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Rosemary Ch. 03

Story Info
Rosemary has sex with three African-Americans.
5.3k words

Part 3 of the 3 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 08/19/2015
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"Okay, disagree. Have you thought of a story for Roy?" JT. stopped the car a block from her home, Kissed her passionately, helped her out of the car, and watched her shapely behind sway back and forth and up and down as she strode to her home.

Rosemary worried about what Roy was going to say when she arrived over an hour late. How would he react? What would/could she say? She also relived moments of passion with Jamar and wondered what he meant about having sex with her as often as possible. She knew what he wanted, but it was impossible.

Going up the path to her home, she considered what she could tell Roy. She was frightened that he might guess she was having an affair. What explanation could she give him? Gingerly, she walked up the steps to the porch. Her stomach in turmoil. She had her key, but the door was unlocked. That's strange, she uttered to herself. Quietly, she turned the knob, expecting Roy to be glowering on the other side of the door.

She stepped in. Nothing. Roy was asleep in his favorite LazyBoy chair. Rosemary sighed in relief, tip-toed past her sleeping husband, went to the bedroom and bathroom, took a shower, put on her pajamas, pulled back the bed covers, and returned to the living room.

A kiss was planted on his forehead.

"Wh...wha...what happened. Oh, Rose, I must have fallen asleep are you home early?"

"No darling, you were asleep when I came in, and I didn't want to wake you. I freshened up, put on my pajamas, and came to get you to bed."

"Bed, sleep, that's a good idea. It was a grueling day. Are you alright? Did you have a good time?" have a busy day tomorrow. Did you have a good time?" He said, as though in a fog.

She kissed him on the forehead."Yes, the music wasn't the best, but the company was good." She thought about Jamar. "Let's go to bed."

They held hands walking to the bedroom. Rose went in, and Roy continued to the bathroom. She walked to the bedroom and Roy to the bathroom.

Rose was relieved. It appeared she hadn't been caught. She pretended to be asleep when Roy got into bed.

He put his hand on her hip and was soon snoring.

She lay there shrouded in guilt and pleasure. What a contradiction, she thought. Rose prayed for forgiveness, for not being caught, and for having to lie to her husband. She gave Roy little thought but remembered her seduction and the incredible sex with Jamar. Her climaxes were frequent and powerful. She was pleased with how gentle he was with her. It was a fantastic evening that she'd like to enjoy again, but she knew it was impossible. She wondered again about Jamar's intentions. Did he know how to have her without being caught? She wondered but finally fell asleep from pleasure and fatigue.

* * *

Her weekend was a blast with never a minute to think. All four of her children had soccer games. She took the girls. Roy took the boys. The girls played well and Rosemary was proud at how well they moved on the field and how well they behaved did in spite of the roughness and losing their games.

She took them to CeCi's pizza and waited for Roy and the boys to arrive. They were thirty minutes late, so Rose and the girls ate breadsticks with meat sauce and drank soda until they walked into the door all smiles.

They ordered and had a great time eating, talking, laughing, and talking about the boys winning their games.

After lunch, the family went to the zoo, it was a monthly event for the Wolfe family. Again it was a joyous event. The children took off in pairs to see their favorite exhibits. Rose and Roy walked leisurely through the botanical gardens.

Roy talked about his teaching at the University, his research projects, and the committees he had to serve on. Rose gossiped about her friends and neighbors, how well the children were doing in school and sports.

She was glad to see the day end because she was tired from the lack of sleep, and her desire to think about JT.

* * *

Roy and the children were gone.

Rose still in her robe was going to shower. The phone rang. It was JT. "Hello..."

"Rose, meet me at the back door."

He hung up.

She raced to the back door. JT. stood there in a green Terminix uniform. She didn't know what to say.

"Aren't you going to invite me in?" He smiled.

"JT, you just can't come barging into my home," she said, angrily.

"I just did, and your home is going to be entirely inspected and treated for termites. It'll take the remainder of the morning while you and I continue our Friday night's activities."

"What do you mean?"

"I'm here because I can't get you out of my mind. I couldn't wait any longer. It's been over two days since I've seen you, and I'm as horny for you as a starving dog is for food." He stepped in kissing her passionately.

As they kissed, he grabbed her by the ass and pulled her into his erection.

"Where can we have sex?"

Jamar, we can't make love in my home, in my marriage bed."

