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Sabrina and Her Brother Ch. 06

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Sabrina is divorced, but recovers and starts a new life.
7.3k words

Part 6 of the 6 part series

Updated 11/01/2022
Created 08/13/2010
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"Tell me every gory detail!" I said as I got into my car.

"Ok. Well, so like as soon as mom left I stripped down to just the thong and a tank top. I was already getting wet, I was so turned on. But I was also nervous, in case I was totally wrong about him. So anyway I laid on my stomach on my bed reading a book, or at least trying to, and left my door open."

"And did he walk by?"

"Yes, but it took him forever! I heard him coming and I got really nervous but pretended to be reading. He walked by but kept going and I got a little disappointed, but then I heard him walk back to my door, really softly."

"So was he peeking in?"

"I couldn't tell, but I thought I would shift around a little to see what would happen, so I did, and spread my legs a little bit more. I could totally hear him breathing after that. I was like really nervous and didn't know what to do, but I knew I had to do something, so I looked over my shoulder and said, 'Hey, Todd'. At first I didn't hear anything and didn't see him, but eventually I saw him peek around the corner. He was totally fixated on my ass and was pretty much speechless. I told him to come in, and he did, slowly."

By now I could feel myself becoming aroused, and told Melissa to keep going. She continued, "So he like came in and I rolled onto my side and told him to sit down. He was really nervous and I was too, but I was getting turned on too. It was really weird. Anyway, we talked a little more, and then I said that it was nice having mom gone and that she wouldn't be back for a while, like three hours. He just kind of nodded and smiled, and he couldn't keep his eyes off of my body. I smiled at him and said, 'I can't believe you're checking your sister out.' He smiled, and said, 'I'm not the one laying on the bed in a thong with the door open.' We laughed and joked a bit, and then I said, 'You want to mess around with me, don't you.' And he got really serious, and said, 'sort of, yeah' and I said, 'its ok, it might be kind of kinky to fool around with my little brother.' He looked up and said, 'Really, like seriously', and I said, 'Yes'. And then he reached out and put his hand on my ass, and his hand was totally shaking. I rolled onto my back and he slid his hand up my shirt and felt me up, and then I spread my legs and he put his hand on my pussy. I could see him starting to get hard so I put my hand on his dick. He stood up and slid his boxers and shorts off, and I was like, 'Wow, you're bigger than I thought.' He just kind of stood there and I didn't know what to do, but then I thought of you and your brothers, and decided it was now or never, so I started sucking his dick."

In my head I was imagining the whole scene, and I began to get very aroused. I was still sitting in my car in the parking lot, and quickly looked around to see if anyone was nearby. I didn't see anyone so I slid my hand up under my skirt and began to stroke my pussy through my panties as I listened to Melissa tell me more about her and her brother.

"So I sucked him for maybe 2 minutes and then he came in my mouth. He was really worried that I would freak out, but I said no big deal and said it was his turn to make me come. He took his shirt off and I took mine off, and then he took my thong off. I was totally soaked. He got between my legs and started going at it. I had to calm him down and get him focused in the right area, but he got the hang of it fast and it felt really good. The whole time I couldn't help but think that this was my brother, and not one of my boyfriends. Anyway I think I must have been really turned on because I came pretty fast."

By this point I had pulled the panties aside and my fingers were slick with my wetness as I played with my clit. I moaned out loud as a wave of pleasure went through me, and Melissa said, "You ok?"

"Oh yes... enjoying this... please keep going." I did another quick scan of the parking lot to see if anyone was watching me, and was relieved to see nobody in the area.

"Ok. So he was already getting hard again and asked if he could go inside me, and I said yes, so he got between my legs and slid into me. It felt really good and it was like totally hot to see him go in and out. He couldn't stop watching and it must have been blowing his mind because like 3 minutes later he was coming inside me. I was like, 'Wow, that was fast!' and he was really sorry and I said to not worry about it, we just needed to work on his stamina. So for the next like hour and a half that's all we did was suck each other and fuck. It was totally amazing how fast he came and how fast he could get it up again. He came inside me like two more times."

