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Rekindling long forgotten feelings.
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All comments and feedback are gratefully received - As this is my first submission I'm hoping the feedback will encourage improvements in my work. This is a work of fiction from the deep dank recesses of my mind and any resemblance to real people is purely accidental.

This story depicts lesbian sex, if this not to your liking, please visit some of my other submissions, otherwise I hope you enjoy.


Simone loved her job, children were her life and she had progressed from Teacher to Mother, Mother back to Teacher and finally Teacher to Headmistress. Her professional life had exceeded her expectations, sadly her personal life didn't match it. She had married straight out of Uni, started a career in Teaching, had two boys and then went back to work. The boys were growing into fine young men, and she was proud of the job she had in raising them, mainly while her husband was busy with his work. It was that work that ultimate split the two of them and they were going through an amicable separation.

She had started a tradition of welcoming new children to the school herself. The staff were there anyway, and they would be the ones to nurture them, but Simone always liked to do something special on their first day in a strange environment. Today there were three such children and the only girl of the three was cowering behind her Mum's legs while watching what was transpiring in the classroom -- the sign of a budding intellect in Simone's eyes.

However, it was Mum that made Simone stop in her stride as she stood up. Mum was beautiful with long flowing blonde hair, jeans cut to accentuate her slim waste and the most angelic smile that Simone had ever seen. With a purposeful action, Simone had to snap out of her revere and return to planet earth. She strode up to the goddess and extended her arm saying, "I'm Simone, I'm the headmistress here" looking down at the little girl, Simone crouched down and smiled saying "And little miss beautiful must be Annabelle?"

The little girl nodded making both Mum and Simone smile broadly. Mum made to move out of the way but Annabelle clung to her legs and so she replied "Hello, I'm Jade, and this is indeed Annabelle or Belle as we like to call her. Would you believe you can't shut her up most of the time?"

Simone stayed crouched down and extended her hand saying, "Come on why don't we go play with some of the sand toys". Both adults were amazed when Belle reached her hand and calmly walked beside Simone with Mum in tow. Simone had purposely buddied Belle up with another girl and the two were quickly playing with the toys in the sand box. Simone stood and with a nod of her head steered Jade away so the adults could talk "What an absolute sweety she is. I bet she is the apple of her parent's eyes?"

Jade shuffled nervously and looked down at her feet as she mumbled "Mummies yes. When daddy found out I was pregnant he couldn't get out of dodge quick enough."

Simone reached her hand over to touch Jade's arm and replied "I'm sorry. After all these years I shouldn't assume."

Jade looked back up and smiled "Don't apologise. We're both better off without him, he was a scumbag, and at least my parents are there to support us, so she still gets a Paternal influence in her life. Oh, before I forget, I have the form I was asked to fill in. Who do I give it to?"

Simone took the form saying "I'll take care of that. Just let me check it over... "she tailed off as she read through the details "Oh you live just around the corner from me, how nice. Did they explain that as a single mother you qualify for a selection of grants so that Belle doesn't get left out -- clothes, books, even a laptop for some applicants. It is yet another form to fill out though."

Jade's face portrayed a mixture of puzzlement and dread as she replied "No, no-one has mentioned anything about any grants but I'm not sure I fancy the idea of more forms. That one there I understand to get Belle set up but I'm not sure about any others."

Simone held her hand up in defeat saying "I wouldn't mention it if it weren't worth it" she then lowered her voice conspiratorially "It's especially worth it if someone you know -- say a near neighbour -- gave you some pointers of the right things to say on the application. Did you have some time now?"

Jade shook her head "Sadly no, my employers have allowed me enough time to get Belle settled and I doubt I'll be back before you're closed -- my dad's doing the afternoon pick up for me. I'd offer to nip round your house but if it takes a while Belle will get restless and heaven knows what kind of destruction she'll do" Jade left the sentiment hanging in the air hoping Simone would offer to visit Jade.

"Why don't I pop around yours one night in the week" replied Simone. She wanted to help most people, but a single mom was a suitably deserving case.

