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Roger's Visit to the Clinic

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Roger accidentally signs up an invasive study at the clinic.
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I found the clinic answering an ad in the local paper. Only working part time, I'm always scanning the back pages for odd jobs. "Subjects needed for medical test. Must be male, under 30. Call to apply. Free physical." Why not? With no health insurance, it was win-win.

I called, and the receptionist, after confirming that I would qualify, was vague about what exactly would be happening: "Nothing out of the ordinary from a regular physical."

The next day, I find myself staring at the honey-colored walls in the waiting room, which is otherwise empty other than the bored looking receptionist to whom I've given my name, Roger, a moment before. A petite, brown-haired nurse wearing blue scrubs appears from a doorway.

"Roger? Hi, I'm Jen, and I'll be assisting Doctor Liza in your exam today." Jen smiles, causing small dimples to appear on her cheeks.

I follow Jen along a hallway, glancing into the different examination rooms. Like the waiting room, they're empty. We turn a corner and the nurse walks me into the room where I will be having my examination. I hear muffled voices from behind the closed door of the room next door, the first sign of anyone else being here. Jen pats the surface of the exam table indicating that I should hop up and closes the door behind her.

"Ok, I'll be checking your vitals, then Doctor Liza will be with you," Jen explains me while flipping through my chart. After taking my height, weight, and blood pressure, Jen returns to my chart.

"Looks like you're here for the experiment? Ooh, a new subject," Jen jokes. Her voice is light and bubbly.

"Hah, yeah I guess. Do you know what will be happening? They were vague on the phone."

She smiles again.

"Sorry, we aren't allowed to disclose that. It might alter the results," she explains. "But I do have a few questions for you."

She looked back down at her chart. Most of her questions were standard: drinking habits, smoking, etc. Then they began to veer on the sexual. She asked whether I was sexually active, how often I ejaculated, and when I last came. The whole time, she remained cheerful. I stared at her knees while I answered, too embarrassed to look up.

"Before we finish up, I'm going to need a urine specimen. Bathroom is just down the hall." Thank god the questions were over.

She hands me a specimen cup, and I hop up to go to the bathroom. On my way back, I notice that the door to the exam room next to mine is now cracked open. I survey the hallway. Other than nurse Jen, I haven't seen anyone around the clinic. I figure she isn't timing me. I crane my neck to take a peak.

Through the thin slit of the doorway, I can see the white back of a doctor's jacket facing away from me, sitting on a stool, her black hair pulled up neatly in a clip, and two feet placed in stirrups. The legs were muscular, hairy. Because the doctor's back is to me, I can't tell what exactly she's doing. Both of her hands are bent forward, making regular motions. Is this what the "experiment" entails? I feel my stomach drop and wonder if I still have time to get out of here. I glance around the hallway once more, before repositioning myself to get a better view.

I take a step forward. Just then, I hear the patient shutter. A male voice, a deep groan. The doctor does a final firm movement with her hands and then rests for a moment. She says something, I can't quite tell what, but it sounds encouraging, reassuring, firm. She pauses and pulls away on the stool, turning towards me as she does so, a small container of something white in her gloved hands. I immediately turn away but fear she saw me looking, watching. Maybe I can just walk out. Ditch the urine specimen before I go. But when I look up Jen is looking at me from the exam room. She looks embarrassed too, evidently she's seen me looking.

"Sorry, just was wondering whether you got lost or something. You should really give the other patients their privacy. It'll be your turn soon enough." She chuckles, slips on a glove from her scrub pocket, and takes my urine sample. "The doctor will be in in a moment. Try to stay in your room?"

I look around the room nervously while I wait for the doctor to arrive. I can't just sit still, I'm too wound up after that encounter. I get up and start looking at the equipment around the room. I start opening a cabinet under the sink, and see several boxes of latex gloves, when I hear a female voice speak from a foot away from me.

"And you must be Roger? Hopefully we wont need that many gloves for today's exam." Her tone is warm, jovial. Startled, I stand up straight. The cabinet door slams.

I look up to see the same woman from the other room standing in the doorway. My face goes red. Can I do anything right today? She's slender, wearing form-fitting green scrubs with a white doctor's coat. I make out the impression of her breasts and hips even under the professional attire. A pair of red framed glasses sits on her nose.

"I'm doctor Liza, and I'll be conducing your examination today."

"H, hi, yes, I'm Roger," I stammer. I reach out to shake her hand. That same hand that just moments before was buried in someone else.

"Why don't you strip down, and we can get started." I force a smile, and stat fumbling with my shirt. Once I'm down to my underwear, I sit down on the exam table.

Doctor Liza looks over at me from the sink where she has been washing her hands.

"Oh, no. Sorry if I wasn't clear. I need you completely naked for this exam."

I shift to remove my underwear and toss them on top of the pile of clothing already bunched in the corner. The exam paper feels cool on my bare skin. I try to keep my mind from drifting back to what I saw earlier. Doctor Liza brings the stethoscope to her ears.