"That is so incredibly hot, Melissa."

"I know. I am so glad I talked to you about it. It was a lot of fun and I am sure we'll do it more before he leaves, if we can get away with it. And the best part is that mom has no idea what we were up to."

I saw a minivan coming to park next to me and quickly pulled my hand out from under my skirt. My thighs and fingers were coated with my juices. I said, "Just be careful, I would hate to think what would happen if she found out."

"I know what you mean. We'll be careful."

"Ok, I have to get back to the house. Please come see me before you go."

"I will."

I hung up and started the car, and headed for home. I don't remember much of the drive because I was lost in the imagery of Melissa and Todd having sex.

A storm was waiting for me when I got home. Greg was furious that I had been gone so long and that he had had to take care of Brayden instead of watch his game. I barely had time to unload the groceries from the car before he was driving off to his office. He didn't answer when I asked if he'd be home from dinner. By the time 9pm arrived, I was too tired to wait up and so went to sleep. I knew Greg came home during the night because he was asleep when I got up at 2am to put Brayden back to sleep, but when I woke up that morning he had already gone to work.

Looking back on it now, I can see that was when our marriage finally began to break and unravel. Over the next two weeks, we grew more distant, and I knew it was over. So did he, but neither one of us could admit to it. There finally came a time one night when he was home for dinner, and we were sitting at the dining room table, eating in silence. Steeling myself for the response, I looked at him, and point blank said, "You'd rather be with her, wouldn't you."

He looked up, and without much thought, said, "Yes."

I nodded and got up from the table and began clearing the dishes. At this point the tears were coming freely and I didn't try to hide it. I got Brayden out of his high chair and went into the bathroom to give him a bath before he went to sleep.

Greg stood in the doorway and began talking to me. My back was to him and I couldn't bring myself to turn around and face him. He told me how he had already talked to a lawyer and that we could start signing the divorce paperwork next week, as long as it was consensual and there were no disputes over our money and belongings. He had found an apartment downtown, close to work, and had already moved some stuff in. He had also talked to our landlord and ended the rental contract; we had less than two weeks left before we needed to move out. He said I could have just about everything in the house, and that he'd pay me child support for Brayden. Then he tried to give me many a lame excuse as to why he had decided to leave me and Brayden, but to be honest I wasn't really listening at that point.

The next morning I called my mother and asked to come over. They were out on the patio drinking coffee and reading the paper when we arrived. They were more than delighted to see Brayden. I broke the news to them about the divorce, and my mother came and held me while I cried and explained to them what had happened. When I was telling them about Greg's affair with Stacey, the little voice in the back of my head started laughing, and began reminding me of all the incestuous sex I had had with Doug and Jeff, as well as the sex with Denise and Melissa. It cut straight to my heart, and it was a long time before I was able to shake those thoughts out of my head.

I spent the morning talking with my parents about my situation. At lunchtime I was surprised to see both Jeff and Denise arrive; my father had called both Jeff and Doug and had told them what had happened. Denise began to cry with me, and I told her to stop as it would ruin her mascara. We had a good laugh through the tears.

We went home after lunch, and I put Brayden down for a nap. I began to wander aimlessly around the house. I had no idea where I was going to live or what I was going to do for income. I was hopelessly lost and sat down on the couch, completely despondent. And then, Doug arrived.

He apologized for missing lunch, and passed me tissues as I sat and cried and explained everything to him. When I told him how we had to be out of the house in less than two weeks, he smiled, and said, "I have an idea on that, if you're interested."

I said, "Mom and Dad already offered to let me move in with them."

"But I don't think that is what you really want, is it?"

"Of course not. Do you have any idea how it feels, to be a 30-year old divorced mother, living at home with her parents? I mean, how pathetic can you get?"

He said, "Well, I can't relate to the mother part, but remember, you're not the only one who's gone through a divorce."

I looked up at him. He was right; he had recently been divorced as well, and I saw some deep sadness in his face. I leaned against him and said, "You're right. I'm sorry. I totally forgot."