'Bingo' thought Jade before she replied "Oh that would be wonderful. I'll cook us something to say thank you -- I'm afraid my culinary skills are trained towards the tastes of a five year so I can't promise it will be anything adventurous."

Simone was secretly glad of the company and so replied "I'm not master chef myself so I won't judge. I'm at a loose end on Friday, does that work for you -- about 6?" Although she was comfortable in her own skin, Simone has never been part of the cool crowd in any social gathering, and she felt a strange kind of elation being in Jade's company. Friday evening saw Simone walking around the corner with the leafy form in one hand and a bottle of wine in the other. Upon entering Belle grabbed Simone's hand and dragged her into the living room where she proudly showed of her collection of dolls to the nice teacher who made a point of having a friendly word with her at least once a day at school.

Jade watched the interaction from the kitchen doorway and shrugged once Simone looked in her direction mouthing "Sorry" to which Simone just smiled back and mouthed "It's okay, honest". The meal was a simple pasta and sauce dish that Belle waxed lyrically about -- it was obviously one of her favourites. Eventually the toddler was put to bed and the two women could sit down at the dining table with the application form and a glass of wine each. After it was completed, Jade was certainly glad of Simone's help -- she would never have thought to put some of the points in -- especially as she would be loaned a laptop for Belle's schoolwork when the need arose.

A third glass of wine was in order as the two transferred themselves to the padded sofa where the conversation switched from Belle's school to Jade's needs. She openly confessed "I'd really like to find someone to share the evenings with."

Simone nodded and replied "That's something that I'm having to get used to. The boys are in their own teenage world and Mum is just there to cook and wash their clothes." She then proceeded to give Jade a potted history of her life.

Jade sat and listened to her story and suddenly found herself as the more experienced person where relationships were concerned "I'd love to say that your world is your oyster when you are ready to get back on that particular saddle especially as you'll be appealing to men who are more mature than the crowd my age."

Simone looked puzzled and asked, "Why what's wrong with men your age?"

They were sat next to each other on the sofa and Jade turned slightly so she could lift her long legs and tuck them under her "It's probably just where I'm looking. I don't go out, Out, if you get my meaning. The guys I meet through the apps where you swipe right or left all look nice but are either put off by Belle's presence or if they can accept her are too self-absorbed in their own lives to share a part of it with us."

Simone listened intently but didn't interrupt the younger woman as she went on "Don't get me wrong, I've been on plenty of dates and my parents are always begging me to go out so that they can have Belle stop with them. But those guys that aren't self-absorbed are as boring as they come. I guess all the good guys have already been snapped up. When you combine those experiences with that of Belle's dad, I really don't feel motivated to engage in all the bullshit ever again."

Simone edged closer to Jade and wrapped her arm around the younger woman's shoulder. In response Jade nestled into the older woman's shoulder and mumbled "See this is what guys don't get, the importance of a good cuddle. I'm slowly coming to the conclusion that I really ought to turn my back completely on men and give women a try instead -- that is if I knew where to even start. I haven't a clue."

Simone was also loving the close contact with another person -- it just happened to be another woman but why should that make any difference in the twenty-first century. She hadn't had much to contribute during this latest branch of the conversation and bit her lip while she pondered whether to keep her mouth shut or open up further to Jade. Eventually she climbed down off the fence and replied, "I sometimes wonder what life would be like if I had continued down that road but then I wouldn't have my lovely boys."

Jade pulled up sharply with an incredulous look on her face "You mean... you've, you know... "the younger woman sat up meaning Simone's arm moved from her shoulder and so she captured the free hand in her hands as she excitedly proclaimed "... You can't leave it there. When was this, what was it like?" the blonde theatrically crossed her chest and added "I promise I don't blab. I won't mention any of this to another living soul."

Simone found herself doubting if she should have mentioned anything and whether to go further would make matters worse. Above all though she was finding Jade's company infectious and was growing to like the younger woman more and more, considering her words to be genuine, Simone didn't think she'd say anything. This last feeling spurred Simone on, she wanted to give the impression of being more daring than she actually was and so she replied, "There was a time at University before I met my husband that I had the opportunity to try things out."

