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Ripe for It

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Danny taken to snowy Colorado hills to escape family fetish.
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Editor's note: this story contains scenes of incest or incest content.


The boys reached the cabin up the valley in the heart of the Sawatch Range northeast of Gunnison, Colorado, near nightfall and also at the time the snow started falling.

"I'll stable the horses and check the cattle," said twenty-year-old Josh. "You find the candles and get a fire going in the fireplace."

"I don't like this snow," Josh's eighteen-year-old half brother Danny said. "We could get stuck up here for days."

"Your ma told us to stay up here for four days," Josh said. "So it don't matter much if we're snowed in or not. In fact it might be a good thing. I gotta check that the cattle are in shelter and have enough feed. You get on into the cabin now and start warming it up."

"Stan was just up here last week and laid in all that was needed to the end of winter. I don't see why we—"

"You don't have to see why, Danny. Just git in the cabin and do what I say." Josh had had his younger half brother up to here already, complaining and asking questions he should be knowing about all the way up from the ranch down near Gunnison. Josh knew as well as Danny did that Stan had already come up and winterized the mountain section. That's not why they were up there. And why they were up here had Josh tied up in knots.

He couldn't complain much once he got into the cabin. Danny had a good fire going, had found the candles, and also had the wood stove going and was cooking the beans and fat back they'd have for their dinner. Then it was straight to bed, hopefully without too many questions.

But there were questions, and they came while the two were stowing the beans, fat back, and coffee away in their stomachs. Both young men were handsome and trim lads. All of the Faber men were lookers, hard bodied, and virile. All the women in the Gunnison area set their caps for them no matter how peculiar and wild they were in their ways. The women knew the Faber men came always sniffing for it and ready to go both ways, but the women wanted what the Faber men had between their legs anyway. Danny's ma had been no different on that account.

"Nobody had to come up here today," Danny said. "And why would we have to stay four days? What ain't you tellin' me?"

"I sure as hell didn't need to come up here today. It's you who needed to come up here. And your ma wouldn't let you come alone. She never thought of the burden she put on me for this. All she ever thinks about is her precious little Danny."

"Why? Why me?"

"Don't make me say it, Danny. You know as well as I do. You know what it means to be in season for the young men of the Faber family. You're in season now—ripe for it in Faber men's eyes. There, I said it."

"But so what?"

Josh didn't answer for a long minute as his memory went back two years to when he was eighteen, when he came into season. It came upon him in the barn, in an empty horse stall, where he'd just finished mucking up. When the hand reached out and took his arm, he shrank away, trying to get around and out of the stall, but it was too late. He was pressed up against the side of the stall, a strong hand cupping his chin, pulling his head back into the hollow of a muscular chest. His jeans were jerked down off his buttocks and fingers were inside him, opening him up. He tried to scream, but a dirty bandana was stuffed in his mouth, causing him to gag. And then the cock was invading him, working its way inside him, fucking him.

He had struggled against the muscular power of the older man until he realized that he was undone the second the mushroom head of that thick cock had breached his sphincter muscle and shaft had followed into his channel. Then he'd laid back and taken the shaft moving in and out inside him, and the man's heavy breathing matching his own, and their shared groans, the cock moving ever deeper—until, with a small cry, the pain of it having embarrassingly been taken over by pleasure and a since of deeper connection than he'd ever had with the man before, he came. The man had continued and then Josh was going with him, moving his hips in consort with the man's thrusts, resigned that it now would ever be how it was to be with this man. The man continued until he too had come, deep inside Josh's channel.

Josh lost his virginity to a man at the age of eighteen. All Faber men lost their virginity at eighteen. It was known as coming into season—being ripe for it. Their virginity was taken from them at this age by other Faber men. Faber men married too and had children—their satisfied-looking women popped out a child every year as long as they were in season—and when they had male offspring that reached the age of eighteen, they had come into season and a Faber man fucked their virginity out of them. It wasn't spoken of in the family. It was just done.

More than resenting that he'd had to bring Danny up here when the boy had reached his eighteenth year, Josh resented that Danny's ma should try to save her son from the same fate that Josh and every other Faber boy had experienced at eighteen. What made him so special? Josh had liked and accepted a new ma when his had died and his pa went courting again, but he couldn't help but resent that she was trying to save her son from what all Faber sons who lived to be eighteen experienced.