He put his arm around me and said, "It's ok. So I think I can understand some of what you're feeling. And I can understand how you don't want to move in with Mom and Dad. And that's why I think you should move in with me."

I sat up and looked at him, and said, "What?"

He said, "Brina, I live in a big old house, and I barely fill one floor of it. The rest of the house is empty. I just haven't ever bothered to fill it after Wendy left and took her stuff. You'd be appalled to see what my house looks like. And to be honest, it is very lonely there. I'd love to have you and Brayden stay for a while, until you get back on your feet."

"But I can't pay you any rent. I don't even know how much money I have in the bank, or if Greg even left me anything."

"Brina, I love you. You are so thoughtful. But let me ask you a few questions. Have you ever noticed that I drive a new car every year, and that I always take a two week vacation to the Caribbean or Tahiti every year?"

"Well, no, not really. I mean, I know you make good money, but..."

"What I'm trying to say is that I don't really care about the rent. Please don't take this as bragging, but the house I'm living in I bought outright. With cash. No mortgage. And it was just under half a million dollars."

"Wow. I mean, wow. How did you do that?"

"Well, I help my clients make a lot of money, and in the process, earn quite a bit myself. I cashed in some stock to buy the house, and, with a few smart moves, have just about replaced all the stock I cashed in. So I'm not really worried about money."

"Oh. But, I mean, I don't want to freeload off of you."

"I know. And you won't be. We are family, right? So of course we help each other out. And I know you'll get back up on your feet soon, and we all want to help you with that. So let us help you – please."

I thought about it, and said, "Are you sure you can fit us in?"

He smiled and said, "Do you want to come over, and see it for yourself?"

I said, "Actually, yes... as soon as Brayden wakes up I'll come over, if that's ok."

"Absolutely. I need to get back to work but I won't go in to my office... I'll work from home. Just give me a call when you head over so I can pick up all the pizza boxes and dirty socks all over the place."

He got up and kissed me on the forehead, and said, "See you later, Brina."

I had to admit, once I had seen Doug's house, I could see his logic for wanting Brayden and I to move in, at least temporarily. There was more than enough room on the second floor for a bedroom for myself, as well as a bedroom for Brayden. Doug had lost a lot of furniture in his divorce and hadn't replaced much. My stuff would fill up the empty places and make the house a home – so I hoped.

And so, that weekend, a big U-Haul truck pulled up in front of my house, and my parents and brothers loaded up everything that I wanted to keep. Once we got that moved in to Doug's house, we went back and loaded up the rest and took it to Goodwill. It was a very long, very sad day for me and I broke down several times. It felt so absolutely foreign to be cleaning out my house, literally, and making that final break with my old life and marriage to Greg.

September passed into October, and I found myself turning cold to just about everything except Brayden. I wasn't bitter, or angry; just cold. Numb to just about everything going on around me. I tried to plan for the future but it was difficult, since I didn't know what I wanted or where I was going. I made an attempt to settle in and make a home in Doug's house, but even that was half-hearted at best. Through it all, my brothers, Denise, and my parents loved and supported me. And I wanted to return their love, but I just couldn't. Despair and depression were such good companions. I gave myself to them and made peace with the fact that I was going to cry myself to sleep every night for the rest of my life, or so it seemed.

I hit rock-bottom at the end of November. My mother had come and taken Brayden so I could have some time to myself, and I somehow found myself standing naked in front of the mirror after taking a shower, brushing my hair absent-mindedly. I noticed that my body had lost its tone – I wasn't eating much of anything – but that fact didn't penetrate the cold within me. I kept brushing my hair, and somehow found myself with a pair of scissors in my hand. The next thing I knew I was watching myself hold my long black hair, while I cut it off with the scissors. I stood there for a long time, I think, looking down at the thick locks of hair clasped in my hand. I don't know how I made it to the floor, but the next thing I remember was finding myself leaning up against the wall, still clutching the hair, crying. And then there was a lot of commotion when Denise came over and found me, but I didn't understand why she was so worried or concerned. It seemed like I was in a never-ending dream, to be honest. What had happened?

