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Room for Two Pt. 02

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Unusual intercourse - double pegging done properly, again.
14.7k words

Part 2 of the 6 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 10/01/2016
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By Maximilian Cummings

I was on top of Karen, her slim legs up and over me, my penis deep in her wet, warm and slippery, but actually fairly tight, vagina. Some men complain their wives are a little too relaxed after giving birth and yearn for the more virginal glove light tightness of their original young bride. It was not something I could or would complain about. I had, though, now experienced the 'other intercourse' and was not at all sure I did not prefer that. It was an experience from the year before. Certainly it was different from normal sexual intercourse. It was certainly undertaken in the right place, the same place indeed as normal sexual intercourse, but was not undertaken alone. Rather it required the dual insertion of penes together.

If Karen was, instead, 'big' down there, would I be happy to share her with Alan? If, and that was a bit important, Karen was herself willing of course. If Alan and Sharon Hall were still in residence at the next door villa would I be happy to share? A lot of 'ifs.' The most important being if Karen was capable and willing. I rather thought not: though it would be only fair, after all. Alan had shared with me not many days before.

There I was, engaged in sex, but strangely imagining not just me inside Karen but Alan as well. Imagining as I went in and out so did his penis in unison. Imagining him under Karen and me on top. My fingers slipped between us just to touch her clitoris, just to stroke it as Karen so liked, but imagining my fingers also touching not just my working shaft but Alan's as well and in my mind I imagined being, once more, part of the thick gestalt shaft of the twinned penis.

Whilst my fingers manipulated her clit Karen came, trying to muffle her groans - the children were, after all, in the villa - little realising I was imagining a second man working at her with me. I came too, a few moments later, but imagining Alan doing just the same so that a very great quantity of semen poured out into Karen - the twinned knobs shooting, a blast from one and then a blast from the other.

It was only Karen's second night at the villa and our first of making reunited love but it was clear to me I could not get thoughts of Sharon and Alan out of my head. Did I try to let the thoughts fade - certainly; did I succeed - no; did Karen and I walk naked down the path to the sea and make love by the light of the setting sun - well, yes, a few nights later. The boys and my daughter were out of the villa, partying down in the town, due to come back late. Karen had been surprised at first with my dispensing of swimming costume.

"What's the point?" I had said, stepping into the pool. And she had followed suit, probably expecting to be touched, embraced and then most likely fucked in the pool but I did not do any of that the whole time we were in the pool: instead I suggested a walk.

"Like this? Somebody might see."

I had assured her there would be no one. "Be a little daring."

And she had been.

Hand in hand we walked through the grounds of our villa, Karen a bit hesitant at stepping over the wall into the neighbouring villa's ground.

"There's nobody there."

"But it's not our villa."

As we opened the iron gate and stepped onto the path to the sunset I placed Karen's hand on my penis.

There was a sigh, the sort of resigned sigh you do not really want when you are trying to be romantic - or at least endeavouring to set up an erotic scene.

"I thought that was coming. So what am I meant to do? Where are we going?"

"You'll see."

Karen had not taken her hand away. What I had so hoped happened. As we walked down the path I rose in her hand.

"You can't!"

But I already had! I assured her it was fine, had walked this way before like that. Assured her it was a private track and not to worry. She gave me more than a funny look but nonetheless we walked on with Karen holding me - not by the hand but by my erection. The feel of her fingers and the whole idea keeping me in tip top condition - so to speak. It is a delight to be walking naked in the evening sun down a pretty path through pine trees with your wife holding your penis - your erect penis. It is what wives should do surely!

At the end of the walk, "Oh," she said, "Oh how pretty, what a view!"

Karen's hand left me and she went to stand looking out over the sea quite spellbound by the sight.

How often I thought of that villa in the ensuing months, how often I had thought of Sharon and the 'other intercourse' and, additionally, how often I had thought of my imagined little black girl with the straw hat. I had not been able to leave either thought alone. They excited me. In my mind the little black girl had taken on a certain reality. I had developed the fantasy, even given her a name. No longer was she holidaying with her parents but instead the middle aged couple had morphed into a rather wealthy childless couple with a penchant for having pretty young people around them. Of course my mind fuelled by the erection in my hand had involved them all in sexual activities, it was not just the little black girl whom I fucked and was sucked by. My mind had free range in what I imagined happening and, whilst I enjoyed plenty of sex with Karen, there was many times when my sexual activity was solitary - though not at all that way in my head!