"But so what, Josh? You know why. Why can't you tell me?"

"OK, if you're old enough to be in season, you're old enough to know all that it means," Josh said. He would tell him straight out. Why should he be coddled? The rest of them weren't. "Your ma made me bring you up here because the cavalry is coming in to Dennison for three days before moving back down into the Arizona territory."

"What does that mean? Why does that mean we have to come up here for four days."

"Pa is a scout for the cavalry. He's been run off the ranch, but he'll be back in the area for the next three days."

"And so?"

"It's Pa who is most likely to take you now that you're in season—to steal your cherry—to grab your virginity to men from you. If he found you down at the ranch, sure as can be, he'd hop your bones and give you your first male fuck."

"Pa? Surely not Pa."

"Yes, Pa. Who do you think did me the first time? It was Pa. Trapped me in a horse stall and fucked the crap out of me. All Faber men are bred to do it both ways. Once done the first time, boys can decide what of it they want or nothing. Most Faber men then respect that. Some don't."

"Some don't?"

"Pa don't. That's why your ma don't want him at you for the first time. He got me first and he kept right on fuckin' me until they throwed him off the ranch. And ma's made me bring you up here so he won't fuck you. It's all about you."

"But she's tryin' to save you too, ain't she? She's sent you away from him too."

"I didn't want to be sent away from him. I want to be fucked by Pa. Pa's got the biggest pecker of all the Faber men, and he knows what to do with it."

"Pa?" Danny said again in a far-off voice, not wanting to believe it. He knew Pa wasn't around much anymore, but he thought it was just his scouting job with the army. Josh was saying he was run off. "You said Pa was run off the ranch."

"He sure was. He didn't just initiate the Faber boys, he kept at them. And he was rough. He near broke my arm trapping it behind me and fuckin' me hard from behind—and that was just last year. I wasn't no good workin' the ranch for months. The others decided they couldn't afford having Pa around ruining the hands that was meant to keep the ranch runnin'."

"And still you want him at you?"

"Yeah, I do. You haven't been bred yet. You don't understand how the need for it grips you. Pa scratches the itch better than anyone else."

"But if not Pa—"

"Yes, Danny. You're a Faber boy and you're eighteen and you're in season. It will be some Faber, but they don't want it to be Pa. He could ruin you."

"But you don't think he's ruined you."

"Not unless you count not being able to get enough of it from him. Your ma don't want it to be your pa."

But it will be some Faber, Josh thought. He and Danny's ma had already discussed that. That's not what he said. What he said was, "I have call on the bed. You get the pallet. And let's get to it. It looks like it might snow all night. We may have to dig out to tend to the horses in the morning."

* * * *

The embers were sputtering out in the cabin's fireplace and it was turning cold in the room. Josh woke up slightly chilled. He was surprised he had been asleep; he'd been awake for the longest time, the need gripping at him, struggling between "should" and "want."

He looked over at the form of his younger half brother, Danny, on the pallet on the floor and saw that the boy was shivering in his sleep. With a sigh, giving into the need, the older brother slipped out from underneath the covers and the quilt on the bed and padded over to the pallet in his long underwear, lifting his feet high and hopping along in reaction to the cold floorboards.

He shook Danny, whose eyes slitted open. "It's colder than a witch's tit in here, Danny," he said. "This way of sleeping ain't doin' neither of us a lick of good. I'll build up the fire and you go climb in bed. The two of us together plus a live fire should make us warm enough."

Half asleep, Danny rose and went to the bed without asking questions. Josh stoked the fire and was back in bed within minutes. Danny had gone back to sleep, turned on his side, toward the wall. Josh climbed into the bed, stretched along Danny's body, embraced his brother, and lay there, thinking, still struggling inside himself. After a few minutes he was running his hands over Danny's body on top of his brother's long underwear.

Danny slowly came awake moaning, increasingly becoming aware that Josh was embracing him and running hands over his body . . . intimately. He had the flap of his own long johns open and Danny felt the hardness of his half brother's cock against his back.

"Josh," Danny whispered.

"Shush," Josh responded. His hand came around to Danny's front, unbuttoned the boy's flap, freed Danny's cock and encased it with a hand. Danny started engorging immediately.

"Josh . . . what?"

