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Ryan's Summer Pt. 05

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The summer of Ryan's life continues.
11.5k words

Part 5 of the 5 part series

Updated 10/06/2022
Created 06/17/2004
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Chapter 16

A warm late August breeze blew through the open window as Ryan got dressed for the surprise engagement party for Ms. Baker (or as he now knew her, Gabrielle De Brawn). It seemed to Ryan that the summer had flown by. In just a couple of weeks he would begin his senior year in high school. As he thought back, he realized that he was a very different person going into his last year of high school. At the beginning of the summer, he was a shy and na‹ve boy with little sexual experience. Within a few short months he had gone from engaging in little sexual activity to servicing four woman on a weekly basis: On Tuesdays it was Mary Wellsworth, on Wednesday's it was Sandra Billings, on Friday's it was Gabrielle, and finally on Saturday's it was sweet Cindy.

This evening, for the first time, they would all be together at the party. There would also be twenty or so other couples. And, according to Benny, all or almost all of the women attending were receiving "extra" services from AquaSpa Pools. He and Benny had five of them, not including Gabrielle (or Cindy) since she wasn't a customer. It occurred to him that he didn't really know if any of his women had other lovers besides him. He was pretty sure that the older women didn't but he wasn't sure about Cindy. He knew that she dated other guys and figured that, based on her libido, she was probably having sex with them.

Ryan knew that that shouldn't make him jealous; after all he was having sex with three other women. However it did, at least a little bit. He cared for all of the women and in fact felt like he loved them, but there was a special place in his heart for Cindy. He knew that the older women wanted one thing from him-that was okay-but with Cindy it was different. She was someone he could spend more time with and someone with whom he had a lot in common. However, he also knew that it was too soon for any commitment for either of them. Besides, he had more pressing things to worry about: as of today he still hadn't found enough nerve to ask Mrs. Wellsworth for her help with college. He knew that if he was going to get into a good college he had to act soon, and time was ticking away.

Maybe this week, he thought as he put on his rented white jacket and straightened his black bow tie.

When he came downstairs his mother was waiting.

"My but you look gorgeous," she said.

"Thanks Mom... but you're biased," he said with a smile.

"Biased or not, you are one handsome young man. Don't let any of those old women rape you."

"Why not?" he laughed. "And they're not old."

She smiled indulgently, straightened his bow tie and said, "Have fun."

Ryan was surprised to see Jigs standing outside the Billings house when he drove up.

"Hey Jigs," he said through the van window. "What're you doing here?"

"I have been commissioned to organize the staff for tonight's party," he answered stiffly but with an air of pride.

"Great. They couldn't have picked a better man."

The normally staid butler smiled. "I'm sure you know where to park master Ryan. There will be a meeting of all the staff in the main kitchen in fifteen minutes."

"I'll be there," Ryan answered and drove around to the back of the house; the front lawn was being used to park the guest's cars.

A few minutes later Ryan entered the large kitchen of the Billings house. There were about ten guys standing around wearing white jackets like him, waiting for Jigs. Ryan looked around but only vaguely recognized several of them. Then he saw Benny in a corner talking to some friends. He waved and went over.

"Hi Benny," Ryan said.

"Hey Ryan," he answered. "Ryan this is Jeff Tyler and Bill Bradley... friends of mine."

Ryan shook their hands and then he looked at Jeff, an imposing African American with broad shoulders and large neck. He recognized him for some reason. Suddenly he realized that he was an all-American running back who that played football for UCLA. "You're Jeff Tyler the football player," he said stupidly.

"That's me. Pleased to meet you Ryan," he answered.

"I've followed your career since you graduated high school. It's great to meet you."

"Thanks," Jeff smiled.

Just then Jigs tapped a spoon on a glass to get everyone's attention. "Gentlemen, it is a pleasure to welcome you to the Billings household. I would like to give you a few instructions before the guests arrive. I understand that most of you have not had any experience at this, but we will have to make due," Jigs said with a tone of resignation. "You have all been assigned your duties. The gentlemen that are carhops, I ask that you to be very careful when driving the guests cars. As you know many of them will be very expensive vehicles. You are parking the cars on the lawn... so do not spin wheels. Those of you that are waiters, I will show you how to carry your trays and serve in a moment. Fortunately, since I'm sure none of you can cook, we have professional cooks tonight."

