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Room for Two Pt. 06

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Conventional and unconventional sexual activity in the sun.
10k words

Part 6 of the 6 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 10/01/2016
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My work was complete. Completed with two or three days to spare. Not bad, not bad at all. I was positively excited about that as I talked to Karen on the 'phone in the village the next morning, explaining all was done and, in my opinion, done well.

"What will you do with yourself for the three days before I join you?"

Ah, yes, um...

Karen was clearly more than a little excited at the prospect of joining me for a holiday. It was raining back home. Looking up at the cloudless blue sky I had to tell her it was anything but raining where I was. She mentioned the little beach. Asked if it was deserted. 'Normally' I replied.

"Who else?" It was an obvious question and I had to answer it. I told Karen all about the German couple. Well, almost everything.

"Is she pretty?"

I had to admit she was.

"Well, have a nice wank on me tonight. I don't mind you window shopping!"

"What shall I imagine?"

"Whatever you like. Has she a nice round bottom?"

"Err, yeah."

"Well you've always wanted to do that. Imagine that. Imagine he's taking her normally at the same time. Would you like that?"

I swallowed. Karen had rather hit the nail on the head.

"I wish I was at the villa now. You saying these things on the 'phone. You've got me all hard in a public 'phone box!"

"You keep hard for me, love. I'm looking forward to being with you again!"

Certainly I was looking forward to seeing my wife again. Could share her enthusiasm... but, and that was a big but, I had rather been enjoying myself in a way she did not need to know about. And would not - my friends, all six of them, would be flying back as she flew in. It would not have mattered if Sharon, Joni et al had gone away a few days before Karen arrived: it would, however, have been difficult had they flown out a few days after she arrived. It did not really bear thinking of, not one little bit.

What indeed to do? I could lounge around by the pool. I could hardly engage in more sexual activity than I already was.

Back at the villa, a rather pensive me was tidying up when I heard a noise. Gina had appeared once more.

"What do you think? I thought I'd better start getting used to the idea of wearing clothes again."

It was just some cord, thin brown cord, looped thrice around her waist and knotted in various places with the ends hanging.

"Accessorising your outfit?"

"Yeah! That's the idea. Does it suit me?"

It certainly did, it gave a slightly wilder look to her. It added a certain look of the huntress to her. A knife tucked in would have added to the effect. There was a certain eroticism about it.

"Oh, I can see you do!"

Once again I was freely erected in her presence. Just so nice to be able to do that.

Gina hopped up onto a table and opened her thighs. Such an invitation, so casual, so easy - so very much my working fortnight's holiday! And had I not been thinking about Karen moments before... well yes...

Naturally my erection continued to grow. I was looking right at Gina's pudenda and, equally she was looking at my thing.

"I've not seen one that curves like that before, you know, the wrong way."

"Really? How many have you seen?"

"Oh lots... well my boyfriend... Cory, Tristram, Alan and you... no, not very experienced really."

My knob touched her sex - it was wet to the touch. "Getting more experienced though! Lots of practice."

"Mmmm, yesss."

I slid steadily in, delightful warm wetness sliding all the way along my erection. So casual, so easy, so there for the taking.

"Too experienced perhaps," she said, "perhaps it's the heat but I just can't seem to get enough sex this holiday. Um, that's nice. Just do that."

Back and forth between her thighs, erection appearing and disappearing. Lovely to feel, of course, but actually very pleasing to watch my cock doing just that. Nice to watch my fingers playing with her button or tickling her nipples. So wonderful to see this pretty girl naked, open and available just for me... well almost just me. I did not know it but was about to have company and a second penis wanting to enjoy the warm, wet little black girl. There was a sound behind us:

"Joni says... oh, sorry I didn't mean to." Tristram had appeared.

"I think we're a bit beyond being shy."

Indeed we were. Not simply unconcerned at being naked in each other's presence but being erect or even copulating. I stepped back from Gina.

"What's Joni asking?" So strange really, in retrospect, to be casually asking a question of another naked man whilst standing there with my erection curving in front of me and very clearly wet from having been inside a woman.

"Oh, she asks if you'd like to join us. We're going up into the mountains for lunch or are you working?"

"I've finished. All done so... yeah, I'd love to join you."

