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Rudra and Riya Ch. 03

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Trouble in Paradise.
3.9k words

Part 3 of the 11 part series

Updated 03/08/2024
Created 05/23/2014
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Ma had just retired to her room when Rudra and I came to ours. The moment we were out of sight Rudra put his arm around my waist crushing me to him. He slipped his hand between my legs roughly pushing his finger into my wetness.

"Umhh," I bit into my lip. I turned in his arms to kiss him. Our lips sucked hungrily at each other's tongues.

"I want you," I heard myself say before biting into his lip.

He groaned, then half lifted me to his room, discarding my clothes on the way in. He lifted me against him then bit into one of my nipples.

"Aahhh," I groaned loudly being instantly aroused beyond repair. I found my hand pushing his head to my breast as he pulled hard on the nipple. He pushed me against the door, thrusting his hard on against my wet pussy.

He cupped my breast in both hands, pushing it up to suck hard on my flesh. Then he squeezed it again repeating the process over and over.

I bit into my lip moaning hard. My head falling back in sweet agony.

"Riya?" Mother called just before she entered into the nursery and my breath caught in my throat.

"What..." but she did not finish.

My moan turned into a whimper and Rudra froze, my nipple still in his mouth.

My heart pounded in my chest as blood rushed into my face and my cheeks began to burn. A startled expression paralyzed my face.

"My breasts were hurting," I breathed by way of explanation before mother turned on her heels and left.

Every movement I made thereafter was under ma's radar. She would make surprise visits to the nursery. I felt so ashamed of almost being caught it made me tremble every time I thought about it, so I took all precautionary measures, even at the cost of aggravating Rudra. But into the third week Rudra was running low on patience.

"You're being paranoid, you know." He stared into my eyes, miffed. "She's not going to come up in the middle of the night just to see what you're doing with me in bed." He tried to kiss me again.

"Ummh, please Rudra," I tried to break from his kiss. "Listen, ummh..., ummh, please honey," I coaxed, to appeal to his better senses."

"I want you," he growled.

"I want you too Rudra, but I'm too scared." I pleaded again.

"Are you really, or have you had your fill of this," he gestured at us and the nursery.

"Now you're being paranoid," I squinted at him annoyed myself, for him even thinking of something as absurd as this.

"Fine, have it your way," he turned his back to me in a huff.

"Please Rudra, I'm really scared. If she catches us this time, I don't know what she's going to do." No matter how much I wanted to reassure him and allay his fears, I couldn't hug him or come close to him in bed of fear that ma would catch me in the act.

He didn't turn around in bed after that and went to sleep, while I counted sheep in my head till morning.

The next day he was distant and no matter how much I tried to act normally before my mother, my eyes kept traveling to him. Every time our gaze met, I could feel ma making mental notes.

And then it happened.

On the weekend when ma and I were home alone she asked me to move a bed into the nursery with the babies. She did not want me and Rudra to share a room anymore. Instinctively, even before she had let on I knew something drastic was eventually going to happen but I still wasn't ready for the way it made me feel.

The moment I heard him walk into the house it was like all the flood gates had released. I knew it wasn't a big thing I was still next door to him but no matter what I told myself, I felt like ma had severed me from Rudra and I couldn't bear it. Even though he was standing a few paces from me, I felt like a deep trench had been dug between us and I couldn't cross it to get to him. The first moment we were alone I ran into his arms.

"Shhhhh," he rocked me against his warm chest. "Stop crying, its only temporary, I promise.

I shook my head violently against his chest too overcome with emotion to trust my voice. I sobbed against his chest, my knees giving way.

"Come on Riya, its not a big deal. I'm next door to you, aren't I?" He pulled me up to peer into my face. "Its going to be alright darling, hush now and stop crying." I felt his kiss put warmth into my cold bones again.

But words still failed me. Instead fresh warm tears welled and flowed from my eyes.

"Riya, please honey stop doing this, you're breaking my heart," he exhaled crushing me in his embrace again.

Nothing would be the same again. Ma would keep a close watch on us now, I knew it in my bones and a dread settled over my heart. I no longer had it in me to survive without him. I knew I had to do everything in my power to let that from happening. Every time he tried to touch me even if it was in the middle of the night or even when I knew ma was away for the day I would flinch and shrink from his touch and soon he stopped making an effort altogether. He began to spend long hours at work, coming home late. I wondered sometimes if he had begun to see someone. I trembled in my bed thinking about it, my life seeping out of my limbs at the very thought.

