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Rub a Dub Dub Ch. 02

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Marooned naked on an island in a lake spying upon a couple.
7.9k words

Part 2 of the 8 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 04/05/2021
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Chapter 2 -- Crusoe's Island

The next day found Ben Baker taking the self-same walk along the lakeside in the direction of the house by the water. The weather as gorgeous as before: blue skies and warmth. A hint of a breeze, which was welcome, Ben in khaki shorts and a linen polo shirt with his knapsack containing water and the all-important swimming shorts. The lake looked so beautiful, the water lapping with the slight breeze. In the distance the sound of an outboard motor. Someone out fishing.

Ben paused and smiled as he looked towards the house. Already his newfound friends were by the lakeside. He could not quite see what they were doing but as he neared, he could see they were preparing a boat.

"Good morning!"

Good morning indeed. They were all off for a sail upon the lake. Would he like to join them? Of course.

Ben knew a bit about sailing, but he kept out of the way letting the other men get on with the task. Good to sit and watch the shore recede and watch the water as the boat slid forward under wind power. A little cooler, a little fresher out on the water but that was no bad thing. Good to be out with his new friends. They were a very pleasant group and whilst he had been quite prepared for a solitary holiday, he was more than happy to be with others. Ben was someone content in his own company, which was rather illustrated by the pleasure he took in fishing -- a solitary pursuit by and large. They were a pleasing group of people to be with, even without the unexpected sexual release of the day before. A bonus really. Perhaps they might be in the tub again later.

He looked across at Liz's long brown legs coming out of her shorts, admired the hint of mounding at the top of her legs, within her shorts, where women just did not have that big bulge men had. Not a bulge in her case but a pleasing, an aesthetically pleasing mounding. A glance at Greg's shorts and, indeed, his bulge certainly showed. Had he really held that yesterday? Really held, not just Greg's penis but the thing erect and actually wanked it? So unlike what he had ever done before. It had been crazy -- but he was on holiday! His eyes moved to Mary's breasts barely contained in her bikini top. He could just see her cleavage, where the short sleeved white shirt she had put on over it hung open; he had most certainly played with those breasts.

A cruise to the middle of the lake and a broad sweep around so they were running parallel to their shore; ahead an island, quite a large island rather than being simply a lump of rock sticking up out of the water. Ben watched it grow, his interest piqued. No different from a boy or, indeed, any adult on Derwent Water or Windermere, islands hold a fascination.

"What's it like?" He indicated ahead. "Have you landed?"

"Yeah, last year," said Greg, "do you remember how we left Peter as a castaway? So funny seeing him standing on the shore as we sailed away."

A silence descended on the boat. Greg had mentioned a subject -- a man -- that was not really to be mentioned on the holiday. It was Liz who spoke, though:

"Would you like to play Robinson Crusoe -- for a time? We could sail back and get a picnic and leave you marooned. You game? Would that be fun?"

Actually, yes! It took Ben a bit back to boyhood and imagined games. He shrugged his shoulders, suddenly rather excited at the idea of playing explorer, "Yeah, OK!"

It was a bit putting himself in his very new friends' hands. It was really too far to swim to shore -- sensibly anyway.

"Of course," smiled Greg, "we did let Peter have the whole Robinson Crusoe experience. He swam ashore."

"Naked," added Felicity. "Extra verisimilitude! Clothes lost in the shipwreck."

"Ah!" That did not seem quite such a good idea. But as the island neared, it seemed to Ben it would be somewhat 'chicken' to now decline. Peter, the missing man, had done it. It could be done.

"Go on," encouraged Felicity. "Be Crusoe."

"Naked... really?"

The woman nodded.

Off came his shirt, his shoes and socks and then the more difficult part -- shorts and pants; not difficult as such but with five pairs of eyes watching. It was not as if they had all (probably anyway) held his cock, even touched his bottom hole (perhaps) but that had all been hidden away: this was out in the open (albeit not erect). And he had been naked with them, after all, when he had got out of the tub so it would be a bit odd now to make a fuss about his underpants.

"See you later, Mr Crusoe."

"Or Ben Gunn!"

"Don't forget the cheese," Ben said as he went over the side.

