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Rule of Women

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What would the world be like if nymphomaniac women ruled?
16.7k words

Part 1 of the 3 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 06/07/2017
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The following story has a lot of sensitive elements. For one, women are ruling the world and the world being in a matriarchal society where men are essentially slaves. Second, mind control with women at the helm. Finally, there is incest within the story in a society that doesn't have qualms about it.

*Author's Note*

Well, this idea has been in my head for a while. Not a proud moment to write, but hey, sometimes the art dictates. My hope is that this story delves into some cool things and shows a world of interesting possibilities. There should be more than one chapter, but I am not sure where to go after this chapter. If there is more, it will be different stories per chapter. Like a magazine issue, you know? I don't. Could be different short stories with varying aspects of lives within the society. Which means each chapter will be super long. Well here goes...


Men are precious commodities. Sally knew this fact and so did every woman in the world. It was for the good of humanity. At least that is what everyone said. The fear of men ruling again was always in the mind of women and so they took to the one thing they knew how to control men; with sex.

The male race was born into sex. They were still expected for breeding, but in the end, that was really all they were used for. That and pleasure. Women had cut all of their rights and introduced man's education into this new world at a young age. They were sex slaves essentially, and woman kept him at bay by keeping his sexual appetites satisfied. This placation presented an issue that had to be solved. Women weren't all that involved into wanting to commit to the amount of sex each man would need for peace. Augmentation was born in that moment and at birth, women were immediately augmented to increase their sexual desire at puberty, turning every woman into a sex addicted nympho that had to have men's cum in them.

Sally had felt guilty about it at first. When her first male had been brought to her, they both had been eighteen The ripe age for breeding and so far, he had given her one son only, but that was because after her son was born, she had gone on birth control. Any more than one, and the child would be taken from her. Still, the issue of the boy who had first knocked her up needed to be addressed.

At eighteen, he was viral and Sally loved that. She probably was too liberal with him, but he could make her scream for hours on end. That didn't fully answer why she was so liberal, but then she didn't have a reason for it other than the fact that when she wasn't fucking him, she learned that men were capable of more than just sex. As she thought about him, she grew sad.

Her time with him was coming to an end because their son was reaching sexual maturity. Within the week, her lover would be taken and placed elsewhere. No doubt it would be a pleasure house. That was her lover's goal anyways, for months now he had been studying and earning different certifications to work in one. Each one gained was an excuse to reward him, but Sally didn't need an excuse to have sex. Cravings for pleasure plagued her body and often it distracted her at work. It did every woman, but Sally was glad enough to be able to afford an actual live-in lover instead of having to visit a pleasure house.

One thing that they were warned about the sex was never let the male get it by his own means. Sex was something to be controlled by women. Men had their time, they had screwed up the world and how society ran today was a testament to that.

Sitting naked on the couch, Sally absentmindedly stroked her pussy. It was plump and swollen, already begging for attention. She had just woken;, the youngest was still asleep in his room, confined there until she let him out. Her lover had been out all night on a permit taking a test. A marathon certificate and as wetness coated her fingers, she hoped he had saved enough of himself for her.

Sounds of sex wafted into her apartment, bringing her attention to it. Sounded like her neighbor next door, a woman who was as insatiable as she. Quickly, her fingers began working in and out of her snatch, filling the room with a pleasant scent of strawberries. That scent was one of the few augmentations she had. With a press of a button and a few dollars, there wasn't almost literally anything she couldn't change about her body. The few exceptions were the few augmentations required by law.

The law augmentations were put into a woman as soon as she was born. There were three of them. First a hormone port that allowed an individual and the state to mess with hormone levels. There was an actual law on estrogen levels and how much of the state sexual serum was present in the blood. There was even a daily test at work that had to be taken, which could affect wages if the levels were too low and weren't excused by a doctor's note. The second was an augmentation for an increase in sex drive. This augmentation was a hit and miss though on when it activated. It was supposed to turn on when puberty hit, but for many women, it malfunctioned and at young ages, their bodies matured fast and began craving sexual attention before eighteen. Sally had been one of those that the serum had activated early. The third and final augmentation was one that allowed for more augmentations.

