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Sad Son Pt. 02

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My sisters begin my "education".
16.4k words

Part 2 of the 6 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 04/08/2022
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This is a 6-part story that provides plenty of fun. The story builds as the main character grows as a person. Initially, the main character is hard to like, but he grows on you, have faith. This chapter is light on sex, but it gets better over the story.

Everyone having sex is at least 18. This story is a work of fiction. I made it all up. Check reality at the door and enjoy it for what it is, a fun story. Special thanks to rancher46 and RF-Fast for editing my story.


Chapter 4 -- A most unusual Friday

There is a mob to greet me at school. I make my announcement about having a girlfriend now, and most walk away. Others want more details. They get that she is older wiser, and we shall see where it goes.

I walk down a hallway without being hit or pushed for the first time. There is a crowd of women wanting to know more about my playing and me in general. I talk for a few minutes as I walk, then escape into Kate's class. She is thrilled to see me. I call her Kate because, on her first-day teaching, she helped me up off the floor after being shoved hard from behind. She hugged me and told me to call her Kate.

I'm the only one allowed to do that. Other guys tried and got quite the earful about disrespect. As I walk into her classroom, I'm the first one there. She greets me with a hug. She has tears in her eyes of happiness.

Kate explains, "Mitch called three of us to say you were performing in the music room and to record once I got there. We were then to text the recording to three of our favorite students that weren't Michelle. He saw what his daughter did to you and the pain in your eyes. He experienced the same thing twice. He knew exactly how you felt. Don't you dare take her back immediately. Trust me on this; the more you hold off, the more she will want you. Been there, done that myself. I've been single ever since."

She wanted to continue, but the bell rang, and there was a surge of bodies filling the class. I see Michelle coming right at me; I think to sit next to me. Patty runs up an aisle and then over to get the chair first. Michelle is steamed but sits in a chair far away this time. All the chairs around me filled in fast; Michelle missed her opportunity.


Michelle wants to talk, but Patty and a few other girls ask more questions as we walk to my next class. Questions about the video and my new girlfriend come up often. Some of the group left for other classes; they were replaced by new ones going to my Home Economics class.

Math is the only other class with Michelle. I have three with Patty, and she seems to be taking charge of the group that follows me. For lunch, they all let me go before them. I sit at an empty table like I always do. Nobody wants to be near me.

Today is different. Today, my crowd all wants to sit at my table. That fills up fast, so they add another table. Each table sits sixteen kids. They're the folding picnic table types that all schools use. The rest of the day is no different. I get several offers to drive me home, but I decline with just four blocks to walk, and it's a nice day.

I often walk behind Jasmine, she has a nice ass, and she lives one block down from me. Today, she walks with me and interlocks our arms together. Did nothing for me, but she's absolutely radiant. Michelle finally caught up to me after a block of walking. She doesn't live this way.

Michelle is out of breath and stops us by grabbing our arms. Jasmine is pissed. I'm confused. Michelle's fuming mad at me. I fear she may punch me. Seeing my fear, she releases us.

Michelle is demanding, "Why are you ignoring me? Why won't Gail return my texts and calls? What did I do?"

I am stunned, scared, afraid, and tingling because she cares.

Jasmine does the talking for me, "It's all your fault bitch. He's been an obedient puppy for four years. Yeah, you never knew. He wasn't in your inner circle; he wasn't popular enough. You never thought about him. Just yesterday, you dropped a boyfriend, looked him straight in the eyes, and asked David to be your boyfriend. Guess where all that pain you heard in the video came from?"

Both Michelle and I are crying.

Jasmine isn't done yet, "How did the three hottest teachers in the school get there so quick and know to record the performance?"

Her hands go to her face. I see the recognition in her eyes. She knows her own father set this up. I had no clue. I never really thought about it.

Jasmine has a huge grin, "Your days of being the queen and getting the best men are over. Patty and I now rule. We're going to take better care of our friends and losers alike. Nobody deserves to be treated like Hal has been. That was all under your watch.

"I don't know who Gail is, but my guess is she heard about your stunt and wasn't a big fan. You dug this grave; it's time you lie in it. I know he has a cougar for a girlfriend. She isn't in school, so Patty and I are now his school girlfriends. If you excuse me, I am walking my boyfriend home."