"He's got a bit of work to finish first though," said Gina, "but it might get done a little quicker if you'd help." The gentle movement of her thighs, just opening them a little wider, then closing them somewhat caught his attention.

If that was not suggestive or an invitation, I don't know what was! So sexy! It had its effect. Up Tristram went like a rocket - well, a small rocket anyway.

I stepped back, the inference obvious that Tristram should take my place. He walked forward, at the ready, and made the connection. Just like that! I stood and watched. Nice to see young people 'at it,' nicer still knowing you could join in!

Tristram did just the same as me. In and out whilst his fingers played. Pleasing to watch, pleasing to see him make Gina come, her face so pretty all screwed up in sexual ecstasy and then to see Tristram push away at speed and his fingers tighten on Gina's breasts as he did pretty much the same thing but in a male way.

The participants' movements slowed and stopped. There was a pause and then Tristram turned to me.

"I'll go and tell Joni whilst you," he looked down at Gina, "you know."

I knew! Tristram stepped back and I stepped forwards, Gina's sexual entrance not as closed as it had been when I had first pushed in that morning. "We'll come soon."

"Don't hurry!"

I rubbed my knob against her clitoris.

"Might you again?"

"Dunno. But keep doing that..."

I did and, indeed, got her off just by doing that, just rubbing my cockhead up and down, up and down. Lovely to watch her, lovely to see it coming, the look on her face, the gasps.

And, as she continued to shake, I came, lovely to stroke just that little bit extra and see myself shoot right up over her curls onto her tummy. A good shot though I say it myself! But then I pulled downwards and rammed home where Tristram had just come. In, out, in, out, spurt, spurt, spurt inside my little black girl.

"Phew!" I said. As always over far too quickly leaving me panting and suddenly disappointed it was all over. The male ejaculation should really go on for a whole minute - no, make that two! Spurt, pause with quivering anticipation as the feeling built again and spurt, followed by another pause. Imagine it! Two minutes of orgasm - yes please!

The little black girl, the girl I was still intimately connected with smiled back at me. "Phew too! I'm going to miss all this..." I felt her squeeze me, right there inside her. "...I've just fucked two men, just like that, and I only meant to fuck one! Am I going to miss this casual, on tap sex? Am I!"

Yes, I thought, but Karen will be here for me and she can be quite lively! I had another two weeks of sun, sand and sex. Even so, what was I doing? I was balls deep in sex with women, none of whom were my wife - literally at that very moment.

Lovely sex with Gina and an equally lovely picnic up in the mountains.

The holiday was drawing the more to a close for everyone but me. One more whole day to go for them all, even Alan and Sharon had to go home. It had only been a week's visit for them - too short really.

"We'll be back later in the year," Sharon had said, "it'll all be a bit quieter I expect!"

Another delightful dinner under the stars and then, rather like the year before, Sharon, Alan and I had taken a moonlit stroll walking down the track to the beach. The others had not felt a need to take a walk. Naked of course but for Sharon's chiffon. Nice to walk and chat, feeling very mellow after a good dinner and cool white wine.

We paused at the top of the cliff before descending to the beach. It was already dark and the moon cast only a little light as we stood there. We stood talking and then I felt a hand on my back gently pushing me. I complied and stepped forward towards Alan and found my penis against his, two male organs just touching. His felt soft and warm. An unusual intimacy for two men not that way inclined!

A hand slipped between us and held them together. I was sure it was not Alan's. I was right - it was not.

"Go on, grow in my hand, make your cocks big for me."

At first just two limp penes but, clasped together in Sharon's hand, I felt Alan's penis stirring, thickening and moving against my own. We rose together, moving within Sharon's encircling fingers, two hearts pumping the blood to erect a single penis. I knew it was to be the 'other intercourse' again. Just so exciting.

Her hand moved pulling our foreskins up and down in unison, alternately covering and recovering, alternately bringing our glans into an intimate contact, a joint masturbation by moonlight. My hand reached for Sharon, lifting a breast - I knew the drill. It was one each. One for Alan, one for me!

I have to say being handled by a woman, having one's penis manipulated by a woman is a pretty good thing. I also have to say that having a woman manipulate you against another erection is a pleasure all its own. The squeezing and the rubbing and the knocking together.

And then Sharon dropped down to her knees. Joint fellation, Sharon's wet tongue licking up the held together penes.