The room broke into laughter. One of the guys yelled out, "I can cook scrambled eggs."

"For everyone's sake, I'm happy that we are not having scrambled eggs tonight," Jigs answered and everyone laughed again.

Ryan thought that Jigs seemed to be in a particularly good mood tonight.

"Now, I have to take care of something so I will be back in a minute. Master Benny Anderson will be in charge of you tonight while I'm busy with other chores. He will coordinate your activities and give you some additional instructions now."

The room broke into applause and hoots at Benny's introduction. As Jigs left, Benny held up his hands to quite the rowdy crowd. "Okay listen up guys. I told Jigs I would talk to you guys about this subject." Benny lowered his voice and said, "We all have... uh... let's say intimate knowledge of some of the guests... uh... the ladies, attending tonight. Everyone here was specially selected for your job at AquaSpa Pools by strict criteria. As you know, part of the requirement is that you have the utmost discretion. I shouldn't have to say this, but what goes on here, stays here. We all have a great job with wonderful 'fringe' benefits and I'm sure no one wants to lose it. Does everyone understand what I mean?"

There were nods of heads and murmurs of acceptance.

"All right, enough said. Now let's get Jigs back in here so we can see the proper way to walk," Benny laughed. "Oh, and one more thing, this is a surprise party for Ms. Baker's engagement. Her fianc‚ is going to formally ask her to marry him in front of the crowd. She thinks this is a party to celebrate a friend's birthday. Again, discretion is paramount."

An hour later, all of the guys had been given specific instruction by Jigs. He couldn't show the carhops how to park the cars since he didn't drive himself but he was experienced at how the servers should serve drinks and remain out of the way when not in service.

After the servers were dispersed, Ryan stood in the doorway of the kitchen and watched as the guests began to arrive. All of the men were older than their wives, but they were very distinguished looking gentlemen, although many were quite old. The women were gorgeous but many of them had been under the knife, some more that a few times, to maintain their beauty. Ryan felt proud that his ladies didn't need artificial means to look beautiful.

Guests were still arriving when Ryan saw Mrs. Billings come down the long spiral staircase. She was wearing a green form-fitting gown that was cut almost to her navel, exposing most of her breasts. It was surprisingly short on her legs, exposing much of her sexy thighs. Around her neck she had a jade and diamond necklace along with a matching bracelet on her wrist. Her hair and makeup were obviously professionally done.

Ryan was surprised to see that she had a date that greeted her as she reached the bottom of the steps. He recognized him as someone that he had seen at the house but had thought he was a patient. Maybe he was.

Mary arrived with her husband, Lloyd, a few minutes later. She was wearing a white gown with a low cut bodice. It was form fitting to her waist but flared out in ruffles at the rear. In front, it came down to her ankles and molded to her sexy legs. Her blonde hair was set up on her head in a fashionable style. She had long sparkling diamond earrings dangling from her ears. She looked particularly radiant, almost glowing.

Finally the guest of honor, Gabrielle, arrived with Vic. She was the oldest of his three ladies but she gave no ground in looks to them. Ryan had never seen her look prettier. She had her hair up in back and was wearing a jade colored sequined gown that looked almost like a kimono. It had a collar around her neck but was sleeve less. Like the other two ladies it was form fitting, hugging her waists and hips and running down to her shoes. It had a split up the side, almost all the way to her hip. She had a jade and diamond bracelet on and a purse that matched her dress.

Gabrielle's fianc‚ looked to be in his sixties and was tall, with black hair. His face was angular and he had a large nose. He looked like a very intense person, in contrast to Gabrielle who had a perpetual smile on her face. Ryan thought that he really didn't fit Gabrielle. But then, he knew that she wasn't marrying him for his looks or their compatibility.

Soon the party was on and the booze started to flow. As Ryan walked around with a tray of champagne, he could hear the noise of the crowd grow louder with each round of alcohol. Their lips seemed to grow looser and he found himself enjoying eavesdropping on their conversations. From the men he heard talk about stocks and bonds, which of them had bought exotic sports car, and what real estate they owned. From the ladies he heard who had just had cosmetic surgery and on what part of their bodies. He was secretly listening to a particularly interesting story when someone tapped him on the shoulder. When he turned around he saw Benny.

"Aren't you supposed to be delivering those drinks," Benny said with a smile.