At night I would dream of him and then wake sweating.

"I needed to shop for a few things for the babies," I asked tentatively, when I found him in the nursery one morning petting the babies. "Can you take me shopping in the evening?"

"No, I'm busy today. Go with ma." He said simply then left the room.

On the way to work I tried to start a conversation with him again.

"You're very busy these days."

"Yes," was all the answer he gave.

"With what?" I let my curiosity get the better of him. But a call came through and he began to talk over the phone.

"Yes, tell her to wait. I'm going to be there in," he checked his watch. "ten minutes tops. Yes, i'm sure, just tell her and show her to my office. Don't let her leave at any cost. Keep her busy somehow." He called off.

"Can you take a cab to the university today Riya, I've got this client waiting for me and am already late." He asked absently dialing another number.

"Yes, yes of course," I answered, my heart falling. I looked out of the window, biting into my lip, suddenly feeling overwhelmed over the lack of control I had over the events unfolding before me.

"Will you be alright?" He asked looking at me when he dropped me at my intersection.

"Yes, of course," I said again in a false voice.

He gazed at me, before his phone began ringing again, then exhaled, answered his phone and started the ignition to take care of more pressing matters.

I stood there a while staring behind his car, too weak to move and unable to make sense of where the life I called my own went in that moment.

Somehow every time I tried to talk to him again something would always come in the way. Over time the silences began to distance us even more than the setbacks of life. He began to travel for work and spend days away from home, something he had never done before. Something he had only begun to do lately. I thought of the call he had answered when he had left me on the side of the road that day. 'Don't let her leave at any cost'

"What are you thinking?"

My gaze travelled to ma, unsuspecting. I found it strange to find her staring at me.

I looked down at my plate, at the untouched food, my mind already beginning to pick up its trail again into the maze in my head.

"I asked you something?" Ma raised her voice.

"What? I'm sorry, what?" I cleared my throat.

"Where's your mind these days Riya? Are you even here?" She asked with a slight sting in her voice. "I find you staring into the oblivion all the time. What is the matter with you?"

I cleared my throat again. "I'm just tired." I answered, my fork absently, toying with the food on my plate.

"Are you feeling alright?" She sounded a tad worried.

"Yes, I'm alright," I answered without much thought. I had stopped letting questions affect me any more.

"Are you still having the same problem?" She asked hesitantly.

My eyes stared blankly into hers. I did not answer before finding out what she was talking about.

"Your breasts still hurt?"

Oh, so that's what she meant. My neurons began to fire at once.


"So, aren't you doing anything about it?" She asked like handling something unpalatable.



"Because I've learned to live with the pain." I lifted my eyes to hers, rage simmering deep within them.

She looked away.

"Ask him to help you."

It wasn't a plea nor was it a command. It was her way of saying she cared. I felt a pall lift over me.

That night when I had put my babies to sleep in their crib, I went in to take a shower and wore my black negligee. Then I began to wait for him to return. My heart thudded against my chest in anticipation. It was only nine and I knew if he returned he usually did around midnight. I ordered my mind not to dwell on what kept him away.

"Riya? Wake up honey," he was waking me softly when I stirred from my stupor. I closed my eyes again, my heart blossoming with the boundless love I felt for him. He was beautiful. His dark eyes glowed in the lamplight under thick winged eyebrows. "Riya, wake up darling, what's the matter? Ma said something was wrong with you?" He asked worriedly.

Ma had told him. I bit into my lip, then lifted myself into a sitting position while he knelt before me, his enquiring eyes still fixed on my face. I pulled him against my breasts holding him against my heart. I felt starved for his touch. I kissed his head, sobs tearing from my lungs.

"What's wrong Riya?" He asked anxiously.

"I can't live without you." I choked.

"Oh! honey," he exhaled resting his forehead in my cleavage. "I thought you didn't want me anymore." He said slowly.

Another sob tore through my chest.

He lifted his head to look at me again. "Ma said you weren't well? What's wrong? Are you alright?" His brows still gathered on his forehead.

"Yes." I held his face between my palms.