It was really rather good being in the water and swimming steadily for the island. Skinny dipping, indeed, as he had already done in the lake alone. Skinny dipping, though, without his clothes at hand -- a bit different from quickly slipping into the water on the lake shore and then coming back to knapsack and pile of clothes. Skinny dipping in a very real way. It did not take long to reach the shallows and pull himself up onto the shore. He turned and looked back. The others had not gone far, presumably ensuring he got there safely; he waved, they waved, and he watched the boat tacking away, getting steadily smaller. He was naked and alone on a 'desert' island. How different his holiday had become!

Ben turned back and looked beyond the rocky beach to the trees rising up before him. What was he doing -- really -- but yet, why did he feel self-conscious at his nudity? Naturism was not something Ben did, though he certainly walked around his flat naked in the morning and was this really much different? He was alone, just that it was a whole island rather than a whole flat!

Not a large island, yet plenty to explore. He found it as fun as if he had been a boy playing games. He was, after all truly marooned not just playing -- at least for a time -- but it was play. Pine trees rising at the centre of the island, various bushes and rocky outcrops, even a few sheep showing a local farmer made use of the areas of grass. The discovery of the remains of a fire made Ben smile as it straightway reminded him of Robinson Crusoe's shock at finding the same on the beach of his island. Evidence that he was not alone -- or rather that people had been there before. Unsurprising of course -- and not the worry it had been to Crusoe when he discovered the visitors had been cannibals!

Crusoe's island, Tom Sawyer's Jackson's Island in the Mississippi, the Swallow's Wild Cat Island or whatever, it was enjoyable exploring and given a certain zest by his nakedness. His thoughts returned to the tub experience of the day before and he wondered what might be in store when the others returned. Naked swimming? The men erecting, penises sucked by kneeling girls, fucking under the pine trees -- perhaps swopping and swopping about. Good thoughts and Ben actually did some of his exploring with his penis hard and pointing. It just came as he walked and thought. Indeed, just as if he had been in his flat. A naked, erect explorer -- that was extra fun! Fun until he saw a boat approaching, a boat which was not the one his friends had sailed away in. All of a sudden, it was like Crusoe and the cannibals -- not that Ben thought they were likely to eat him! From behind rocks he watched the boat approach and go along the shore. As it moved away from him, he crossed the island and secretly watched it circle the whole island before landing. It was young people, not thirty something like he and his friends, perhaps little more than teenagers. The boy rowed the boat up to a small beach, leapt out and pulled it a little up before tying the painter to a tree and then helping the girl from the boat, his hand in hers as she stepped barefoot onto the land. A pretty girl with long, dark hair and bare legs, unsurprising in the heat, under a cotton dress.

Rather clearly a couple; local people, perhaps come to explore or did they know the island well? Ben had already been planning where to hide as he had watched them go around the island expecting they would come ashore. Could he keep away and ahead of them, perhaps circle around them and place himself where they had already explored? They had encircled the island, seen there was no boat so they would find it surprising there was anyone on the island, let alone someone naked. They would not be expecting that.

Someone naked indeed, because, and it was Ben who was the suddenly surprised, as all at once he was not the only naked person on the island. From his hiding place his eyes grew round and, in a rather natural reaction, he felt his penis stir, the girl simply lifted her dress up and over her head, as casually as anything, removed brassiere and knickers just like that and stood as naked as Ben -- and not hidden at all. He took in the continuation of her hair colour in the form of a pleasing dark triangle; her firm, generous breasts and the large, brown circles at their tips; her rounded hips and generous bottom cheeks. She reminded him of Druuna in those rather pleasing drawings of Paolo Serpieri in the graphic comic books he had enjoyed. Not Druuna, and not quite so voluptuous, but she came to mind.

That thought did it, of course and Ben found himself not just hiding, not just hiding his nakedness but hiding his erection as well from the newcomers. He lay upon the ground, peering around a tree and, just like moments before finding himself not the only naked person on the island, it became apparent, almost before the lad dropped his shorts that he was also not the only man with an erection on the island. A pair of lovers, clearly, who were not wasting any time! Ben wondered what they had been doing in the rowing boat. Had the girl's feet been rubbing the boy rather intimately through his shorts as he rowed? A nice thought.