"Uh... yeah." Then he lowered his voice and said, "These conversations are very interesting. I got some good stock tips."

"Stock tips?" Benny laughed. "You have to have money to act on stock tips. You don't even have enough money to fix your car yet. Besides, you're missing the really juicy conversations."

"Really? Like what?"

Benny looked around to make sure that no one was in earshot. "Well, I know Mrs. Tinsdale is not only doing Brad but also some waiter at the country club."

"Who's Brad?"

"The guy over near the kitchen with the longish hair serving the drinks."

"Does he know?"

"I don't know."

Ryan nodded toward Jeff Tyler and said, "Who are his customers?"

"Well, let's see," Benny said looking around. "Oh yeah, you see the tall redhead over there... the one just to the right of Jeff?"

Ryan saw a beautiful red headed woman talking to several other ladies. "Yeah."

"She's one." Benny looked around again and said, "I don't see Eleanor. However, Barbara is here... the tiny blonde in the corner over there."

Ryan looked over and saw a small and pretty blonde woman standing in the corner. "God, she can't be five foot tall," Ryan whispered in amazement. "Jeff has to be six five and two hundred fifty pounds. That's some match."

"Well some ladies like their men big," Benny said and raised his eyebrows.

"Okay Benny, which ladies are yours?"

"You know a gentleman never reveals those kinds of secrets."

"Come on man."

"All right, since you twisted my arm. See the dark haired woman standing near the stairs?"

Ryan looked over but wasn't sure who he was talking about. There were three dark haired ladies there talking.

"The one that looks like she's ten months pregnant."

"That's yours?" Ryan blurted. "I... I mean... she's your customer."

"Yes on both counts."

Ryan looked at Benny like he didn't understand and said, "On both counts?" Suddenly it dawned on him what Benny was saying. "What?" he almost screamed. "You... you're not the fa..."

"Keep your voice down. Her husband is right there talking to Vic."

Ryan saw an 80-year-old guy standing with Vic.

"Do you think HE could get her pregnant?" Benny said with an air of pride.

Ryan stood with his mouth opened. "You're serious. You telling me that you got... you got her pregnant?" he whispered, trying to control the excitement in his voice.

"We at AquaSpa Pools pride ourselves on being a 'full' service company." Benny's face lit up with a broad smile.

"I can't believe it. Did you do it on purpose or was it an accident?"

"On purpose. It's what she wanted and she is very happy with me. That's why I'm driving around in the Corvette."

"Good God Ryan, what if her husband finds out?"

"Who says he doesn't know?" Benny said and raised his eyebrows. "Listen, I gotta run. I'll see you later."

Benny left Ryan standing with his mouth opened.

Chapter 17

The party was in full swing when Lloyd Wellsworth called the crowd together. He brought Vic up in front of the group and told everyone that he had an announcement to make.

Vic called Gabrielle up. She was the only one in the room that didn't know what was going on. Then the dark haired and intense man went to one knee in front of Gabrielle and the crowd. He opened a box carrying a large diamond ring and asked Gabrielle to marry him officially. The entire audience erupted in wild applause when she reaffirmed her intent to marry him.

A moment later Vic was passing out cigars and Gabrielle was showing her gorgeous ring to the ladies.

Ryan was still trying to recover from his shock at Benny getting one of his ladies pregnant when he went to find a bathroom. He had not had a chance to take a break all evening and was in a hurry. However, when he checked the two bathrooms downstairs, they were both occupied. Knowing the house like he did, he knew where the upstairs bathrooms were located. He hurried up the stairs and into the master bedroom. As he passed the bed he stopped and smiled at the thought of the fun he had had in the past couple of months on that very bed. Then he hurried into the bathroom and did his business.

When he finished and started to open the door, he paused because he heard voices in the bedroom. Not wanting to let people find the hired help in the owner's bedroom, he waited a moment. When he thought they were gone, he eased the door open. Suddenly, with the door opened an inch, he stopped. Inside the room was Sandra Billings. She had one of the waiters with her. It was a skinny guy that Ryan had noticed right away because he was far from the mold of all the other pool guys. Instead of being tall and well built, he was short and had hair that was cut almost like an Elvis impersonator. He wasn't bad looking, just not the all-American boy like the rest of them.

