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Rules of Speeding

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A white couple dare to cross the Law
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The evening had been fulfilling. It was just sad it had to end rather suddenly for Andy Clarence and his wife, Sherry. Andy had been awarded a merit plaque by the Lion's Club city branch for outstanding community service and to celebrate; it was going to earn him a column feature in tomorrow's Daily Times issue. Having accepted and given a brief speech in humble grace, he and his wife had taken their leave of the club, in the crowding midst of dozens of handshakes and accolades. They had stopped at a swanky restaurant along Tudor Avenue, which so happened to be a favorite of theirs, to celebrate in aloneness. This had been the same restaurant Andy had proposed to his wife of seven years, and the owner, promptly recognizing them as they walked in was quick to offer them one of his best tables. Andy and his wife had been together since college, and have been married going on four years. Though they didn't have any kids yet, regardless, their relationship was strong and happy.

They ordered a bottle of champagne to go with their dinner and had drained it while still basking in the joy that was the evening. They were struggling not to seem inebriated more than an hour later when they decided it was time they drove home; they shook hands with the restaurant's owner, promised to return the following weekend before they drove off in their SUV. The roads were wet and slippery and since the hour was late, they were nearly deserted and free from traffic. Andy laughed at a comment his wife made about a friend of theirs at the party as he stepped his foot further on the pedal. There was the familiar purring sound of the SUV's engine as he navigated street after street, towards their home.

Sherry unclasped her seat belt and leaned closer towards him. She nibbled his earlobe, giggling shrilly as her hand caressed her husband's arm. Her voice was whispery and seductive. "You know ... this is one of those few times when a girl can actually be caught doing something naughty to her man."

He never got a chance to ask what she meant when her hand fell downward on his thigh, rubbing upwards to his crotch. Andy gasped from the torture she was giving him: sliding her tongue in and out of his ear while her hand caressed his prick from behind his pants. His body shivered inside his dinner outfit while his eyes remained glued on the road.

"Uhhh," she purred at the feel of his erect penis. "Looks like my baby's awake and happy to see me."

"You know you shouldn't be doing this," Andy moaned as her hands unzipped his fly then crawled inside to fish out his manhood. "Wouldn't you like for me to get off the road first?"

"Nah," she answered, lowering her head to breathe down on his cock. She gave its mushroom-shaped head a kiss, making her husband jump in his seat. "I love it this way." Her lips parted as she slipped all eight-inches of him into her waiting mouth. Within seconds she was slurping down on him.

It was a struggle for him to remain at ease with his driving while being pleasured by his wife, but Andy managed to do just that. His free hand pressed down on his wife's blonde mane of hair, urging her on. He gasped repeatedly from the exquisite warmth that was her mouth.

He was less than a mile from their suburban neighborhood when a loud hoot of a siren exploded behind them, followed a split second later by a roving kaleidoscope of red, white and blue lights as a police vehicle cruised out of nowhere beside them. A cop's hand indicated at them to pull over.

"Ahh shit!" groaned Andy with irritation and disgust. "Cops!"

Sherry raised her head from his waistline, feeling mad too at the interruption. "Damn those party poppers!"

The cops' sedan drew to a stop ten feet in front of them, turning off their siren and klaxon lights as Andy pulled to the curb. He hurriedly tucked his shirt back in his pants and zipped up while Sherry fixed her seat belt and acted prim. The street was dark and there wasn't any other soul on it except them.

The police car's doors opened and out came two black cops. One of them, the driver, was a tall, athletic-looking male, while his companion was a female. Both of them carried a 'no-bullshit' outlook on their faces as they approached the SUV from either side. The male cop came to Andy's door; Andy observed the bulge of muscles on his arms and reckoned this was one cop no one ought to trifle with.

"Good evening, officer," he grinned at him sheepishly. "My wife and I ... we're just driving for home—"

"License and registration, please," said the cop brusquely. His partner, the female, stood beside Sherry's door, fixing her eyes on her, making Sherry nervous.

Andy switched on the overhead light then reached into his glove compartment and got the required papers for the cop. "Hope nothing's wrong, officer."

The cop took his time perusing his papers. "Something is indeed wrong, mister. You were doing a 55 on a 30 mile road, that's what's wrong."

"Oh really? Well ... I'm terribly sorry about that, officer. My wife and I—we're sort of in a hurry to get home. It's been a long evening for both of us."