Michelle didn't take a step to follow us. She stayed planted in the same spot until I was home. In front of my home, I stop to look at Jasmine.

She smiles and says to me, "I hope you don't mind. I know you love her. But, damn, that felt good."

I say no words; I reach out my hands behind her head. I pull her closer to me while feeling no resistance. Like my sisters taught me, I place a plump kiss on her lips with light pressure and hold it longer than a friend would. Energy surges through my body, and my stomach flips over. WOW!

I ease back off her lips slowly. I see her eyes flutter open as she emits a "WOW!"

She stumbles, catches herself, grins, and then literally skips home. I laugh my ass off internally.

I walk in the door, and Casey has a bottle of sunscreen and is standing by the door in her micro bikini. Her nipples are hard. I turn hard just looking at her.

She's short with me, "Homework, pool, now."

She walks out to the pool. I take off my backpack, rush upstairs to put on some shorts, take off my shoes and socks, then grab my math homework. I proceeded to add the sunscreen precisely like I did last week. Then, I do my homework. It goes much faster this week. I can pay attention to class and keep up with a good foundation and confidence. Casey is impressed. She has a few tips to help me remember things, but I am doing well on my own now, thanks to my sister.

With the extra time, we discuss my day. That's when I found out that my sisters told Gail to stop all communications with Michelle. I have a question to ask, and I'm nervous to ask it.

Casey senses my uncomfortableness and tells me, "Sometimes it best not to think about it too much and just ask what you want. No sense in worrying about what others think. I think you'll find you can ask any question with your sisters."

Time to test that theory.

I take a deep breath before asking, "I want to learn how to be a good lover."

Casey screams to herself, "WHAT DID HE JUST ASK ME?"

She doesn't flinch. That relaxes me.

I continue, "I think I got three teachers and a crowd of women about to throw themselves at me. IF that happens, I'm not prepared. I don't want to be three seconds of fun, squirt, and run home type of guy. I've heard about all the losers you have dated over the years. I don't want to be that guy. I want to be better. I want them to think I have been with a cougar."

Casey is soft when she speaks, "If we go down this path, one of us will be your first. How do you pick between the seven of us?"

I explain, "It will be Andrea. She saved us all from the foster care system. She watches the money, the bills, doctor appointments, everything we all need. She buys groceries, taught herself to cook, and did a lot for all of us when she could have run off with a boyfriend. She's probably missed out on guys and dates because of us, especially me.

"I know you all helped a bunch in many ways. None of you were old enough to keep the family together. She was just barely legal to do so. My life hasn't been awesome, but it could have been a hell of a lot worse."

Casey is in tears. She rolls over, placing her top on the ground.

Casey says in a low voice, "Use your fingers, hands, and tongue on the breasts, areola, and nipples. Be gentle, firm, but never harsh. Lick, squeeze, and suck to get results. Experiment to see if you can excite me. You may start now."

Those tits are amazing; I love them. However, no way any woman finds that sexy. I am nervous as I sit alongside my sister. She said I could basically do anything. I want to grab them and maul them. I also want to be an adult with her. I want to show her how much I love her. All my sisters have changed toward me in an amazing way. I love that she allows me to do this.

I start by using my palms to mash the fatty part of the large breast gently. It's firm yet very flexible. This is a treat to play with. I could do this all day. However, I promised myself to make Casey feel good. I use my fingers to run around her areola. They turn puffy, and Casey is breathing deeper, but it's not a huge turn-on. I use my tongue on the areola. I lick the entire puffy surface but don't get much more than the deeper breathing out of her.

I use my finger to touch the top of the nipple. Ooooo, that's unusual. It looks smooth, but it feels rough. I look closer, and it's like a bunch of pinheads. I try licking the top and get my first moan out of Casey. FINALLY! I did something right. If licking the top is good, I bet licking and using my lips to grab the nipples is better. Sure enough, using the tongue on the sides also returns a moan of satisfaction.

After a while, she stops moaning. OK, I can't do anything for too long, or she gets bored. How do I know if this is only Casey or all women like this?

After a few minutes, Casey reminds me, "Use suction."

Oh yeah, she did mention that.