"I missed you," I said breathlessly.

His features mellowed.

"I missed you too."

We stared at each other for an electrifying moment.

"Suckle my breasts," I said with longing.

I slid the straps off my shoulders to bare my breasts to him. I cupped a breast lifting my nipple to his mouth.

"Will you, Rudra?" I asked, my voice laced with lust.

He looked at me, then pushed a hand behind my back, pulling my nipple roughly into his mouth. Every time he sucked pulling me to him, I felt my pussy flood. He bit into the soft flesh of my breast, etching his teeth all over them. Then he began to suck and bite on my raw nipple. I smiled down at his ministrations wondering how engorged he was with all this. My hand slipped into his hair holding him to my breast and he pulled and tugged at my inflamed breast. I kissed his head.

"I want you Rudra." I salaciously whispered into his ear, my breath chafing against my lungs. Hearing that he pulled me into a rough kiss. His mouth dug into mine and began to suck on my tongue. He bit into my lower lip and tore my negligee into shreds.

"I don't want you to ever say no to me again, you hear me," he spewed in suppressed rage.

"I won't." And in that moment I felt fear depart from me forever.

He was back at my lips again. Chewing and sucking on them.

He loosened his tie with one hand and unbuttoned the top of his shirt. But then instead he went back and attacked my other breast. He pulled the nipple into his mouth and sucked hard on it until I whimpered.

"I'll teach you never to say no to me again." He fumed again then began to suck and bite and swallow my breast into his mouth.

A puddle had created beneath me. I wanted him to want me like this forever. Just the thought that he could live without me was unthinkable. I wanted him to ravage me for the rest of my life. To hell with what the rest of the world thought. I would give him what he wanted, if someone found it unpalatable, well then too bad.

"Take me," my voice startled even me. It wasn't a whisper anymore. "Take me now." The moment I said it my eyes flicked towards the ajar door and I saw my mother standing in the doorway. Her hand clasping her throat.

I wasn't scared of her anymore. I could scream now that I loved Rudra from rooftops. I could scream that I was his wife and the mother of his children and I did not care what my mother thought about it or did to me over it.

He pulled me beneath him then. He was lying naked over me.

"Open your legs."

I acceded at once and felt his engorged cock encroach the empty space in my cunt. He placed one hand on the edge of the bed for support and began to bang me against it. He wasn't in the mood to make love. He was ravaging my cunt, exactly the way I wanted him to.

"Harder Rudra," I urged into his ear. "Fuck Me Hard." "Ahhhhhhhhh," I moaned louder than I ever had.

"You are mine." He roared thrusting hard into me. "You hear that, you are mine. Say no to me again and I will kill you cunt."

"Ahhhhhhhh," I groaned with pain. He had never fucked me in anger. This was new for my body and I shattered into a tiny million pieces in his embrace.

"Punish me for not letting you touch me, ravage me, destroy me." I cried giving into rage myself.

He pummeled into my pussy in fury, calling me his whore, his cunt, his baby breeding machine.

"Ahhhhh, ahhhh, ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh," we moaned loudly giving into our orgasms. And even now minutes later I could still feel his penis twitching and jerking inside me. I was full of his cum. I lifted my legs around his waist, holding him harder against my boobs in my embrace, before slowly drifting into a stupor.

"I love you," I whispered in his ear when I descended from my cloud.

"I love you too," he said pecking me on my neck.

"Did you eat anything when you got home?" I asked him.

"" He replied.

I chuckled softly. "In addition to me?" I enquired.

"Nah, am not hungry." He answered hoarsely.

"I didn't ask you whether you were or not. You're going to have dinner. You work all day. Don't think I haven't been noticing you. You've been nothing but a pain in the neck, skipping meals, coming home late and avoiding me like the bubonic plague.

"What did you expect then, that I would flourish and ripen under the circumstances?" He answered embittered.

"Wait here I'll get something for you to eat." I slipped underneath him and put on a robe to go down to the kitchen.

I was worried about ma seeing us. Worried, not scared. I knew she had seen us and I wanted to know how she was dealing with the shock. I didn't want to involve Rudra, so I didn't tell him I'd seen Ma in the hallway outside my door.

I climbed downstairs but didn't find Ma in the kitchen so I went into her room. I was surprised how fearless I felt.