"Who said anything about you marriage bed. I thought you would have an idea where we could have a repeat performance."

"Jamar what am I going to do with you. I'm married and have four children? I can't do this?" She was angry.

He chuckled. "You enjoy having my big dick in you."

She hesitated, and backed away from him.

Jamar pushed her into the entryway door, got to his knees, spread her robe, and put his face into her pussy.

"Jamar, stop!" She tried to twist out of his arms.

He kissed her opening, he licked her pubic hair until it was wet, he licked her slit up and down and sucked her clit into his mouth.

She struggled, trying to push his head away from her pussy.

He sucked her clit harder and raised his hand to rub her nipples between his fingers.

"Oh God, oh God, that incredible." Her knees buckled.

"Where?" He asked, picking her up.

"The basement." She nodded to a door and nuzzled into his neck.

He took them downstairs into the dark basement. There was enough light for him to see a couch. He laid her down, removed his uniform, and holding his cock he slipped between her labia lips and deep into her most intimate place.

She moaned, "Ooooaugh"

They lay together in silence except for their breathing.

"Are you ready?"

"Yes, damn you yes."

He picked her up, so only her head and shoulders were on the couch. "I want you Rose, and I'm going to have you."

They were perfectly aligned. Jamar plunged into her with the enthusiasm of a teenager. He stared at her face contorted in pleasure, her breasts bounding beside her chest, as he slid in and out of her. He concentrated on pleasing her, in pleasing himself.

They lost all sense of time as the thrills of his cock massaging her walls, and her enclosure pressing against his cock.

She was lost in the rapture of her vagina being split and reunited.

He concentrated on the effect of his cock being sandwiched between an enclosure of velvet.

Rose tightened her muscle around his cock to increase the friction between them and felt the building of her contractions until they reached a peak. She plummeted into the unknown, instinctive, abyss of sexual ecstasy.

Jamar responded to her orgasm by grinding the head of his cock at the bottom of her well and accepted the sparks of electricity between them as he filled her to overflowing with his nectar.

* * *

Rose lay in a cloud of sexual gratification with Jamar caressing her body.

After she had recovered, they had sex in four different positions,

She had two major orgasms and numerous minor ones. Rose was well fucked, and she had pleased him with her dynamic response to his sexual abilities.

It was almost eleven o'clock when he slipped out of her for the last time.

The lay side by side. Jamar kissed her over and again. Before he got up, he kissed and sucked both of her nipples. "I could do that all day," he said, with a big smile on his face.

He pulled his Terminix overalls on and his work boots. "Jonathon will pick you up at the side entrance of the Wake and Bake at ten tomorrow morning. He'll be driving a two thousand white Ford sedan. You'll be delivered to a location not far from here. I'll be waiting." He kissed her on the lips and turned to leave.

Jamar, I can't do that I have things to do."

"Yes, fuck me. You'll find a way to do everything you need. However, the most important is fucking me. Don't wear a bra or panties." He said, with a gesture of cupping her breasts.

"What, exactly are trying to do?" She stood in her sexual nudity.

"You'd better sit down, or I won't be able to leave." He leered, at her.

"Answer my question." She demanded.

"My intent is to addict you, no pun intended, so you'll leave your husband and live with me." He said, with an unusual seriousness.

"I'm not going to do that. I can't leave my children." She said almost screaming.

"We'll talk about that tomorrow. Johnathon will pick you up at ten in the morning at the side entrance to Wake and Bake," he said, staring at her intently.

"I won't met with you. I have responsibilities in my home, and you're not going to talk me into leaving my family." Her voice trembled in anger.

"No, I'm going to fuck you into that decision. I'll see you tomorrow." He walked out the back door and got into the Terminix van.

* * *

She took a shower and while washing she pondered her situation. With a husband, she adored and four beautiful, bright and loving children, she had no business carrying on an affair with JT. The sex was awesome, but JT. wanted her to leave her husband and children. That she would not do. She might consider a long term relationship with JT. but not a divorce. It was bad enough that she was having a second affair with a black man, and if she were found out her family would be shamed and embarrassed. How could she face Roy if he discovered her adventures into the African-American culture? He wasn't prejudiced but would be if her affair became known. Worst than that was the children would grow up without a mother to help them through school, get ready for college, and live a healthy emotional and physical life.

