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Roy and the Necklace

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Roy finds a necklace in a secret compartment on the floor.
9.6k words

Part 1 of the 9 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 03/05/2021
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This is my first successful submission to the site.

English is not my first language, be lenient...please.

Every character is 18 years old or older.

Hope you like it, enjoy.


"Welcome guys!"

Screamed my aunt effusively as we came out of the car, "welcome, welcome, welcome!"

She was giggling out of her elbows as she ran up to each of us and hugged and kissed us.

"Welcome to Churchtown!"


The day started out wrong, you could feel it. My sister and I woke in our small motel room by the side of the road, with the incessant knocking from our mother outside.

"C'mon kids! Let's get on the road, we arrive today!"

'great... new town,' I said to myself along an exasperated sigh.

My name is Roy, and I'm 18 years old. I'm 5-7 with a belly, not very sporty or athletic. I'm good at academics though! If that counts for anything at my age.

My family and I moved often because of my father's job, he is a large project engineer, you know... bridges, tunnels, skyscrapers, the works.

This meant that during our life, my sister and I never really stayed long in one place, moving from one town to the next, following along my dad's work.

Today, we were moving back to our parents home, some little town in the middle of nowhere called Churchtown. Apparently, dad was doing a project for his brother's company, renovating the town's main church.

Mom never really had any problems, a housewife always found gossip in any suburban neighbourhood, but not for long. She and dad are very religious people, on account of where they grew up, so if we stayed too long in any town the people would get tired of mom's religious chatter and nagging... mainly the nagging, though.

My sister was born there, she is 23 and doesn't want to start college, saying she wants to marry and be a housewife like mom. My parents support her. Me? Oh, I gotta go to college and work! Like all the other men... I'm gonna be an engineer like dad, because that's the plan they thought up for my happiness.

Dad was driving down the road to Churchtown and the empty desert like landscape started changing to green grasslands.

"Hey kids! We're close!" dad pointed without fully taking his eyes out of the road.

"Oh goodie!" Exclaimed Kassy, my sister.

Danielle, my mother, was smiling from ear to ear and giggling along with the conversation. I just looked out the window, infuriated that I had to move to a town I didn't know, to a new school for my last year in highschool, to meet new people only to be forced to move to another town for my college education, that I didn't choose.


Around 12 o'clock, we reached the house, apparently our house, and started unloading.

We were received by my aunt and uncle.

My aunt's effusive welcome kinda annoyed me.

"Welcome guys!"

Screamed my aunt effusively as we came out of the car, "welcome, welcome, welcome!"

She was giggling out of her elbows as she ran up to each of us and hugged and kissed us.

"Welcome to Churchtown!"

It came as a surprise that our house was right next to my uncle and aunt's.

"Hey Rob, Maggie has really missed you guys since you left," said my uncle as he clasped hands with my father, "hey Mike," followed my dad, "glad to be back."

My aunt and mom were lost in a deep hug, and kissing each other's cheeks as they reunited after so long, they were friends from highschool.

"You must be Roy, it's a pleasure to have you home bud!" Said my uncle as he shook my hand like he did with dad.

I got to say, the family genes were strong, the three of us are kinda short, me being the tallest one, with a belly and slightly overweight.

Dad and Mike, both had balding heads. 'Hey! That's a future to look forward to!'

On the other hand, the women in the family were gorgeous. All blonds, with crystal blue eyes, small slim waist and wide childbearing hips with huge round perky bublebutts and teardrop perky breasts, aunt Maggie looked like a lost sister in her resemblance with my mom and sister. There were differences though, like although, all three of them were short, my sister was shorter than them, and she didn't have a flat tight belly, but a slightly curved one, proper with her age, the curve of her belly disappeared in a slight sexy pouch before her groin.

"Oh guys, it's so good to have you back!" My aunt was almost screaming as she spoke, "let's get you guys a tour of the town, Roy you've never been here before, so it's good! At least until the moving company comes!"

Mom clapped her hands lightly in excitement, "oh yes! That's a wonderful idea!"


"So Roy, let me tell you about this little great town of ours here!"