"Ma," I called when I saw her and she looked at me. "I love him, ma," I said softly to bring her out of her shock.

"You call that love?" She snarled with abhorrence.

"Yes, ma I call that love?" I looked straight at her.

I felt my face sting when she slapped me right across the face.

"Get out of my house, you whore." She said through gritted teeth. "You are no daughter of mine."

"I'll happily be a whore and worse, to be with him, mother. I love him and nothing in this world will change that. I will have him whichever way I can. I will have him at any cost mother." I said going a little loony myself.

My mother gawked at me in shock at my brazen acceptance of the sexual nature of my relationship with my brother. "Then I'm going to leave this house. I will not be party to this sin."

"You are not going anywhere, mother." I fixed her with my stare. I knew this would not sit well with Rudra. Ma leaving us forever with no one to take care of her in her old age.

"And who's going to stop me?" her brows gathered.

"If you leave, I will tell everyone that Rudra is the father of my children. Think what that will do to your family name ma." I blackmailed her.

Her lips turned into a thin line while her dark eyes burned holes in my soul.

"You will not." She tried to call my bluff.

"Indeed I will, do remember, I am a whore, mother." I threw at her.

"I'll kill myself than live in your presence." She spat in fury.

I wasn't expecting her to say that. Was it this big a deal for her. Was I really so screwed that I couldn't understand how wrong what Rudra and I were doing was? But this was no time to delve into my own confusions. I couldn't let mother leave. I loved her and I wanted her so much to accept us, except that I loved Rudra like a wife does a husband and not how a sister loves a brother. I was willing to do anything, so she would accept us.

"Do you really think mother, killing yourself would absolve our family name of my misdeed. It will last for generations and if you hurt Rudra in this manner, I promise I'll do everything in my power to see that your family name never recovers from this blemish. The choice is yours."

Ma flew into a rage over this and slapped me again calling me names.

"This will be our secret mother as long as you want it to. I promise no one will ever know it outside the three of us." I looked at her through tears one last time then hurried into the kitchen, washed my face and took dinner upstairs, for Rudra.

"What took you so long? I was about to come down."

Rudra had taken a shower and had changed into his night clothes.

"I was just talking to mother." I gestured him to sit and handed him the plate.

"What's wrong?"

"What do you mean?" I tried to sound clueless.

"Nothing, you just look strange."

"Hmmm, eat your dinner, maybe with something in your belly, I'll look better." I tried to joke. I went into the nursery pretending to check on the babies. My nerves were in knots.

"Have you eaten something?" He asked from his room.

"Yes," I answered back.

"You'll sleep with me tonight," he said. It wasn't a request, it was a command.

"Yes, I will," I answered but I couldn't completely cherish the feeling, for only tomorrow would tell how my mother had taken all that had transpired today. Until then I would be on tenterhooks. I had made a dangerous move and if things headed south and mother did something stupid, my brother would never forgive me for it. I placed my head in my hands, exhaling hard. I closed my eyes and looked up praying for a miracle.

"What are you doing there? Come here." Rudra called from his room.

"Nothing, I'm just checking on the babies. Yukti needs to be changed." I replied.

"Come back then." There was a pause. "I've missed you enough to last me two lifetimes."

My lips twitched into a smile and I wished I could have enjoyed this moment the way I wanted to, but ... I exhaled again.

Why did mother have to walk in on us? I cursed. I would've jumped into bed with Rudra and now I could not and all because of her. I felt angry and close on the heels I felt guilty and ashamed. I wish my happiness did not come at this price for my mother. But it wasn't something I had chosen. It had chosen me.

"Riya?" He bellowed from the other room and just the sound of his voice melted my very bones.

"I'm coming." I walked in to see him sitting on the edge of his bed watching me.

I looked away.

"What's the matter?" He asked.


He pulled me to himself. "You've never lied to me in your entire life Riya. What are you hiding?" He asked suspiciously.

"You're being silly. I'm not hiding," I laughed trying to throw him off the scent.

He was silent for a bit, while he stared at the pattern in the carpet below. "Have you found someone?"


"Have you started seeing someone?" He asked still not looking at me.

"Yes, I have. You fool. I'm seeing the father of my children, that is when he finds time from his busy schedule and his important clients."


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