"You don't say?"

"Yes, we live at Marybone Drive, it's not very far from here; just around the next bend." Andy indicated by pointing a finger down the road.

The cop followed his finger then returned his piercing dark eyes to him. "Not very far from here, so then what was the rush with you speeding the way you did?"

"I'm really sorry about it, officer. Really, I didn't mean—"

The black cop brought his face closer towards his and sniffed the air. "I don't like what's coming out of your breath. Have you been drinking tonight, sir?"

For a second Andy was lost for words. "Well, I... it's not like I'm drunk—"

"No more words, sir," the cop cut his explanation short. "I'd like for you and your wife to please step down from the vehicle."

It was Sherry's turn to be worried. "Officer ... for goodness' sake, we didn't do anything terribly wrong—"

The female officer shushed her. "Ma'am, please step down from the vehicle now." Her voice was curt and sharp. Sherry was startled by it and she turned to look at her husband who too was just as bewildered by their current situation but kept on a straight face.

"Don't worry, darling, I'll get us out of this. Just do as she says."

Andy switched off the car engine and stepped down from it along with his wife. The male cop went to the sedan and soon returned with a breathalyzer equipment.

"Sir, would please blow into this?" he presented the equipment to Andy.

Andy did as instructed and blew. The cop noted the figures and nodded his head; Andy looked at him and knew right away that it wasn't looking good for him. The cop came to Sherry and she too gave a similar performance as her husband. The male cop showed the figure to his partner and she too smiled at him.

"You folks are way beyond the limit here," she said. "Looks like we're going to take you downtown. Ain't that right, Sheff?"

"Right as rain, Monique," replied the male cop.

Andy approached the male officer. "Err ... Officer Sheff, can I talk with you for just a minute, please."

"What about, sir?"

Andy led him away from Sherry and his partner, not desiring either of them to hear what he planned on discussing.

"Officer ... look, I know things aren't looking any good for both of us, and first and foremost, allow me to commend you and your partner for your night-time vigilance, and also I'd like to apologize for our alcohol content. My wife and I ... we were at an award ceremony this evening where I got honored, and ... I guess we both had a bit too much to drink ... but it was all harmless, I assure you."

"That's understandable, sir—"

"Please, call me Andy. I'm Andy Clarence, and I'm a chief sales exec for Nissan Motors."

"Very well, Mr. Clarence. You and your Mrs. had a little too much alcohol, I can understand that. Except we've got to take you both in to fill up some paperwork—"

"Oh yeah ... about that paperwork," Andy scratched his head ruefully, thinking fast about what he was about to do, and daring himself to do it. "You see, I was wondering ... isn't it possible for that to be avoided? I mean ... come on, we seriously aren't that drunk. And our home is not too far from here. You could even escort us there and we'll be out of your hair and never do such a stupid thing like this ever again."

"Well, I'm sorry, sir, but my partner and I have got our job to do—"

"Yes, yes, yes, and I applaud you for that," Andy interjected with persuasiveness. "But it's getting kind of late right now. Isn't there some way we could like ... I don't know ... if you could let this incident slide away for both of us? I can compensate you for it right now if you like."

The cop zeroed his eyes at him. "What exactly are you saying, sir?"

Andy kept up his salesman type of smile, congratulating himself that things were moving in his favor. "What I'm saying is ... we're all tired, and this is something neither of us would like to have hanging on our necks much longer. Why don't we settle our problem right here and now and forget about the rest and keep on being friends. What do you say?"

"Are you talking about a bribe?" Sheff inquired.

"Since you put it in such words, yes. But I'd like to think of it more as 'compensation' for a job well done." Andy reached into his back pocket to unearth his wallet. "I think I've got something in here to worth your whi—"

He was stunned when the cop grabbed his wrist and clamped a handcuff on him. Sheff took his wallet from his hand and brought his other arm to his back and cuffed both wrists. He turned Andy around and pushed him towards the direction of his wife and partner.

"Officer Monique, would you cuff her, please." Sheff indicated at Sherry.

"My pleasure," Monique replied. She took out a pair of handcuffs from her belt and before Sherry yelped with surprise as she pulled her wrists behind her back and cuffed her up. Sherry was stunned and confused at the same time. She turned to her husband, but even he didn't have any answers.

"Andy! What the hell .... for God's sake, what's happening?"

