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A writer of erotic stories meets a reader.
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Although there are elements of fact, the following should be regarded as a piece of fiction is intended as ADULT entertainment.

It contains material of an adult, explicit, SEXUAL nature. If you are offended by sexually explicit content or language, please DO NOT read any further.

This story may not be reproduced in any form for profit without the written permission of the author. This story may be freely distributed with this disclaimer attached.

Copyright (C) 2011 Jack Wellard. All rights reserved.


Rumbled Part 1 - Saturday

What could be better than pottering about in my sunny Cotswold garden on an early summer afternoon? The unusually warm weather had continued for several days and the garden was looking magnificent. Bees were busy around the many blossoms. Butterflies flitted noiselessly and the old shrub roses were perfuming the balmy air . . sheer bliss!

As I weeded in the warm soil my thoughts were drifting in no-man's land. Thinking of little else but the gently tedious task in hand I was enjoying the delights of nature. Then I became aware of an unusual sound. Not really too intrusive but definitely not something we normally expect to hear in this rural Cotswold valley. The click clack of high heels being confidently driven onto my paved path was bordering on the extraordinary! The sharp steps stopped suddenly and the sound of my doorbell rang through the house reaching me as I knelt in a partially tidied flowerbed. I reluctantly lifted my creaking bones; pulled off my grubby gardening gloves and dropped them alongside my trowel and secateurs.

As I walked down the path beside cottage I called loudly. "Hello, I'm here in the garden."

The high heels started their click clack towards the corner I was approaching. I paused to allow the visitor to turn the corner without a collision. The formal shoes belonged to an unexpectedly severe looking woman. Something in her haughty demeanour, perhaps even the bold-coloured clothes, shiny high heeled shoes and laptop tucked under her arm gave me cause for apprehension.

"Hello, can I help you?" I said, smiling politely.

The slim woman wore a tight purple knitted jumper and close-fitting black skirt. Her dark hair was elegantly cut to bounce around her graceful neck. I could see that this was someone who took immense care about the way they looked. However, my wariness increased as she announced curtly. "My name is Carmen. My mother is your neighbour." She didn't offer a hand but my training forced me to do so.

As I held out my hand I said. "How do you do? My name is . ."

"Jack Wellard." She interrupted brusquely. Her handshake was brief, cool and decidedly reluctant. My defences were going up fast!

"My mother told me your name." Carmen added abruptly. She continued. "Mother also told me your email address." She paused and opened her laptop with a business-like flourish. "Are you THIS Jack Wellard?" Her aggressive attitude suggested that she was not about to start a Jack Wellard fan club!

I glanced at the page. Even with my 'wrong' spectacles I could see an index of my stories filling the screen.

What could I say? I had been rumbled, apparently in quite a serious way!

"Yes. The very same Jack Wellard at your service, madam." I tried, boldly maintaining eye contact.

Luckily she wasn't armed! Her face turned red and she seemed to be fuming none too quietly.

"Come and have a cup of tea, Carmen. I was just about to put the kettle on."

That bland invitation seemed to de-fuse the potential for immediate explosion. Her mouth opened and closed a couple of times. She really wanted to put me down in some decisive way but my offer of hospitality had momentarily wrong-footed the woman. I turned before she could think of a suitable follow-up and heard her heels following noisily up the garden path.

Pausing at the rose arbour I showed her where the cushions were stored and suggested that she make herself comfortable while I prepared the tray. I mentioned that my wi-fi should reach this corner if she wanted to go online. However, I didn't tell her the password so she would have to ask for it nicely!

It only took a few minutes to get the pot of tea and matching cups assembled. Milk in a jug and sugar in a bowl, but I was willing to bet that she wouldn't use sugar. A few chocolate wholemeal biscuits, again more likely for me rather than my formal guest!

She actually looked a little relaxed as I walked the tray up the path and almost smiled as I placed it on the table. I hoped that the peace of the garden had stilled her troubled spirit. I stirred the pot and enquired whether she wanted milk. As I poured the tea through the strainer I could see that she was watching my every move intently. I placed her cup in front of her, carefully turning the handle towards her right hand -- almost like an Italian waiter. I moved the sugar bowl closer to her cup. After pouring my own tea I offered the plate of biscuits. She had ignored the sugar and declined the biscuits as expected. Her mother was a little younger than me and Carmen looked to be in her late thirties. There was definitely a resemblance. I sat back, sipped my tea and exhaled.