"I want you to take some deep breaths." The cool stethoscope pushes against my back, and her hand press against my chest. "That's good. Deep breaths." She can probably hear my heart racing. She knows that I saw.

"Breath in, and out. Good." She pronounces "Good" with a cooing. It feels reassuring. Her grip is steady and rehearsed. She finishes checking my lungs and hangs her stethoscope around her neck.

"Please lie back for me. I'm going to need you in the lithotomy position." The what?

As I lean back, I hear the sound of metal from the base of the exam table by craning my neck, I can see that Doctor Liza has brought out a pair of stirrups. I thought those were only for women? I think again of saying I need to go to the bathroom and getting out of here. I try to speak, but my mouth has gone dry. I feel the doctor's hand take my right leg and lift my foot into the stirrup, then repeat with my right.

"Please scoot down for me. I'm going to need easy access to your anus and prostate for this next portion of the exam."

"S-sorry doctor, but what exactly are you examining?" I begin to sit up.

Doctor Liza walks to the counter and pulls two gloves from the dispenser. As she snaps them on, she explains: "The study that you signed up for is testing the correlation between prostate pressure and semen production. Some studies show that after pressure is applied to the prostate, the consistency of ejaculate changes. The applications are wide ranging."

Her voice lapses into something distant and clinical, as if she was reading from a report. She absentmindedly smooths her gloved hands, pulling the white latex tight over her fingers.

"We wanted a wide-ranging sample of younger men, so we didn't say too much in the advertisement. But I won't bore you with the details." She returns to the present and places a hand on my shoulder. "Please relax. I know I didn't specify what would be in order, but most of my patients haven't complained."

Not convinced so much as mesmerized by her voice, I lay back on the table. She wheels a stool over to sit between my legs.

"I'm going to start with a visual examination of your genitals and rectum. Please let me know if you feel any discomfort."

She starts by running her hands over my penis, lightly palpating the scrotum and shaft. She squeezes the head of my penis and looks briefly into the urethra. She then spreads my butt cheeks even further, examining the outside of my anus. I stare at the ceiling trying to distance myself from this moment. It doesn't feel bad, but it also doesn't feel sensual. She presses down on my rosebud gently.

"Any pain or discomfort?"

"No, no, that feels ok."

She continues to gently massage my asshole, and, despite all of my embarrassment, I feel my cock begin to stir to life. "I can see that you're getting a little excited. That's good, it's part of the study."

Her finger now feels like it's tapping, gently but rhythmically.

"Saw you peeking into the other exam room, you know. You really shouldn't be invading other patients' privacy like that."

She punctuates her point with a small jab from her unlubricated finger, then withdraws her hand and strips off her gloves.

"Stay here."

She exits the room and returns a moment later with Nurse Jen. I peer up and see that Jen's eyes are focused directly on my half-erect penis.

"Looks like he's almost ready Doctor Liza."

"Yes Jen, nearly. Could you prep him for the prostate milking? I want to make sure he's all clean down there."

Jen nods and opens the cabinet, producing a disposable enema bag that she begins to fill up at the sink. Meanwhile, Doctor Liza writes a few notes on her clipboard and lays out her supplies.

Jen hangs the enema bag up to a poll next to the exam table and slips on a pair of gloves. It's difficult to see exactly what she's doing from my position.

"I'm sure I'm 'clean,' I mean I haven't been constipated or anything."

Jen and Doctor Liza ignore my protest.

"Ok sweetie, I'm going to lubricate you inside before inserting the nozzle. You're going to feel a bit of pressure."

Without waiting for an answer, she pushes her small finger up inside of me, slowly gliding in and out to spread the lubricant around. My penis begins to harden again. I've never had anything up there, the sensation is strange. Before I can really think about it, her finger is removed. She strips off her glove and replaces it.

"Ok now in with the nozzle."

Her tone is softer than the doctor's. The slim nozzle slides into me a few inches.

"Now I'm going to start the water, let me know if you feel any cramping."

A click and the room-temperature water floods my rectum. At first it feels like nothing at all. Just a coolness emanating from my bottom. Then, I get a mild cramp. I wince. Jen, watching with one hand on the clip, clicks the water off. She runs her hands over my stomach.

"Just a little more to go, you're doing great."

The water clicks back on, and I see the bag is now empty. Doctor Liza, who has been watching all of this, walks over and lifts up the shaft of my half-erect penis, squeezing once.

"Good, looks like he's very sensitive to anal stimulation. I think we'll get a good sample from him. Jen, I'm stepping out for a moment, make sure he holds this for at least five minutes."

Jen nods.

"I'm going to remove the nozzle now. You heard the doctor's orders."

She smiles. I can already feel the pressure of wanting to expel. Jen pulls a tray out from right beneath my bottom on the exam table and places a steel bedpan there.

