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Brooke is subjected to a gang bang.
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To say that my life was looking up would be an understatement. I had recently graduated from college with a degree that gained me my career job with an advertising agency as a Copywriter, a stepping stone to my career goal in that industry. I have graduated from several sexual experiences with, what I firmly believed, a healthy grounding for the future, I knew what I wanted from a man and was determined to get it.

I had my twenty fifth birthday the week that I started work. I am about five seven, weigh ninety pounds, and my most prominent feature, apart from a clear, dark complexion and large brown eyes, was my boobs, only just contained by a C cup.

I have been with Inchcliffe Advertising for six months now and have settled into my job, and have been accepted by my co-workers, to the extent that my creative input is taken seriously. I have also begun a relationship with Peter Parker, no not Spiderman, one of the creative directors.

Pete is a great guy, funny, outgoing, all of the things that you would expect from a creative person, so it came as something of a surprise when I heard, just after I started with Inchcliffe that he had been dumped by his latest girlfriend. Nothing in our relationship gave any clues to why he was dumped, he was kind, attentive to my feelings, generous with gifts, he took me to good restaurants, and best of all, he was a great lover.

I was just finishing off an assignment when he poked his head over the partition of my little cubicle. "Hi Brooke, are you coming for drinks with the crew after work?"

"Sure, I'm just finishing up, I'll be ready to go in five." I hastily stacked my work in progress into my in tray and grabbed my coat. I took a quick look at myself in the mirror I kept in my top drawer, touched up my makeup and stood up, ready for the night ahead which meant a couple of drinks at some bar with the rowdy crew from work, a dinner in a quiet restaurant and the night with Pete at his apartment, for which I was prepared, a backpack containing my essentials, clean underwear and the usual potions that we girls use to beautify ourselves.

The bar was crowded, it was noisy, it was chaotic and it was fun. There were creative people from several other agencies in this traditional advertising watering hole, and the good natured banter flowed almost as freely as the alcohol. Pete had bought me a Vodka breezer that I was sitting on. I have developed the ability to sit on a drink for longer than anyone that I knew, because I found that I was able to think straight for longer, not like some of the others here tonight who were intent on getting wasted big time.

We had been there for an hour when Pete suggested that it was time to move on. We said our farewells and left them to their devices. Knowing glances followed us out of the bar.

The dinner that followed was a formality and I followed Pete to his apartment, parking on the street rather than in his car park, reasoning that if his flat mate came home he would not block me in, and I had to leave early to get to the gym before the crowds, a ritual that I kept up that ensured that I maintained my good figure. We sat on a leather chesterfield watching a video on his large plasma, I was sipping on a wine while Pete was on his second brew.

The DVD finished and the credits began to roll, Pete got up and took it out of the player and filed it away with his others. He opened a drawer and took another DVD from its case. "I've got something you might be interested in, it's sexy." He placed it in the tray and operated the remote. The screen burst into life with what was the lead up to a porn film, a young girl was knocking on a door, she was wearing an impossibly short skirt, a top that concealed nothing, incredibly high heeled shoes that she was having difficulty walking in and nothing else. I had to admit that I was curious on several levels, not the least of which was Pete's motivation.

He sat down next to me and draped his arm over my shoulder, drawing me closer.

On the screen the door was opened by an older man who beckoned the young girl inside. He went through some sort of ritual where he asked her several questions about her age, expressing fake surprise that she was eighteen, if she had any experience at 'modelling', what she wanted to achieve in life and eventually getting around to the topic of sex. After establishing that she was not a virgin and that she had no current boyfriend, he asked her to remove her top. With feigned reluctance she complied, revealing a pair of pert young and still natural breasts.

The girl was asked to turn around, which she did. She was then asked to take off her skirt and thong. She stood facing the camera holding her hands 'coyly' in front of her, hiding her pussy. The man moved to her and the camera panned around her. She was asked to bend over and show her ass. A hand reached out and grabbed a cheek and squeezed it and appropriate comments as to the beauty and firmness of the girl's young ass were made. A finger was slipped between her legs and caressed her pussy, its tip entering inside. The girl made no move to escape the intrusion.