How I imagined myself back at that villa by the sea. How I imagined Sharon waving at me to cross the wall, how I imagined the little black girl coming across to me in her hat and nothing else.

It had,nonetheless, been a good sojourn at the villa with Karen and the boys. That night when we had walked down to the sea had ended in intercourse - and not back at the villa in bed. Alan and Sharon had not shown me and I had not found the way down to a beach but Karen had. Not an obvious path but it had wound down to a little sandy cove. Pretty as a picture and so private. Seemingly only accessible from above or the sea. Karen had simply clapped her hands in pleasure and turned and kissed me.

"This is so... what a place! I am so going to enjoy this holiday."

And she had dropped to her knees on the sand, lifted my penis, opened her lips and placed them over it engulfing the head. It had erected there and then in her mouth. It was exactly what wives should do when pleased! Lovely to stand there in the ruddy brilliance of the setting sun and be sucked with evident enthusiasm and feel Karen's tongue all over me. I felt so virile - a man with his woman!

As suddenly as it started it stopped.

"Come on. Come and frighten the fish with that!" And she ran across the sand, her feet splashing into the sea.

And I ran after her. I had never run erect before - I mean, why would you?

It was Karen who had suggested it. My publisher's deadline had come again. The book, the next in the series was nowhere near finished and I had been complaining of 'writer's block.'

"Why don't you take that villa again? You wrote well there last year and... I don't mind joining you later." It was a coy, suggestive smile. Her eyes momentarily looking downwards - it made me shiver with anticipation! "We might go down to that little beach alone and..."

Her hand had moved over my jeans, rubbing over the fly. Such a clear and suggestive act was not something Karen tended to do at all. There was nothing wrong with our sexual relations - none at all - but getting into bed tended to be the signal for her. It was certainly very unusual for us to go through the whole act fully clothed, she sitting on my lap on my swivel work chair and all done with the minimal removal of clothes - just her panties pushed aside under her dress. Enough to make the connection, enough to transfer the semen!

I had, of course, jumped at the suggestion. Finding the villa free for a whole month had been a surprise. I knew the peace and seclusion would get me writing again. And, let me be candid, the idea Sharon and Alan might perhaps be in residence again next door gave me more than a thrill - indeed thoughts of the 'other intercourse.' It was perhaps a shame I had not thought to get a mobile number but their departure had been so sudden that I had just not thought - men do not think awfully well when being fellated!

Thoughts of Sharon's flowing red hair, Sharon's red curls, Sharon's prominent clit, Alan and my penis pushing at her seeking ingress. But, perhaps, Sharon and Alan might not be at their villa - perhaps someone else might be there. That would probably preclude my naked wanderings around my villa's garden or down the path to the headland and beach - at least when they had not gone out for the day!

Not, though, if the 'someone else' was my imagined little black girl with her sun hat. Even so, without her or Sharon, it would be good being there in the sunshine even if there was a whole party of octogenarians next door - and they would probably better than a family with a whole rabble of noisy kids disturbing the peace! Certainly my swimming pool was private. I could at least be naked there. And, importantly, I was sure I could write there.

It was all just as I remembered. The heat at the airport hitting me as I stepped down the steps from the plane, the scent of fennel mixed with kerosene as I walked across the concrete to the terminal building. The drive to the villa a pleasure and an excitement. The joy of recognising the approach up a little twisting lane with the trees either side beyond the wilted straw coloured strands of grass and dried plants.

The same local man in tee shirt, shorts and trainers had given me the key. He had been chattier this time, telling me about things to see and do. For my part I could not wait for him to go, but I was pleasant and listened and talked. A few moments of delay hardly mattered.