She put my robe around me to cover me up, then sat me down on the couch and put a cup of hot chamomile tea into my hands to revive me. I heard her calling several hair salons to see if there were any immediate openings. Once she found one, she sat down across from me and lifted up my chin, staring right into my eyes. She said we were going to go get our hair done, and that I needed to get dressed. I nodded, and then she guided me to my room and got me dressed.

I began to regain some sense as we drove to the salon. I sat down in the chair while Denise talked with the stylist about how to salvage my hair from the damage I had done. By the time he was done trimming and styling, I was back to myself. I had to admit he had done a fantastic job turning my disaster into a very cute page-boy style haircut. It may seem simple, but to be honest, that small change in my appearance was exactly what I needed to get me up off the floor and start the process of getting back on my feet.

A week went by, and every day seemed a little bit better, a little brighter. I was still sad, very sad, but I also was able to laugh and enjoy things a little more. And then a chance encounter at a mall changed my entire outlook on life.

As I was perusing the clearance racks I heard someone call my name. I turned around and saw a woman that looked familiar. Her name was Janine and we had met at Greg's company party last winter. I barely remembered her, but she knew all about our divorce and Greg's affair with Stacey. She didn't have anything nice to say about him, which I very much enjoyed hearing. And then she dropped the bomb.

Apparently, Greg's affair with Stacey had started during their training and continued on once Greg got back and Stacey began working in the same office. That much I had figured out, or at least assumed. What I didn't know was that, shortly after arriving in Seattle, Stacey had also begun an affair with her boss, which was Greg's boss as well. Greg had no idea of that affair until Stacey became pregnant – not from Greg, but from the boss, who was also married. The end result was that Stacey was promoted and Greg had been transferred to a satellite office in Tacoma – all within the last week. Apparently it was a huge scandal and caused a mass exodus of people from the company.

I tried hard not to show my glee as Janine told me all the sordid details, but inside, my bitter, cold heart was jumping backflips and cartwheels, as I thought of the cosmic justice that had just been served to Greg. I literally walked away with a bounce in my step and a smile on my face. Although I didn't recognize it at the time, the cold, numb grip on my heart had been broken.

With a little help from my parents, brothers, and Denise, I formulated a plan to get back on my feet. I had an accounting degree and had almost taken all the classes I needed to become a certified public accountant. I was short a few classes and was able to sign up at a local college to finish out my final credits. With some hard work I could be finished by the summer. It was exactly what I needed and gave me something to prepare for over the holidays. I began eating and exercising again. I was going to be ok – no, better than ok. I was coming alive again, and it felt wonderful.

Although I hadn't been the best correspondent, I had traded emails and phone calls with Melissa from time to time and had kept her updated on the divorce, my move, and how things were going for me. She had kept me up to date on how college was going for her, and how she and Todd had seen each other several times during the semester. She promised to give me a call once she got home from college for the holidays.

I also got a surprise phone call from Greg. He didn't sound like the old Greg and wanted to meet up to talk. I wasn't too keen on seeing him, but agreed to meet him at a park near our old house. I was totally shocked when I saw him, and I think he was shocked to see me, too. I admit I made myself look gorgeous, and to be honest my new hairstyle was very appealing, based on the looks I received from men out in town. He, on the other hand, looked 10 years older. If I had to use one word to describe him, it would be broken. Through his tears, he apologized repeatedly for what had happened and for being a complete asshole. He asked if there was any chance of reconciliation, and I told him absolutely not. He nodded and then asked if he could hold Brayden, who was happily playing on my lap. I hesitated, but when I looked in his eyes and heard the broken plea of, "Please, Sabrina" I handed him over. Greg began crying and said that he felt horrible for being such a poor father. He said he wanted to take Brayden and spend some time with him over the New Years, and would return him to me afterwards. The divorce agreement stated that Greg had custody of him every other weekend, but up until now he had never shown any interest in caring for him. Despite my misgivings, I couldn't say no, and told him I would meet him the next day to drop Brayden off for the week. He was extremely grateful and once again apologized to me for all he had done. As much as I tried to hate him, I just couldn't. He was a pathetic shell of a man, and it made me wonder what I was.


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