"It's so lovely in the garden at this time of the year." I stated, not really expecting a response. "I usually spend all day pottering around out here." I waved my arm in a motion which encompassed the whole garden.

"Mother said you were a keen gardener." Carmen said, almost calmly. She lifted her tea cup and drained the contents.

"Another cup, Carmen?" I enquired, reaching for her cup. She nodded silently and I poured.

It seemed to me that she was getting a bit wound up again. Her knees were clenched tight and her heels were off the ground. I poured my own second cup and took another chocolate biscuit, I raised the plate but Carmen again declined.

"Mr Wellard." She was back to confident aggression mode. "I'm not happy to have mother living alongside a pornographic scribbler." Carmen proclaimed loudly unaware that her mother had come into the garden, as she often did.

"Oooo Carmen darling, have we got a porno king living nearby?" Rosemary asked with a big grin. I stood and kissed Rosemary's proffered cheek, our customary neighbourly greeting. Carmen was performing an impression of a goldfish as her mouth opened and closed silently. I offered Carmen's mother a seat and asked if would like a cuppa. We often sat here and chatted about almost anything. Strangely she had never mentioned Carmen!

"Well then Carmen, what's all the excitement about my dear?" Asked Rosemary as she made herself comfortable using my outdoor cushions on the rustic seat.

"Mother!" Carmen had marshalled her senses and was ready to denounce the villain. "Your neighbour, the very helpful Jack Wellard that you have often told me all about, has a dark secret!" She sat back with a triumphant flourish. Unfortunately she had forgotten the cup and saucer balanced on the arm of her chair. They fell onto the grass and the cup landed on top of the saucer with that nasty breaking sound we all know so well. I didn't really mind - I had plenty more cups but it cheered me to think that the god of erotic writers might have been playing a part. Carmen was now a flustering mess! The dregs of her tea had fallen onto her smart skirt as the cup was up-ended and she flushed with embarrassment at breaking my china.

Rosemary and I patiently watched and waited until Carmen calmed down. Her mother spoke first. "Oh my, you do seem a little over-wrought today dear." She carefully picked up the pieces and put them onto the tray. "Sorry about that Jack." She murmured, smiling up at me.

"It's really not a problem Rosemary. Don't fret Carmen, I have plenty more tea cups." I actually felt quite relaxed now that Carmen had shot her bolt.

Rosemary continued. "So, darling, what were you saying about my neighbour?" She looked quizzically from Carmen to me. "Dark secret, eh! I like the sound of that, maybe I have some too." Rosemary looked positively mischievous as she winked at me with a wicked little smile on her lips. I had often hankered after a proper kiss from those lips but hadn't dared to spoil our easy relationship by making an unwelcome advance.

Carmen was back in goldfish mode. It really didn't suit her up-tight image.

"Lovely tea Jack, as always." Said Rosemary as she placed her own cup safely on the tray. She smiled and asked if she could take the tray indoors and use the bathroom. I nodded my thanks and approval as again she flashed me a cunning wink which Carmen couldn't see.

Carmen opened the laptop. She must have downloaded my pages. As she had only arrived on Rosemary's drive about ten minutes before striding up my garden path she must have prepared this in advance of the visit. I waited as she struggled to find the high moral ground again. She seemed more composed as her mother strolled back along the lawn.

Rosemary was in no hurry to hear the secret. "Jack, you told me the name of this shrub rose some time ago but I've forgotten it . ."

"That's Penelope." I said, going to Rosemary's side and lifting a bloom to my nose. "Such an unassuming flower, but lots of them with a subtle fragrance too. If you want one for your garden it strikes from a cutting quite easily."

"Ah yes, of course. Now I won't forget it. I met your daughter-in-law Penny a few weeks ago. What a lovely couple she and Harry make. Bring them round again next time they visit please Jack."

Mumbled noises from Carmen sounded like "Harry, Penny, Harry, Penny -- Well I Never!"

As we returned to our seats Rosemary was holding a spray of Penelope I had cut for her. I looked at Carmen and said. "Harry and Penny came over for a weekend and Rosemary kindly made up a foursome."

"A foursome, what's that? Oh no, mother you didn't, did you . .?" Carmen blurted.

