groomed to succeed his dad. Gwen worked in the company's HR.

Jack Cardwell had been a pitcher on the university baseball team. I don't we met Jack. Gwen introduced Jack to a girl on the tennis team who had roomed with Gwen as a freshman: Sandy Locker. While Melina, Gwen, and Sandy were all beautiful, Sandy had the distinction of being the only blonde. Jack and Sandy had both become teachers and coaches. Jack coached baseball and taught at a public high school in a Columbus suburb. Sandy coached tennis and taught at a private school connected to some church.

In January of my fourth year in Tampa, Melina and I each got e-mail from Kurt. His parents had a secluded "cabin" in the mountains of East Tennessee. Kurt and Gwen would be using it during the first week of August. Sandy, Jack, Melina, and I were invited to join them. "I'm giving you almost eight months' notice," Kurt wrote. "Clear your schedules. We need to get the gang together again before we all start having kids." A series of "Reply All" responses confirmed that all six of us would be there.

Kurt and Gwen went to the cabin a couple of days early to get things ready. Melina and I flew into Knoxville, met Sandy and Jack, and rented a car. About an hour and a half later, we had successfully negotiated some very windy two-lane roads and arrived at the Mueller's "cabin." In fact, it was a very spacious three story house built partly into a hillside surrounded by woods. About 200 yards downhill from the house was a cove of a lake. Kurt said the main body of the lake was about two miles long, running southwest to northeast, and varied from a half mile to three quarters of a mile across. The only other houses built around the lake were up at the northeast end. They weren't visible from the Mueller "cabin."

Kurt and Gwen and then Jack and Sandy had gotten married the same summer Melina and I married. We hadn't seen them since those weddings. I remembered Gwen and Sandy as being extremely attractive. Seeing them again, I realized my memory had understated their beauty. While Melina was, in my opinion, the most beautiful woman alive; Gwen and Sandy were not far behind.

The evening we arrived, Kurt grilled burgers. Reverting to college habits, we drank a bit more than we probably should have. Having not seen each other in some time, most of the conversation was updating each other about our current lives.

After a few glasses of wine, Melina let slip that she and I had started going regularly to a nude resort near Tampa. That brought the conversation to a halt. After a moment's silence, Sandy asked, "Do you two take your clothes off when you go there?"

Realizing she had slipped, Melina became a bit defensive. "Yes," she said rather sharply. "The whole point of going there is to be naked."

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