"Lower your voice, Mrs. Clarence," snapped Sheff, "and I'll tell you what's happening. What's happening is that your husband here just tried to bribe an officer of the law, and that constitutes a felony."

"Very serious felony," chipped in his partner.

"You're both in deep river right now, and it's going to take a lot more to get out of this." The male cop pushed Andy towards their sedan. He dumped him in the backseat, but not before taking the SUV keys and going over to lock the doors. "You're both coming with us."

"Wh ... where're ... officer, where're you taking us?" stammered a frightened Sherry as Monique opened the other back door for her and shoved her inside next to Andy.

"Why don't you sit there and shut up!" snapped Monique, slamming the door close then jumping inside next to her partner. She turned to him: "You going to call it in, Sheff?"

"Nah, ain't no need; we've got them fair and square." He turned in his seat to grin at Andy's helpless state. "Besides, I've got a better idea how to resolve tonight's situation." He turned to his partner, grinning. "You up for it, Officer Monique?"

Monique crackled. "Always down whenever you are, Sheff. Lead the way."

Sheff started the cruiser and drove forward. Andy glanced at his wife, still reeling dumbfounded by their change of events and couldn't think of anything to say to calm her nerves down.

"Andy," she beseeched him, "what's going to happen to us? Where are they taking us?"

Before Andy had time to answer, Sheff tapped on the glass screen that demarcated the backseat occupants. "We're on Marybone, Mr. Clarence. Which is your house?"

Andy indicated his house on the street and Sheff pulled into their driveway. He and Monique opened the backdoors to let the couple out and marched them towards their front door.

"Keys, please," Sheff said to Andy.

"Just what has this got to do with anything, Officer?" harangued Andy.

"We need to check if you've got any drugs and stuff inside. It's standard procedure."

Andy looked at him incredulously. "What utter nonsense! This whole thing is preposterous!"

"Nonetheless, keys, please. I'm being polite, Mr. Clarence. Next time, I won't be."

"Okay ... whatever. The key's in my jacket pocket." He indicated which pocket he meant.

Sheff took out the set of house keys and Andy indicated which one opened the front door. The lock turned and both officers pushed the couple inside and locked the door behind them.

Officer Monique undid Sherry's and pushed her to sit on the long sofa while Sheff brought a chair for Andy to sit down on and making use of Monique's handcuffs, he clamped both his wrists to the chair's armrests.

"There," he affirmed. "Now I've got your undivided attention."

"What the fuck's this? Get me out of these cuffs!" Andy was livid with anger.

"Oh, I'll let you out of the cuffs alright," Sheff smiled at him, turning to glance at his wife. "But first, I'm going to teach you what happens to couples who fail the rules of speeding. And you're going to watch."

Realization and horror flooded Andy's eyes as he watched the black cop approach his wife. He tried pushing himself to his feet earned a tap on his arm from Monique's baton.

"Don't you go being a naughty boy, Andy," she smiled wickedly at him. "You ever seen that Rodney King movie? Guess how tonight's going to end if you don't keep quiet and still."

Sheff pushed Sherry on her back at the same time pulled her legs towards him. Sherry cried out when he ripped the shoulder sleeve of her dress. Seconds later her half her nakedness was exposed to the room. They grappled and fought each other with Andy watching as if it were a drive-in movie. Sherry cried out her husband's name to no avail. Sheff held her arms aside and gummed his mouth to one of her tits. Her punches soon grew weak; her cries lost their pitch and became yearning moans. Sheff caressed her other breasts while his mouth sucked the other. Sherry became totally subdued. Her wetness gushed down her legs and her mind screamed insanely at wanting to get fucked .Andy watched with shocking disbelief as his wife succumbed herself to her assailant's pressure. No longer where her hands fighting him, now they were squeezing the back of his neck, offering herself entirely to him.

"Sherry ... Sherry ... my God, what're you doing?"

Sherry turned to look up at Andy with a look of hunger on her face. "Ohhh, Andy ... please, forgive me, dear."

"Ain't nothing to forgive, bitch!" spat Monique. She threw aside her baton and loosened her dark brown hair from behind her cap. "I need me some cock, too. I might as well have the one that's looking free for now."

She knelt before Andy and began loosening his pants. Andy was shocked by what she was doing.

"Hey! Hey ... what the fuck! Get your hands off me!"