"It's always a Faber man; it has to be a Faber man. Lay here and take it, Danny," Josh murmured. "I won't do it rough like the others would—like Pa would."

He started to stroke Danny's cock and pulled the flap of the boy's long johns through his legs to the back with his other hand. He pushed his own cock down into the crease of the boy's now-exposed buttocks.

"This is why I came up here with you, Danny. Your ma sent us up here—me too—because she thought this was the best way. Not letting Pa at you for the first time. Having me do it. Not ruining you the first time and helping you to be able to open to it, 'cause we all know Pa is going to be after you until he gets it. I told her I didn't want to be the one to do it, but that wasn't true. I do want to be the one to do it." Josh was rubbing the head of his cock across the rim of Danny's hole.

"Josh . . . oh, Josh," Danny whimpered. But he was going hard with Josh's stroking and trembling. And his body was moving against Josh's. He had been aware of the family ritual and he'd dreamed that it would be Josh he started with. He gasped and began to quake, his body moving within the embrace under the covers of his older brother, as Josh worked a finger into his passage, encouraging it to open up.

Josh kissed Danny on the back of the neck, and Danny turned his face to Josh's, and their mouths mashed together. Josh's fingers worked their way deeper into Danny's passage.

"Relax, Danny. Take it. It will be easier if you open up. I want you so bad. I'll do you right."

"Josh. Oh, shit, Josh. Be good to me."

Josh was good to him. The fingers were replaced by the bulb of his cock, which he pushed in only far enough to clear the sphincter muscle.

"Yes; shit, yes," Danny gushed. He'd known he was ripe for it—that he was in season. He'd known one of the Faber men would fuck him sooner than later. He was glad it was Josh. He'd thought of it, and he welcomed it. "Fuckin' shit, Josh, you got me stretched. Hold on there. Do it, but give me time."

Josh held there, waiting for Danny to adjust to him and continued stroking Danny's cock. Both boys concentrated on that until, with a little cry, Danny came in Josh's hand.

The concentration went back to Danny's ass, then, as at the point of his gasping ejaculation, Josh had penetrated his channel a couple of inches, Danny's passage muscles having relaxed at the moment of his orgasm.

"Josh. Oh, shit Josh!" Danny exclaimed as Josh sank farther up into him. And then nothing was spoken for several minutes as the two grunted and groaned together, panted together, moved pelvises together. They achieved a common rhythm, both now concentrating on Josh sinking further up into Danny and their hips moving in consort, Josh giving cock and Danny taking cock. Both doing it willingly.

It was over in fifteen minutes, Danny's "in season" phase having moved from needing fucked to having been fucked. As prescribed, it had happened for Danny in his eighteenth year and had been covered by a Faber man.

They lay there, Josh flaccid inside Danny, and both dozed.

They were awakened abruptly by the sound of rumbling outside the cabin. Josh knew he had to rise from the warm bed to investigate, but he woke realizing his was hard and throbbing again, inside Danny's channel. Danny already was awake and had been moving his buttocks on the penetrating cock.

They fucked again, this time even more synchronized in rocking against each other, Josh giving and Danny taking, until they reached a crescendo of need, frenzied movement of their hips, panting, and crying out their urgent needs and their passion for each other. They collapsed in a nearly mutually timed orgasm.

Danny was now well and truly fucked.

Josh rose from the bed and padded over to the window on the side of the cabin, pulling the heavy curtain aside.

"Well, so much for leaving here anytime soon," he said.

"What is it?" Danny asked from the bed.

"The snow. It's continued snowing and the mountain has let loose a snow slide. It's missed the cabin, and the other buildings and animals are on the other side. But it's covered the road down to Dennison. We're here until it melts. Too much for us to shovel out."

"Who gives a fuck how long we're here for, Josh? Come back to bed and fuck me again. Give it to me real hard this time."

Josh did just that.

* * * *

Josh was out in the stable, feeding the horses, in the morning when he heard Danny's screams. He raced back to the cabin.

"Pa!" he cried. "Get off him. He's been done already!"

Abe Faber, thirty-eight-year-old robust Army scout, fringed buckskin jerkin on his muscular back and fringed buckskin trousers on the floor next to the bed, was on the bed, on top of his eighteen-year-old son, Danny, knees pressed between the boy's spread thighs, one hand gripping the boy's throat, and the other slapping Danny's face. Danny was clawing at the hand gripping his throat, eyes bugged out, mouth gaping open in a silent screen.