As the man drove off and I waved after him, I took in a deep breath. This was what I had imagined for months back home. I had been so looking forward to the heat and the solitariness of it all. Me and the ever present cicadas buzzing away in the bushes and trees. Me, a suitcase and a key about to enter my villa again.

No need to rush, much more sensible to savour the moment and get unpacked first before stepping outside and seeing the remembered swimming pool.

Everything inside as I remembered it. All so well appointed. Once again I set up my laptop in one of the bedrooms as my study. I set it up sensibly upon a proper table, giving me plenty of room, the machine set at a good ergonomic height with a straight backed chair to sit upon. I was ready to do my work, ready to set to with my writing but not until I had enjoyed a swim and a wander around the grounds.

I was sweating with the heat having just coming from the car but it was not until I was ready to go outside did I almost ritually divest myself of my clothes. As my shorts, tee shirt and pants dropped to the floor and I stepped out of my sandals I found the excitement, the rather oddly sexual excitement of being naked alone, had got to me. It was not perhaps the getting naked but the prospect of going out into the sunshine in just a hat and dark glasses which did it. I erected, as hard as I could be. A fine stand indeed! I looked at myself in the mirror and laughed. Me, middle aged, not exactly an Adonis - but fair enough - admiring myself with my forward curving erection standing high.

Such a delight to step out through the door into the heat, pause and stare at the blue tiled infinity pool, the water so still and seeming just to be waiting for me to slip into its water. And there was nothing to stop me doing just that. No need to go and put on a swimming costume, indeed completely pointless. I was out once more out in the sunshine stark naked and tumescent. It felt good, really good. A delight to walk around with my erection pointing at the sky.

The delightful tranquillity of it all, villa, pool, grounds, setting - everything.

Up and down the pool I swam, luxuriating in being back. So easy to simply walk up and out of the pool not even having to bother with towelling myself dry. No clinging nylon swimming costume full of water, just my drip dry nudity and, in the heat, my skin would simply dry itself with the water evaporating away as I walked.

And walk I did out into the grounds of my villa. The naked walk I had been so looking forward to. A strange but simple pleasure, being out and about without clothing - alone. Wandering down the remembered dusty paths, looking at the bushes and flowers, luxuriating in the remembered feeling and smells, until there before me was a particularly fine red and white Hibiscus. I knew with a delicious certainty that when I walked around it following the path I would see the neighbouring villa, indeed be in full sight of it. I paused, picturing it in my mind's eye, the low stone wall between its grounds and mine, the light blue shutters and paintwork, the orange tiled roof, the brilliant white of the painted walls, even the shady sitting area directly in front of me complete with wooden table and chairs.

But would it be occupied? Would Alan and Sharon be there? I knew they let it out so it could be them, someone else or nobody. Perhaps, as when I first arrived the year before and after Alan and Sharon left, it would be unoccupied. The idea of Sharon being there was undoubtedly thrilling but whilst I somewhat hoped she and Alan would be there, it was a hope tinged with the thought that it would actually be a relief if they were not. Better, really, to be alone until Karen came. Better to be alone with my thoughts and, well, a spot of masturbation. Thoughts perhaps of the little black girl in the straw hat - better to imagine all sorts of things with her than to find myself drawn once again into infidelity. Infidelity of a different kind. It had not been an 'affair' with Sharon, nothing like that, I had not fucked her on her own but together with her husband. Did that sort of make it OK? I would not want my Karen 'playing away,' but would I be comfortable accepting Alan into Karen's vagina along with me? A question that had played in my mind time and again over the year. Fair's fair after all, vis à vis Alan, but it would not, I thought, be comfortable for her or even possible! Her vagina was too tight, a vagina made for a single penis - mine!