She was then introduced to a naked man who stood in front of her with his impressive eight inches of cock standing rigidly in front of him. The girl immediately dropped, as she had rehearsed, on her knees in front of him and began to suck his cock. The man put a hand behind her head and pushed his cock deep inside her mouth, causing her to gag on it.

The scene moved to a couch and the girl was on her hands and knees with her ass up in the air and the man pumping away at her pussy. Into frame came four other naked men who stood around stroking their cocks, waiting their turn. I was stroking Pete's cock and his hand was between my legs, his finger in my pussy.

I heard the front door open and Pete's flat mate entered followed by three of his mates. "Hi, you two, what are you watching. Don't tell me you're watching porn? Hey guys, would you get a look at what these two are watching!" They all sat down at looked at the screen.

One of the men on the screen took the girl's hand and wrapped her fingers around his cock. She stroked it for several minutes before taking it into her mouth and sucking on it.

Quick scene change. The girl was now straddling the first guy and he was pumping in and out of her pussy. One of the other men moved behind her and licked her ass before pushing his cock into her asshole, there was no sound of protest from the girl, obviously someone had been there before. Apart from that it would be hard to cry out with a mouth full of cock.

With encouragement from the male members of the audience in the room the men changed positions, each taking turns to fuck either her pussy, her ass, or her mouth. Hands fondled her tits keeping her nipples hard while Pete's hand fondled mine, seemingly oblivious to the other people in the room.

The video was approaching its climax. After several more minutes of on screen fucking, the young girl was ordered to her knees and the men stood around her, taking it in turns to come on her. Some of the cum went in her mouth, some in her eyes, some in her hair while the rest was splattered on her breasts. The girl was made to poke her tongue out and show the camera a splodge of cum on it before she swallowed it. She then smeared the remaining cum into her face, onto her breasts and stomach before waving to the camera with a smile on her face. For someone who was supposedly experiencing her first gang bang she seemed happy with herself, not just because she was being well paid for her efforts.

Pete leaned towards me and whispered in my ear, "Have you ever thought of doing that?"

I wasn't about to tell him that I had experienced a three way at college. "No, not really. This is the first time that I've seen anything like this and, while I've heard of this sort of thing, I've never really thought about getting involved." I knew what was going to happen next and my mind went through the available options, I could say no but I had the feeling that that would only delay the inevitable outcome, I would either be dumped by Pete, something that would hurt for a short time, or I would be subjected to ongoing pressure to comply, that would hurt even longer, or I could take control of the situation, and that would give me great satisfaction.

"What do you think?" Five pairs of eyes waited for my answer.

"What do I think? What do you expect me to think? I think that whole video was a fake. That girl was more than eighteen years old, she has had experience with that sort of action. I am twenty five and I haven't experienced that sort of thing. Now I can take this two ways, I can walk out of here never to return or I can put myself through this experience as part of my sexual development. I am going to choose the latter, but it will be on my terms and you can take it or leave it. What is it to be guys?"

Pete looked astonished but pleased, the others couldn't believe their luck, they were all about to fuck a sexy woman. "What are your terms?" Pete seemed cautious.

"My terms are this. I will fuck you all and I will suck you all, but," I paused for effect, "I will not swallow cum, I will not allow anal, I will not allow facial cum shots or you cumming on my tits or anywhere else other than in my cunt. You will all cum inside me but there is a condition on that as well. When you cum your cock will be pushed as far as possible inside my cunt, no pulling out to cum at the entrance, and there will be no cleaning up after each cum, you will leave it where it is. If you don't accept this I'm out of here, if I feel cum anywhere but where I have specified, I'm out of here, if I feel a cock anywhere near my ass, I'm out of here, if anyone refuses to fuck me that's the end of it, I'm out of here. There it is, take it or leave it."

Pete sat there with his mouth open, the girl that he took to be so innocent was not only placing conditions on what they had planned for this evening, but she was talking dirty in a way that he hadn't thought possible. What he didn't realise was that I knew as soon as his mates had arrived that the whole thing had been a set up. Now I knew why his last girlfriend had dumped him.