My aunt Maggie was driving and mom sat on the passenger seat, behind them were my sister and I.

"Churchtown is a great place to live, and a great place in general really...

We drove past a hospital and she pointed at it.

"Churchtown is the artificial insemination capital of the world, most women here get up to two or three pregnancies this way, more than anywhere else in the country or in any single place in the world for that matter.

I didn't know why she said that with so much joy, it was clearly something bad, men sperm count in this town must be horrible.

As we drove by she kept chatting.

"The town was originally just the church, that was because there were many frontier town's in the region that didn't have a church and so Reverend Cadenilla founded the church in between all these other towns. People just kinda moved to be closer to the church after the business in their little towns dried up.

The landscape of the town was interesting, there were no large buildings, only small businesses and houses, and every couple of squares there was a park.

"Here is the main church, right in front of the church square..."

The church was nothing out of the ordinary, just a traditional American XIXth century temple, in wood and white walls with a bell tower and heavy wooden doors in the front. Just one thing though... it was fucking huge! Easily the biggest building in town, the bell alone could probably be heard all over the town.

"Pretty sweet right?"

Aunt Maggie drove past the church and did a left turn on the park, parking just a few meters ahead.

"Let me introduce you guys to my beautiful children."

We left the car and I was absolutely astounded at the amount of women in the park, mom pat my shoulder and told me to close my mouth, aunt Maggie must have seen this and commented, "Churchtown is a weird place, there are 3 women for every male, we don't know why, the average lifespan for everyone is higher than the country's average," she finished with a laugh.

"Children!" She called in a singsong voice, raising her hand and waving it at a group of women sitting in a circle on the grass, she stretched her body and stood on her tiptoes, "Alex! Sam! Come and say hello to your aunt and cousins!"

Two blond heads stood and turned and I thought I was looking at my sister's long lost twins.

The twins, as everyone liked to call them, stood and walked only shortly turning to say bye to their group of friends.

"Mom! We are 18 now!" One of them said as they walked towards us.

"Yeah! We should be able to hang with our friends as long as we want!" The other said, echoing the annoyance.

Aunt Maggie brushed off their comments and waved her hand in dismissal as she answered in her particularly cheery tone, "nonsense, you are my children, and it's time you meet your family!"

They reached us and we all shook hands, my sister and my mom hugged them close, as aunt Maggie made the introductions.

"This is your aunt Danielle, we were great friends in highschool, and these are your cousins, Kassandra and Roy!"

We exchanged pleasantries and the twins turned back to their mom, "great, can we now please go back to our friends?" Said Alex, Sam only nodded in agreement.

I was a little curious about the two, they were absolutely beautiful women, they had these perky, round, and big asses with the family's trademarked feminine small waist, they had delicate facial features, and crystal blue eyes framed by long blond hair that fell just to their shoulders, but they were flat like a board in the breast department, also they seemed... tomboyish in the way they acted and behaved.

"Oh shush now! We are going back home for dinner now. We are making our great casserole.

The twins looked at each other with a mixture of tired exasperation and defeat.

"Further, it will be good for you to talk with your cousin Roy, having at least one male friend is good for men like you in general."

'OH MY GOD! They are men?'

Holy mother of all traps, this guy's are... well... guys!? Apparently they are.

The twins were wearing tight skinny jeans that hugged their feminine legs and white tank tops, they smiled wolfishly at me, I thought I hid my reaction well enough, I pride myself on my dead behind the eyes look and unfazed facial expression, so it made me wonder why they smiled at me like that.

After some back and forth, we decided on places and we all got in the car and drove home.

The twins sat on my sides and my sister sat on my lap, the vibrations of the car and my sister's ample ass bouncing on my lap was an unwanted but welcomed stimulation. My only worry was Kassy feeling my 6 inch penis rubbing up against her, I love my sister and I find her extremely hot, but risking her love for a short ride was out of the question (it doesn't mean I haven't jerked off thinking of her).

So we drove down the road back home, me sweating bullets and trying to force my erection down. The 10 minute drive felt like hours and I barely participated in the conversation.