Jade sat there with an expectant look "And? You can't leave it there. How did it start? How did it feel? Was it very different from your husband? Was it as good with a woman as they say it is?"

Simone laughed, she was getting carried away by Jade's enthusiasm "It was one of my housemates, we were doing the same degree and taking the same course but neither of us could get this particular topic, sadly it was 50% of our marks and therefore couldn't be ignored. We'd had some drunken fumbling's a couple of weeks before and then Lisa found some article about how doing something specific or listening to a piece of music while revising helps in the recall during tests. We'd tried studying listening to certain musical passages, eating certain foods even walking the local area through a set route -- Nothing. Nothing helped with the recall, we were ready to give up and I'd broken down crying."

Jade sat wrapped up in the tale, soaking up every word and so Simone continued "Naturally she was there comforting me and then her fingers started to enquire down below. It was at this point that she joked this should remind us of one of the theories. We looked at each other and the penny suddenly dropped. We tried a couple of different things with our collection of sex toys and the two of us performing certain acts on the other. Afterwards we'd question each other and on the second run through we could recall all of it word for word."

Jade was bouncing on the sofa excitedly asking, "And how did you do in the test?"

Simone smiled at seeing the younger blonde so animated "Oh we aced it, we were both commended by the lecturer for scoring so highly, especially as he knew we were struggling. Lisa was three percent off the top, I beat her by one point. The lecturer had asked what our secret was but all we said was revising to music was the key."

Jade continued with her encouragement, saying "Well done you. Did you two continue together, how did meeting your husband fit in?"

Simone nonchalantly waved her hand "Lisa went on a gap year, and I met Phil soon after -- the rest you know."

The answer obviously disappointed Jade "Oh. And I guess you've not been tempted to experiment since?" Simone shook her head and so Jade decided to press further "Fair enough but what was it like with this Lisa. Was it as soft and tender as they say?"

Simone paused momentarily at the return to topic "Oh yes. Well, they say no-one knows more about a woman's body than another woman. We didn't have a guidebook or anything, we just did what seemed natural. The good stuff we repeated -- a lot -- the rest we discarded having tried it. It was gentle, tender and fulfilling; we didn't feel like we had to rush anything although there were times when our other housemates asked us to tone it down. In summary it was really nice while it lasted."

Jade hadn't let go of Simone's hand until now when she felt compelled to lean forward and wrap the older brunette into a rib crushing bear hug. When she pulled back, she looked Simone squarely in the eyes and replied "Thank for sharing that" just as she leant forward once more only this time, completely on a whim, she placed her lips on Simone's. For a fleeting moment the older woman sat rigid, unsure what to think of the new dynamic, but ever so slowly she started to relax and kiss back at the younger blonde. The softness of the lips, the heady scent of her perfume but above all the feeling of being wrapped within those arms was making the headmistresses head spin. She hadn't expected this when they were sat filling the forms in, even as far as sat chatting -- this was the last thing she would have guessed would happen. Then like a bolt out of the blue Simone was taken back to the morning Jade first walked into the school and she suddenly realised that actually this was exactly what she wanted to happen.

Jade had been reluctant to approach Simone about coaching her but now, sensing the older woman's change in posture and participation, Jade felt confident that this beautiful woman was a fully paid-up member of the Jade fan club. She slowly disengaged her lips and watched Simone's facial reaction. At first her eyes were closed, and her lips pursed. Sensing Jade pulling away her brow furrowed in doubt but when she saw Jade smiling back at her radiantly, Simone's own mouth creased into a broad smile. Jade gushed her thanks "Oh my god. That was superb, does it always feel like that?"

Simone asked "Like what? Like your head is spinning. Like your stomach is full of butterflies? Like your heart is trying to beat out of your chest. Or like someone has turned a tap on in your panties?"

Jade nodded back excitedly "Yes, all of that."

Simone smiled back at her, brushed the back of her hand gently over Jade's flushed cheek and replied "Yes, pretty much like that all the time. I'd forgotten what it felt like myself."