Sally had few of them. Besides the smell of her sex, she also had an augmentation for eternal youth, perky breasts and really defined and plump labia. The last was because she loved the way they buzzed in arousal and even more when they were slammed up against. Her lover seemed to love them and while her finger probed them, her thoughts turned to her son.

What was she going to do? Incest wasn't frowned upon anymore. In fact, it was encouraged by the belief that mothers knew best on how to raise a child. Plus, it also ended major issues within society. Who owned a male child, the mother or the state? A mother owned her son unless it was only the first born, so there are no legal ramifications of with incest, unless the mother got knocked up once again. Law stated that incestuous relationships could not produce offspring and so the males were given a vasectomy.

Spreading her lips, she stroked her sensitive clit with a finger and moaned in pleasure. Laying her head back, she was fast approaching orgasm when the sound of a key sliding into a lock sounded. Her lover was home and he walked in, much to the delight of Sally.

"Lover. you're home." She said looking at him. He closed the door behind himself. They exchanged smiles, but he looked tired. Even his suit looked disheveled. Just called lover was another thing that was done if the male was owned by the state, as only the state could name them and often didn't until they reached adulthood. Her Lover was of average height. Everything about him was average, down to his cock, which was thick and lengthy. Even men were augmented, all to please women more. Sally had wanted to augment him more, add some fun feature, but the state had to approve them and to request things meant a lot of paperwork. Worse, too many changes and the state may take the male away in fear

"Yeah, but not for long."

"What do you mean?" she asked, almost panicking at his words. He reached into his inner suit pocket and handed her envelope. No kiss or anything before he disappeared into the apartment. Opening the letter she read its contents. After reading, her hands shook in despair. His test last night had gone so well, that he had been fully certified to work in the pleasure house. The state thanked her for her tutelage and had already given her a substantial bonus for her efforts. As such, he was to immediately report to his new work after a reasonable time given to gather personal effects.

That was it then. Her lover was leaving. They had even given him a name to make it official. Jason was printed at the bottom in gold letters.

"Jason," she said. Without really knowing why the name brought her to tears.

"Don't cry Sally, it will be okay," Jason said, suddenly next to her and putting a hand on her shoulder.

"I can't help it. I thought there would be at least a week more. What am I going to do?" She asked. Her gaze fell on the wall while her tears blinked away.

"What you agreed to. Look, we have a son, use him, and teach him. I know it will be different being that it won't be like us, because we learned together, but he is a good kid. A fast learner I think, plus as you own him, you will be able to augment him too."

"It isn't about that."

"I know, but you asked me what to do. I don't want him in the system. Better you then a bunch of random women. Besides, he isn't younger than I was. Just take it slow."

"Why did we have to have him?"

"Because the state makes you if you get pregnant."

He was right about all of it. As much as she didn't want him to leave, the prospect of breaking in a new lover was exciting.

"Can I ask one more favor?"

"Anything, Jason."

"Give him a name and register it. Can you name him Gavin?"

"Why Gavin?"

"It's what I wanted to be named."

That broke her heart, but she agreed to his request. She then asked him a ton of questions on how she should handle Gavin. He was only nineteen , and already past the year, the state recommended for sexual instruction.

"I don't want you to go," she said.

"I have to. Don't worry, he will learn fast."

He came around the couch and pulled her up for a hug. The closeness reignited her desire for sex, but she didn't force it.

"You could stay and teach him."

"I can't. I told you last week that's what we should do. If I stay any longer I risk losing my position."

She hugged him tighter and they parted without another word. He left the apartment and Sally fell to the couch, unsure of how to proceed. It would have been nice for one last lay, or even a chance to give him a proper goodbye. And it was a goodbye. If she ever tried to contact him again, the state would arrest her. Once a male was removed from a household, the state didn't wish for contact again in case of issues arising from attachment. Men were for the pleasure of all women when owned by the state. The bell rang from her son's room, signaling her that he was awake.