Monique snapped at him. "You'd better stop your bickering, white boy! Or else I'm going to get furious and bite your pecker off with my bear teeth." She pulled his pants and shorts down his legs and grasped his flaccid prick. A few hand strokes and Andy felt blood pumping his manhood awake. Now it was his turn to stop fighting.

"Yeah ... that's looking like a good white boy's cock," said Monique. She undid the buttons of her cop blouse, freeing her tits from her bra and caressing her nipples to hardness. Andy took in the sight of her tits and wanted so much to have his face buried between them. She popped his cock into her mouth and gave him a lengthy mouthful.

Andy gasped from the soaking feeling of her mouth. His wife was having her own brand of fun with the male cop. Sheff had stripped her naked and now stood before her, unbuttoning his shirt while she stroked and sucked his cock jutting out of his pants. Sheff fucked her mouth vigorously, telling her just how he wanted it.

"Uhh yeah ... that's a good girl," he murmured. "Suck that black cock like you want it. All you white married bitches are all the same—you see a black cock, and from that moment on you can't get enough of it. Well here it is ... Uhhhh-huh! Roll your tongue over my meat ... yeah, just like that ... just like that ..."

On and on he thrust his meat down her throat, barely allowing her to catch her breath. Sherry slurped and groaned while she choked on his meat. Having had enough of that, he pulled her to her feet and kissed her saliva-stained mouth; Sherry moaned as he forced his tongue down her throat.

Andy shut his eyes and gave a stuttered groan as he shot his seed onto Monique's face. She rubbed his spurting cum all over her face, then returned to sucking him clean.

"You did good for a white boy," she complimented him. She got up and wagged a finger at him. "Now, you stay put, big boy. Mama ain't done with your ass yet; got to go clean myself off first." She giggled and disappeared from sight.

Andy sat there feeling worn-out deflated, and so was his prick, which had shriveled to the sight of a mashed potato, still oozing cum.

Meanwhile Sheff had his wife resting over the right arm of the sofa, fucking her from behind. Andy watched in awe at the way his body muscles clenched each time he thrust his prick into his wife's pussy. Sherry grasped the arm of the sofa and moaned sharply with each thrust. Sheff grabbed her hair and pulled her face upwards and smacked her ass cheeks repeatedly till it became red, still pounding her one at a time. Andy winced each time the cop's palm landed on his wife's butt; it sounded like the crack of a whip yet surprisingly Sherry seemed to thrive on it. She kept pushing her ass backwards, getting more of his cock while her cries reverberated around the room.

"Ahh! Ohhhhh ... Ahhh!"


"Awwwhhh shit! Awwhhhhh ...!"


"Yeah!" growled a sweaty Sheff. "Take that dick, bitch!"

Andy watched his wife keep taking that dick till Monique returned to command his gaze. She stood before him naked now and without preamble mounted him in reverse-cowgirl style. Andy's cock needed only a few handful strokes before it returned to its former erect mode and then he gasped as Monique lowered herself down on it. She balanced her hands on his thighs, moaning a sigh as his cock went all the way inside her.

"Ohh fuck me!" cried Sherry from across the room. "Ohh fuck me ... fuck me, Officer Sheff!"

She was astride him, bouncing and grounding her pelvis down on his cock. Sheff squeezed her ass cheeks and held her up while he thrust his hips upwards, impaling further her on his magic stick, slipping a finger into her asshole. Sherry squealed delightfully. Her body underwent a shuddering episode and still Sheff pressed her down on his cock hard.

Realizing he would be climaxing soon, Sheff laid her back on the sofa and resumed his fucking. Sherry had climaxed already and was getting a mild hurt in her cunt. She squeezed his prick with her pussy muscles and moved her hips in line with his, willing him to cum quick. It wasn't long before that happened. Sheff retrieved his prick out of her dripping cunt and groaned like a prize-fighter while ejaculating stream after stream of semen over her face and torso.

Andy too did have another incoming release, and Monique was just as fast to jump off him and bend her head to take his load into her mouth. Had it not been for the handcuffs, he probably would have stumbled off the chair to the floor with the way he was panting for breath. Sheff collapsed beside Sherry to recuperate. When he felt his strength return, he went and unlocked Andy's wrists from the handcuffs. He helped him to his feet and shook his hand, giving him a business card.

"Thanks for purchasing the services of the Tongue Patrol®, Andy," he grinned at him.

"I don't understand," said Andy, confused.


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