"Phew!" said Alan to me in the half darkness.

He was right - it was 'phew!'

"Shall we go down to the beach?"

Like Alan, I felt in need of a cooling off period otherwise there was a strong risk the 'other intercourse' would not happen due to a lack of male stiffness. I, for one, had found myself quite close to coming. Sharon had come close I think to getting a double mouthful or, alternatively, warm spurtings all over her face! She stood and again held our penes together. It was little different in stimulation, I still was not too far from coming and covering Sharon's hand and, indeed, Alan's erection in warm, sexual liquid.

"Yes, let's go down."

A lesser stimulation and the need to concentrate on the clamber down ensure no premature ejaculations.

A bit of a scramble but Sharon had things to hold onto to steady herself. Two handles indeed! She availed herself of them!

The beach was as usual deserted as we walked across the sand. Sharon turned to me and gave me a hug, "Are you ready?"

I dipped and bumped into Alan coming in from the rear. Two hard knobs knocking against each other in a very friendly fashion, but at the wet and warm sexual vestibule of a clearly excited woman. Perhaps she was dripping on us. Perhaps it was just we were making contact with wet folds. Perhaps I was leaking, perhaps Alan was leaking. I rubbed, enjoying the wet, warm sliding feeling of sex without being completely clear when I was sliding against wet female genitalia and wet male genitalia.

"Mmmm that's nice," said Sharon, "two big cocks but make it one big one. Push, push..."

Alan and I pushed, against each other and up. Two male organs hard up against one another, two male organs joining together with a single purpose in mind, knobs pushed against the other but making our way upwards. In effect a single shaft moving up into the woman, our penes becoming one as they pushed in completely in unison. Together we pushed in, together we eased down again.

"Big," breathed Sharon.

Up within Sharon we went again. The gestalt cock working smoothly.

"Don't hurry, just take it slowly."

It occurred to me that perhaps this would be my last experience of the 'other intercourse.' Certainly for the summer: perhaps ever. Would I come to the villa and meet with Sharon or Joni again? Would this be my last experience of the strange feeling of another man's hard cock up against my own inside a woman?

No hurry, slow purposeful intercourse. So like the piston of a steam engine gliding in and out. Alan and I working as a team. Just so pleasurable and erotic. The three of us standing on the soft, warm sand of the beach in the warm darkness, naked, intimate and doing an almost natural thing. A strange sandwich with Sharon as the filling, being filled, indeed, and about to have the 'mayonnaise' added!

Such a funny thing, sexual intercourse really. We get so worked up about it and all it really constitutes is a way of fertilising the woman. Yet we make it into so much more. And neither Alan nor I were attempting any sort of fertilisation. This was all for the fun of it but nonetheless our fertilising fluid would pass across. The closely squashed together mouths of the twin knobs would open and deposit!

"Hold still boys, you've almost... oh, this is... so full, so fucking full!"

Pausing, holding there, the three of us unmoving and with our genitalia so tightly together, it was a moment to savour and remember. Three bodies stimulated close to orgasm in the dark of such a warm Mediterranean night, the sea lapping the shore not a few feet from us, the lights across the bay twinkling and above us the stars in the blue black of the heavens.

"My breasts, play with my breasts."

And we did as we were told. Two men fingering one woman together. Delightful teamwork. Stretched by our joint cock, stimulated by our hands Sharon shuddered over the top and into her orgasm, her muscles clamping down on our shard cock.

"Oh," said Alan, "Oh...I..."

And it was not just him. The repeated squeezing by Sharon of my penis had just the same result. "Me...oh..."

Our shared penis, the twin squashed together knobs were unmoving but they were being rhythmically squeezed - a delightful stimulation. Unmoving, not thrusting one millimetre, I felt myself just coming and was sure Alan was doing just the same. A vaginal massage, a milking even - pushed up as far as I could go, together with my fellow penis I was ejaculating. It was a lovely, perfect experience, my whole concentration on the sensations on and within my penis.

I have always enjoyed sex but there are some times when it is just so good. That was certainly one of those times. We stood there together, arms around each other in complete silence, unmoving until Alan and I fell, as was inevitable, out of his wife.