The alarm sounded every morning, set off by a doorbell button right next to the light switch in his room. At Jason's request, Sally had let him build the boy's room into a tiny apartment, complete with even a fridge and its own bathroom. Not that he would need it much anymore, but he was locked in the room every night mostly for his own safety. If he wandered out of the apartment, some woman looking to have an unregistered sexual partner would surely grab him up. If not that, then the authorities would and he would automatically be pulled from her care.

Getting up, she went back to her bedroom to put on clothes. Her son had only seen her naked once, and it was by accident. Even though she wouldn't have minded showing him now, the words of Jason rang true and she remembered how awkward it had been for both of them to be naked the first time together. She had been lucky he was understanding and luckier still her mother could afford to buy her a male at such an age. Sally knew on her current salary, hopes of buying a man would have taken years of savings, which would have been impossible to get because her needs would have her spending money in the pleasure house.

Going into the bedroom, she decided to wear loose, fitting dress. There was no need for anything else, but she did up her brown hair in a bun and did put on some make-up, which was really just some light powder and red lipstick. Sally was a beautiful woman to look at, and she had an intelligence to go with it. She went to the kitchen to make breakfast, being that it was only eight and on her way she unlocked her son's bedroom door.

In the kitchen, she decided to make a big breakfast. Eggs, hash browns, bacon and fresh squeezed orange juice were made. She hoped the smells would drag her son out of his room and it worked. Groggily he walked in, rubbing his eyes. He was wearing his blue pajamas. It was good then that neither of them had much to do that day. He didn't have school and she didn't have work.

"Hey honey, sleep well?" she asked.

"Yeah mom," he replied sitting at the bar in the kitchen. She laid a plate of food in front of him which he devoured quickly. She joined him.

"Where's big bro?" he asked.

"He had to leave. He graduated last night."

"Oh," was all he said, returning to his food. Sally studied him, each moment making her heart pound harder. Her pussy began buzzing, even more, reminding her that it needed to be taken care of. There wouldn't be much longer until all of her thoughts were on pleasure.

"Did you learn anything cool in school yesterday?"

"Not really."

He scooped up the last of his eggs onto the fork. Sally had eaten a bit, but by the time he was finished, it wasn't much. She didn't want to eat anymore. Pushing his chair away, he ran over to the sink and washed his plate before putting it away. Sally studied him, wondering what type of man he would grow into. Jason had grown into a thoughtful lover and she hoped to transfer that same thoughtfulness to him.

"Son," she said and he stopped dead in his tracks. She had never called him that before. "I am not done talking to you. Sit back down."

He obeyed, looking at her puzzled when he got situated back in the chair.

"Yeah, mom?"

"I want to let you know, that I have decided to name you."

"You have?" he asked. There was excitement in his voice.

"You would like that?"

"Yeah. Everyone in my classes on the screen has names except me. My teachers just call me twenty-seven."

"Well, it's Gavin. Gavin Lee Stuart."

"Thanks, mom."

"Jason came up with it."

"Oh cool, I can't wait to see him."

Her heart sank. The next parts of the conversation were her telling him that Jason wasn't coming back. It was just them two now.

"So what are you going to do?"

"What do you mean?"

"Well, our teacher told us about sex and everything."

She laughed at that.

"Son...Gavin, that's why we need to talk. You are going to have to take over for Jason."

"You mean, with sex?"


His eyes dropped to the floor and he turned red. Heat rose in her cheeks too and it became difficult to sit still.



"Do we have to?"

The question surprised her. Never before had that even occurred to her as a possibility. Even when Jason and her first met, he knew already that he was there to pleasure her. Gavin had asked a question so far outside the realm of acceptance that she was bewildered.

"Hasn't your teacher taught you about this?"

"She has said that boys are meant to be for a women's pleasure, but not much about sex or rather the act of it. There are articles online about it."

"I see and you aren't interested in it?"

