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RV Road Trip

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Man takes a road trip picks up Jen and Ben hitchhiking.
6.6k words

Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 01/26/2018
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Here I am, 60 years old and all alone. My wife and I just purchased a class A RV and we were planning a cross country road trip when she was diagnosed with cancer and was taken 3 weeks later. They told me not to make any rash decisions. Well it's been a year now so I think my waiting period is up. I'm going to take that trip and see the country.

I packed the RV up and I took a month off work. It was the week after 4th of July so I was hoping the vacation traffic calmed down a bit. My first day out was Monday morning at 5am so I can get out of town, ahead of the commuter traffic. I started in California heading south along the 101 coast to Santa Barbara where I will make my first stop for the night before cutting over to Arizona to see the Grand Canyon.

I pulled up along one of the beaches and planned on just sitting back and enjoying the view of the waves. I made myself a sandwich, grabbed a soft drink and kicked back on my couch looking out the window at the ocean. It was summer time, but the micro climates along the ocean made it overcast and cold as the sun began to set. I didn't want to drive the RV through Los Angeles during the day, I was going to nap and hit the road later that night hoping to get to the Grand Canyon by noon the next day, where I had a reservation at a trailer park.

Just as I was relaxing someone knocked on my door. I about spit out my drink, it scared the hell out of me to hear that. I looked out the back window to see if there was a cop car or any car that might have pulled up behind me, nothing there. I stood up and looked out the where I could see who was knocking. There were a couple of young kids in baggy clothes, and sandals, carrying large hiker's back packs.

I opened the window, "Can I help you?"

The boy looked up at me with shivering lips as he asked me, "Excuse me but we're hitching our way back to school in Virginia and we were just let out here and I was wondering if you were headed that way and maybe have a warm cup of coffee?"

I looked at the kids, very clean cut, no piercings or tattoos, from what I could tell. He had black hair, clean shaven face, clean clothes, and a "GWU" sticker on his pack. He was probably about 5'8", slim kid. I may be 60 years old but at six feet tall and a buck ninety, I hold myself in pretty good shape, less the little thickness in the stomach area. I figure if there is a problem I can handle this kid. The girl was shorter, probably 5'6", slim long black hair braided down her back. I reached over and unlatched the door.

The kids were hesitant as they peered into the RV. My RV is brand new, twenty-eight feet long with a bedroom in the back with a walk-around queen size bed, large back window, a separate shower on one side and the toilet and sink right across from the shower that makes up a little hallway to the bedroom. I have a nice little kitchen with a table which folds down to a bed, a full couch with a hide-away bed. When I park and let the pop-out go you can open the bed out. The pop-out makes the living room area really large. The driver and passenger seats swivel around adding more seating space.

The boy was cautious and before stepping up wanted to know where I was heading and if I was alone. I chuckled a bit thinking to myself that I didn't have to let him in at all, but I just smiled and held out my hand, "Ted Parsons, I'm driving across the country to see the sites. Virginia is on my list. Whom do I have the pleasure?"

The boy looked up at me and grabbed my hand, "Ben Sands. I'm a Junior at GW, and this is my girlfriend Jennifer who is also a Junior, and we need to get back there before school starts. I don't have a car and my parents really can't afford for me to fly so we thought we would hitch as far as we could before spending the money on a bus or train ticket."

Jennifer finally voiced up "I wasn't about to miss out on the adventure, or let him go alone. If you wouldn't mind the company we would be glad to pitch in for gas and food and help keep the place clean."

I looked around, my RV is new, and I am very clean, but I see where the kids were going, no money and would work for a ride. I told them to hop on up and that my first stop tomorrow was the Grand Canyon, as I head East. It would be a few days before getting to Virginia where there school was if they didn't mind the detour. They said they had left early figuring it would take some time to get back to school.

"I was just having a sandwich, care to join me?" I asked knowing full well, by the growling stomach noises coming from the both of them, that they were starving.

"Yes sir we would appreciate that very much." His manners were sincere and not forced at all, good parenting I thought to myself.

I made a couple more sandwiches and gave them some chips and a drink. I let them eat in silence before I started in with my questions and concerns. "So Ben, what are you studying?"