"Come on Pete, say yes." His mates were urging him to accept my conditions.

"All right, let's do it." He started to strip, he didn't even bother to help me to undress, leaving that to me. I quickly stripped and lay down on the leather chesterfield with my legs apart in invitation. Pete had right of possession so he climbed between my legs and pushed his cock into me. One of the others stood beside my head so I took his cock into my mouth and sucked it while the others stood around, stroking their cocks.

I decided to go the whole porn route and began to grunt and groan and move my hips in time to Pete's lunges. After about ten minutes of this I spat the cock out of my mouth, "Come on, give it to me, give it to me, fill me up with your cum, I'm going to cum, fill me, fill me with your cum, oh God, here I cum!" I pushed myself down hard on his cock as he erupted, filling me with his cum.

"Next! I want more, give me more, who's next to fuck me?" Pete got off me and another guy climbed on board. I found another cock to suck and we resumed our fucking and sucking. The guy inside me was slightly bigger than Pete but he was less subtle in how he went about it, obviously assuming that size was everything. He was pumping away like this was his last chance to fuck someone, grunting with each thrust to emphasise his efforts.

I could feel Pete's cum being forced out around his cock as he thrust in and out of me. It took him all of fifteen minutes to reach his climax and I let them all know that he was the best fuck that I had ever had, a lie as it happens, and I felt his cock deep inside me as he unloaded his cum. I was full to overflowing, but I was ready for the next.

"I want her doggy style." So I obliged, I was on my hands and knees with my ass in the air which was even fitting in with my plans, less cum would leak out than if I was lying on my back. He climbed up behind me and shoved himself inside me, grunting as he pushed into me. He wasn't as thick as the last one but he was slightly longer, I could feel the head further inside me than either Pete or the other guy had achieved. I was given another cock to suck while this was happening, it was a clean one so I knew that it wasn't Pete's or the other guy's.

The guy in my cunt had stamina, I'll give him that, he lasted longer than the two previous guys and when he came there seemed to be more cum inside me than before. My cream pie was beginning to ooze from my cunt on its own, I made no attempt to push it out, I wanted as much to stay there as possible. "Okay, who's next?"

The fourth guy climbed onto the chesterfield and was about to push his cock into me when he stopped. "You are kidding me, I'm not shoving my cock into that, it's full of cum, it's so full of cum that it's leaking out. I don't mind sloppy seconds but this is disgusting. No way José! Forget it!" he climbed off the sofa.

"How about you? Do you want to fuck me?"

"Nah, I think I'll give it a miss too."

"Why are you doing this?" Pete asked me. "What is with you?"

"I'll tell you what is with me! That video you showed was disgusting! It was degrading to women, it pandered to the prurient interests of men and gave little consideration to the feelings of women. I know that the girl was probably being paid well for her efforts and I don't have a problem with that. What I do have a problem with is the subject matter. How any supposedly normal man could think that that was in any way acceptable behaviour is beyond me." I stood up and a flood of cum poured out of my cunt all over Pete's precious Persian rug. I slipped my skirt and top on without underwear, I just wanted to get out of here. I picked up my clothes and backpack and Pete's shirt and headed for the door. Before opening the door I used Pete's shirt to wipe the cum from between my legs, throwing it at him before I left. "I'll see you at work on Monday Pete, and if you mention a word about what happened here tonight I will nail your ass to the wall, understood?"

I didn't pause for his answer, slamming the door shut behind me. I could feel them watching me through the window so I walked to my car with head held high, while inside me the relief at getting away with what I had just done was sending tremors through my body.

I had just driven three blocks when I was overcome by emotion, I had to stop driving before I had an accident. I sat there with my hands grasping the steering wheel and my head resting on my forearms. The tears that had been welling up inside me burst out in torrents, my body was wracked in sobbing relief.

There was a tap on my window and I looked into the eyes of a policeman. "Are you alright Miss?"

I was about to be sarcastic and ask him if I looked alright but bit my tongue. "I'll be fine in a few minutes." Even I wasn't convinced with the answer.

"Do you want to tell me what's upsetting you?"