"I know all the little factoids about my lovely hometown!" Mentioned my aunt, "for example, the average height is 5'5, so we are short people." She finished with a hearty laugh and kept on talking.

"Most men here work in the businesses, and most women here are housewives!"

She kept on listing little factoids but I wasn't listening, my back was tight and my hands were laying on my crotch to try and hide my erection as my sister sat further on my knees, this gave me some space and I could breathe.

We reached home without any major incidents.

Aunt Maggie and mom said their goodbyes with the promise of meeting up at 7 for a welcome dinner.

And just like that, I entered my new home for the first time.


The house was a pretty standard suburban home, two story high. You came into the door and you saw the stairs underneath was a small bathroom, on the right you had the kitchen with a space for intimate meals with a table and 5 chairs. On the left you walked into the living room, right up front there is a couch with a coffee table and the TV on the wall and behind that there is a threshold to the dinning room for visits.

After peeping at both rooms I walked up the stairs, my sister had run there to choose a room before me, only to whine that her furniture had arrived earlier when we were on our joyride.

I saw her leaning on the doorframe and calling me lucky, I only winked at her playfully. She called me jokingly a pervert and went back into her new room.

Next to her door was the main bathroom, and across the hallway were two doors, mine and my parent's bedrooms after.

I walked to the first door on my right, which would be my bedroom from now on only to stop out cold when I see that it's completely empty.

"What in the ever living shit is going on?" I say loud enough for everyone to hear me.

My dad walked out of his bedroom and placed a hand on my shoulder, "sorry son, the moving company had a little problem with the second truck, you furniture, all the cutlery and kitchenware, and our winter clothes are there."

He laughed and followed, "meaning you'll be sleeping on the couch and we will be eating take out for a while."

I dropped and sighed, and my father must have felt something akin to sympathy, "on the good side son, all your woodworking stuff arrived."

"Thanks, I'll... do some work and then get ready for dinner."

My dad nodded and walked downstairs leaving me alone in the empty room.

My woodworking table was placed behind the window on the wall directly in front of the door, I sat on the chair and turned to face the boxes with the tools and other odds and ends.

As I leaned down to open one box, I noticed a piece of wood on the floor of a different color than the rest of the floor.

The block was less than a foot away from the wall that separated my room from my parent's room, and looked to be barely bigger than a smartphone.

I stood up and got close to get a better look, as I stood next to the piece of wood I stepped on, I realized immediately that the wood was loose and not stuck to the floor.

"Great, I got the room with the broken floor."

To many people, a loose piece of wood on the floor would seem unimportant, to me it was not.

Knowing how to work with wood and being somewhat obsessive made for a shitty combination.

As such, fixing my floor became a priority.

I got to one of the boxes with my tools and immediately forgot about the floor, now I needed to organize my workstation. It was around 1 hour later that I finished organizing everything on the table, in the drawers, and in their proper small wooden boxes over my desk.

I felt refreshed and checked my phone, only to realize it was 6:25 and I had to get ready for the welcome dinner at my aunt's.

I looked at the door, thinking about getting a shower, then at the floor.

I cringed internally as I decided to fix the floor first.

Taking a screwdriver, I wedged it on the edge of the loose plank and lifted it. Underneath it was a somewhat deep pocket.

'oh, so the piece of wood is intentional. It's a secret compartment... The different color of wood ruins it, though.'

I pushed my hand inside, trying to feel how deep it was and it reached to my elbow, as my fingers touched the bottom, I grazed a chain with them.

"What 's this?"

I moved and shuffled for it until eventually I was able to pick it up with two fingers.

I saw the chain was actually a necklace as the light of the setting sun shone through the window on it.

"Cool, hidden treasure," I said out loud without even changing my expression.

I sat back on the desk and looked at it more carefully under my lamp.

It was a small pyramid, with what looked like a sphere coming out of it. The necklace appeared to be made out of silver and had a little rune like carving on one side of the sphere that popped from the pyramid.

I brushed my thumb over it and for a second I thought the rune emanated light, but after blinking it disappeared.

'I must be tired from the trip...' I thought.

Dropping the chain on the desk I left to take a shower and get ready for dinner.