Ben put his sandwich down and swallowed what was in his mouth before he spoke, "Well I started out as a Computer Science major, though I found programming was fun it just wasn't interesting enough, so I changed my major to Information Technology. I am more of a people person, so working with people to help them set up an infrastructure or just basic desk top services was more inviting to me than writing code all day. I guess you can call me a nerd with a personality."

We all chuckled. I was beginning to like this kid. I was feeling comfortable, a little too comfortable. I wasn't ready to let my guard down.

"How about you Jennifer?" I said as I casually sat back on the couch.

"Jen, call be Jen. And no 'Ben and Jen' comments it's just our names." She started before answering "Psychology, but I want to go into Human Resources once I graduate. I'm not really into hearing people's problems and most of the time I see their problems as superficial compared to what is really important in this world."

I wanted to be taken aback but by her body language she was sincere and not trying to be rude in anyway. "Sounds like you both have goals and a plan, pretty ahead of the game as I see it."

I noticed Jen was shivering. "You both look freezing. I have the hot water heater going if you want to shower while we wait here a bit. I can show you how to use the shower so you can warm up. I'm not leaving for a few hours. I'll turn up the heater until then."

We got up and I explained the shower to them as they gathered some clothes together and toiletries. "Soap and shampoo is in the shower already and toothpaste is in the drawer by the sink. Towels are in the cabinet. Just go fast, the water heater will empty before you know it."

Jen went first and was done in about 15 minutes, fast for a girl with long hair, but I noticed it was dry when she got out so she must have tied it up. Ben was next but I made him wait a few minutes while the water heater replenished. The RV was warming up inside nicely. Jen came out wearing a t-shirt and sweat pants. Obviously she had no bra on, but her small titties were maybe an A cup, pointing out against her shirt were some very hard nipples. She didn't seem to notice or didn't care. Jen exuded confidence. As she sat down facing me her sweat pants road up into her snatch creating a nice camel toe. I am sixty not dead.

Since I was running the generator for the heater I took advantage of it and made a nice pot of coffee. When the beeper went off indicating the coffee was ready, Jen jumped up and started to make coffee for us by setting up 3 cups on the counter, "How do you like your coffee Ted?"

"Cream and one sugar please. The flavored cream is on the fridge door and the sugar packets are in the cupboard above the sink. Thank you for doing that."

"Are you kidding, you've done way more than we imagined it's the least I can do for you. We really appreciate this and we will be no problem for you. This RV is luxurious and we couldn't have been luckier running into you here. It was fate." Jen said as she prepared our coffee.

Ben came out of the shower with just a pair of shorts on and drying his hair. Now that the baggy clothes were off this kid is buff. I instantly began sucking in my gut as he turned to show me his washboard stomach, and his guns on his arms. His dark wet hair was a stark contrast to his very pale white skin. His nipples were bright pink and stood out against his hairless chest. His legs were covered in a thick dark matting of hair, which seemed odd but worked for him. So much is wasted on the youth. Ben finished toweling off his hair and slipped on a shirt with the sleeves cut off and cut mid drift so his stomach and naval showed.

Jen handed Ben his cup of coffee and he sat at the table facing us. Jen was on the couch with her legs up facing me. I felt on display as I sat in the driver's chair which I had turned to face into the RV. I still had on a t-shirt and jeans from earlier. We chatted about their future plans and I filled them in on my life, wife passed away, kids grew up and moved out of State leaving me alone and on my trip to see the country.

I let them know that I wanted to leave about midnight so I can get through Los Angeles and drive through the night to the Grand Canyon in hopes to get there before noon. I planned on staying there two nights to do some sightseeing and hiking before moving on. They were all for that since neither have been to the Grand Canyon. I started to feel like this was becoming a family trip with my kids. Not quite old enough to be grandkids thank goodness.

I wanted to catch some sleep before getting on the road so I excused myself to my bed as they took out laptops to keep themselves busy. I slept until midnight and worked my way to the front cab. Ben was asleep sitting up at the table and Jen was crashed on the couch. I nudged Ben and told him to go lay on my bed to be more comfortable. He moved in a sleepy daze back to the bed and plopped himself on top of the covers. I turned the captain's chair around and started up the RV. Our trip officially began.