I wrap my mouth around just the nipple and breathe in air. That adds the suction that she reminded me of. I hear her say, "Woah!" I suck harder and harder. She moans, but after sucking too hard, she pushes me away. I failed.

Fearful that this might end, I apologize, "I sorry. I didn't know. I'll dial it down for now on."

I try using my fingers on the nipples by pressing in varying degrees of pressure, starting with a mild pinching. I worked my way up from no effect to a soft moan, a loud guttural moan, a scream, and being knocked over with a cry of pain. Definitely, too far.

In my mind, I see breasts as music. Playing the same note too often is monotonous. Each song has a sound, a set of notes played together that are distinctive. It's like note combinations or cords if you will. The same is true with a breast; I can chain actions together in a choreographed way to get a predictable result.

For the next hour, I play with combinations that get Casey off repeatedly. She has had at least a dozen orgasms once I unlocked her combinations.

Finally, Casey reaches for her top, "OK, enough. You learned well. Once you learned the limits, that was quite nice. It seems like you were repeating a lot."

I explain, "When I hear a new song, I play it repeatedly in my head, then on the guitar. If I make a mistake, I go back to the beginning and play it again. I was doing combinations on your nipples in a fixed pattern. I like patterns; it felt like a song. Do all women respond the same?"

Casey laughs, "I have no idea. I doubt that we do. Women have different needs when it comes to sex. So, just because your combos worked on me, they might not on the next woman. To make it harder, I have that time of the month and mood swings that might change everything. I guess it's like doing a concert; you better bring several options, just in case the crowd doesn't like your selections."

That's an amazing insight.

I hear Andrea and Emma call out my name because they just got home.

I give Casey an almost perfect kiss, "Thank you for today. I learned a lot, it was a hell of a lot of fun, and I needed it. I'm ashamed that I needed to ask and that you had to do what you did."

Casey laughs at me, "Come here, Hal, and give me a hug. Mmmmmmmmmm. Thank you. There is no need to apologize when you give a woman a dozen orgasms."

Emma screams, "What did you just say? Casey, put on your top. Both of you upstairs and clean up for dinner. I'm making a stir-fry; eight minutes, and it's done."

We both go upstairs. I clean up, come down, and then help set the table. Emma is bringing out the food as I'm still setting the table. Plates are passed to the chef in our house, and she dishes out portions. We can have seconds, but this guarantees we all get some. With a tight budget, it makes sure we all eat.

Emma is first to talk, "OK Hal, please explain what you and a topless Casey were doing today when we got home."

I explained my day, my teachers, and the group that followed me everywhere. I mention the cold shoulder the school gave Michelle. That became a topic.

Andrea takes offense at Michelle's treatment, "I thought you liked this girl. Isn't there a chance you can get her back? How do you know if you don't talk to her? Also, are you being any better than she was for the last three years?"

Donna defends me, "She isn't being abused in any way. Nothing negative happened to her. Besides, she still has a boyfriend."

Becky responds, "It doesn't sound like the new boyfriend is all that."

I add, "I answered all questions. She has a boyfriend, which means I don't go out of my way to be with her. I can't help what others say, but you're right that I won't let anyone be mean. They may be indifferent, but mean, I won't stand for that.

"I had a weird day at school. The women are after me. Eventually, they will want my... personal attention. There are many girls I like. Michelle may be the best looking, but several others are also nice. Some have bigger and smaller breasts. Some are smarter, and some her equal. They were nice to me in the past, and I want to reward those I like.

"I came home from school, did my homework, then I asked Casey how I could become a good lover. I have heard all of you complain about how your boyfriends were less than special. I want any woman I spend time with to enjoy herself."

Casey states, "He's been applying sunscreen to my bare back. Not once did he hit an erogenous zone. Today, he tells me he wants to learn how to please lovers."

Gail teases me, "Oh really?"

Faith adds, "We have a stud in the house."

I don't like this, "Today was the first time in my life that I touched a breast, areola, and nipple with my hand, tongue, or my lips."

Casey explains with glee, "He started roughly while experimenting. In time he tried new things. Then, he strings them together, and somehow, it's like music. His style was different from anything else I have experienced. Like his guitar, he moved quickly, always changing. Yet, like a song repeats a common chain of notes, he did the same thing."