"It can sometimes be a bit difficult to get out in time, this is here to ensure you don't have any accidents. I'll massage your tummy to make sure you don't get any cramps while we're waiting."

She glances up at the clock, then begins pressing firmly into my stomach. I close my eyes and focus on my breathing and the feeling of her fingers pushing down against my abdomen. Her pressing moves further and further down. I can feel her hand brush against my penis.

"I take enemas at home sometimes." She chatters to keep my mind of the enema. "They're not so bad once you get used to them. Almost soothing, really." At this she gently takes up my penis into her gloved hand. "Especially if you can take your mind off of the pressure inside. Once you release, it feels really good."

She doesn't rub my cock, just holds it there, squeezing very lightly. I quickly go from half-erect to full on.

"Almost time. Just one second longer."

I open my eyes and look down. She's gazing directly at me. I look down at my cock in her hand.

"We'll have to wait for Doctor Liza to come back in order to take care of this. Ok, aaaaand, you can expel."

With a deep breath, I let it all out. It's mortifying to be shitting in front of someone else, especially someone cute like Jen. With her hand away, my erection subsides. When I'm finished, I feel completely empty. Jen presses a finger against my rosebud.

"I'm just going to check that you're all cleaned out." She pushes inside of me right as the door opens and Doctor Liza walks in. Jen removes her finger and inspects it.

"Looks clean Doc!"

Doctor Liza takes Jen's finger and looks at it. "Thanks Jen, please dispose of the contents of the bedpan and come back to give me a hand."

Doctor Liza removes two pairs of sterile surgical gloves from the cabinet.

"I know usually donors manually bring themselves to orgasm in order to provide a sample, but the nature of this study requires that we take some more precautions. Nurse Jen will be manually stimulating you while I massage your prostate. I know this can be somewhat uncomfortable. I encourage you to lie back and close your eyes."

I gulped and nodded to confirm. Doctor Liza places a surgical mask over her mouth and stretches the longer sterile gloves over her hands. Nurse Jen returns and helps Doctor Liza lubricate her fingers before putting on a pair of gloves herself.

"I'm going to now insert my fingers. You're going to feel a steady pressure." I felt a cool, slippery finger push against my rosebud and rest there for a moment, then her finger pushed into me. Meanwhile, Jen lifted up my penis, holding it in her hand similar to how she had before. Doctor Liza then starts tapping, pushing somewhere deep inside of me.

As she presses, she explains "Prostatic fluid should begin pushing up your urethra, you will feel as though you need to urinate."

Sure enough, I soon feel a pressure building at the base of my penis. My cock starts to harden in Jen's hand. She brings her fingers together into a fist and raises the specimen cup up to over the head of my penis. I can feel a drop of pre-cum dribbling out of my cock.

"Good, he's responding well," Doctor Liza says to Jen. "Please start manually stimulating him." Jen's hand moves up and down, keeping rhythm with Doctor Liza's pressing. It now feels like a warmth is spreading from the root of my cock up through my entire body. The pressure to pee has gone away. It's like my whole body is focused on forcing liquid up into me.

The Doctor's fingers stop for a moment, then my ass feels much fuller.

"I'm now using two fingers to stimulate you. You're responding well. I should have known you would like this, peeping earlier."

I'm embarrassed and turned on all at once, I hardly have time to process the thoughts, I can't tell the difference in sensation between the hands gripping me, everything blurs together. I grunt, my cock spasms. Doctor Liza presses down even more firmly. It's almost painful. I spasm again, and Jen aims my cock into the cup. I can hear the sound of my ejaculate splashing against the back of the cup. I shoot again. The force of my orgasm causes some semen to fly out of the cup and land on my stomach, warm. My fingers dig into the side of the exam table. One last spurt and then they begin to subside in intensity. Doctor Liza and Jen don't let up, pumping even harder.

"S-stop, stop! It's too much," I grunt out. I look down. They're completely engrossed in their work. My cock feels totally drained, but they keep milking, pulling every last drop out of me.

Finally, Doctor Liza looks up. "That's good Jen. Run that sample straight to the lab." Jen releases my cock and screws the cap on the cup. Doctor Liza pushes her stool away from the table and strips off her gloves.

"You gave a great sample. There are some tissues on the counter for you to clean up with. Just stop by the receptionist before you go out. We hope to see you back here next week to provide a follow-up."

Before I can answer, the door closes. Though a part of me feels exhausted and humiliated, I can't wait until next week.

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KodJak22KodJak22about 2 years ago

Nice slow and steady.

Love how it's written. Thanks for the entertainment.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Great Story - Looking forward to Part 2

Although I suspect the doctor leaving the other exam door open a crack was part of the study design. You have a really good writing style. I hope you continue with this story. I for one am looking forward to reading it.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago
Good Start

Love the theme and medical usage. I wrote something similar not long ago, so great minds think alike! Would love to see your characters keep going farther in a semi believable medical setting! Definitely turned on!

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