It was about 3am when Jen woke up. I watched her in the review mirror as she stretched her body awake. She pulled her knee up to her chest to stretch out the kinks and then did the same with the other. I got a pretty good shot of her inner thighs and noticed no dark hair. I bet she shaves. Great, now I'm a horny old man. I quickly looked forward and continued to drive the long straight highway of darkness.

Jen got up and brought me some coffee out of the carafe I set up before going to bed. She set the cup in my cup holder in the center console and took the passenger's seat holding her coffee and wrapped in a throw blanket. "It's so peaceful at night, no cars, no lights, just the stars to guide our way. I can see why you like driving at night."

"That and I don't have to run the air conditioner that sucks up the gas." I laughed. "I prefer to not have to fight through traffic and idiot drivers. I plan on arriving before noon so I can hookup and relax. I took this trip to relax and see some of our Country. So many people never leave their State, let alone their town. I first thought going alone was a good idea, quiet, relaxing. Now I'm rethinking that and actually enjoy the company."

Jen smiled at me, "I'm telling you its fate. Ben and I planned on hiking our way back to school to save money, even if it meant walking the entire way. Our families aren't in a position to help with school. Ben and I are both first generation college students, both coming from working families. We are determined to break the cycle and advance our genes. We know it will be a long road of student loans but we will perceive."

We chatted off and on for the next hour before I had to pull over for a bathroom break. I pulled into a rest stop and parked by the truckers, but not too close as I knew we would be leaving after bathroom breaks and a stretch. Ben was waking up and standing by the sink as I unbuckled and prepared to go for a walk and pee. "Why don't you just use your own bathroom?" Ben asked as he pointed to the bathroom right next to him.

"I need to stretch my legs and wake up a bit so I thought I would just use the rest stop bathroom. I just have to pee anyway no big deal." I retorted. Now came a really big decision for me, leave my RV while the two strangers can easily take off or take the keys and make them feel like they can't be trusted.

Ben grabbed his hoody, "I'll go with you then, I could use the night air to wake me up and pee at the same time."

Jen sat back, "You boys can stand and pee, if you don't mind Ted I prefer to use your clean bathroom, so I'll hang back here. Take your keys Ted so I can lock the door." Jen tossed me my keys from the ignition and Ben and I were off. Problem solved or avoided.

We were ready to get back on the road with another five hours of driving to go. Ben sat copilot while Jen resumed her spot on the couch. By 9am we were driving into the sun and it became apparent we were in Arizona in July. I pulled into a gas station and filled up the tank. The generator runs off of the same gas tank so I wanted to have it full before flipping it on to run the air conditioner. Back on the road the temp outside was hitting triple digits, inside we were in the 90's and creeping up fast. I flipped on the generator and then the big air conditioner. The air came out hot. I pulled over again and checked things out. The unit was working I think I needed a Freon boost.

I pulled back on the road and let the kids know it was going to be a long 3 hours left to drive in very hot weather and that once we arrived at the campground I could buy a can of Freon. Thank goodness the refrigerator ran on propane and was working fine for cold drinks, but we were sweating like pigs. I pulled over again to change into shorts and a tank top. Ben was only in his shorts and Jen was in a tank top and shorts fanning her face. I came out of the bathroom and Jen gave me a cat call whistle making me blush. I packed not thinking of impressing anyone so I had a pair of running shorts that cut high up my long, pretty hairy legs, and a tank top that drooped down in front showing off my gray and brown chest hair. I sucked in my gut and barefooted it back to the driver's seat.

"For an older guy, you've held up pretty good Ted." Jen complimented me.

"Clean living and exercise...doesn't work for me, it's all about the great gene pool, pure luck. Remember that as you two try and hold onto those hot little bodies." I laughed back as I maneuvered back onto the road.

The next hour was a sweaty nightmare. I finally shucked my shirt. Jen brought me a wet towel and placed it around my neck. I thanked her, but as I turned to her the sweat from her body caused her shirt to stick to her and her nipples were pointing right at me. I quickly turned my face to the road and tried to adjust my seat to accommodate my growing cock. Damn it. "Try and stay cool Ted we are almost there. You guys have it so easy being able to take off your shirts and nobody cares." Her hand lingered on my bear shoulder longer than I thought necessary, but I wasn't about to shrug it off. Finally she stepped away and moved towards the back of the RV.