What surprised Ryan was that Sandra and the young man were embracing and whispering quietly. Incredible jealously rushed through Ryan. He knew that it was crazy but he couldn't help it. He felt very hurt. Then as he watched, they kissed, their arms going around each other's backs. Suddenly Ryan wanted to rush into the room and thrash the skinny kid. The only thing that stopped him was the knowledge that that would be the end of his job and the chance to go to college. Instead, he closed the door slightly and continued to watch. He strained his ears when the kissed ended and they began to whisper again.

"We shouldn't," Sandra protested weakly.

"It'll only take a few minutes. It's been so long. Please," the skinny kid replied.

Sandra looked at the bedroom door and bit her lip. Then she said, "Okay but we have to hurry. Go lock the door."

Ryan's heart was suddenly pounding in his chest. He couldn't believe it but his jealously was rapidly turning to excitement. He watched as Sandra waited at the foot of the bed. The skinny kid came back over, took off his white coat and loosened his bow tie. Then he pulled Sandra to him again and kissed her. He heard her moan. Then he watched as the boy boldly reached into her low cut dress and removed one breast and then the other. Quickly he dropped his head and began to suck one large brown nipple.

Ryan felt his penis hardening.

Sandra began to breathe heavily as the young man worked magic on her breasts. He sucked the nipples loudly, moving from one to the other. When the older woman was trembling the boy pushed her backward until she was at the bed. Then he went to his knees in front of the now trembling woman. Slowly his hands slipped under her short dress and up her thighs. Soon his hands could be seen massaging the excited woman's ass under her gown. A second later his head disappeared under the dress.

Ryan was breathing heavily now. He had the incredible urge to take his penis out but refrained for fear that he could get caught. While he might be able to explain why he was in the bathroom, it would be difficult to justify why he had his penis in his hand. So he just watched.

Sandra was swaying on her feet as the head under her gown moved back and forth. Soon though, her legs began to give out. She moved back several inches and sat on the bed. When she did, the boy's head came out from under her dress. He was smiling at the excited woman. On his cheeks and lips was the evidence of what he had been doing. "Eat me," Sandra gasped and she reached down and pulled her dress above her hips to reveal that she wasn't wearing panties. A second later she grabbed the boy's willing head and pulled it between her legs. Her fingers were entwined in his longish hair as her legs lifted up to wrap around his shoulders. Soon the only thing that could be seen was the top of the boy's head. From Sandra's gyrations, he was doing an excellent job of eating her.

Ryan watched and listened as the skinny kid worked Sandra to a frenzy. She was throwing her head back and forth and moaning incoherently. Her legs were spread and wrapped tightly around the young man's head and her heels were digging into his back. It was obvious that this kid was very good at oral sex. Again Ryan felt a wave of jealousy.

Suddenly Sandra lifted her hips from the bed and moaned loudly. Her thighs seemed to quiver and her legs went stiff. Ryan knew from experience that she was climaxing. Her body thrashed and convulsed on the bed as the boy continued to eat her. Finally, after what seemed like a very long climax, her legs fell from his shoulders and she moaned in satisfaction.

"Jesus," Ryan said to himself. He had to give the kid credit... he was good. That must be the reason why AquaSpa hired him, he thought. Maybe he had a six-inch tongue.

"I've got to get back to my guests," Sandra said as she reached down and grabbed the young man's wet face. She sat up and leaned down and kissed him. "You need to wash your face."

The boy got up with a smile on his wet face and turned toward the bathroom.

Suddenly Ryan realized that he was going to come into the bathroom. He looked around in panic to find some place to hide. He opened a door and found that it was a linen closet. It was a tight fit but he squeezed himself into the closet and prayed that the kid didn't need a fresh towel.

A moment later the bathroom door opened and someone came in.

Ryan heard the water running and then the bathroom was quiet again. After several minutes he cracked the door open and saw that the room was empty. He went to the bathroom door and opened it slightly. Sandra was still in the room. She had straightened her clothes and was fixing her makeup. For a second Ryan had the crazy thought of confronting her. Then sanity prevailed and he waited.

As Sandra walked toward the bedroom door, she said, "You can come out of the bathroom now." With that she walked out of the room and was gone.

Ryan's heart skipped a beat at her words. She must have seen him at the door. Did she know it was him? He had to think that she did. Yet, she didn't seem mad at his spying on her.

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