It seemed to Jade that Simone's deep brown eyes sparkled as the blonde leant forward for a further kiss and was thrilled when it was reciprocated back without a moment's hesitation. This was a fleeting kiss as Jade pulled back saying in a super quick babble "I'm sorry for hijacking you like that, but I could see your lips moving and had this irresistible urge to kiss them. But what a kiss, it really is so much better than kissing a man." With that said the blonde leant forward once more and the brunette met her halfway for their lips to meet in the middle.

Jade would have been happy to remain like this, but Simone took control and steered the younger woman's upper body around so that it was leant against Simone's lap. This new position allowed both to envelope the other within their arms while their respective hands could stroke and caress the others back and arms. Neither really wanted anything else at that very moment than to be doing what they were doing.

Although Jade hadn't put any thought into her actions, it felt a natural progression to lean back and pull her top over her head and cast it aside. Simone looked down at her bra encased tits and smiled back at the younger woman before asking "Are you sure about this?" Jade took the nearest of Simone's hands and placed it palm first on to her boob. As she did it, her heart raced faster -- little did she know Simone's was doing exactly the same at that same moment. The younger woman was heartened when she felt her friend start to flex her fingers, luxuriating in it flexed to her touch.

Simone was thrilled to have her hand on Jade's body. She would have been happy just holding and kissing the beautiful young mum but now her pussy had started to leak like a sieve. She hadn't felt this heady in a very long time and was willing to surrender wholeheartedly but needed to pull back and ask "Are you really sure about this. I don't want you to think I'm taking advantage of a vulnerable single mum?"

Jade immediately quietened her with a finger on Simone's lips "No-one need know anything about this; besides you aren't the one doing the running. It was me who kissed you first, it was me who wanted to feel your hands on me and it's me that wants to do the full range of marvellous new things to and with you. I've never felt this giddy before, I feel a connection with you that I haven't felt with anyone else." This last sentence brought a tear to Simone's eye and the younger woman watched mesmerised as she watched it tickle down Simone's cheek. She reached up to stop its downward progress and added "I didn't want to make you cry, sorry."

Simone smirked and brought Jade's hand up to her lips to kiss before she added "I'm not sad, honest. I'm happy. I too have never felt a connection like this. You are a delight for my ego. Someone as beautiful and warm as you would want this with me." That did it, the two just melted into each other's arms, folding them around to encompass the other. Apart from the occasional kiss, the two stayed still for what seemed like an age.

It was Jade who broke the spell. She jumped up and started to remove the rest of her clothing stating "I'm sorry but I have this urge to be naked in front of you. I have quite a scar from when Belle was delivered, I hope it doesn't put you off." With her panties removed she stood up straight in front of the teacher waiting for her reaction.

Simone smiled, shook her head and made to stand up herself "It's beautiful. You are beautiful" as she reached to rub her hand over the faint scar "It demonstrates how much you love your daughter" and then craned her neck to kiss her friend once more.

Jade wrapped her arms around the taller woman's shoulders so that she could pull herself up and kiss the brunette back with the same amount of intensity. "Do you mind if I see you naked too?" she enquired. Simone took a step back, took a deep breath and started to remove her clothing. Jade stood there, taking in every detail of the tall brunette's body. Simone should have been nervous, stood naked in front of someone she had only met this week and yet it felt the most natural thing to be doing. She felt -- and rightly so -- that Jade wasn't the type to judge her. Instead, the look on the young blonde's face was one of rapture. Simone always classed her body as athletic rather than curvy, she put it down to her slightly higher than average height. Having said that she carried a little more body fat than she did before the boys were born.

Jade didn't seem to mind at all. She took the single step to close the gap between them and said "You look divine. I'm hoping that as I find your naked body so attractive it means I'm a lesbian." Just before she wrapped her arms around Simone once more and leant in for another long lingering kiss. Simone returned the kiss with the same intensity. It dawned on her that she felt at home in Jade's embrace. It shouldn't be that way, she was a teacher, she was quite a few years older than Jade and she was seen by the outside world as straight. And yet she couldn't shake the feeling of how natural it was to be stood naked cuddling another woman.


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