What was she going to do? She loved her husband even though he wasn't too good in bed. She loved being fucked by Jamar, but his demand was too much. Who could she turn too? None of her lady friends would understand her having sex with a black. The only female she could confide in was Kristian at the Jazz Palace, but even she was not someone Rose could call and talk to privately. Rose cried, she bawled most of the day. By the time the children returned home from school, she had come to two conclusions. One, confess to Roy about her affairs and hope that he could forgive her. Second, no more meeting with Jamar.

About ten o'clock, after the children had gone to their rooms for the night, she made coffee, took some Oreos from the cupboard, and placed them on the coffee table in fro of where Roy was watching and reading the evening news.

"I brought you some coffee and cookies, Roy."

"Thank you darling, but there's a news bulletin that's about to be aired. Please pour the coffee, and we can talk after this report."

Rose filled two cups with Maxwell coffee and sat beside her husband with her stomach in knots, she was perspiring, and she felt weak and afraid.

Ladies and Gentleman, this news flash
has just be reported by local and
Federal .authorities. Mr. Jamar Taylor
the owner of the Jezzabelle club in
downtown, New Orleans has been
arrested on gambling and prostitution
charges. Mr. Taylor has a long
history of problems with the law, but
an extensive investigation, he was
arrested early this afternoon. He will
will be given a bond hearing at ten
o'clock tomorrow morning. If he is
indicted, tried and found guilty, he
could spend up to thirty years in

A picture of Jamar in an orange uniform was shown.

Roy said, "It's about time there was a crackdown on gambling and prostitution in this town. Every place I look on my way to the campus I see hookers on almost every corner I'm glad to see they've got some evidence on this Taylor guy."

The weight of the world was lifted from Rose's shoulders. Jamar was going to jail, and she'd be free of his intimidation, although she had to admit to herself she would miss his lovemaking.

"What was it you wanted to talk about Rose?" Roy asked as he turned away from the TV.

"Oh, it was nothing. I just thought it would be fun to sit here with you for a change and watch the news." She smiled at her loving husband.

"It was almost eleven when Rose's phone rang. "I wonder who that is at this time of night? She hurried to her phone that was in her purse in the kitchen.

"Rose don't forget, Jonathon will pick you up at ten at the side of Wake and Bake."Jamar's voice rang in her surprised ears.

"I just saw on the news that you'd been arrested and would be in court in the morning."

"I'll be out of there by eleven and in your pussy before noon. Wear something sexy." He hung up.

Rose was stunned. She thought she was freed from Jamar's coercion, but she was wrong. She put the phone on its charger and returned to the living room.

"Who was it, Rose?" Roy asked.

"It was Lucy reminding me we were going shopping in the morning. I'm going to bed, I 'll see you in the morning for breakfast. Don't stay up too late." With a sorrowful heart, she left went upstairs to shower and go to bed. She was both excited and dreading seeing Jamar tomorrow.

* * *

Johnathon picked her up right on time and drove to a large house only a few blocks from her own. He pulled into a garage with an automatic door. As it closed, he led her to the kitchen. "Mrs. Wolfe, JT. should be here in about an hour. Would you like me to get anything for you?" He asked.

"No, thank you," she said as she removed her jacket. She was wearing a knee-length skirt and a blouse with a deep V-shaped neckline. Without a bra her ample size and cleavage were easily discerned.

"You're a beautiful woman, Mrs. Wolfe."

"Why thank you, Jonathon," Rose said.

"I'm sorry Mrs. Wolfe, Ros...Rosemary, but I lied to you Jamar isn't coming, but he asked me to take care of you for him."

Rose looked at him. "What exactly does that mean?"

"It means, I'm going to take care of you." He took her by the arm, quickly lifted her, and walked toward the back of the house to a bedroom. "This can be easy, or it can be difficult for you. It's your choice." Johnathon said, removing his driver's cap and jacket.

She looked at him horrified. "You're going to fuck me?"

As he kicked off his shoes and unbuttoned his shirt, he said, "It's either fuck you or rape you. You decide? I've had the hots for you since the first time I saw you, and Jamar has ordered me to take you one way or the other," he said.

Johnathon was a big man at 6" 4", and two hundred and fifty pounds of muscle. There was no way she could stop him from raping her. "Johnathon, I don't want to do this. I like you, you've always treated me as a gentleman should, but I don't what to have sex with you."