"No, not really." Yeah, right! What I really wanted to do was to unload my emotions on anyone and everyone that would listen.

"Look, I don't think it would be safe for you to drive, and I can't leave you here now can I? So what do you say if I were to drive you home in your car and my partner will follow in the patrol car, that way I can't be sure that you get home safely."

"All right." I climbed out and walked around to the passenger side while he went to speak to his partner. He slid into the driver's seat and started the engine giving me the chance to get a look at him. He was cute, and it would be just my luck to find that he was in a long term relationship, or even married, although there was no ring to be seen, not that the lack of a ring is any reliable indication of singledom.

"So what really upset you?"

"I just walked out on my boyfriend." I wasn't about to unburden myself on a cop who might decide that it would be chivalrous for him to take it further, something I didn't want.

"What did he do to you?" Shit, he isn't about to let up until he knows the whole story.

"Oh we had a difference of opinion about sex, I wasn't comfortable with what he proposed." That was about as non-committal as I could manage.

"And he wouldn't accept that, so you walked."

"That's pretty much how it happened. Turn left here." I indicated my street.

We drove in silence the rest of the way, thirty seconds of silence. He parked the car in my spot and we got out. "Would you and your partner like to come up for a cup of coffee?" I was hoping that he'd decline, but on second glance I changed my mind.

"Sure, why not." The patrol car pulled up at the kerb and the driver got out. It was a woman, a young woman, a young attractive woman. She walked towards us. "We've been invited in for coffee." I noticed his name badge that said that he was Robert Sayers. He caught my glance. "The name's Rob and my partner is Suzie."

My look asked the question for me, he gave a quick shake of his head in answer to the question, it was then that I noticed the ring on Suzie's finger, she was married.

I led the way to my apartment and ushered them inside. They sat at the table while I busied myself with the coffee and cookies.

"Okay, now tell me exactly what happened tonight, and don't give me that bullshit about just walking out on your boyfriend over some differences that you have between you about sex. There's more to it than that."

So I explained what had happened, how Pete had set it up for his mates to arrive just after the porn video had started, and how I was disgusted by what was on the video, how I thought that it debased women.

"So what did you do? Did you just get up and walk out?"

"Not straight away."

"Tell us all, you did something to them didn't you?" Suzie was taking an interest in what had happened.

"Well, I decided that I'd let them fuck me but on my terms."

"Which were?"

I explained the terms and my reasons for demanding them. I wanted to turn the tables on them, to get them to realise what it felt like to be wallowing in cum, to end up with cum all over them. I told them about the cum on the chesterfield, the cum on Persian rug and Pete's shirt, Suzie was grinning at me. "Good for you Girl."

Rob was looking at me with a funny look on his face as if he didn't know whether to applaud my efforts or feel some sympathy for the guys, applause won. "Where does Pete live?"

"I don't want it taken any further."

"That's why I asked, I think we might just pay a little visit to Pete just to be sure that it goes no further." They left soon after.

"That's the end of it then." I thought. I was wrong. At seven in the morning, just as I was surfacing from a troubled sleep, there was a knock on my front door. My immediate thoughts were that it was Pete coming to bawl me out for what I had done to him. Getting out of bed, I slipped on a robe and headed for the door. I opened it to find a grinning Rob, a not in uniform Rob. "Oh Hi. What can I do for you?"

He held out the hand that had been behind his back revealing some eggs and a package of bacon. "You can make us breakfast while I tell you what happened last night."

"Do I have a choice?"

"No, none at all. I'll just stay here until you let me in."

I let him in and, to say that I made breakfast for him wasn't entirely true. It was a joint effort, He did the eggs and bacon while I did the toast and coffee. "Now what were you going to tell me?"

"Well, Suzie and I went around to Pete's place and to say that he is pissed off with you would be putting it mildly. His mates had left and he was busy trying to remove the cum from the rug, without a lot of success and we weren't about to help. We explained to him in the strongest of terms that if he was even thinking about making a big thing of what had happened we would be around to lean on him, and that went for his mates as well. By the time we finished with him he needed to change his shorts.


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