I was putting my clothes back on when I saw the necklace, thinking it was kinda cool and that I had nothing else I just threw it over my head and walked out.

Dinner was good, conversation seemed lively, but I just had a headache and felt awful. So bad in fact that mom commented on it and told me to go back home.

I simply nodded, and with a crude goodbye, I went back barely an hour after dinner started and without thinking, went to my new room.


I woke up on the floor of the room, feeling refreshed and recharged. As I stumbled to the bathroom, I bumped my shoulder on the doorframe, "ouch!"

I caressed my shoulder and I realized that it felt firmer than before, I paid no attention to it and as I was about to get in the shower, I realized I slept on the floor and I felt great, that's when I saw my body and jumped from the scare.

I had lost most of my fat belly overnight.


'if I had known sleeping on the floor would help me lose weight, I would've done so sooner!'

I stood in front of the mirror to aprize my lost weight and then it hit me, I had grown too.

I was taller, almost 6 feet tall. I saw the reflection of my eyes barely at the top edge of the mirror.

Reflexively, I ducked a little to see better and my hair was full.

Whereas before I had thin dark hair, with some white hairs here and there and the incipient receding line that forecasted my baldness, now my hair was pitch black, thick and a little wavy as it fell. There were no white hairs at all, and the hair line had dropped forward like a basketball player dunking in the last minute of the game!

My laughter came before my thoughts could catch up, and I fell on the toilet.

As I sat, pain shot through me, making me stand on reflex. I turned to look at what had injured me but the toilet lid was down and there was nothing else, "what could hurt my-"

As I was thinking what could hurt my genitals, I dropped a hand there to caress the injured area, and I felt something huge.

Cold sweat ran down my spine as I looked down and I saw the biggest penis I have ever seen in my life.

At least 7 inches flaccid, thick, with big, heavy testicles, and veins running all around it.

"Is that... mine?"

'Oh My... God!'

Curiosity got the better of me and I started slowly jerking it, THE cock growing slowly before my eyes. It grew past the 8 inches and my smile probably from ear to ear.

Fully erect, the monolith I would come to know as my cock was a little longer than 8 inches and as thick as three fingers, with a bulbous, mushroom like head.

After I started jerking, I wouldn't stop. So I jerked until I reached the tipping point and erupted on the sink. What I thought would be a manageable discharge, became several, long ropes of cum that shot off my cock splashing all over the sink, the faucets, the mirror and back on my body.

"Holy fucking hell!" My scream was heard downstairs and mom called back for my use of improper language, I shrugged and used the towel by the sink to start and clean the mess I flooded the bathroom with.

When I was done, the small towel was heavy and dripping, only adding to my surprise on my new member.

Dropping the towel on the pile of dirty clothes, I finally got on the shower. It took longer than usual as I couldn't for the life of me understand how my body changed from sleeping on the floor.

As I spread the soap, my hand brushed against the necklace and everything kinda popped on my head.

'The motherfucking necklace is magic!'




I got out of the bathroom carrying the pile of dirty clothes with the towel and walked straight to the back of the basement where the washing machine was, dropping everything inside without anyone seeing me.

As I stepped back on the ground floor, mom called me for breakfast.


Roy's mother barely looked at him as he entered the kitchen and sat on the table for breakfast.

"Oh, honey! Did you sleep on the floor last night?"

She asked out of curiosity, since the family didn't see him on the couch when they came back.

He shot back a simple "yes" and went back to look at the necklace.

Danielle or Danny, as many of her friends called her, turned back with a plate of scrambled eggs and bacon, and froze in her place when she saw Roy.

She was immediately captivated by the man he had become. Of course, she could not pinpoint the changes in his body, but she could realize he was different.

"Here you go, Roy," she said, calling him by his name for some reason.

Roy picked up on that, he quickly thought he was in trouble, but then looked at his mother smiling at him and realized he was not.

"Mom?" He called, she lifted her chin while looking at him, acknowledging his question before he spoke, "do you see anything different with me?"

"Now that you mention..."

She leaned forward and placed her hand on his shoulder, caressing it slowly. His body felt electric to her and the words escaped her as she realized once again her son was a man.

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