"I'm sorry Rose, I hope you don't mind me calling you Rose."

"No, of course not," Rose said.

He dropped his pants and shorts to the floor. His enormous cock was erect.

"Good, I'm glad to hear that. How do you want to do this?"

"I don't want to do this," she said backing away from him.

He walked toward her. "I'm going to enjoy this no matter what you say, but I'd prefer to have you cooperate with me."

Rose was trapped. "Okay, but no kissing and no playing with or sucking on my breasts."

"You're taking all the fun out of this Rose." He took her by the arm, squeezed.

"Ouch! That hurt. I'll undress." She did, slowly.

As soon as she stepped out of her panties, he grabbed her, pulled her to him and kissed her.

She tried to resist, but he was too strong.

He forced her mouth open with his tongue, as he lifted her from the floor.

She tried to bite his tongue, but it was too big.

He held her by the ass and kissed her long and hard. She was limp as he lifted her up and down. Her vulva lips were open as she slid along the length of his cock.

Rose was amazed by her body's responded. His tongue filling her mouth was exciting, and his shaft running up and down her slit and making contact with her clit. She could feel contractions rumbling in her core. She wanted to fuck, she needed to fuck. She pulled her head away from his. "Give it to me Johnathon."

He smiled as he lifted her pussy just above the head of his dick and slowly lowered her onto it. He groaned, "Uuuugh," as she moved down his cock. He had come with jolts of cum before she was as deep as she could go. His body shuddered with his climax, and he continued to pull her down toward the base of his shaft. His orgasm lasted a long time, he almost fell from his quaking. "Damn, I knew you would be good, but I didn't think it would be this good."

Rose didn't say anything because she hadn't climaxed, but she needed to. "Put me on the bed and fuck me, Johnathon, I want to have an organism."

He laid her on the bed. His cock never left her. Resting on his forearms, he smiled down at her. I love your cunt, but I can't wait for those tatas." He lowered his head to take a nipple into his mouth.

"I said, you weren't supposed to do that," but she moaned "Ooooagh," as his tongue rolled over and around her teat.

He switched breasts and sucked on the other nub.

Thrills rushed through her body as he licked as though he was a calf nursing on his mother, and as she felt his cock hardening.

Johnathon switched from one breast to the other, and he gently gave her slow strokes.

Rose succumbed to the feelings of his mouth and dick. Her body shuddered as her contractions increased in frequency and intensity. She came with a moan, "Aaaaugh," pulled him to her and humped his cock.

Johnathon rose on his hands, I'll last a lot longer this time. He retracted to his tip and gently slid to her cervix.

"Oh, oh, oh" Rose pussy was filled with his massive, thick cock and it was touching every nerve in her tunnel walls.

Incrementally, he moved faster and harder.

Rose had minor orgasms one after the other, and she moaned, "Oooooh" each time he hit bottom.

He pounded her cunt with the power of his two hundred and fifty-pound body. It was like a wrecking ball plowing into the side of a building.

Rose was in paradise as his hammering continued

He never stopped. Like a machine, he intruded and extruded the walls of her cavity.

She was in sync with him. Giving as much as she was taking and enjoying the thrills that consumed her. In an almost continuous state of bliss, she couldn't believe this giant of a man could be so strong and yet so gentle as he kept her in such a state.

"Johnathon, you're wearing me out." She grabbed his shoulders pulling him to her breasts, "Fuck me, fuck me."

Using the foot board on the bed. He pulled out and slammed back into her time after time until he exploded like Mt.Etna in a quaking and gushing of his black seed into her needy and desiring pussy.

Her body writhed as she climaxed, her toes curled, her head rolled from side to side, and her eyes moved back into her eye sockets, and she screamed. "Aaaugh, aaaugh, aaaugh."

They lay joined in the euphoria of incredible sex.

"Damn, you're good. Rose."

He slipped from her. "We've got to clean up and leave."

"I'm afraid I'll never see you again but being with you, fucking you, is the highlight of my life," Johnathon said.

Rose hugged him. I know, and I'm sorry we won't be able to continue having time together."

They showered, dressed, and he drove her back to the "Bake and Wait. She got out and with a tear in her eye watched him drive away.

* * *

The next month was uneventful except for reading about JT. troubles. Life returned to normal, but Rose was unfulfilled as a wife, mother, and a lover.


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