Ben exhaled. Phew! This was not his normal experience at all. He had not played the voyeur before, but he was liking it. He was liking it very much. A couple clearly about to engage in amorous pursuits tended not to engage in exploration - of their surroundings, rather than each other's bodies, that is. It seemed he was not going to have to move from his present hiding place for a little while. His eyes continued to take in the girl's charms, with the added interest of the young man aroused beside her. They were bound to do 'it,' he was sure, and he could watch. The day before he had held but not seen another man's erection; today he was seeing one standing really rather 'proud.'

But no! The girl did not get down on her knees and start sucking; the girl did not lie down and wait for the boy get on top of her, neither in a traditional nor soixante-neuf position; the girl did not reach and hold a tree and let the boy approach from the rear; they did not even embrace and kiss. Instead, they began walking, absolutely in a straight line to where Ben was concealed. If he did not move they would, very probably, be walking right over him. An interesting view when he looked up, certainly, but what would they say when they saw him? For a few moments he was transfixed, staring at the girl's moving breasts and the unusual sight of a naked, young man walking with a full erection.

An unusual sight, maybe, but when they turned to each other to say something, Ben was on the move, wriggling backwards on his stomach out of sight (uncomfortable and stimulating to his penis all at the same time) and then getting up on all fours to scuttle back before he felt he could get fully to his feet and hurry away to another place of concealment. An unusual sight too, had they seen, and like the young man, Ben was doing it all with an erection. It may be an unusual sight, but there were two men moving around the island with erections!

It was useful that Ben had explored the island so thoroughly. He knew where to hide. A bit like the Duke of Wellington having carefully examined the land so he knew where to make his stand ready for a battle. Ben, though, was not in any way thinking of a battle; Not planning to make his stand, even if he was mostly definitely 'standing;' had no intention of crossing swords with the newcomers -- crossing his 'sword' with the young man's indeed. 'Fighting' over the girl perhaps. Hardly! He wanted to watch. Ben was quite desperate to watch. The sight of the two had got to him, had really aroused him.

They were a little below him, in a sort of dell in the island; he in shadow, they in bright sunlight. Peaking around a tree he thought he was rather invisible and, so long as he did not make a sudden movement, they would not see him.

The couple had paused and were now embracing. A lovely sight. So suitable for a camera to take a photo or two. It was a perfect setting, really, for some 'arty' shots. Girl or rather couple in a woodland setting. A little bit more than 'arty' perhaps given the very visible erection, but that depended rather on what the viewer would be happy with in a photograph. How good to be a photographer arranging the couple -- doing a nude and sex 'shoot.' How enjoyable to direct the poses. Perhaps get the sun behind the erection as the girl lowered her head, have the sun shining through the boy's curls as her lips lowered in silhouette. Or maybe the boy creeping up, satyr like with erection, on the unsuspecting asleep maiden.

Ben reached slowly downwards and began to wank at the thought. And, as if they had heard his unspoken directions, the girl began to slide down the boy's body, slowly and sensually, her tongue trailing down his skin. It was obvious what she would do. Ben had never, of course, seen that happen (except to him, and a couple of rather pleasant times watching himself in the mirror as his girl of the time worked her magic). Her lips touched -- Ben wanked.

'Go on, a bit more, suck it a little deeper,' he thought. The girl seemed a bit tentative, had no doubt done fellatio before, but seemed to be taking little more than the knob in. Wonderful to see, very enjoyable, but he willed her on. Get it down your throat, he thought, surely it could not be that difficult? Ben had not done such a thing. He did not know.

So good to be standing there, completely naked in the warm air, hidden behind a tree and watching with such excitement. His body felt taut with arousal -- and his penis showed it. It had not occurred to him until then just how -- was 'captivating' the right word -- voyeurism could be. It had an element of the thrill of the chase; not that he had had to do any hunting or chasing. Indeed, there had been no hunting needed. The bird -- or, rather, cock and bird -- had dropped right into line of sight of his gun.

So pleasurable watching the girl with the lad's erection in her mouth. The sight and the thought. It looked just lovely, both visually and the idea of how good it would be to be the lad and experience what he was enjoying. It did not seem, either, as if the lad was the only one of the two enjoying the experience. The girl seemed to be getting a lot out of it too: not too much, Ben hoped, he would rather like to see them engage in sexual intercourse and not for it all to end there with the girl getting the lad's stuff in her mouth.