As Josh came through the door, Abe cruelly thrust his hard, thick cock up into Danny's channel, lifting the boy off the bed in shock and pain and causing him to emit a scream.

"Well, he ain't been done by me," Abe declared, rearing his hips back and giving Danny his full eight inches again. Danny's body bounced on the bed again from the force of the penetration. "I've had my eye on this one for two years. He's ripe for a man's cock."

"Pa, don't, you'll kill him." And he might have if Josh hadn't loosened up Danny's channel nicely in the night. "Do me instead, Pa. You like doin' me. I want you to do me. Come over to this chair over here. We'll do it like you like to do it."

"Sounds good by me; this one's done for now," Abe Faber said, pulling out of Danny, who just lay there, moaning and tongue hanging out, in shock, while Abe came over, sat in the straight chair, and Josh pulled off his trousers, sat in Abe's lap, on the cock, facing him, and rode his father's shaft to the older man's ejaculation.

Danny didn't budge from the bed, lying there on his back, watching Josh rise and fall on his father dick, arching his back and voicing his pleasure at having his father's dick inside him. As that heated up, Abe Faber grabbed his twenty-year-old son's waist and lifted and slammed him up and down on the shaft while Josh writhed. Danny's eyes transitioned from dull to flashing and he took his cock in his hand and stroked himself while he watched his father debauch his half brother.

Twenty minutes later, Josh was tied to the chair with rope, pleading to his father, "Don't do this Pa. You'll ruin him." Abe Faber had returned to the bed. He'd climbed on top of his eighteen-year-old son, Danny, again, slapped the boy's legs open, and was fucking him hard. He had a beefy arm under Danny's waist, and the boy's torso was arched back toward the mattress, his arms dangling out from his side, his head flopped back, and his face turned toward Josh.

The expression on the boy's face was a mixed one—shock and pain, to be sure, but there also was lust and passion and need and satisfaction. Danny had built up to the acceptance that he was going to be fucked by a Faber man at eighteen and he'd developed an interest more in men than women anyway. His pa was fucking him, but his pa was fucking him good. Danny was lying back and taking it, but his pelvis was moving in the rhythm of the fuck. He was being fucked good.

Abe was about to blow when a rifle shot rang out just outside the open door to the cabin. An older, but not much older than his mid fifties, and well-built man stood at the door, rifle barrel pointed up to the sky.

"You stop that, Abe, boy. You stop that right now and git on outa here."

Abe pulled out of Danny and rolled over to a sitting position on the side of the bed. "Pa?" he exclaimed. "I was just—"

"Grandpa?" Josh exclaimed from where he was tied up in the straight chair. fifty-six-year-old Grandpa Faber had arrived. Being initiated at eighteen, and the local girls willing to open their legs to a handsome, hung Faber boy as soon as he could make it hard, meant Faber men started siring offspring young. Chances were good that even Danny's great-grandpa could still get it up, get it dipped, and produce children.

"Git off that bed, untie Josh over there, and get yourself back down the mountain, Abe Faber," Grandpa said. Abe dutifully went over and untied Josh.

"How? How'd the two of you get up here?" Josh asked. "The road's covered with snow."

"Your pa and I know these mountains like the palm of our hands," Grandpa Faber answered, while Abe was untying Josh. "There's more than one road into this camp. Now go on out and see that your pa gets on his horse and points his horse outa here."

"What are you doin' up here?" Josh then asked.

"Whata ya think? Danny's in season, ain't he? I come to do him. He's the best-lookin' kid to come out of a Faber woman's snatch for generations. Don't think I'm not gonna get my share of that while he's still fresh—if your pa ain't ruined him yet."

"I took care of that last night, Grandpa. He's been fixed. His ma thought this was the best way for him. You and Pa are too rough—and you're both too late to get first tasting."

Grandpa Faber didn't hide his irritation and disappointment. "I wanted to be first; I came all the way up into the mountain to be first."

"Sorry, Grandpa. He's already done. It's over."

"Well, you go on out and make sure your Pa is ridin' off. Don't want him around here."

Coming back from watching the tail end of Abe's horse ride off into the snow in the opposite direction from the snow slide, Josh held up at the cabin door.


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