Rosemary frowned. "Yes, darling, I did. There was a charity whist drive at the church hall so we went as a table of four. It was great fun. What were you thinking Carmen?"

Goldfish time again! She was getting better at it now -- practice makes perfect I suppose.

"That charming new vicar thought you were my daughter, Rosemary. I think you fell for him!" I chuckled, recalling the incident. I had just introduced him to Harry and Penny as my son and daughter-in-law. He turned to Rosemary and declared that she must be Harry's sister. We didn't disillusion him and it gave Rosemary quite a boost for the rest of the evening! I remembered the walk home too. We let Harry & Penny take the romantic route along the canal towpath while we took the direct route to get the wine and candles ready at home. Rosemary held my hand all the way home and kept calling me Daddy!

Carmen had found her tongue again and was determined to go for it. She opened the laptop and took it towards her mother. "It's all here." She proclaimed confidently, just as the first raindrop splattered onto her keyboard. Carmen shrieked and slammed the computer closed.

"I'll put these cushions away, Jack." Called Rosemary as we gathered our things and scrambled to go indoors.

As I closed the door the rain really started pouring down. "Wow." I said. "Just made it in time. Well, that will save me watering the garden tonight. Let's go in the sitting room and get comfy."

"Actually Jack, I need to get supper going." Rosemary replied. "I've got a nice piece of beef to prepare. Why not come over and join us? Carmen's little secret can save until later, eh darling?"

"Thanks a lot Rosemary. I look forward to that -- Shall I bring a couple of likely reds. About seven?"

She nodded and almost dragged the elegant gaping goldfish to the door.

"Here." I said, offering a large umbrella. "This should keep the rain off. See you later."

Carmen's shoes looked even less appropriate in this rainy rural setting. I hoped she had something more comfortable with her!

As I cleared away the tea tray I noticed that Carmen's laptop was still on the kitchen table. I pondered taking it over to her but thought better of it as my umbrella was not available.

I flipped open the lid and the screen lit up almost immediately. My index page was still displayed. I could see that it was in a folder called Jack Wellard so I clicked up to that. Carmen had obviously been researching the name and assembled all sorts of information, mostly spurious stuff about a variety of people around the world with the same name. She had found the stories I had posted on the internet and stored each one separately. She had done a thorough job and I wondered why.

Just out of interest I opened the web browser and looked through the history. Mine were not the only stories she had read! I guessed that she had come across mine and associated the name with the neighbour of her mother etc. Her 'normal' fare seemed much more aggressive than my romantic tales. I flicked through several. The style of most of them was untidy at best, almost illiterate at worst. They seemed to be an endless parade of meaningless fornication, even rape. Dear up-herself Carmen had also spent some time reading bestial stories and not just the accidental 'oh dear, my dog just rogered me' type! I closed the browser history and went back to her file index. Sure enough, Carmen had saved a variety of quite hard porn stories, pictures and movies on her hard drive. Naughty girl!

I reverted to the original page, closed the laptop and put it back in the sitting room just as there was a banging on the door. Carmen stood under the umbrella. I noticed that she wore trainers on her feet!

"I think I left my laptop." She blurted.

"Come in." I said, hoping she wouldn't as she was dripping rain everywhere!

"No, I'm too wet. It's probably on the kitchen table." She called, shivering in the lobby.

I went through, picked it up and handed it to her. "Yes, here it is."

"Thanks." She said, pushing the laptop inside her raincoat. "Oh, Mother says can you bring a nice white for a pre-prandial as well?"

Carmen shuffled off down the path looking considerably less elegant than when she arrived earlier.

I had a couple of hours to spare so after putting a light white wine to cool I headed for a shower. Afterwards, wrapped a dry towel around my middle and started up my PC. My plan to research Carmen's name failed when I realised I didn't actually know her married surname, in fact I knew very little about her. Just out of interest I ran Rosemary's name through the search engines, nothing came up so I tried her email address. Now that was really interesting!

It seems like we have a common hobby. Rosemary had also submitted erotic stories to internet sites! Eagerly I opened the first and started reading. I almost lost track of time! The stories were well written, smooth paced, exquisitely erotic stories. I loved them but had run out of time. I book-marked the page and closed the system down smiling quietly to myself.