Ben's hand moved up and down his own standing erection. So good to see the young man's hands upon the girl's breasts, kneading them, pulling at her nipples. In his mind the thought of being behind her; nosing his penis between her bottom cheeks and up into her hopefully wet sex. What would it be like to engage with a woman together with another man? Perhaps swopping around, one in her mouth and the other between her legs and then changing over positions. He had never done such a thing, nor had the opportunity.

Swopping over certainly, but, alas, not Ben swopping around with the boy. Instead, the girl getting to her feet and it being the boy's turn to kneel. No penis to suck but his face was very soon pressed into her fur as she stood with legs rather open and her mons veneris pushed forward. What a lovely thing to do; Ben was no stranger to the pleasures of cunnilingus; he enjoyed that, would love the opportunity to kneel beside the boy and they take it in turns to stick their tongues upwards into the girl's sex and nibble with their lips. He wondered how wet the girl was; might she be running with juice, plenty to lap up and savour -- enough for both of them?

Unsurprising the boy's cock showed no sign of drooping, even less so when his hand dropped and began steadily wanking as he licked away. Ben smiled to himself when he found his own hand moving in time with the boy's. The thought then in his mind of the girl wanking them both, one in each hand, pulling at their foreskins in time. Synchronised wanking, indeed. Foreskins up, foreskins down, foreskins up...

What might they do next? Would it be sexual intercourse or... It was 'or,' the girl reaching and lifting the boy upwards so they could kiss; in Ben's mind the thought she would be tasting herself on his lips. How he would like to do that: though rather directly from the girl than the boy's lips! Lovely to see the boy's penis curving up between them and rubbing gently on her stomach; soft penis skin against the girl's smooth, young skin. Ben would like to have done that too: kissing the girl and rubbing against her or even just rubbing against her as the couple kissed, the girl feeling the gossamer like smoothness of two peeled knobs against her stomach.

A gradual descent to the ground but to lie head to toe. A mutual oral pleasuring in prospect, the lad's penis re-entering the girl's mouth and his tongue very possibly pushing inside the girl once more. So good to watch, the girl surprisingly on the top. Such a pretty bottom to look at, plump, rounded and smooth. With the lad's head hidden away between the girl's thighs and her concentrating on what was in her mouth, Ben risked leaning a little further around the tree. What a bottom! He wasn't a great one for spanking, did not find the sight of rather reddened girls' bottoms particularly arousing, but he would not have said no to the opportunity! Almost tempting to creep closer and hope he was not spotted. He thought it would be rather wonderful to get right up to them and wank over them. The thought of letting his hot semen splash down on that bottom rather pleasing, or even to surprise the lad as his penis pushed the lad's lapping tongue out of the way as he pushed into the girl.

They rolled, and Ben withdrew his head behind the tree. When he looked again the lad was on top and his rather smaller and muscular bottom was in view. Nothing wrong with it, as such, but much less pleasing to imagine his semen raining down on that. Amusing to imagine himself giving them both a good spanking for being caught at 'it.' The two bent over the fallen trunk of a tree with bare bottoms. Not an unpleasing thought. Enough to cause him to snatch his hand away and just avoid decorating the tree's trunk with his sexual excitement.

It was not yet time to ejaculate, though Ben knew he was going to do that before leaving his hiding place. Too good an opportunity to miss. Not yet time because, as he watched, the boy rotated around upon the girl so that his mouth was upon hers rather than his penis within it, his tongue not penis in her mouth, and that meant his penis was hanging there between her open thighs ready to penetrate. Ben stroked anticipating the act. The lad did not hang about -- or hang there long -- a ripple of movement from his buttocks and it was clear to Ben that the boy had pushed home. So good to see. Real life fucking. Ben's hand echoing the act with his penis. Gentle and so pleasurable movements. So good to watch and, in the quiet, actually hear the squelching, sucking sounds of copulation. Good too to see the girl's naked legs and feet come up and lock around the boy's back as they settled into a steady rhythm.

Of course, Ben was imagining being the boy, or else, when the boy had come, simply replacing him. Lying atop the girl after the lad had risen, all spent, and before she had moved. Just lying there awaiting the second cock -- and then Ben sinking into her.

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