He looked up at her.

"Mom," he started.

"Call me Sally."

"Sally...why would you want me over Jason."

She didn't but she couldn't tell him that.

"Why do you think I do?"

"Well, he is always here for that. Plus, you spent more time with him than me."

Which was true and Sally began to see that maybe that decision had been a mistake.

"I noticed that, and it is a reason why he had to go, so I could spend more time with you." she lied. Truth was she didn't want to hurt his feelings. If she did that, there was a chance that within a few days she would lose Gavin too if he refused to have sex with her. It wasn't unheard of, but when it happened, not only did she lose the potential partner, but when word got out, she would be shamed. She got up and stood in front of him looking into his eyes. "I love you Gavin, and I promise more time with mom, with me, will be fun."

He hugged her and then went to his room. She was sure he was upset over Jason but unsure of how to react to it. She meant the love part but knew that she hadn't spent the time with him she should have. Not only that, this would have been easier too if she'd listened to Jason. He could have made this easier, she only now realized. Looking at her plate of food she intended to right the wrong she had done to her son. The neglect and lack of instruction meant that she had failed to prepare him for herself.

Sally found him in his room lying in his bed. He didn't even look at her as she came in. Clothes were everywhere, something she would address. There were some action figures on shelves and a few pictures of women hanging up. At least she knew he was starting to be interested in women. Pulling her dress off and tossing it to the side she got into his bed. He yelped in surprise.

"Relax honey; I want to make it up to you."

She reached out and put a hand down his pajama pants.

"Mom no," he cried out, but her fingers worked him up to hardness.

"Were you lying out there?" she asked, her body already responding to the situation. He moaned in reply.

"Take your pants off," she said.

He managed to kick them away, and as soon as he had, she shifted to be looking at his crotch. Leaning over it, she saw that he was starting to just come into his package. Nowhere near average size she knew that he was smaller but that was due to his age. Jason came into his full length by twenty. Like him too, Gavin was also circumcised. Her hand explored the virgin cock and Gavin wiggled.

"Don't resist me," she said as she rubbed his pecker. It was only about six inches long and had little thickness to it. He was moaning now and she could see that his eyes were closed. Kneeling on her feet to get more comfortable, it rubbed her swollen labia against the soles, coating them in hot wetness and sending a shiver of pleasure through her. Trying not to concentrate on it, she leaned down and sucked her son's cock into her mouth.

The entire thing fit pleasantly in her mouth. The soft skin covered his hard cock and pressed against it with her tongue. Giving him head was a good first step. Her own resistance to using him as a new lover quickly faded as she sucked him off. Gavin himself grabbed her head and wiggled back and forth. She thought at first that was trying to get away but realized that as she continued that he was overwhelmed by the sensations her mouth was giving him. Smiling, she slowed down and sucked on his dick gingerly while looking up his body. He was so much smaller than her and more disappointing was the fact that his cock wouldn't do much for her until it got bigger. Plus, there was the issue of Jason's dick stretching her out and it would be a few weeks before she even tightened back up. She couldn't augment the thing, not until it grew naturally. Better to let it grow on its own than risk damaging it or him.

Thankful to have tapered down her ministrations, soon she was rewarded when Gavin began convulsing in release. She didn't suck off Jason a lot, fearing that it would give him too much power in the relationship, but she did enjoy taste of cum and would suck him off when she could without giving into the fear. With Gavin, she would have to come up with a reward system for him to use so she could suck him off more. After his orgasm died away, Sally slurped off his cock and sat back on his bed. With a moan, she rolled his thick virgin seed around in her mouth, enjoying the taste immensely.

"Did mommy's boy like?" She said after swallowing the treat

"Yeah," he said through heavy breaths.

"Good because it's time for mommy to get some relief."

He shifted around until he was sitting in front of her. His eyes went wide staring at her bare perky breasts. They were nice to look at but not very big.

"You like them?"

"Yeah. Can I touch them?"

"Yes, but move so mommy can lie down."

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