Ben chimed in, "Nobody said we would care if you took your shirt off too, would we Ted?"

"I don't mind but you may cause an accident when the cars and truckers get a look at your tight hot body." I spoke up before I realized what I blurted out. My cock was hard as a rock and pressing uncomfortably against my thigh. I need to move it so it could face up but I didn't dare put my hands down my pants now.

Jen stepped back up next to me, a big luxury to driving a RV is the freedom to actually walk around while driving, and placed her hand behind my neck and began massaging it, "You dirty old man checking me out." I looked up at her shocked as she smiled and winked back at me.

I smiled back, "I'm old, not dead."

"You're older than us Ted, but you're not OLD. Age is in your head anyway. You look younger than fifty and you have a great body yourself Ted, don't sell yourself short. You need to get yourself back out there and start dating again. You can't jack off the rest of your life." Jen was so confident and matter-of-fact as she spoke.

We finally pulled into the RV Park where I checked in. I had reserved a large spot on the backside of the Park for peace and quiet. Full hook up so I can charge my batteries and not have to run my generator. The bad news was that they were out of Freon but expecting a shipment tomorrow. It's going to be a hot night. We found our spot and it was a corner site with the site next to us being empty. I hooked up the electricity, dumped the tanks, pulled out the living room and bedroom pop outs making the inside very large and comfortable. I leveled the rig, rolled out the awning, set up some chairs, and we were relaxing.

We gathered some fresh clothes and headed down to the showers to freshen up and wash the sweat off of our bodies. This time Jen was able to wash her hair. Ben and I went into the showers and found them to be not so private with two showerheads per stall and they were all full. We waited for one to open up. "I guess we're sharing." I said as I motioned Ben into the small changing room which then led into the shower stall.

We dropped our shorts, kept our flip flops on and took our showers. As I was washing up I noticed Ben turn around so his back was to the wall and he dipped his head back to rinse his hair. His cock was clean shaved, but I was shocked to see that this good looking boy had a small cock. His ball sac hung longer than his cock. He had very low hanging balls. I've been comfortable with my 6" cock but seeing a good looking kid like this with maybe four inches. I guess we are dealt different hands. Maybe he's a grower not a shower? I turned around and finished rinsing off.

We dried off, got dressed, and waited for Jen to come out of the ladies' showers. Finally she came out wearing a sheer top and white shorts. Her hair was wet and dripping onto her shirt making it totally transparent. Her perky little titties were hard as rocks as her nipples bounced up and down against the thin wet fabric. I could clearly make out her large pink areolas. Her shorts were hiked up into her pussy creating the most perfect camel toe I've ever seen. She loved showing her stuff. My cock began to rise and I quickly put my towel in front of me. We walked back to the RV where I started a BBQ for some hamburgers while Ben worked a salad and Jen warmed up some beans on the stove. We ate outside on the picnic table before braving the heat of the RV. The night air was very still making it feel hotter than it was.

I closed the front curtains to the cab but kept the side windows wide open. We had just the forest and trails on one side of us and an empty site on the other so we were very secluded. Ben and I just had on shorts while Jen had just her shirt and shorts on. "Ted how conservative are you when it comes to drinking? I'm asking because I could use an ice cold beer."

"Well I am not much of a beer drinker personally, I prefer martinis. Why do you ask?"

"Well I want Ben to run down to the store before it closes to buy us some beer but I wouldn't have him go without asking you first. Beer helps me sleep better, with this heat I'm thinking I may need some help falling asleep." Jen explained to me.

"I'm ok with you guys having beer as long as nobody pukes or gets stupid drunk." I figured they were both adults they need to make their own decisions, who am I to dictate to them?

Ben got up and grabbed his wallet as he walked towards the door. "Hold up Ben I'll go for the walk with you. Jen be sure to lock up when we leave, unless you want to come along?"

"I think the night air and walk will be nice, let's go." Jen said as we started out the camper. We made it to the store with thirty minutes to spare. We grabbed a twelve pack of beer, some munchies from the chip and candy isle, and a jar of green olives for my martinis.


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