It would have to be Karen's bottom then if the multiple deed was to be done. One of us in her vagina, the other in her rectum. Which would Alan choose? But I knew Karen did not like that, indeed I recalled Sharon had said she did not either, which had certainly surprised me. Her comment suggested she had tried anal intercourse but I knew Karen had not. She had been quite firm on that from early in our relationship and the most I had ever got up her back passage was a single finger! Did Alan like the idea of the back passage? There is something about girls' bottoms that catches me. Yes, of course, you can approach a woman from the rear and slide yourself into her vagina that way - and the hole is only some one inch different in location but... it is not quite the same mentally. There is something about the female bottom, so smooth, so round that makes you want to pat it, perhaps smack it playfully and, of course, penetrate. There is something about taking the girl in that other hole and it is not just the tightness or the difficulty of actually entering but something else - I think it is the idea of penetrating the girl's bottom as such. Dominance perhaps? Possibly, but the normal sexual act of penis into vagina and the passing of semen to the woman has the overtone of dominance. I find the reason difficult to discern but when I see an attractively shaped bottom it does make me think!

If Alan and Sharon were not there, if it was not unoccupied, who might be in residence? Just like the year before I thought of the imagined black girl in her straw hat. Such a pleasing little image. I imagined her skin black as black but with an almost purple tinge. A delicious colour and with skin so smooth yet, when looked at close to, the pores giving such a texture to the blackness. I liked the idea of her skin damp perhaps from swimming but more likely the heat. Damp skin or oiled skin but shining in the sunshine. Erotic! Dark, dark hair - and full lips with a capacious mouth - for sucking a penis!

It was pleasant standing there speculating by the hibiscus, but not knowing. Just around the bush would be the answer but there was no hurry, no urgent need to find out. It was just so good to be out walking in the heat - walking naked. I had been so looking forward to doing just that. All my thoughts of Karen, of Sharon, anal intercourse and the little black girl had had their effect. I had erected there in the villa's grounds as I had known I would, again and again.

I knew what I looked like, a forty or so year old, sandy headed man wearing just a baseball cap and sun glasses standing in the sunshine with penis curving upwards and knob all swollen at its end. Nothing special in the penis stakes, nothing impressive about the body either. Fairly average in height, though not, to be fair to myself, at all fat. Indeed unlike many of my friends not a hint of the 'beer gut.' Not particularly hairy either though I did not trim the hair which was not on my head.

The naked, erect explorer had returned! The trouble was he was not prepared to step around the hibiscus bush like that. I did not yet know who would be there. It would even be rather presumptuous if it was Alan and Sharon - not that I could see them minding. But what if it was other people? One thing to step out simply naked and be seen, easy enough to step back and go and put some shorts on. Nothing would be said I was sure. Whoever it was would pass the time of day without at all mentioning what they had glimpsed. Quite another if I was tumescent - unless they were of course!

The sudden thought of seeing an all male party, an all male party of naked men. Oh dear! Perhaps even tumescent men. Not my thing at all, but what if called and invited for a drink, interrupting what they were doing? One thing walking with Alan erect and with Sharon in prospect, quite another to walk forward erect and greet other erect men - all strangers - and then sit, everyone subsided, drinking beer and talking.

Perhaps it might already be their second week there and they would all gone for my second week and certainly by the time Karen came to join me. A strange week of very friendly and easy to get on with neighbours, perhaps a jolly bunch to go into town for a drink and a meal. Nice to swim with them in their pool and mine but avoiding sexual involvement. Probably quite difficult. Certainly it was likely to be going on around me. Mind you, four or five, available rectums if I wanted to get my anal interest satiated! Not though quite the same as those of girls. Same in feel, no doubt, just as warm but not the same in framing. Not the soft, feminine roundness of the bottom but hard and hairy! No, not for me, thank you!

What about an all female party and one happy enough to welcome in, the single male and not just for beer... now that was an idea! Improbable but much more interesting to imagine than the all male party. Nice to imagine them being accommodating in a friendly fashion. "We're not on the Pill but you can ease into our bottoms if you like!"

So unlikely but what a fantasy for the naked, erect explorer! The girls thinking the whole idea just so amusing. Five kneeling girls sticking their bottoms in the air and giggling whilst I oiled anus after anus. 'This is just so stupid, such a silly thing to be doing.' 'So not the sort of thing we would do!' 'It tickles!' Perhaps as my fingers slicked another of the girls, one of them saying to further laughter, 'are you sure, headmaster, this is the proper punishment for naughty schoolgirls?' Oh yes, quite sure!

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