Another evening. The penultimate for the party. The days had passed as they do. Sun, sea and sex - what a pleasure of a holiday even if mine had been very much a working holiday. I had been working hard... particularly when Gina had positioned herself under my desk!

We had wondered what to do after the evening meal. Unsurprisingly Sharon had an idea.

"Shall we do the 'impossible cock' thing again? Pity Burkhart won't join us. Imagine that, five bound cocks all going off. Good eh, Joni?" Sharon clearly liked the idea.

"If we only had a sixth man we could have a six shooter - like in the Old Wild West." Joni's idea peculiar to say the least. "And if we made them go round and round in a circle like 'Ring a-round the rosie,' then we'd have... a revolver!"

Silly, contrived but amusing. It made us laugh anyway. But we did not have six men, six men for the women to herd into position, ensuring all six were tumescent and with their erections hard against each other ready to be bound - or lashed together - the tight binding going round and round pulling the six into tight intimacy. Below six scrota hanging, a bunch of no less than a dozen balls knocking against each other and above the squashed six mouthed glans penis capable of delivering more semen than any cock that has ever been!

A ridiculous idea but I found myself erecting to it. The thought of the 'other intercourse' and the creation of the 'impossible cock' did something to me. Such intimacy with other men was not my thing, yet... yet... the prospect of the women pushing us together, insisting our penises touched and were intimate; women almost forcing us together; the women binding us; the women playing with us, playing with our genitalia and the women setting us off did something for me. And not just me it seemed. My fellow men were also pumping up around me. Men 'free erecting' without manual or oral assistance, but just becoming firm. And again that was something I liked, communally erecting with the prospect of sexual activity with women in mind.

"Shall we... shall we make it again, Sharon?" asked Joni.

"Yes," almost whispered Sharon her eyes literally sparkling as she looked from one free erection to another. "Come together, boys."

The strangeness of it. The four of us - only four, not five or six, but remarkable enough like that - moving slowly closer and closer together, our erections, spike like, before us. Each of us men naked and sporting a hard-on, each with his erection sticking out to his front. Closer and closer, until the four individual penes almost touched, glans to glans. A hesitation, a slight reluctance to be the first to touch, a heterosexual wish not to appear too eager to touch another man's cock. But then contact! Quivering male appendages just touching, just lightly knocking against the others, moving with our heartbeats, just enough to feel the silky softness of the other glans and its warmth against our own.

"Closer," whispered Sharon.

I looked across at them, both Sharon and Joni absolutely captivated by the sight, staring at our still separate penes. Gina perhaps not so taken with the whole scene but watching with an amused smile on her full dark lips. We pushed closer against each other.

Warm hardness on my penis, me intimate with my friends. So strange to look down and see the four penes standing as one, a bundle of four pink sticks. And then Sharon began the binding.

It was tight. Beginning at the base Sharon began winding the ribbon. You could see the penes darken as the blood became trapped, the still separate knobs filling a little more.

Blue ribbon criss-crossing up the shafts and then, as before, the tight winding just below the corona, round and round, leaving the quatrefoil penis head exposed and unbound.

"Go on, Gina feel it."

Gina giggled and brought her hands between our bodies and with one hand either side brought them together, cupped around the thing, feeling first the tightly bound shaft and then the exposed, taut skin of the knob.

"Big," she said - and indeed it was, there in her hands.

"An awful lot of cock! Oh, look."

From one of the four mouths an appearance of liquid. Pre-cum, Cowper's Fluid, meant to aid penetration - but there could be no penetration. The 'impossible cock' was far, far too big. With a single finger, Gina touched the fluid and moved it around and around across each sensitive urethral opening in turn, a wet swirling on sensitive skin.

"Wicked," she said. It was clear to me her interest had been more than aroused.

And then more feminine hands pushed between male bodies to feel and touch. Light finger touches, squeezings and, indeed, the fondling of balls. The women had asked for it and they had got it - the 'impossible cock.' They were now enjoying it. It was there for their pleasure.

"This is just so weird," mused Gina, "but this bunch of hanging, flopping, swinging, wrinkly balls I find just so sexy. Should I?"

It was clearly her hand I could feel, moving my testes around. With the others it was being lifted or swung. All of us in the heat anything but drawn up against our bodies.

"The size of it," whispered Sharon, her fingers plucking at the straining skin of the quatrefoil glans. "So smooth."

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