Dressing was easy. I wanted to be smart casual to respect Rosemary's hospitality but didn't want to be too warm on this summer evening. Light grey slacks and a short-sleeved pale blue cotton shirt with a lightweight linen jacket for going and coming back.

I marshalled the bottles into a hessian bag, slipped on my clean shoes and locked up. I strolled slowly across the lane breathing in the air made fresh and clean after the sudden rain-storm.

Rosemary greeted me at the door. Another light hug and kissed cheek was the ever-friendly greeting. Rosemary was also smart casual with the emphasis on the smart. She looked great and took my compliments gracefully. Rosemary rewarded me with another, longer hug and pressed her warm cheek to mine. I enjoyed that! I had reached an age when little things mean a lot and I can enjoy even these small pleasures.

"I've chilled the white, shall I uncork it now, Rosemary?"

"Yes, please. I'm ready for that Jack." Rosemary called from the kitchen.

As there was no sign of Carmen, I poured two glasses and took them into the kitchen.

"Bless you Jack!" Rosemary said after clinking her glass to mine. "Cheers, neighbour."

Just as we took our first sip Carmen made her entrance. She looked stunning, still up-tight but very easy on the eye! Above a shorter, blacker, tighter skirt she wore a royal blue silk blouse. I would have guessed in that first glance that there was nothing under the blouse!

I poured a glass and handed it to Carmen offering mine for a touch. Reluctantly she clinked her glass against mine and almost smiled as I said "Cheers."

"That's a nice refreshing wine Jack." Called Rosemary from the kitchen.

"Good, glad you like it." I replied. "There's just a splash more for the chef. There you go."

"Jolly good folks, the starter's ready. Let's take this wine to the table and open the red between courses." Rosemary and Carmen were carrying small dishes to the dining table overlooking the garden. The earlier rain had cleared the air and the windows were wide open allowing the breeze to waft gently indoors.

The conversation stayed light and easy, Carmen hardly contributed unless pressed by a direct question. She seemed reluctant to look at either of us. Rosemary either didn't notice or didn't care. She was sparkling and I really enjoyed her company. Again she took compliments about the food with grace. I helped clear the dishes then uncorked the waiting red wines. Filling fresh glasses I placed them on the table trying again to get a smile from Carmen without success. When Rosemary called for help I was happy to respond. As she turned in the kitchen we ended up pressing our bodies into the same space.

"Whoops!" Said Rosemary quietly, not hurrying to break away. "We'll have to stop meeting like this . ."

I couldn't resist. "I'm happy to meet like this whenever you feel like it." I whispered conspiratorially.

I got that cheeky wink again, another warm glow ran through my old frame.

The dishes steamed on the table as we passed round vegetables to accompany the roast beef and Yorkshire puddings. Rosemary raised her glass "Friends and Neighbours!" She proposed. I echoed the toast and touched glasses. Carmen made a half-hearted wave of her glass with a mumbled toast.

"Stuff her!" I thought I heard Rosemary say.

"What!" Exclaimed Carmen. She must have heard it too.

"Stuffed with herbs, darling." Rosemary smiled. "Nothing too overpowering but it just adds a little continental touch to this traditional English dish don't you think?"

"It certainly is delicious!" I proclaimed, admiring the skilful way she circumvented that one. "Are these your own herbs?"

"Jack, at this time of the year what else would a gardener want to eat!" She winked again.

We ate, drank and enjoyed the meal despite frosty Carmen. After bringing a refill of Yorkshire puddings I was aware that Rosemary's chair was slightly closer to mine. I was thrilled as I felt a bare foot pressing onto mine. Rosemary must have spotted that I had slipped off my shoes. I responded by moving my foot closer to her then moving my foot on top of hers. Her toes pressed up into my foot.

Our activity above the table showed no indication of the footsie below.

"So what does your husband do for a living, Carmen?" I asked. Rosemary had brought her other foot on top of mine and she was gently squeezing.

"Tony sells kitchens." Carmen offered coolly.

I resisted the temptation to suggest that his profession was the 'new' double-glazing.

"Tony has his own company." Said Rosemary. "They make kitchens for customers and fit them."

It still sounded like a double-glazing look-alike to me.

"Do you work for the company?" I asked Carmen.

She almost choked on her roast beef. "Certainly not!" She retorted drawing herself up. "I'm a qualified teacher."

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