Becky isn't impressed, "Sounds boring to me. I like the long soft licks."

Casey is not to be deterred, "Call it what you want. I got a dozen orgasms before Emma rudely ended my fun."

Donna isn't impressed, "We shall see."

Casey is serious now; they all noticed her change in tone, "I don't know where this leads. I think it's obvious that a destination could be reached. He's already stated that if we get there, he wants Andrea first."

There is a chorus of griping, complaining, and rude comments.

Andrea shouts, "SILENCE! Hal, we need you to explain, please."

I take a deep breath; some of them will be mad at me.

I start my reasoning, "Look at all of you. Not one of you is ugly. Each of you is better than most men will ever score in their life. You are all stunningly beautiful. When it comes to beauty, you're all equal in my eyes. I can't do better than any one of you.

"I chose Andrea because she kept us all together. She saved us all from the foster care system. I am better because all of you were in my life. What I may choose to give away, every one of you deserves. We may never get there. If we do, I will select Andrea, and I hope you all can appreciate why I say this. I wanted to be upfront, so there is no drama IF the time comes. We shall see what happens."

That was the last word on that subject, and we finished our meal in silence.


We watched a movie tonight. I have no idea what it was about. Emma sits me in the middle of the couch. She sits to my right, and Gail is to my left. I try to be cool and put my arms around their necks, but neither wants that. Why am I here?

My hands are placed on their thighs. That's not normal. Gail grabs the blanket on the armrest and spreads it over us. Neck to feet, it covers us well. This is an oversized couch; Becky is on the end next to Emma. Andrea, Casey, Donna, and Faith are across from us. They're intently watching the movie. Andrea seems more interested in Gail and Emma.

Within seconds, Gail and Emma slowly pull my hands to their bodies. I feel bellybuttons. Ok, this is interesting, but so what? After a slight pause, they start moving my hand down their stomach, so I'm going past their skirts.

Nervous and embarrassed, Hal is back. I am shaking again at what might happen. I feel their skirts, and all the pressure and anticipation let up. However, they continue moving down their legs. Skirts are there, no big deal. A skirt isn't sexy to a guy. They continue down the leg to bare skin. Now I'm heating up again. I know it's just a bare leg, but that's connected to better parts.

As soon as their hands start backpeddling up their legs, I have a sharp intake of breath that gathers everyone's attention. They look back, but now their eyes are looking at me from time to time. My body tingles with this wonderful feeling as their hands continue moving up their legs UNDER the skirt. Is this happening?

I find myself holding my breath. I let it out easy to avoid gathering unwanted attention, and then I start taking deep breaths. Slowly, our hands are going up against their thighs. HOLY FUCK! Neither is wearing panties. What do they want?

That question is soon answered as their hands now cover mine. They make a rubbing motion on the back of my hand. I rub my hand on their mons. I feel both bodies go stiff. Each is holding their breath and staring out into space. Like nipples, I experiment with different speeds and intensities.

Gail uses her palm to push lower. I can feel folds of skin. I feel the rotation on my hand again from Gail rubbing my hand in a circle. I repeat the same on Emma. Both are breathing noticeably faster. I continue my experimentation on speeds and intensities. I am half ready to blow a load in my pants.

I see the blanket moving at my feet. Two hands come up and pull down my shorts and underwear. I'm completely surprised by the action and let out a gasp of surprise. The other couch is staring at us now. I can feel their eyes boring into me. They blame me for this. Insults and possibly fists will be flying soon. It's always my fault.

In a flash, I forget about them. My eyes are directed at the blanket in front of me. I can't see anything but a back-and-forth movement. What I feel is splendid. I know it's Becky that wrapped her mouth around my cock and is bobbing up and down.

What an extraordinary feeling. There is heat, saliva, and the tongue wrapping around my cock, caressing my tip and the shaft. Oh, what a joy. SPLAT! OH FUCK!

I freak out, "Sorry! Sorry. Sorry," my voice fading.

I hear slurping and feel sucking. She's still at it. I continue to fire volleys of cum into her mouth as she continues to suck it out and swallow. Orgasms are intense by themselves. Having my sister wrap her mouth around my cock, then bob and suck, was too much. I erupted, leaving my hands motionless and unable to move after a loud grunt announced each explosion.

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